Dr. M. A. Sai Balaji
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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 24-06-2014 |
Qualification | : | B.E,M.Tech,Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347,48,50(Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Friction Composites | 2014 | Anna University, Chennai |
M.E | Computer Aided Design | 2002 | Madras University, Chennai |
B. Tech | Production Technology | 1994 | MIT, Anna University, Chennai |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Asso. Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Chennai | June 2014 – Till date | 9.5 Years |
Asso. Professor | GKM College of Engg & Tech. | Dec 2010- June 2014 | 3.5 years |
Asst. Professor | Sree Sastha Inst.of Engg & Tech | May 2008-Nov 2010 | 2.5 years |
Asst. Professor | Hindustan College of Engineering | July 2007 – May 2008 | 10 months |
Sr.Lecturer | KLN College of Engineering | June 2003 – July 2007 | 4 years |
Maintenance Engineer | M/s.Bajaj Tempo Ltd., Pune | August 1994- Dec 2001 | 6 yrs 3 months |
Lecture courses
- Engineering Graphics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Tribology
- Metallurgy
- Circular Economy
Area of Research Interest
- Friction Materials
- Optimization Techniques
- Tribology
- Circular economy
Scopus | |
Google scholar | |
Orcid | |
Publon | |
International Conference
- Susai Mary, J., Dinakaran, D., Sai Balaji, M.A., Satishkumar, S., Arockia Selvakumar, A. (2022). Monitoring and Modeling of Cylindricity Error Using Vibration Signals in Drilling. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham.
- Mahendran, G., Sai Balaji, M.A., Susai Mary, J., Dinakaran, D. (2021). Prediction and Modeling of Tool Wear with Cutting Force and Fine Gaussian Support Vector Machine in Drilling. Advances in Design and Thermal Systems . Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- Eakambaram, A., Baskara Sethupathi, P., Saibalaji, M., & Baskar, A. (2021). Experimental analysis and Validation of torsional stiffness of a Tubular space frame chassis. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, 7719–7727.
- Dr. M.A. Sai Balaji, Eakambaram Arumugam S. Habib Rahmathulla, H. Sultan Navid P. Baskara Sethupathi (2021), The Effect of Chopped Steel Fibre Orientation on Frictional Properties in a Phenolic Resin-based Asbestos-free Semimetallic Friction Material, Eurobrake 2021, Germany
- Sai Balaji M A, Baskar A, Sai Priya A, Md Javeed Ahmed, B.Suryarajan, Correlation of Test bench with actual vehicle condition of Indian Commercial passenger cars, International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications, ICAIEA2018, January 3-5,2018,Anna University,Chennai,India.
- Influence of Aramid, Cellulose and Acrylic fibers in NAO brake pad – Effect on Thermal Stability and frictional characteristics , 2013-26-0081,SAE International Journal
- :Balaji, M. S., & Kalaichelvan, K. (2012, December). Optimization of Organic Fibres%[Kevlar/Arobocel/Acrylic] in NAO Brake Pad Application and its Effect on Thermal Stability & Friction Characteristics. Key Engineering Materials, 531–532, 8–12.
- Balaji, S., & Kalaichelvan, K. (2012). Optimization of a Non Asbestos Semi Metallic Disc Brake Pad Formulation with Respect to Friction and Wear. Procedia Engineering, 38, 1650–1657.
- Balaji, M. A. S., & Kalaichelvan, K. (2012). Tribological Performance of a Non Asbestos Organic Brake Pad Using Various Organic and Mineral Fibers. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 585, pp. 559–563). Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
- M. A. Sai Balaji and K. Kalaichelvan, “Effect of alkyl benzene modified resin matrix in relation to the friction stability in a non asbestos disc brake pad,”IEEE-International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM –2012), Nagapattinam, India, 2012, pp. 150-154.
