Management Studies
Alumni Connect
1. “Alumni of DoMS, BSACU”
1. “Alumni Feedback DoMS, BSACU”
Alumni Mentoring session on “Managerial Jobs Tomorrow”
A mentoring session conducted by our Alumnus Mr. S. Ramajagan (MBA, 2012 Batch), Senior Manager (Risk Analytics), HDFC Bank – on the topic “Managerial Jobs Tomorrow“ at 10.30 am in seminar hall 2, Convention Centre on 3rd Dec 2019 at 10.30 am.1st year students from the MBA department attended the event.

Orientation Program for MBA 2019-21 batch – Address by an Alumni
Invited Mr. M. Sathishkumar 2001-03 batch for MBA orientation program held on 19/08/2019.
Mr. Sathish Kumar is the Founder- Creating Wealth Company came and addressed the I MBA students.

Alumni Talk
Event: Expectations of Corporate from Student Community Resource Person: Mr. Vaitheeshwaran, Deputy General Manager, Nissan Trading India Pvt Lt.
Organised on: 22nd November 2017.
Event: Special Alumni Talk
Resource Person: Mr. Mohamed Asif Hussain, Master Trainer, Sana Model School, Chennai
Organised on: 24th February, 2017
Event: “Me, My Profession and You” – Special Alumni Talk Resource Person: Mr Benedict Loren, Business HR, Innova Solutions Organised on: 22nd February, 2017
Event: Alumni Experience Sharing session on Best Practices followed in the Corporate Sector
Resource Person: Mr. Touseef, Junior HR Executive, CTS
Organised on: 25th April 2016
Distinguished Alumni
Industry Expert Sessions/Guest Lectures
Corporate Finance (SEC-A)
A guest lecture on “Sources of finance and implications of dividend decisions” was organised for MBA Batch 23-25(Sec-A) on 27/03/2024 for 2 hours in the afternoon session. The topic pertains to the subject “Corporate Finance”, organised by Dr.S.Saravanan, Assistant Professor . Resource person, Mr.Jeyaprakash.M (Director/Mcube Academy) additionally addressed the students on NISM modules.

Operations Management
The Guest Lecture was organized on 19.03.2024 from 01:40pm to 03:30pm IST for all the students of Crescent School of Business studying MBA I year and MBA IEV I year. The special lecture on the title “Project Management – The Guide to Enterprise Efficiency” was delivered by Mr. Shankar G Subburathinam, Engineering Manager, Integrated Components and Solutions Division, Caterpillar Inc organised by Mr.Venkatesh, Assistant Professor.
During the session he provided insights on Project Management and its practical applications. He shared how these concepts are implemented at Caterpillar; he also spoke about the CPS model – The Caterpillar Production system. The tools and techniques of project management were discussed in detail. The program was conducted at CSB seminar hall 6th floor and a live streaming was arranged at Seminar Hall. Dr. K Srinivasan felicitated the guest with the memento.

Corporate Finance (SEC-C)
An industry expert session (Affiliate Faculty) for MBA Batch 2023–’25, 2nd semester, Sec.’C’ students was organized in the course ‘Corporate Finance’. The sessions were scheduled on February 15, 2024 and February 22, 2024, with two sessions per day. The topics covered include “Financial markets: primary and secondary markets, SEBI regulations, and capital market guidelines.”
The resource person was Mr.M.Aravind. He is a consultant for corporations on Financial Risk Management, debt and Financial, and Services. In addition, he is also empaneled as a trainer with SEBI-Securities Markets Trainers (SMARTs) for conducting investor awareness programs.

Risk Management and Insurance
A guest lecture on “Enterprise Risk Management” was organized on January 11, 2024 (Thursday) for the students of ‘Risk Management and Insurance’ (2022-2024 batch), 3rd semester, by Dr.S.Panboli. In addition to discussing general risk management with the students, Mr. Ramesh Singh Khwairakpam, Vice President of Wells Fargo & Company (Resource Person), shared his background as a risk assessor and controller.

