Programmes Offered

UG Programmes Offered

Regulations, Curriculum and Syllabi
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1B.A. Islamic Studies R2021 (Updated upto September 2024)click here
2B.A. Islamic Studiesclick here
3B.A. Islamic Studies (Regulation 2017)click here

PG Programmes Offered

Regulations, Curriculum and Syllabi
S.NoProgrammesDownloads (curriculum & syllabi)
1M.A (Islamic Studies) R2022 (Updated upto September 2024)click here
2M.A Islamic Studiesclick here
3M.A Islamic Studiesclick here

Research Programmes Offered

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1Ph.D. Arabic and Islamic Studies 


B.A. Islamic Studies

Programme Objectives

The programme objectives covering all the three years of undergraduate courses are as follows:

  • To impart knowledge in the subjects of Arabic and Islamic Studies.
  • To promote innovative and logical thinking.
  • To produce graduates who have a sound broad knowledge of fundamentals aspects of their specific areas and awareness of application of the subjects.
  • To enable students to acquire extensive language skill in Arabic and English.
  • To produce graduates who can contribute in public and private sectors at various level.
  • To develop effective leadership quality among the students.
Programme Specific Objectives
  • To impart detailed subject knowledge in Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, Islamic History, Comparative Religions and Islamic Banking & Finance etc.
  • To train students in finding solutions for modern issues of family life and social life in the light of Qur’an and Hadith.
  • To provide knowledge of basic concepts and philosophy of major religions Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism about God, worldly life and Hereafter.
  • To develop translation skill from Arabic into English and vice versa.
  • To teach values and ethics in general and Islamic values and ethics in particular in practical life.
Programme Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of the programme the students will be able:

  • To demonstrate knowledge and competency in Arabic and Islamic Studies.
  • To critically analyze the issues and problems in the light of Qur’an and Hadith.
  • To provide solutions to familial and societal issues according to Islamic principles.
  • To exercise leadership skills individually and collectively.
  • To communicate effectively in Arabic and English both in written and oral.
  • To translate texts from Arabic to English and vice versa professionally.
  • To get employed in government and private sectors.
  • To apply various modes of Islamic finance in business transactions.
  • To contribute to interfaith and intra-faith dialogue to promote harmony in the society.
  • To promote ethics and morality in their own lives and society.

M.A. Islamic Studies

Programme Educational Objectives

The programme objectives covering all two years of post graduate courses are as follows:

  • To acquire revealed knowledge of Quran and Hadeeth (Traditions of Prophet (PBUH)
  • To develop students’ ability in analyzing texts of Quran and Hadeeth as sources of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • To train students in finding solutions for modern issues of family life and social life in the light of Quran and Hadeeth
  • To develop students’ language skills in both Arabic and English
  • To learn about Muslims achievements and contributions to science and technology
Programme Outcomes

A successful learner of this programme will be able to:

  • Demonstrate Islamic viewpoints to people from all walks of life
  • Derive principles and theories from the sources of Islamic jurisprudence
  • Compare views of different schools of thought by applying principles of jurisprudence
  • Address modern issues related to family and social life in the Islamic perspective
  • Translate and interpret texts from Arabic to English and vice versa
  • Pursue higher studies in Islamic studies, Arabic language and other fields