B.A. English
B.A. English
Crescent Literarian Hub
The Crescent Literarian Hub is a literary society exclusively for the students of B.A. English. This society was launched with the chief objective of honing the literary talents and the much-required soft skills such as interpersonal skills, leadership skills, time management, planning, and organizing skills of the students. Every year, intra and inter-collegiate literary events are conducted as part of the society activities. Also, Shakespeare’s Day, the signature event of CLH, is conducted every year in April/ May.
In addition to all these, a students’ magazine (CRESLITT OPUS) is also prepared by the B.A. English students every year. This provides them a platform to expose their creative talents, writing skills and diverse interests.
Intra Department Event – LIT TRIVIA
Date: 30/01/2024
Organised by: II BA English

Intra Department Event – LIT-TREE
Organized by: III BA English (Hons.)
Date: 6/11/2023

Inaugration of Crescent Literarian Hub 2023-2024
Date: 22/09/2023
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Convention Centre
Chief Guest: Mr. N. Ram. theatre Artist, Madras Players

Intra Department Event – FabFest
Organised by: I BA English
Date: 17/04/2023
The first-year students of B.A. English conducted the FabFest on 17th April 2023. All the second and final year students participated in Block and Tackle & Word Power. Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean, School of Social Sciences & Humanities and Dr. P. Rathna, Professor and Head, Department of English, were the Convenors of the event. Dr. S. Sakthivel, Assistant Professor of English, coordinated the event. Dr. Joyce Devakirubai and Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam judged the event. Students came out with their verbal wit and enthusiastically participated in the event.
Intra Department Event – Extempora
Organised by: III BA English (Hons.)
Date: 29/03/2023
Final year B.A. English students organised this on-the-spot verbal event “Extempora” with Anti-Shipwreck as theme, on 29th March 2023.
Dr. P. Rathna, Professor and Head, convened the event. Mr. T. Sugadev, Assistant Professor of English, was the faculty coordinator of the event.
Dr. S. I. Muththamizh Selvi judged the performance of the students. Participants disguised as famous characters and prove why they don’t deserve a lifejacket!
Intra Department Event – Fun with Fallacy
The first intra-departmental event ‘Fun with Fallacy’ was organised on 24th February 2023 by second year B.A. English students to their juniors and seniors. Dr. P. Rathna, Professor and Head, inaugurated the event with her motivating welcome speech. Mr. T. Sugadev, Assistant Professor of English, coordinated the event. Faculty members of English Department encouraged the students with their presence.
‘Fun with Fallacy’ is an event where participants find the fallacy amidst the right answers. Graphic English, a Pictorial word game was also part of the event, where participants find out the words and phrases from the hidden image.

Crescent Literarian Hub
The Crescent Literarian Hub is a literary society exclusively for the students of B.A. English. This society was launched with the chief objective of honing the literary talents and the much-required soft skills such as interpersonal skills, leadership skills, time management, planning, and organizing skills of the students. Every year, intra and inter-collegiate literary events are conducted as part of the society activities. Also, Shakespeare’s Day, the signature event of CLH, is conducted every year in April/ May.
In addition to all these, a students’ magazine (CRESLITT OPUS) is also prepared by the B.A. English students every year. This provides them a platform to expose their creative talents, writing skills and diverse interests.
Date: 08.05.2023
Time: 9.30 am – 4.00 pm
Venue: Auditorium, Convention Centre

Cres Festo’23
Date: 15th April 2023
Time: 9.30 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Department of English

Inauguration of the Crescent Literarian Hub
The Crescent Literarian Hub was formally inaugurated on 23.12.2022. Dr. Shrimathy Venkatalakshmi, Director, Centre for Liberal Arts for Science, Engineering and Technology and Professor and Former Head, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai was the Guest of Honour. The Head of the Department of English Dr.H.Sofia who is also the President of the Crescent Literarian Hub welcomed the gathering and presented the report of the activities held in 2021-2022. In her Inaugural Address Dr Shrimathy spoke on the strategies for fostering creativity especially in the context of dramatics and extra curriculur activities. She emphasized on the activities the literary clubs could take up and pitched on ideas of starting debate clubs in colleges. Our respected Registrar Dr N.Raja Hussain delivered the Presidential Address and our honourable Dean School of Social Sciences and Humanities Dr Ayub Khan Dawood offered felicitations.
The new office bearers were introduced and certificates and prizes were distributed to the winners of Creative Writing contest. The fourth book authored by Ms. Faheema Jafferin of Final year B.A.English (Hons.) Let me show and tell you Beautiful Things was released on the occasion. The students performed the play She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith and a group dance. Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), the coordinator of the event delivered the vote of thanks.
Crescent Literarian Hub of te Department of English organized Litgala’22 , an intercollegiate competition on 17.11.2022.Students from eleven city colleges like Ethiraj JBAS,MCC, Vaishav and Sai Ram Engineering College participated in the various competitions such as Slam poetry, Block and Tackle, Stress Interview, Trade Show, If you were a writer and Short Fiction Writing. Trophies were awarded to the winners and certificates were given to all the participants.
Theatre Workshop

