Social Sciences and Humanities
Social Sciences and Humanities
Social Sciences and Humanities

Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood
Professor and Dean
School of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Department of Commerce
The Department of Commerce is established under the School of Social Sciences and Humanities with a vision of providing excellence in the fields of Commerce by imparting value based education, training and research. Since its inception, the primary aim of the department has been to make the commerce students respond to changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge. It also thrives towards creating a people-centered, ecologically sustainable and just society that promotes and protects dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all. The motto of the department is to focus on outreach programs that would help the students to serve the world well with innovations and wisdom across the broad range of humanity’s challenges in the globalised era.
- To develop a world class centre of excellence in the fields of Business, Commerce and Economics through value based education, training and research
- To impart holistic education using state of the art technology and to give a global perspective through value based education for social transformation
- To inspire and empower the students to become innovative leaders, contribute to the success of organizations and betterment of communities
- To involve in projects leading to high quality research, enhancing training and development opportunities so as to develop a team of competent and qualified entrepreneurs
- To continuously evaluate our performance against suitable benchmarks, develop new programmes, global tie-ups to meet stakeholder’s requirement
- To prepare students for higher education in Business, Commerce and Economics
- To inculcate the use of Information and Communication Technology in the teaching learning process
- To achieve excellence in Teaching, Training and Research in the areas of Commerce, Social Sciences and Humanities
- To provide commercial input to the students to enable them to understand the complexities of modern industrial society and to deal with social issues
- To promote multidisciplinary research through applied areas of Commerce and Social Sciences for enhancing productivity and efficiency of resource utilization
- To provide good results by continuous monitoring, assessing and counselling of students
- To facilitate academic progress of students by encouraging them to actively participate in internship, conferences, seminars, workshops etc
1. B.Com. (General)
2. B.Com. (Accounts and Finance)
3. B.Com. (Hons.)
4. BBA (General)
5. BBA (Financial Services)
6. BBA (Entrepreneurship and Family Business)
Admission Brochure
The department has vibrant research activity that the research scholars and faculty members are highly motivated in carrying out the research and often publish their research findings in referred International journals and Conferences.
Academic Research Progress
Year | No. of Publications in National & International Journals | No. of Papers Presented in International Conferences | No. of Papers Presented in National Conferences |
2017 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2018 | 24 | 0 | 4 |
2019 | 12 | 10 | 6 |
Total | 36 | 11 | 10 |
Funded Project
Title of the Project | An Empirical Investigation of Minimum Support Price on Agriculture Commodities: A Study of Tamil Nadu |
Principal Investigator | Dr. Afzalur Rahman, Head Department of Commerce |
Project Amount | 1,80,500/- |
Funded By | Tamil Nadu State Council For Science And Technology |
The thrust areas of research of the department includes
- Human Resource
- Finance
- Marketing
Paper Publications in International and National Journals
Department has good record of publications
- A.Rahman, Role of Personal Value in Investment Decision, “International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Science”, vol. 7,No 1, 2018
- Rengarajan. V, Kogila. N, and et al.,(2018) “A study on Customer (Passenger) Satisfaction in Transportation Industry – Case of Southern Railways,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no.(10) Special Issue, pp. 1493-1513
- Rengarajan. V, Vijayanand. V, Kogila. N, and et al., “A Comparative Study on Awareness and Usage of Digital Payments Among Customers of Private and Public Sector Banks in the Region of Thanjavur and Kumbakonam,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no.(10) Special Issue, pp. 1515-1528, 2018
- Nirmala.S.S., Dhivya. M, and et al., “Public opinion on the E-Governance in Madurai District – A Study,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no.(10) Special Issue, pp. 1481-1492, 2018
- Natarajan. R, Porkodi. T, and et al., “A Study on Consumer Awareness on Consumer Rights in Dindigul District,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no.(10) Special Issue, pp. 1529-1540, 2018
- Sankararaman. G, Nirmala. S.S., and et al., “A Study on Performance of Select Commodities due to Demonetisation,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no.(10) Special Issue, pp. 1541-1551, 2018
- Porkodi. T, “A Study on Consumer Satisfaction and Preference of Colour TV Brands in Tambaram Town.,” International Journal of Commerce, vol. 6, No. (4) Special Issue, pp. 120-127, 2018
- Nirmala. S.S, “Buying Behaviour of Urban Women in Trichy District – A Study with Special Reference to Consumer Durables,” International Journal of Commerce, vol. 6, no.(4) Special Issue, pp. 93-101, 2018
- Kogila. N, “Trust in E-Commerce: Evaluating the Impact of Third Party Seals,” International Journal of Commerce, vol. 6, No. (4) Special Issue, pp. 176-181, 2018
- Dr. M. Vinoth, K.Mohamed Jasim and Dr.K.Abdus Samad (2018), Simulation Modelling for Cold Storage Time-Space Optimization of Fresh Agricultural Products,’ Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences’, Vol 12, no 8, pp 12-15
- Sankararaman, G., Nirmala, S. S., Rengarajan, V., Vijayanand, V., &Natarajan, R. (2018). A Study on Performance of Select Commodities Due to Demonetisation. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(10), 1541-1551
