Clean Water and Sanitation
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Tecnology provide educational ooportuniteis for local communities to learn about the good water management.The Instititue adopts various methodologies to educate the local community.The Institute conducts awareness programs in the local community by coordinating along with the faculty members and students.
Jal Shakthi Abhiyan
Ministry of Human resources Development is observing “Swachhta Pakhwada 2019” during the 1st September to 15th September. The main aim of this mission was to conduct water conservation campaign “ Jal Shakthi Abhiyan “A team comprises of 9 faculties and 34 students from the Department of Civil Engineering visited the “Karanai Puducheri” a village located at a distance of 5.7 km from our Institute on 05.09.2019 for making a campaign about Rain water harvesting and good water management practices . The team met the Village Administrative officer and Chairman
of the village and discussed the present status of the village with respect to (i) sources of drinking water, (ii) condition of the existing water bodies, (iii) disposal of sewage and (iv) methods of disposing the solid waste generated in the village. They also created awreness about the need for water management and importance of rain water harvesting.

B.S. Abdhur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Undertakes several programmes proposed by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), is government proposal to link the Higher Educational Institutions with a set of (5) villages, so that the institutions can contribute to the economic and social betterment of the village communities using their knowledge base. Students and faculty from the Institute conducted a surevy on April 23, 2019 at Manimangalam village Kanchipuram district as per Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme and also created awareness on water management among the local community

B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Tecnology provide educational ooportuniteis for local communities to learn about the good water management.The Instititue adopts various methodologies to educate the local community. The webinars, workshops etc are arranged for the various group of people in the community who are interested in water management and are looking for the opportunities for the water conservation. During the webinars, experts in the field will be invited to deliver the lecture on water management and water conservation practices. “Young Genius”- national level competition for school students was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering on 16.10.2019. It was an initiative taken under Jal Shakthi Abhiyan scheme and the theme of the event was ” Leaving no one behind- Safe water for all”. The main aim of this competition was to give opportunities for the young minds to propose innovative ideas to protect the water from pollution. Oratorical and poster presentation competitions on the theme of “safe water for all” were conducted for students. The competition served as a platform for the students to exhibit new methodologies to establish safe methods to balance the natural resources especially water with human needs. Dr.R.Saravanan, Associate Professor, Centre for water resources, Anna University presided as chief guest and emphasized on the importance of water management. Nearly 110 school students from various schools across chennai participated in the event.

Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure conducted an online webinar series on “Sustainable waste management and legal aspects of EIA”. The webinar series also served as a forum where the importantance of water and wastewater management aspects were emphasised. Faculty members, Students, Research scholars from various colleges and Universities, Members from NGOs across India participated in the Webinar. Professionals from various industries also participated in the webinar

Collaborating with various districts in India, also 3232, this was an online project creating awareness on social media for water conservation. The problem of water scarcity was welldefined and a solution was arrived upon. The need for conscious water usage as emphasized among the participants. Several students and other beneficiaries form the society actively participated in the event.
- Online project
- No. of Beneficiaries : 150
- In a 2-day webinar, top Rotary leaders addressed the participants

NSS Special Camp – Keerappakam, Arungal and Murugamangalam panchayaths – Kanchipuram district
The seven days special camp has been organized by the NSS units of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology at Keerappakam, Arungal, and Murugamangalam panchayaths in the Kattankullathur union of Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu during the period of July 25-31, 2019. There were various programmes and functions were organized under the leadership of the NSS units of the Crescent Institute. Programmes like cleaning of school premises, awareness of healthy food habits, importance of hygiene and sanitation, manuring and irrigation, importance of disaster management, farm pond, rainwater harvesting and conservation methods- and various sports, funs and cultural programmes for the school children’s and for NSS volunteers. The main motives for conducting the special camp is to develop the society, enlighten the villagers by giving awareness. Around 150 volunteers from the three III units of the NSS Crescent Institute of Science and Technology including boys and girls were actively participated each and every programme conducted in the village as part of special camp.

Value added Training programme (Sanitation Solutions in Urban India)
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure in association with Indian Institute for Human settlements organised Two day Value added training programme in “Non-sewered Sanitation an important link for Sanitation Solutions in Urban India” on 27.09.2019 & 28.09.2019 for Students. A training was given to students to regarding the techniques for reduction in water usage and also maintain sanitation in urban places.