Patents Granted
- Design and Development of a low-cost solar dryer for drying vegetables and fruits by Sathyamurthy Ravishankar, B. Madhu, D. Mageshbabu, R. Bharathwaaj, S. Vasanthaseelan, A. Muthumanokar (Patent No: 2020103154), 2021.
- A cutting tool insert with built-in provision for detecting flank wear of a predetermined value by Dr. M. Murugan (Patent No 201014 / 2009)
- TRIFEMUR – A Hip Joint Simulator for Wear Testing by Dr. V. Geethaguru (IP No. 198349 / 2003)
- A Device for Generating Power from the Wind by Dr. V. Geethaguru (Patent No 148973 / 1978)
Patents Published
- A system for temperature measurement in a tribometer, Dr. N. Ravikumar, Mr. C. Sivakumar, Dr. T. R. Tamilarasan, (Patent No: 202341046574), 2023
- A friction material for brake and clutch lining and a method of preparation thereof, Dr. B. Suryarajan, Dr. Sathickbasha, Mr. Balaji P (202341026050), 2023
- Robotic Lift System Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen (Patent No: 202241050205A), 2022
- A method of developing a low-metallic brake pad mixture by Dr. M. A. Saibalaji (Patent No: 202211006188 A), 2022
- Development of Low-frequency squealing noise insulator for passenger car drum brake by Dr. M. A. Saibalaji (Patent No: 202141018514 A), 2021
- Machining performance of cryogenically treated copper 2 wt.% – Beryllium alloy electrode Mr. Pervez Ahmed M, Dr. Siddhi Jailani H, Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen (Patent No: 202041000083 & 02.01.2020)
- System and method for analysis of roughness quality of flat specimens using image processing by Mr. Mahashar Ali J, Dr. Siddhi Jailani H, Dr. M. Murugan (Patent No: 201941019465 & 16.05.2019)
- Eductor based powder-mixed electric discharge machining (PMEDM) setup Mr. S. Jeavudeen, Dr. Siddhi Jailani H, Dr. M. Murugan (Patent No 201941019464 & 16.05.2019)
- Interior door skin materials for four wheeler Mr. C. K. Aravinda Pandian, Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani (Patent No: 201941020382 & 23.05.2019)
Patents Filed
- An Add-On Device for Use in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, (Patent No: 202341042114), 2023
Books Published
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman, Value Analysis and Engineering, by A comprehensive engineering series by AMAZON, 2023.
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman, A Brief Introduction to Industrial Engineering, by A comprehensive engineering series by AMAZON 2023.
- Muralidharan,Instrumentation and Control Systems,University Science Press (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.,), 2015.
Students Achievements
- Gokul Ram G, received ASME foundation variable scholarship of $ 2000, for his excellent academic record and contribution to the engineering domain, 2023.
- Ananthakrishnan, Poojha, Rohan, Selected in the top 13 Finalist Team among 1245 teams all over India, The Red Brick Summit, IIM Ahmedabad, 2023.
- Poojha and Thirumurugan, won 3rd place with a cash prize of Rs. 20000 in the unconference event conducted by IIT Madras, 2023.
- Abuthahir Kalam, 1st place in CAD Modelling, MECHENZY, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, 2023
- Abuthahir Kalam, 1st place, Draftrix Tech Event, St. Joseph’s Institute of Tech, 2023
- Aashif Ifthekar, Participated in CAD workshop, 2023, MIT, Chrompet, Chennai.
- Aashif Ifthekar, Participated in ANSYS workshop, 2023, MIT, Chrompet, Chennai.
- A M Mohammed Naseem, Participated in SOLID Works, 2023, Rajalakshmi Engg College, Chennai.
- Students of Mechanical Engineering, secured 1st place in the Electric Two wheeler design competition conducted by SAEISS, 2022.
- Gugan B, CAD Modelling Contest, ISHRAE, 2022
- Aakash M, RC Car Modelling, Society of Mechanical Engineering, BSACIT, 2022
- Secured Second Position in the SAE Tractor Design Competitionfor Durability consecutively in 2018 and 2019
- 7th Position in Drag Race and overall 33th Position among the 100 teams participated in Mega ATV Championshiporganized by Federation of Motorsports Clubs of India (FMSCI) and AUTOSPORTS INDIA TEAMCRESCAR in March 2019
- The Team CRESCAR of Mechanical Engg has won theMECHATHON Race and received a cash prize of1.5 Lakhs, 2019.
