Dr. Bhuvaneswari S
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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B Com., MBA, MPhil., UGC-NET, PhD., |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Assistant Professor | Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, Sholinganallur, Chennai -119 | June 2017 – Dec 2021 | 4.5 yrs |
Associate Professor | G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida- NCR Delhi. | June 2013 – Dec 2016 | 3.6 yrs |
Assistant Professor | Accurate Business School, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi | July 2010 – May 2013 | 2.10 yrs |
Assistant Professor | Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi. | Aug 2008 – June 2010 | 1.10 yrs |
SENIOR LECTURER | TTN Swami Dayananda college of arts and science college, Manjakudi | June 2006 – May 2008 | 2yrs |
SENIOR LECTURER | Emirates College of Management, Dubai | April 2005 – Mar 2006 | 1 yr. |
HR | Sri Venkateshwar Hospital, Tamilnadu | Jan1996 – June 2001 | 5.6 yrs |
Lecture Courses
Specialization subjects handled for both MBA & PGDM
- Human Resource Management
- Industrial Relation & labor Enactments
- Recruiting and Selection
- Training and Development
- Team Building & Leadership
- International HRM/Global HRM
- Managing Strategic Human Resources
- Performance management
- Compensation Management
- Cross Cultural Management
- Personality Development Programme
Core Subjects handled
- Principles and Practice of Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
- Corporate governance , Business ethics & values
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Soft skill & Personality development programmes
Area of Research Interest
- Learning Behaviour
- Competency skill- self learning and organizational learning
- Human Capital – Resource endowments
- Motivation – leadership (Transactional)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Behavioral/Personality training
Books authored
- Bhuvaneswari Sivakumar, Principles of Management [UG and PG syllabus covered], VR1 Publishers, Dec 2019, Chennai.
- Bhuvaneswari Sivakumar, UGC-NET CODE 55 – Labour Welfare and Industrial Relation, Labour and Social Welfare, Human Resource Management, (Paper II and III), 2014, Ramesh Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Bhuvaneswari Sivakumar and Satish Kumar Matta, CBSE-UGC-NET CODE 55 Labour Welfare and Industrial Relation, Labour and Social Welfare, Human Resource Management, (Paper I, II and III), 2015, Ramesh Publishing House, New Delhi.
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Course-Book Writer
- Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, M.COM– Commerce- first year-first semester Paper II – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Promotion – I – Chapter 11 to 15.
- Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, B.COM[General]- first year-second semester Core IV – Principles of management– English Medium – Chapter 1 to 16.
- Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, BBA – Third year- fifth semester Operations Management– English Medium – Chapter 1 to 16.
- Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, B.Com–Merchant Banking– English Medium – Chapter 1 to 6.
- Institute of Distance Education, Tamil Nadu Open University, BBA, Human Resource Management, English Medium, Chapters 1-16
- Institute of Distance Education, Tamil Nadu Open University, BBA, Human Resource Development, English Medium, Chapters 1-16
Papers presented in International Journal
- A Study On The Transformational Level Of New Employees’LearningBehaviour And The Organizational Performance Level In Small Medium Enterprise
Bhuvaneswari S*1, Dr. OM Haja Mohideen2 ISSN: 2249-7196 IJMRR/Sept. 2016/ Volume 6/Issue 9/Article No-21/1328-1349 BhuvaneswariS et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review - A study on factors influencing Organization Learning and Organizational Performance with reference to Employee Engagement in service sector at NCR, Bhuvaneswari S*1, Dr. OM Haja Mohideen2 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Inder science. [article accepted, to be published in the May 2017 issue.]
- A study on factors influencing Organization Learning and Organizational Performance with reference to Employee Engagement in service sector at NCR. Bhuvaneswari M*1, Dr. OM HajaMohideen*2 [1. Assoc. Prof, PGDM Department, India.2. Reader, Head and Research Advisor, Dept. of Business Administration, KhadirMohideenCollege, Adirampattinam, Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu, India.]
- “A STUDY ON HEALTH ISSUES CAUSED BY ONLINE CLASSES AT CHENNAI REGION” has been published in our Peer Reviewed and Referred International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, (IJMER) Volume (10), Issue (4(3)) April 2021, with JISRAF Impact Factor 6.514, Index Copernicus Value 5.16 & International Scientific Indexing, Value: 2.286, of IJMER Published by Sucharitha Publications, Visakhapatnam.
- “A STUDY ON FEMALE EMPLOYEES’ WORK LIFE BALANCE AT CHENNAI REGION” has been published in our Peer Reviewed and Referred International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, (IJMER) Volume (10), Issue (4(2)) April 2021, with JISRAF Impact Factor 6.514, Index Copernicus Value 5.16 & International Scientific Indexing Value: 2.286, of IJMER Published by Sucharitha Publications, Visakhapatnam.