- Rahman, A., Jasim, K.M., & Dawood, A.K. (2018). Legal status of crypto currency in india: A critical review. International journal of engineering & technology. 7(4.39), 960-962
- Dhivya. M, “A Study of Consumer perception & preferences in India. Consumer inclusion & justice – A paradigm shift in digital era – Green Marketing ,” vol. 6, no.(4), Special Issue, pp. 28-35
- Kogila. N, “Evaluating the impact of third party seals Consumer inclusion & justice-A paradigm shift in digital era – Trust in E-Commerce,” vol. 6, no.(4), Special Issue, pp. 176-181
- Amir M.,Atul D, and et al.,(2018) “Measuring the influence of green marketing practices on forms competitive advantage: A study of selected food and beverage companies, ” ‘ NICE journal of business’ , vol. 13, no.(2), Special Issue, pp. 57-72
- Amir M.,Atul D, and et al.,(2018) “Sustainable Green Marketing Practices Enhance Competitive Advantage in Indian FMCG Sector ,” ‘ International journal of management, technology & engineering ‘, vol. 8, No.(11), 2003-2014
- Porkodi. T, (2018) “A Study on consumer satisfaction and preference of colour TV brands in Tambaram Town. Consumer inclusion and justice: A paradigm shift in digial Era” vol. 6, no.(4) , Special Issue, pp. 120-126
- Natarajan R.,Porkodi T.,Rengarajan V.,Vijayanand V.,Auxilian A, and et al.,(2018) ” A Study on Consumer Awareness on Consumer Rights in Dindigul District” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ‘ , vol. 119, no.(10), Special Issue, pp. 1529-1540
- Rengarajan V.,Kogila N.,Velavan M.,Arthi M.,Chandramouli M., and et al.(2018) “A comparative study on awareness and usage of digital payments among customers of private and public sector banks in the region of Thanjavur and Kumbakonam” ‘International journal of pure and applied mathematics ’, vol. 119, no.(10) , Special Issue, pp. 1493-1513
- Nirmala. S.S.,Kogila. N.,Porkodi. T, and et al.(2018) ” Manpower accounting credentials and profitability of selected companies in India : A Comparative Study, ” ‘ International journal for research in engineering application & management‘
- NirmalaS.S.,Dhiivya M.,Rengraranjan V.,Thiyagarajan S.,Murugan P, and et al., (2018) “Public Opinion on the E-Governance in Madurai District , ” ‘ International journal of pure and applied mathematics’ , vol. 119, no.(10), Special Issue, pp. 1-11
- Nirmala S.S, (2018) ” Buying behaviour of urban women in Trichy district – A Study with special reference to consumer durable, ” ‘ Shanlax international journal of commerce’, vol. 6, no.(4), Special Issue, pp. 93-101
- Jasim K.M., Rahman A, and et al.(2018) “Dimension of Mutual Fund Advertisement Through Content Analysis in Indian Mutual Fund Industry, ” ‘International Journal of Engineering & Technology’, vol. 7, no.(4.36), Special Issue, pp. 835-841
- Kazi N S., Rahman A, and et al.,(2018) ” Role of HR and in Bridging the ‘Skill Gap’ in Technology Start Ups, ” ‘ International Journal of Engineering & Technology’, vol. 7, no.(4), Special Issue, pp. 842-844
- Rahman, A., & Dawood, A. K. (2019). Bitcoin and Future of Cryptocurrency. Ushus-Journal of Business Management, 18(1), 61-66
- Nasir. S.,Farzana. S.(2019). Impact of Microfinance on Employment Generation: a case study of Aligarh. International Journal of Research and Analytical Review,6(2):486-495
- Farzana. S., Sameena. S., &Nasir. S.(2019). The Impact of Training on the Level of Job Satisfaction in Information Technology Firms In Chennai – An Employee Perspective,International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, 6(2): 600-603
- Nasir. S.,Shajar. N., & Khan. Saba. and et al., (2019) “Role of Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation with special reference to Aligarh,” ‘International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology’, vol. 28, no.(7), Special Issue, pp. 205-223
- Khan. M., Rahman. A. & Nasir. S, and et al., (2019) “Does Working Capital have impact on profitability? An Evaluation made through financial position of select Indian Meat Processing Industry, ‘International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology’, vol. 28, No. (7), Special Issue, pp. 192-204
- Amir M.,Atul D, and et al.,(2019) “Measuring Consumers’ Perception and Determinants of Green Purchase” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 28, No. 7, (2019), pp. 250-269
- Nirmala. S.S.,Kogila. N.,Porkodi. T, and et al., “(2019) A Study of E-Banking Services in Puducherry District – Green Banking,” ‘SELP journal of Social Science‘, Special Issue, pp. 25-30
- Nirmala. S.S.,Kogila. N.,Porkodi T, and et al., (2019) “A Study on CSR on bio waste management in hospitals – With Reference to the neighbourhood Hospitals in Pondicherry,” ‘SSELP journal of Social Science’, vol. 1, no.(1), Special Issue, pp. 57-61
- Porkodi. T (2019) Emerging Trends on women Entrepreneurship in India, Women Entrepreneurship Problems and Prospects
- Kogila N. (2019) Problems and Prospects and Challenges of Women entrepreneurs in India Women Entrepreneurship Problems and Prospects
- Nirmala S.S. (2019) Role of women Entrepreneurs on economic development, Women Entrepreneurship Problems and Prospects
- C. Srinivasan., K. Mohsin & S.S. Nirmala (2019), Heuristic method for logistic supply chain risk control of green edible agricultural products (GEAPS) in south I (Indian Context, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8-11
International Conference & National Conference
- A.Rahman, “Hyderabad Conference-International Conference on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2018)”, “in The Institution of Engineers India, Visvesvaraya Bhawan, Hyderabad, Telangana, Hyderabad, 2018.
- Porkodi. T, “National Seminar on Consumer Inclusion and Justices – A Paradigm Shift in Digital Era “in Bharathidasan Government College for Women (Autonomous), Puducherry, 2018.
- Kogila. N, “National Seminar on Consumer Inclusion and Justices – A Paradigm Shift in Digital Era “in Bharathidasan Government College for Women (Autonomous), Puducherry, 2018.
Contact Details
Professor and Head
Department of Commerce
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Vandalur, Chennai – 600048
Tamilnadu, India.
Ph : +91-44-22759425, Extn:425