- Naveeth Imran (RRN 150021601233) was a part of“CRESCENTSAT”, crescent satellite team & visited toUniversity Technology Mara (UITM), Malaysiaduring 24.03.2019 – 28.03.2019
- Geetha M (RRN 150021601133) undergone the Internship Cum Collaborative Project at theVSB Technical University Czech RepublicDuring 27 January – 16 April 2019.
- Project proposal titled “ RETRACTABLE ARM INDUCED DYNAMIC STATBLITIY QUADCOPTER (RADIS Q)”entered Quarter Finals in the Innovation Contest conducted by DST and TIin 2018
- Project proposal titled “SMART INTRAVENOUS DRIPPER”, for design innovation contest funded by DST (Government Of India) And Texas Instrumentation (Make in India Initiative)Listed in top 10 teams out of 650 teamsacross India in 2017
- S. Selvaganesh,Summer Research Project – Research Professor Dr.VirgíniaInfante,Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal,May-July 2014
- Obaid Ashraf Shah, IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship 2014- Professor Govind S. Gupta,Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,May-July 2014.
- B.B. Ashwin, Mr. S. Asif Hussain,3rd Place in INNOVATION Event,INFOSYS, Chennai,Jan 2013.
- T. Nivethitha,SINE ‘2013 Student Industry Education Exclusively for women’s Engineers through SAEINDIA- Visit to Off highway Industries, SAEINDIA Off Highway Board, June 2013.
Best Practice
Effective participation of students in the teaching learning process is achieved by introducing activity / project based learning in the courses. Selected list of courses are identified to adapt activity/ project based learning every semester. Representative list of courseschosen for Activity / Project based learning in the semester is given below:
Activity based learning Course.
- Applied Materials Engineering

Project based learning Courses.
- Industrial Robotics and Automation.
- Solid Mechanics.
- Metal Cutting and Machine Tools.
- Transmission Systems Design.
- Finite Element Analysis.
- Automobile Engineering.

Peer assisted learning programmeis started for assisting fast learning ability challenged students which involves students(typically from the class toppers) to help them under the supervision of staff.
Some of the courses forwhich PAL conducted are:
- Thermodynamics.
- Solid Mechanics.
- Transmission System Design.
- Machine Dynamics.
Lab courses are restructured periodically in order to equip the students with industry readiness. Experiments are framed in a non-conventional way to make the students to design their own way of experimentation and apply the theory to practice.Some of the examples are shown below:
- In MEB2105 Drafting & Modeling Lab course, instead of giving dimensioned drawing from text book, real time engineering components like gears, couplings, crane hook, various joint are given to draft and create the model using software
- MEB 2222 Manufacturing Technology lab course allows students to design the sequence their own manufacturing processes to fabricate a particular component

Research & Consultancy
Research work is being carried out in frontier areas like,
- Surface Engineering
- Vision-based Metrology
- Cryogenic Treatment of Weldments
- Tribology
- Friction materials
- Vibration studies
- Materials joining
- Wire arc additive manufacturing
- Composite materials
- Powder Metallurgy
- Metal cutting
Over the last Three Years the faculty members have published
- 155 Papers in International Journals
- 25 Papers in International Conferences
- 1 Paper in National Conferences
The department offers Ph.D Programme in the following three categories
- Full-time Programme
- Part-time internal – Staff members in the same department to acquire higher qualification
- Part-time external – Staff members in the nearby institution and industry to acquire higher qualification
The details of the academic research activities are:
- 24 Recognized Research Supervisors
- 27 Research scholars registered for Ph. D under the recognized guides of the department
- 3 Faculty members of the Department pursuing Ph. D
List of Approved Research Supervisors
- Dr. H.Siddhi Jailani
- Dr. A.S.Selvakumar
- Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen
- Dr. V.Muralidharan
- Dr. M.A.Sai Balaji
- Dr. R.Karunanithi
- Dr. M.Thirumurugan
- Dr. J. Mahashar Ali
- Dr. A.Arockia Julias
- Dr. Mohammed Illyas
- Dr. S. Jeavudeen
- Dr. B. Suryarajan
- Dr. Md. Javeed Ahmed
- Dr. K. Asrar Ahmed
- Dr. K. Sathickbasha
