Achievements of Students
- Ms.Juwairiah and Ms. Karimunisa of Vth semester B.A.English(Hons.) participated in the Interstate online Quizathon 2021, organized by Learning Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT on 21st August 2021. The students won an Amazon gift hamper of Rs.500/- each
- Mohammed Aman.M of II year Electronics & Communication Engineering completed the ETS TOEFL Research Study test and won cash award of $30 in the online English Proficiency Test Learning organized by Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT in February 2021
- Ms. Faheema Jafferin of First year B.A.English(Hons.) published her debut book titled “Metamorphosis” which is a collection of 100 poems touching the theme of growth published by Emerald Publishers, Chennai in February 2021g Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT in February 2021
- M.Mohammed Hashim also won First position in Vogue Way organized during MILAN ’20-National Level Cultural Fest on 5th March 2020 at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur
- Our B.A.English(Hons.) students at New College, when they participated in Kairos, 2020 organized by English Literary Association on 10.2.2020.They participated in events like Terribly tiny tales, Spin the yarn, and Block and Tackle
- Our students participated in GREEN ROOM-one day intercollegiate theatre workshop held in Madras Christian College, Tambaram on 28.1.2020
- Preparations for GREEN ROOM – one day intercollegiate workshop at MCC
- Participation of our B.A.English(Hons.) students in the One-Day National Level Workshop on “Initiation into Journalistic Writing and Ad Writing” held on 4.10.2019 at Loyola College, Chennai. Our faculty, Mr.S.Sakthivel,( centre) with the students.
- M.Mohammed Hashim of First year B.A.English(Hons.) won third place in Fashion Parade of EUPHORIA’19 conductedin Govt.Stanley Medical College from September 25th to 28th in 2019
- Ms.S.Harini of First year B.A.English (Hons.) participated in LITFEST INO(2019) essay writing contest held in C.Kandaswami Naidu college of men, Anna nagar Chennai on 25.9.2019