Financial Technology
Guest Lecture on “Wealth-tech: Managing Wealth using ML, AI and other disrupting Technologies” was organized on 22nd December 2023 by Dr. S.M.Wasiullah. Mr.Jubran Siddiqi, MD & CEO, Zaryah Investment (P) Ltd., addressed the students of Financial Technology, 3rd Semester, MBA 2022-24.

Legal Aspects of Business
A guest lecture on “Prevention of Sexual harassment act” was conducted at Crescent School of Business(Seminar Hall) for MBA(General) Batch 23-25(Sec-A) on 29/11/2023 between 9:45 to 11:15 AM for the students of course, “Legal Aspects of Business”, organised by Dr.S.Saravanan, Assistant Professor. Resource person: Mr.B.Sivakumar, Panel Advocate of Taluk Legal services committee, Tambaram court.

Accounting for Managers
A guest lecture on “Accounting for Managers” was conducted at Crescent School of Business for MBA(General) Batch 23-25. Guest Lecture was organised by Dr Ritu Gangil, Assistant Professor on 24th November 2023. Resource person: Raghavendhar CA

Guest Lecture
Guest Lecture on “Managing Logistics and Supply Chain Business in Digital Era” was organized on 13th March 2023 by Resource Person: Dr. K.S Kamaludeen, Managing Director, Blue Bharat Exim Pvt.Ltd. All MBA students pertaining to batch 2022-24 participated in the guest lecture and got a got exposure on the related concept.

The 2nd year MBA students who have opted EXIM Procedures and Documentation subject visited the Ambattur Fashions India Pvt. Ltd., Ambattur, Chennai. A total of 15 students and one faculty member visited the plant on 21-01-2023. The industrial visit had a very good start with Mr. Pardeep Manager (AFI) and he explained about the various kinds of activities carried out in that plant as well as parties who are all involved from raw material purchase to final shipment. After that students were taken into all the three levels of production area to see their production process. Consequently students were gathered in meeting hall. Mr. Nelson, General Manager explained about their customers, suppliers, various branches in all over the world. Mr. Meenakshi Sundaram Logistics manager answered the doubts raised by the students. Finally students visited washing area and Goodown where goods for shipment were stored over there. On the whole, the students with EXIM Procedures and Documentation got an overall exposure about the export and import procedure in that company.

Industrial Visit for II MBA Students (Batch 2021-2023) (14.12.2022 to 16.12.2022)
As part of an curriculum, An industrial visit was organised for II year MBA students (Batch 2021-2023) by the Department of Management Studies, Crescent School of Business, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. The visit was organised for Three days from 14.12.2022 to 16.12.2022 (Wednesday to Friday) to Vagamon, Alappuzha and Kochi, Kerala. From all three sections of II years MBA Section A, B and C, 80 students in total participated, out of which 26 were girls and 54 were boys.To ensure the safety of our students four of our faculties namely Dr J.Hemalatha, Dr T.Rocky Devi, Dr.H.Moideen Batcha and Dr Prasanna S escorted them for all the three days.
The students visited a tea estate at Vagamon, Kerala, on 14.12.2022 (Wednesday).The tea estate manager explained the process and methods of collecting and segregating tea leaves. Then, the students were shown the process of grading tea leaves and the process involved in the manufacturing and labelling of tea.
On the following day 15th of December 2022, Students visited SEA BLUE shipyard Ltd in Alappuzha, In this shipyard, the students got insights about the various activities related to dismantling old vessels and building new ones. Further, they explained the documentation and other associated procedures related to the dismantling of the vessels.
On the 16th of December 2022, the students were taken to LULU mall one of Asia’s largest shopping malls. The students interacted with various shop owners, managers and, their employees. They understood the nuances of the market and gained insight into the various promotional activities undertaken by the shops to develop their businesses. They also learned about the various facets of shops associated with the mall
Day 1 – Tea Factory

Industrial visit (11th and 12th May 2022)
The Department of Management Studies organized an Industrial visit,to make students understand the functions of Container Freight Station and get exposed in handling export import cargo in CFS, 2nd year MBA students with Logistics and supply chain management specialization were taken to Triway Container station at Minjur, Chennai as two batches on 11th and 12th May 2022.