- Dr. N. Sirajudeen
- Dr. Syed Shaul Hameed
- Dr. M.Pervaz Ahmed
- Dr. Abdur Rahman
- Dr. Serajul Haque
- Dr. A.Muthu Manokar
- Dr. K.Mohammed Bak
- Dr. S.Ravi Kumar
- Dr. R. Rajendran
- Dr. N. Ravikumar
Ph.D Research Scholars – Registered under B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Sl. No. | RRN No. | Name | Mode |
1 | 1281215 | Mr. Ram. A | Part Time |
2 | 1381121 | Mr. K. Radhakrishnan | Part Time |
3 | 140813704003 | Mr. Balasrinivasan | Part Time |
4 | 140813704006 | Mr. C. Sivakumar | Part Time |
5 | 160813104002 | Mr. K Sundaramoorthy | Part Time |
6 | 150813104001 | Mr. Loganathan S | Part Time |
7 | 170813104002 | Mr. Mohd Khalid Rehman | Part Time |
8 | 170813104001 | Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Aafaq | Part Time |
9 | 170813704001 | Mr. S.M. Azfar Hashmi | Part Time |
10 | 180813104002 | Mr.Mohd Muzammil Uddin | Part Time |
11 | 180813701001 | Mr. Syed Noman | Full Time |
12 | 180813104001 | Mr. Jerin Johnkutty | Part Time |
13 | 180813701001 | Mr. Syed Noman | Part Time |
14 | 190813704002 | Mr. Emmanuel Agbo Tei | Part Time |
15 | 190813704003 | Mr. Samuel Garriba | Part Time |
16 | 200813104001 | Mr. A. Eakambaram | Part Time |
17 | 200813704001 | Mr. Karunanithi V | Part Time |
18 | 200813104002 | Mr. A. Thiyagarajan | Part Time |
19 | 210813101001 | Mr. Mohamed Fahad. S | Full time |
20 | 210813701001 | Mr. Janani Sairam | Full Time |
21 | 210813704002 | Mr. Mohamed Haris A | Part Time |
22 | 210813704001 | Mr. Venkatachalam.C | Part Time |
23 | 210813704003 | Mr. Rajkumar.M | Part Time |
24 | 210813701002 | Mr. Balaji P | Full Time |
25 | 210813104001 | Mr. Asgar Ullah Khan | Part Time |
26 | 210813104002 | Mr. Syed Muzammil Shah | Part Time |
27 | 220813101001 | Mr. S. Bharathi | Part Time |
28 | 220813704002 | Mr.Mohammed Salman Mustafa | Part Time |
29 | 220813704001 | Ms. Hridya G Krishnan | Part Time |
30 | 230813101001 | Mr. C. Shravan Kumar | Part Time |
MOUs signed
The Department has MOUs with industries,
- Apollo Tyres Ltd
- EDS Technology
- THEJO Engineering Ltd
- MANDO Automation Pvt Ltd
- Skill Shark
- Garuda Vayu Shakthi Private Limited
- Basil Energetic (Private) Ltd, Chennai
- CADD Centre Training Service
- Ford India Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
Funded Projects
Ongoing Project
Sl.No | Name of the Investigator | Title of the project / Funding Agency | Amount sanctioned Rs (Lakhs) |
1 | Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani and Dr. J. Mahashar Ali | Non-contact Surface roughness measurement of Machined Surfaces using the Wavelet Metrics of laser Speckle images / AICTE, 2022 – 2025 | 8.68 |
2 | Dr. B. Suryarajan | rGO coated steel fibre with enhanced thermal conductivity and wear resistance for copper free brake pads/TARE, 2021 – 2024 | 18.30 |
3 | Dr. B. Suryarajan | Innovation voucher Programme – A startup Grant for Fricteck Fibers, EDII, 2022-2023 | 2.50 |
Completed Projects
Sl. No | Name of the Investigator | Title of the project | Amount Sanctioned Rs (Lakhs) |
1 | Dr. R. Karunanithi | Light weight Tough Hat made by High Entropy | 35.0 |
2 | Dr. R. Karunanithi | Synthesis and Characterization of Zr02 Dispersed Ti, Ti-6AI-4V,Ti-6AI-5V,Ti-6AI-7Nb composite | 18.30 |
3 | Mr. B. Surya Rajan | Infant temperature Measuring & Monitoring (BABY TEMPIT) | 1.05 |
4 | Dr. M. Thirumurugan | Supplementary Seat with lifting mechanism in railway | 0.10 |
5 | Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed | Fault diagnosis on single stage helical planetary gear box using machine learning algorithms. | 0.075 |
6 | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen | Cryogenic Treatment of Steel Weldments | 5.0 |
7 | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen | Optimization of Cryogenic Treatment for Engineering Materials | 3.0 |
8 | Dr. S. Beer Mohammed | The effect of aluminium on TiAlN, CrAlN, ZrAlN coatings using RF powdered Magnetron sputtering. | 7.90 |
9 | Dr. R. Rajendran | Wear studies of duplex coated steels | 7.59 |
10 | Dr. R. Rajendran | Development of 17 Hp tractor for Indian Environment | 4.00 |
Revenue generated through Industry Interaction
Sl.No | Organization | Project | Period | Value (in Rs. Lakhs) |
1 | Polyhose | Polyflow analysis | 2021 | 0.295 |
2 | M/s Ford India Ltd | PDC6 Career development program | 2013-14 | 6.25 |
3 | Various Institutions | Testing Revenue | 2010-15 | 0.5 |