Inauguration of Crescent Literarian Hub

The Department of English of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai inaugurated the Society, CRESCENT LITERARIAN HUB on 23.12.2021. Dr.H.Sofia, Professor & Head welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest Dr KS.Antonysamy, Associate Professor & Head, Loyola College (Autonomus) Chennai delivered the Inaugural Address. The Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohamed delivered the Presidential Address. Respected Registrar Dr A.Azad, and Dean School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. A.Ayub Khan Dawood offered felicitations. Additional Registrar Dr.N.RajaHussain, Director Admissions Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majid, Dean Student Affairs, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam participated in the inauguration.
The first issue of English Mind, the Literary Magazine exclusively for the students of B.A.English (Hons.) was released by the Chief Guest. On this occasion Faculty and Student achievers were honoured. Dr. S.Vijayakumar Assistant Professor of English was honoured in recognition of his remarkable achievement in high publications and his dedication in enhancing the visibility of the department in research. Ms.Faheema Jaffarin of II year B.A.English (Hons.) was honoured as a budding young author of three books The Metamorphosis, Miles Away from Home and The Wind Beneath my Wings. The students of B.A.English (Hons.) performed on stage the scene from the famous play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus.
All the Executive Members of Crescent Literarian Hub received the badges from the Chief Guest. The winners from Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed Womens’ College received the trophy from the Registrar for their overall achievement in Shakespeare’s Day conducted online on 23.4.2021.
Click here for Report
Shakespeare’s Day 2022
Crescent Literarian Hub of the Department of English of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology organised Shakespeare’s Day 2022, an intercollegiate competition on 23rd April 2022.
Thiru. A. R. Rahul Nadh, I.A.S, District Collector of Chengalpet was the Chief Guest of the Inaugural function. In his Chief Guest’s Address, he highlighted Shakespeare’s works are relevant even nearly after half a millennium, in today’s neoliberal world. Ms. R. Sujatha, Deputy Editor of The Hindu remarked how learning Shakespeare’s art of storytelling could help in writing the news story in the press. Dr.A. Azad, Registrar of BSACIST recalled the mesmerising effect Shakespeare’s plays had on him in his childhood days. Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Additional Registrar, Mr.V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager, and Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean (School of Social Sciences and Humanities) offered felicitations. Dr. H. Sofia, Head (Department of English) welcomed the gathering.
Around 11 colleges participated in the event. Competitions such as play enactment, art expo, debate, quiz, sonnet recitation and creative writing were held and cash prizes worth Rs.32,000/- were awarded to the winners.
Value added courses on Copy editing and Proof reading
The Department of English conducted value added courses on Copy editing and Proof reading to the First, Second and Third year students of B.A.English (Hons.) from 28.3.2022 to 9.4.2022. The students were trained by Vijay Nicole Publishers Pvt, Ltd, Chennai on Introduction to Publishing, Parts of publication, Step-by-step copy editing I and II, Copyright /Plagiarism, Publishing workflow and parts of a publication, Proof reading Symbols, Design Template / Symbols, Abbreviations, Special characters, Knowledge of Typesetting to mention a few.

Educational trip to Ooty
The students of Final year B. A. English (Hons.) along with the faculty members went on an educational trip to Ooty from 12th June to 15th June.
Our Ooty trip was an unforgettable experience, filled with breathtaking landscapes and joyous moments. The group consisted of 9 enthusiastic students and 3 faculties. We set off on 12th June 2023, with high spirits and excitement.
Day 1: We reached Ooty in the morning and visited the stunning Ooty Lake. Boating in the serene waters was an absolute delight. In the evening, we explored the blossoming Botanical Gardens, marveling at the diverse flora.
We explored the picturesque tea factory and learnt about tea processing at a local estate. After that, we visited the chocolate factory where students learnt about the process of making homemade chocolates.
Day 2: The day began with a visit to the awe-inspiring shooting spot, offering panoramic views of the Nilgiri hills. We visited the Pykara Lake and Waterfalls, immersing ourselves in the tranquility of nature. Later, we enjoyed the thrilling ride on boating, cherishing the picturesque scene. Then students went to ZIP Line and took pleasure in breathtaking ride.
Finally, we bid farewell to Ooty, carrying memories that will last a lifetime. The trip fostered friendships and provided educational value. Ooty truly captivated us, making it an exceptional journey for everyone involved.
Overall, the Ooty trip was a perfect blend of adventure, education, and fun. The students bonded over shared experiences, while the faculties ensured a well-organized and safe journey. The breathtaking scenery, warm hospitality, and rich culture of Ooty made this trip an unforgettable and cherished memory for everyone involved.
Faculty in charge: Dr. A Sulochana & Mr. G. Hussain Basha
Educational Trip
Our students at The Hindu printing press office at Maraimalainagar on 29.6.2022 as part of an Industrial visit

Educational tour to Kantaloor with our final year students (June 18th to 21st June 2022)

Final year Project viva voce was conducted on 10.6.2022.The External examiner Dr.V.Rajasekaran from VIT, Chennai with the internal examiners Dr.H.Sofia and Dr.S.Vijayakumar
A trip to Mahabalipuram with faculty and students on 28.5.2022

B.A.English (Hons.) students at the American Library on 5.2.2020

The Department of English has adequate infrastructure, such as well-furnished classrooms, two Computerized Language Laboratories, and a department library with a good collection of print and digital resources for effective teaching and learning.
Language Laboratories
The department has two Computerised Language Laboratories with 36 + 36 systems and a server facilitating the development of LSRW skills of the students. The students of all the programs benefit from viewing the video clippings of sample presentations, interviews, and activities relating to developing soft skills. Students can also record their speech and play it back to listen to their voice, accent, and pronunciation and get self-motivated. Teachers can interact with students individually and also in groups in the lab. So, personal one-to-one contact is established, and encouragement is given to improve speaking skills.

Deparment Library

Co-Curricular activities
Value added Courses and Internship
Three students of final year BA English (Hons.) Mr. Harishankar Raja, Mr. Akash and Ms. Nazneen did internship at the office of Dean Academic affairs by way of proofreading and editing. They received certificates for the same.

Three students of final year BA English (Hons.) Ms Anna Catherin, Ms Faheema Jaffarin and Ms Najira Israth did internship at the office of Dean Academic affairs by way of proofreading and editing

Students’ Magazine
Students Performance