Clean Water and Sanitation
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technolgy has always taken intaitves to develop a good landscape in the campus. The Institue has more than 30 varieties of trees planted across the campus. The Institute has also focused on to plant trees to minimise water usage.

Bamboo plants are effective for conserving water due to their culms ability in keeping water for a long period and maintain underground water flow. It also gives contribution to natural system such as oil erosion control, water conservation, land rehabilitation, and carbon sequestration. The Institute has planted bamboo saplings for 5000 sft run area throughout our compound to absorb dust, reduce CO2 , to release more oxygen and to create pollution free environment. In future, the upcoming Central bus stand in vandalur is expected to produce lot of pollution inside
the campus. Hence by planting bamboo, the campus will be dust free zone with good oxygen supply.The Institute has provided first OXYZONE inside the campus. Beema Bamboo Plants 2000 Nos are planted in whole campus for CO2 reduction

The Institue is the proud owner of “Tissue culture bamboo plant” of variety “ BEEMA”. This is one of the super bamboo, Every plant generates over 300 kh of oxygen every year which is sufficient for one person for a year. These plants are also contribute to water conservation . Oxy Park is created in the campus opposite to Convention Centre.