4 | M/s Ford India Ltd | Diploma Apprentices Training Program (40 Batches of each 1 week duration) | 2010-11 | 12.9 |
5 | M/s Ford India Ltd | Diploma apprenticeship training | 2010-11 | 15.0 |
6 | M/s Ford India Ltd | PDC6 Career development program | 2010-11 | 12.0 |
International Collaboration
Collaboration Projects
S.No | Title of the Work / Project | Name of the Collaborator & Co – Collaborator | Institute Name / Funding Agency | Period | Outcomes |
1 | Water quality analysis of solar still distillate produced from various water sources of El Oued region Algeria | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2022 | Desalination and water treatment, ISSN:1944-3986, Desalination Publications, Impact Factor: 1.273, Volume: 253, Pages: 55-62, March 2022, |
2 | Performance improvements of hemispherical solar still using internal reflector | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2022 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ISSN:1614-7499, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Pages: 36887–36896, Volume: 29, May 2022, |
3 | Optimizations of Collector Cover Thickness of a Solar Still | Abderrahmane Khechekhouche & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | International Journal of Photoenergy, 1687-529X, Hindawi, Impact Factor: 2.535, CiteScore: 3.7, Volume2021, Article ID6668325, 13th March 2021, |
4 | Conventional solar still with Phosphate bags as energy storage materials | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Volume 28, pages 21540–2155207, May 2021, |
5 | conventional solar still with different basin materials | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Desalination and water treatment, ISSN:1944-3986, Desalination Publications, Impact Factor: 1.273, Volume: 224, Pages: 55-64, June 2021, |
6 | conventional solar still using reflective aluminium foil sheet and reflective glass mirrors | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Volume 28, pages 32508–32516, July 2021, |
7 | comparative study of hemispherical and single-slope solar stills | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ISSN:1614-7499, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Volume 28, pages 35649–35659, July 2021, |
8 | Conventional solar still with Phosphate bed as energy storage materials | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, ISSN:1944-7450, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, Impact Factor: 2.824, Volume 40, Issue 4, July/August 2021, |
9 | Conventional solar still with Micro/Nano-Particles of Aluminum Oxide at Different Concentrations | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Sustainable Materials and Technologies, ISSN: 2214-9937, Elsevier, Impact Factor: Journal of Water Process Engineering, CiteScore: 9.7, Volume 29, September 2021, e00291, |
10 | solar still incorporated with copper plate and phosphate pellets as energy storage material | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2021 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ISSN:1614-7499, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Volume 28, pages 48637, September 2021, |
11 | stepped solar distiller by using corrugated and curved liners, CuO/paraffin wax, wick, and vapor suctioning | F.A.Essa & Dr. Muthumanokar | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt | 2021 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ISSN:1614-7499, Springer, Impact Factor: 5.19, Volume 28, pages 56955–56965, October 2021, |
12 | sensible and latent heat storage materials on the performance of a single basin solar still | Mohamed Asbik & Dr. Muthumanokar | Thermal and Energy Research Team (ERTE) ENSAM- Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco | 2021 | Journal of Energy Storage, ISSN: 2352-152X, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.907, CiteScore: 8,4, Volume 44, Part B, Article number: 103480, 15th December 2021, |
13 | Light-WeightToughHatmade by High Entropy Composites | Dr. Sivasankaran, Dr. Abdulaziz S. Alaboodi, E. Khalid Algadah, Dr. R. Karunanithi | Qassim University, Saudi Arabia | 2020-2023 | Patent filing-in process |
14 | Conventional solar still with sand as heat storage materials | Abderrahmane Khechekhouche & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2020 | Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN:0947-7411, Springer, Impact Factor: 2.325, Volume 56,pages 1117–1126, April 2020, |