- Balaji, M. A. S., & Kalaichelvan, K. (2012). Thermal and Fade Aspects of a Non Asbestos Semi Metallic Disc Brake Pad Formulation with Two Different Resins. In Advanced Materials Research (Vols. 622–623, pp. 1559–1563). Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Patent Details
S.No | Name of the Applicants | Title of Patent | Patent Application Number & Date | Status |
1 | R.Silambarasan P.Baskara sethupathi J.Chandradass M.A.Sai Balaji | Development of Low frequency squealing noise insulator for passenger car drum brake | 202141018514 A date: 11.07.2023 | Published |
2 | S.Habib Rahamathulla M.A.Sai Balaji A.Eakambaram P.Baskara sethupathi R.Silambarasan S.S.Saravanakumar | A method for developing a low metallic brake pad mixture | 202211006188A Date: 04/02/2022 | Published |
International/National Level summit/ workshop/seminar:
Workshop Organizer
- Organized a Technical seminar on Safety Awareness for the Technical staff- Feb 2023
- Organized a webinar on “ Modification of Oxidation properties of sulfide mix towards friction stability in a NAO brake pad” and arranged speaker from RIMSA METAL TECHNOLOGY, Barcelona, SPAIN – June 2020
- Organized a webinar on Electric Vehicles in association with the Department of Electrical Engineering= May 2020
- Organized a five day short term Training program on “Basics of Friction Material Formulation ” between 24th and 28th February 2020
- Indian Organizer for 5th Railway Brake & Friction ONLINE Conference during 2020.
- Organized a One day National workshop on “Friction Material Concepts & Electronic Braking system” in association with MANDO for Industry people – April 2019
- Organized a one day national level workshop on “Friction Material Concepts – Formulation, Testing & Environmental Issues” April 2018
Resource person in Workshops/FDP/STTP
- Delivered a lecture on “Brake Pad: Materials Perspective” on the DST-SERB-sponsored FDP on Industrial Tribology: Towards a Sustainable Approach organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, Chennai, on May 15–22, 2023.
- Delivered a lecture on “Environmental friendly brake pads ”, in a 5-day FDP on friction materials for automotive applications (December 13–17, 2021) organized by the Centre for Automotive Materials, Department of Automobile Engineering, SRMIST, Chennai, India.
- Delivered a lecture on “Non-Exhaust Emissions from the Brake Pad: Development of Environmently Friendly Metal-Free Brake Pads” in a one-week FDP on “Recent Trends in Manufacturing Technology and Thermal Engineering (06/10/2021 to 13/10/2021) jointly organized by BIHER and Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- Delivered a lecture on “Comparative study of disc brake pads sold in the Indian market: impact on safety and environmental aspects”, in a 6-day FDP on friction materials for automotive applications (December 14–19, 2020) organized by the Centre for Automotive Materials, Department of Automobile Engineering, SRMIST, Chennai, India.
- Delivered a lecture on “Onboard wear analysis of disc brake pads using digital twins” in the AICTE-sponsored short-term training program (STTP) on “Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems for Future Industries,” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IFET College of Engineering, Valavanur, India, from August 10–15, 2020.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Design and Development of Friction Composites” for one session in a two weeks AICTE sponsored FDP on Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technology, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Banglaore during 07th December 2017.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Application of Friction Composites in Automotive Industry” for one session in a One day National workshop on “Challenges and Innovations in Advanced Polymeric Composite”, organized by Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar during 23rd Feb 2017.
Funded Projects:
- Design and fabrication of Automatic goods weighing system in a Truck, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSTC) -EME 0089 – Rs.7,500/- Work carried out along with the Mando OEs. (2023)
Additional Responsibilities
- Lab In-charge: Friction Material Lab
- Coordinator – Curriculum development for B. Tech Mechanical Engineering & M.Tech CAD-CAM
- Coordinator for NBA -2020 & Co-coordinator for NBA 2023
- Part time Coordinator – 2017 to 2022
- Industrial Visit Coordinator
- Chairman for UG & PG Projects
- Class committee chairman for UG
- Department RPPC (Research Project proposal committee) member
- Curriculum Development Cell member
- Academic Council Member
- Department Board of Studies member