Centre For Leadership
CFL – Home

Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
CFL Programmes
Choose your programme
….to add extra value to your corporate professionalism
….to your degree
The Centre for Leadership conducts three types of Leadership Training that caters to the needs of different market segments. The Management Development Programmes, the Faculty Leadership Programme and the Youth Leadership Programme. We offer both Certification and Diploma Programme, either of a shorter duration or a longer one, designed based on the requirements of our client.
There is a programme for each one of you, whether you are a Corporate Executive, a Senior Administrator, Faculty Member, a Student of Higher Education Institution or even a School Teacher, we can help you find the right leadership program that will address your psychological and behavioural makeover and fulfil your professional requirements. The program will be customized to suit your interest, experience and availability.
Management Development Programmes (MDP)
….for Corporate Executives
- Strategic Level Leadership Programme
- Executory Level Leadership Programme
- Operative Level Leadership Programme
- Domain Specific Leadership Programme
Faculty Leadership Programmes (FLP)
….for Schools and Higher Education Institutions
- Global University Administrators Training Programme
- Academic Leadership Programme
- School Leadership Training Programme
Youth Leadership Programmes (YLP)
….for Students of Higher Education Institutions
- Corporate Behaviour and Connectivity Training
- Training on Psychology & Psychometrics of Youth
- Global Leadership and Adaptability Training Programme
- Awareness Programme on HR Practices and the Reality Picture in Industries
How will this Programme benefit you?
The leadership programme is designed to enhance the personality, behaviour competency and corporate skills of the participants resulting in smooth corporate adaptability as well. The Programme will strengthen your associating and inspiring skills. You will learn how to use power constructively. Additionally, you will learn the best practices to understand the factors present in your job environment and in your behaviour that can work against self and organizational growth. You will be taught to manage such situations and bring about positive change in you. This transformation in personality that would take place during the execution of this programme will in turn augment the transition of professionals to a higher level of efficiency and achievements.
For students, the leadership programme will help in sensitizing, concerning various industry practices and job specifications. The training programme will primarily focus on developing the leadership qualities and behaviour modification of students to face the competitive world, resulting in productive employment.
A string of novel sessions on process and execution using in-basket exercises, situation analysis, role place, games, sensitivity training, mentoring and coaching will increase your latent quality and abilities to become efficient leaders.
Summing up to say “This is the centre and these are the programmes you were looking for, as this is designed exclusively for your professional escalation”
Internal Associates
Management Development Programme
Faculty Leadership Programme
Youth Leadership Programme
Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme
GUAT Programme
Global Vice Chancellor’s Training Programme for University Administration & Management
July 30th – August 2nd 2018
Sponsored by MHRD, Government of India

Youth Leadership Training for Students of
Women’s Christian College
24th November 2018

Leadership Training for School Headmasters and Principals
7th December 2018 – Kancheepuram District & 10th December 2018 – Chennai District

Media Report
Leadership Programme for Senior University Administrators
May 25th – May 26th 2017
Leadership Training for Head Masters and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools
7th December 2018 – Kancheepuram District
Global Vice Chancellor’s Training Programme for University Administration & Management
July 30th – August 2nd 2018
Sponsored by MHRD, Government of India
Leadership Training for Head Masters and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools
10th December 2018 – Chennai District
Contact Details of the Director

Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
Director, Centre for Leadership
Dr.Shanmugam is currently working as Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology from June 2018. He has received his Ph.D. from University of Madras in 1999 and has taught several courses in Finance and Accounting for Postgraduate and undergraduate students in India from 1980 until 2004. Since then, he has been working in Kuala Lumpur as Professor of Finance teaching several courses in accounting and finance for undergraduate and graduate students. Besides teaching and research, as Deputy Dean he assists the Dean in academic administration. Prior to Malaysia, he took two overseas teaching assignments, one at UAE (1998) and the other at Papua New Guinea (2000). He has presented several research papers in international conferences and published research articles and case studies in the areas of accounting and finance in leading journals. He has co-authored a book and reviewed several course modules of two universities and two modules of Bankers Training Institute in Malaysia.He also had an industry experience for one year (2010) as Business Development Manager for a Malaysian company in India
Dr.Shanmugam has consistently emerged as one of the most popular lecturers in the institutions he belonged. He has been an outstanding lecturer and received overwhelming feedback from students scoring more than 80% in all the courses taught. The popularity among the students can be attributed to his nature of focusing more on slow learners and at the same time delivering lectures to the expectation of average and intelligent students.Even though he worked in teaching universities and amidst academic administrative tasks, he undertook a few funded research projects, presented several research papers at national and international conferences and also published many articles in leading journals. As Deputy Dean of Academic & Student Affairs, he led Programme Harmonization Committee, reviewed and updated syllabus contents of several courses including unrelated areas, prepared proposals for University Curriculum Committee, Academic Administrative Committee, and Senate. He was also instrumental to resolve many issues of students related to academic, personal and financial matters. In 2015, he received an award as the ‘Best Professor in Accountancy’ (2015)’ from the Golden Globe Tiger Summit, an NGO from India (
Centre for Leadership
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology,
Seethakathi Estate,
GST Road, Vandalur,
Chennai – 600 048. India
Mobile No.:9176049254