- A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT IN THE PANDEMIC SITUATION AT CHENNAI REGION, *Dr. BhuvaneswariS,Assistant Professor, Mohamed Sathak College, and **Andrew George Dev M, MBA.
Research publications in National Journal
- Bhuvaneswari.S, Dec 2013, Conceptual Model of HR Practices with Corporate Strategic Model & Organizational Structure, published in-Optimization; Journal of Research in Management, Dec- 2013,Vol:5, Number:2, ISSN:0974-0988
Papers presented in International Conference
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2013], The Business Impact on Sustainable Organizations’ Change Management, International conference held at Jims, Rohini, New Delhi, ISBN number: 978-93-82062-875. FEBURARY – 2013.
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2016]A Review of the Human Resource Management Practices to Reduce Employee Turnover in Different Countries and Job Sectors
RewaSmritia, Kumar Sambhavb, Bhuvaneshwari Sc
a,cG L Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida, NCR India
b School of Mechanical Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, NCR, India. - Bhuvaneswari.S, Associate Professor, “Study Competency Skills Of Entrepreneurs Through Organizational Learning And Organizational Performance”, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management &Research,KnowledgePark-III Greater Noida, NCR.
Paper presented in National Conferences
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2013], Conceptual Model of HR Practices with Corporate Strategic Model and Organizational Structure. Dec-2013, Volume 6, number 2 ISSN: 0974-0988.
- BhuvaneswariS,[2013], Aligning HR Practices with Corporate Strategic Model, HR Strategy and Organizational Structure, 5th National conference at Galgotias Business School, Greater Noida. ISBN Number – 978-93-82880-110, 9th March – 2013.
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2013], Competitive Intelligence in HRM Practice as a Futuristic Perspective. National conference at Amity University, Noida. 5th March 2013
- BhuvaneswariS,[2012], Contemporary Strategic HR Practices for People Development at the Global Excellence, National conference at Accurate Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, December – 2012.
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2011], Changing Technology and use of RFID in Academics Sectors. National conference at Allgappa University, Tamil Nadu, February 2011.
- Bhuvaneswari S, [2010] Major Challenges of HRM with Global Prospective: National Seminar on Managing Individuals at work place; IIMT professional college Meerut. 20thFebruary – 2010.
FDP Attended
- Faculty Development program, organized by O.P. Jindal Global University, along with Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi, on Corporate Governance during 24-25 March 2015.
- Faculty Development ProgrammeOf NSTEDB, Govt. of India, Shiksha Bharti in May 2011
- “Marketing analytics and Big Data Analysis” held from 22-26 June at G.L Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Greater Noida, NCR.
IQAC – FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM at Mohamed Sathak college of Arts and Science
- On the topic “Mentoring – being a great teacher and moving towards excellence”, by Rev. Fr.Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, S,J., [Former Principal of Loyola College, Chennai, & Former VC in Bharathiyar University and University of Madras.
- On the topic, Quality Assurance and Sustenance in Higher Education by Dr. Major. Syed Shahabudeen, former Principal, Islamic College, on 30th January 2019.
- On the topic “Stress Management for successful life”, by R.T. Baskar Softskill trainer, Indira consultant.
MDP Attended
- How to become an effective OD consultant. MDP program held at Gautham Buddha University. 3rd & 4th Feb 2012.
- Training Programme conducted by Intel Teach to the Future Program (Innovation in education). One month duration training programme by March 2008- April 2008.
Seminar Organized
- Organized HR Summit 2014, “Strategic Talent Acquisition and Workforce Planning” on 01 February 2014, at G.L.B.IMR, Greater Noida, NCR.
- Organized HR seminar 2014, “Key to People Success: HR Analytics”, on 8th November 2014, at G.L.B.IMR, Greater Noida, NCR.
- Organized a National Level Seminar on “People Development for Competitive Business Growth” on 21st April 2012, at Accurate Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, NCR.
MDP Organized
- Talent Management- A Heart of Transcendence in Knowledge Economy on 15th October 2016, at G.L. Bajaj Institute of management and Research, Greater Noida, NCR.
Additional Responsibilities
- Having instrumental and lead SIP activities and various industrial tours for both PGDM &MBA students in NCR.
- Coordinating cultural activities inside campus as well off the campus.
- Coordinating with Industrial stalwarts for delivering awareness lecture aligned to basic manufacturing tools like, Six sigma, Kaizen & ISO.
Other Duties and Responsibilities Handled
- Able to organize Conference, Seminars, Panel discussion, Annual fest, Workshops, MDP’s, FDPs, Guest Lectures, Club activities.
- Designing academic calendar, course work – syllabus framing etc.
- Able to organize Industrial Visit and other off-campus event
- Organizing member for a cultural event -Sankalp 2013, at GLBIMR campus, Greater Noida, NCR