
Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 1984, the year of inception of B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College. The Department offers master’s programme in Chemistry (M.Sc.) and research programme (Ph.D.) in Chemistry. It also caters to the needs of undergraduate programmes of Science, Engineering and Technology. The students are imparted knowledge in the fundamental aspects of chemistry, applied chemistry and environmental science and are trained to acquire laboratory skills which will be useful in their further studies.


  • To impart knowledge in the basic and advanced concepts of various branches of chemistry
  • To practice the concepts by performing experiments in the laboratory classes
  • To enhance the problem solving skills
  • To practice innovative teaching methods at all levels
  • To carry out research in the thrust areas of chemistry
  • To ensure quality education by continuous monitoring, review of performance and counseling


  • To blossom as a department with excellence in the field of Chemical Sciences through academic and research programmes in cutting-edge areas.


  • To provide knowledge and skill in Chemical Sciences through post graduate and doctoral programmes.
  • To undertake research in emerging areas of Chemical Sciences and transform the findings for the benefit of the society.
  • To establish collaboration with industry and research institutes and to promote joint research projects