Delivered invited talk in AICTE sponsored National seminar on Challenges and opportunities in green Nano Technology, Held on 25, 1, 2018, Vels University, Chennai
Selected among 20 researchers from India for The UK-India Newton-Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop on working at the chemistry-microbiology interface to develop new antibiotics for tackling antimicrobial resistance and resistant TB
Special invitee for TIDCO/TICEL/EDI brainstorming session on 20.8.2016 at TICEL Biopark, Chennai
Chairperson International Conference on Novel approaches in cancer research & Therapy (NACRAT-2k17),June 26-28, 2017 Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SPER) and Saveetha university, Chennai
Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
Delivered Invited talk at National conference on current trends in biosciences, medicinal plants their scientific validation and novel applications, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts and Science and commerce, Ahmednagar, 9-10, December, 2016
DBT Sponsored Short Term Training program on Genomics and Metabolomics of Wild Medicinal Plants at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical garden and Research Institute, Palode,Trivandrum between 16th November – 4th Dec 2015.
Delivered Invited talk-at International conference on nanodrug discovery-Nanodentcon-2k17, Saveetha University, Chennai 18.2.2017
Fellow-Society of Pharmaceutical and educational research (SPER)
President SPER-TN- Chapter
Invited talk delivered in XXXIV Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology (India) 2014“Challenges and Strategies in Toxicology for Food Safety” & “Drug Development – Regulatory Perspectives in Livestock, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India, 10th to 12th December, 2014, Chennai
Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
EDI-Tamilnadu invited as a representative from academic institutions to chair biotech industry academic interaction 8.3.2017
Reviewer in Journals of Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Natural Product Research, Plant Growth Regulation, Archives of Agronomy and soil science, Plant methods, Bioinformatics, Proteomics, International, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, Indian Journal of Plant Sciences CIBTech Journal of Biotechnology, CIBTech Journal of Bio-Protocols, CIBTech Journal of Microbiology
Dr. R. Karthikeyan
Session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
Through Erasmus fund delivered invited talk in University of Nottingham in September 2017. Through Erasmus fund delivered three day workshop in University of Nottingham in September 2017.
Reviewer for Process Biochemistry, Journal of dental research Archives of oral biology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Caries Research, Clinical Microbiology: Open Access, International journal of biology and biological sciences, Journal of medicine and medical Sciences, International Research journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation.
Dr. P. Ashok Kumar
Selected as Vice-President for Society for Phytopharmacology and Research-India, Vishakapattanam, India.
Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Future oncology, Drug Design Development and Therapy, OncoTargts and Therapy, Human and Experimental Toxicology and Journal of Natural Agents and Molecular Therapeutics
Dr. Khurshid A. Khan
Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Soumen Bera
Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Reviewer for SERB research projects since 2016
Reviewer for Journals The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Environmental Science & Technology
Encouraged students of his class and established Roof top herbal organic garden
Dr. Neesar Ahmed
Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shazia Jamal
Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shahul Hameed
Delivered invited talk on Workshop on 4-R approaches in Pharmacology and Toxicology” held on August 4, 2017 at Department of Pharmacology, SRM University
Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar
Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
Dr. Shahanabaj Khan
1st prize for Oral presentation in “National level conference on biotechnological advances towards sustainable agriculture and environment” Organized by Hindustan College of Arts and science, Chennai, India, On 24th August 2017.
Received travel award and fellowship for International Conference; “Inter Drought-V’ held on Feb 21st-25th, 2017 ICRISAT, Hyderabad
Received Travel award for poster presentation and participation in Next Gen Genomics Biology, Bioinformatics and Technologies (NGBT) Conference, Scigenome Research foundation, October 3rd-5th, 2016 Cochin,
Dr. G. Harish
Delivered invited talk on Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for young researchers in India”in Azyme Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Jayanagar, Bengaluru on 13th January 2018.
Scholars Achievements
Name of the Research Scholar
Saroj Kumar Sah
Best oral presentation award at national conference on novel approaches and concepts in Modern Microbiology Organized by department of Microbiology, Hindustan college of Arts and Science held on 11 January 2017
Best Oral presentation award at National conference on “Emerging trends in the management of infectious diseases and public health (ETMIDPH-2016)” Mohamed Sathak college of arts and science, Chennai on 4th and 5th February 2016
Young Scientist Travel Grant at International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary research Facility, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, India on 3-4 March, 2017
S.M. Fazeela Mahaboob Begum
Best paper presentation award in “BRCP 2017”. Meenakshi College for women, Chennai 30 & 31st January 2017
Best oral presentation award at National symposium, Cancer Research: A Global Scenario. Life Intelligentsia Foundation & Frontier Mediville, Gummidipoondi June 9 2014.
Mohamed Adil
MANF Fellowship – UGC Government of India
Selected for Human Neuroanatomy at edX under instructor, Kelli A. Sullivan, Ph.D from Michigan University, U.S.A
Selected by Jackson laboratories, U.S.A for special complimentary webinars on mouse modelling for 2017-2018.
Awarded as best performer by Beckman coulter in Flow cytometry workshop held at Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biologicals (TRPVB), chennai
K. Rekha Yamini
Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Ubaid Rasool
won Ist prize for poster Presentation at National Conference on“Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” Hindustan College of Arts and Science on 11th January, 2017.
Tahira Akthar
2nd prize in national conference on “Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” organized by Hindustan college of Arts and science 11th January 2017.
1st prize in Oral presentation in National conference on”Nanotechnology in Medicine” organized by Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute 8thand 9th September 2017.
Best paper presentation Award in International Conference on”Nano-A New world of Science”organized by VidhyaSagar Women’s College 22nd September 2017.
Sneha. U
Won Best Outreach project in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Won the first prize in ‘Synfora 2017’, a DBT sponsored National Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship: Current scenario, Scope and Opportunities in Food and Bioprocessing Sector’,Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 15th and 16th September 2017.
Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Logesh .R,
won “Best Individuality project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Won 2nd Prize in oral presentation in National level Seminar on Recent advances in microbial technology for renewable energy, bioremediation, health and sustainable agriculture, 24-25 January, 2018
Students Achievements
Name of the Student
Ms. Hemashri.
R. M and Ms. B. Chandini
participated in Guinness world records event Bharatha Natyam, on 14, April, 2017
Chennai International youth Festival and won
Vinodhini .S
won “Best Revolutionary project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Sugirdhana .P
won Best Science & Technology project award in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Mohammed Faheem
PECOFES 2017-spell Bee won
Ms. Zakia Fathima
DBT sponsored Biotech Industrial Training Programme (BITP) with BCIL fellowship.
B. Famidha
won second prize in poster presentation in National conference on applications of Green Technologies for separations of Bio-products, Sree Sastha Institute of Engg. & Technology September 2-3, 2015
4.1 International Internhips
4.1.1. Mohamed Adil I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Department of Pathology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA from June 1-30, 2015.
4.1.22. Four students from II year B.Tech have been selected from school of life sciences for summer internship at Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA for 2 months.
4.1.3. Abeer, I year B.Tech from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
4.2 National Internships
4 .2.2. B. Amrutha I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai
4.2.3. Xinovem private limited Chennai selected 32 B.Tech students for winter internship 2015 and individual project is assigned for the students for the winter 2015.
4.2.4 Divij K Kinger has been selected as intern for Entrepreneurship Training with scholarship in Pentagrit research, Chennai