Industrial visit to Triway Container Station

The II year MBA students with Logistics and Supply Chain Management specialization visited the Triway Container Station at Minjur, Chennai. A total of 74 students and four faculty members visited the plant at in two different batches on 1st and 2nd November 2019. The industrial visit had a very good start with the Triway Expert explaining about the documentation and procedure of export and import of cargo through seaways. The students were explained about the functions of Container Freight Station and get exposed to handling of export and import cargo in CFS.
Event: Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals of Capital Markets”
Resource Person: Mr. Glenn Roger Carr, Cofounder & Director, Finmark
Organised on: 5th December 2017
Event: Expert session on Supply Chain Management
Resource Person: Dr. Samip Baurah, Manager (International Sales), ITC Limited.
Organised on: 19th August 2017
Event: Expert session on Strategic Marketing
Resource Person: Mr. Rajkumar Sathyakumar, Dy. General Manager, Sundaram Learning, Division of Sundaram Finance Ltd
Organised on: 25th and 27th April 2017
Event: Expert session on “Management Information System”
Resource Person: Soundarajan Lakshmi Naraynan, Project Management Professional
Organised on: 17th and 19th April 2017
Session handled by Ph.D Scholar
Event: FOREX Dealings and Currency Trading
Resource Person: Mr. S.N. Murthy Rtd. Dy. General Manager, Union Bank of India
Organised on: 1st April 2017
Event: Expert Session on Security Market and Analysis
Resource Person: Mr. Jay Vora from Share Khan Ltd., Mumbai
Organised on: 23rd September 2016
Event: Role of Business Analyst in Digital Information of an Organization
Resource Person: Mr. Nizam Mohamed, Sparx System
Organised on: 7th April 2016
Event: FOREX Management
Resource Person: Mr. S. Narayanan Murthy, Mumbai.
Organised on: 27th March 2016
Event: Industries expectations towards B-School students
Resource Person: Mr. M.B.V.Rao, General Manager- HR, Exide Battery
Organised on: 12th February 2016
Event: Managerial Behaviour and Effectiveness
Resource Person: Mr. Tanveer, HR Consultant, Talentra Consulting Firm, Bangalore.
Organised on: 18th September 2014
Event: Best shop floor practices
Resource Person: Mr. Srinivasan Jayaraman, Management Consultant, TBM Consultancy services
Organised on: 27th August 2014
Event: Competence Vs Skill employment
Resource Person: Dr. Rajan Raghavachari, R&D Director, Unilever, UK
Organised on: 26th August 2014
Event: Soft Skills
Resource Person: Mrs. Garima Goyal, Asst. Manager HR, Infomedia Pvt. Ltd
Organised on: 12th March 2014
Event: Business laws
Resource Person: Mr. Rajagopal, Practicing Lawyer.
Organised on: 24th December 2013
Industry Visits
Event: Industrial visit to Woory Automotive Pvt Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
Organised on: 18th March and 1st April 2017
Event: Industrial visit to ATV Precision Components (P) Ltd, Maraimalai Nagar
Resource Person: Mr.Vinoth, Assistant Manager – HR, ATV Precision Components
Organised on: 30th January 2016
Event: Industrial visit to IP Rings, Maraimalai Nagar
Organised on: 9th April 2015
Industry Institute Meet
Event: Industry – Institute Meet at the Department of Management Studies
Organised on: 22nd October 2016
List of Companies Participated:
- Woory Automotives India Pvt Ltd
- Maruti 3PL Solutions
- Seawaves Shipping Services, India
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Cognizant Technology Services
- Ducima Analytics Pvt. Ltd,
- Scorpio Web Services
- Pinakin Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
- Sasun Energy Pvt Ltd
- Innova Solutions
- Caterpillar India Pvt Ltd
- Mayura Automation & Robotic Systems
- Viva Leadership
- Smart U Shoes
- Speed Consulting (P), Ltd.,
- Minda Sai Ltd
- Sharekhan
- Writer Business Services Pvt Ltd.
Industrial Internship
Student Projects