15 | Conventional solar still with Aluminum Balls as heat storage materials | Mohammed El Hadi Attia & Dr. Muthumanokar | El Oued University, 39000, El Oued, Algeria | 2020 | Journal ofEnergyStorage, ISSN:2352-152X, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.907, CiteScore:8,4, Volume 30, Article number:101466, August 2020, |
16 | double-slope half-cylindrical basin solar still | F.A.Essa & Dr. Muthumanokar | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt | 2020 | Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, ISSN:2213-1388, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.632, CiteScore:6.5, Volume 39, Article number:100712, June 2020,, |
17 | stepped distiller with Al2O3/paraffin wax mixture and vapor suction | F.A.Essa & Dr. Muthumanokar | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt | 2020 | Journal of Energy Storage, ISSN: 2352-152X, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.907, CiteScore: 8,4, Volume 32, Article number: 102008, December 2020, |
18 | Wear characteristics of electroless Ni-P coated aluminium for cylinder liner application | Dr. R. Rajendran Prof Wei Sha Queens University | Royal Society London | Jan 2010 to Mar 2010 | 2 papers published 1 book chapter |
19 | Microstructure, tribological and electrochemical corrosion behavior of electroless Ni-P-SiC coatings on aluminum for cylinder liner applications | Dr. R. Rajendran Prof Wei Sha Queens University | Queens University, Belfast, UK | Dec 2012 to Dec 2015 | 1 papers published |
Students Exchange from Foreign Universities
- Students from Curtin University, Australia, carried out the project on “Design of Sheet metal Follower” during 2016
- Students from UiTM, Malaysia, carried out three months Short Term Training cum Project on “Design of Multipurpose Seed Drill Machine” during 2018.
- Two scholars from Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana, pursuing Ph.D.
National Collaboration
The department collaborates with research institutions and industries for Training, Research and Consultancy. Representative list is given below:
- Apollo Tyres Ltd
- EDS Technology
- THEJO Engineering Ltd
- MANDO Automation Pvt Ltd
- Skill Shark
- Garuda Vayu Shakthi Private Limited
- Basil Energetic (Private) Ltd, Chennai
- CADD Centre Training Service
- Ford India Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
- IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- CVRDE, Avadi
- Ford India Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
- IP Rings Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
- Bi metal Bearing
- Dynaspede Integrated Systems (P) Ltd, Guindy
Training Programmes Offered
Organization | Programs |
Mando Automotive India Private Ltd | B.Tech Programme |
Ford India Pvt. Ltd. | Launch Planning and Work force Readiness program for power train division- LPWR Diploma apprentices training program (40 batches of each 1 week duration) |
Visteon India Pvt. Ltd. | Technical training program for technicians |
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Technical training programme | Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Technical training programme |
ETA – Ascon Ltd. | ETA – Ascon Ltd. Engineering supervisor training programme for graduate employees (4 batches) |
Projects under UGC DAE at IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Wear Studies of Duplex coated steels.
- Effect of Metallic Nitride Coatings using Radio Frequency Powered Magnetron Sputtering.
Projects at IP rings Ltd:
- Surface modification of steel by duplex coating to replace the imported material for the piston ring application.
- Surface Engineering- Duplex coating, Aluminizing.
Projects at WABCO:
- Development of new material for brake pad to improve wear resistance.
Distinguished Alumni
- Our Alumni are placed in high position in the various fields of Engineering Industry. Some of the selective names are:
![]() | Ashok Vasudevan (Mechanical – Batch:1989) FestoGlobal Production Centre (GPC), India, ManagingDirector |
![]() | Ravanan Gnanasundaram (Mechanical – Batch:1991) Chairman at VOX Group ofCompanies |
![]() | Manoj Joseph Kallarackal (Mechanical – Batch:1991) Director – Thejo Engineering Limited |
![]() | Suri Raghavan (Mechanical – Batch:1993) Chairman – ARF Engineering Limited |
![]() | Kedharnath Sairam (Mechanical – Batch: 2009) Designing Bobsled for US Winter Olympics Team |