Sponsored Research Projects

Sponsored Research Projects

Details of Completed Sponsored Projects from July 2014 to till Date

S.No Name of the Project Title Name of the PI Funding Agency Sanction Order No. Sanction Date Duration Amount In Lakhs
1. Seismic Retrofitting of Prestressed Concrete Beams Externally Bonded with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Dr. J.Revathy Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology(under the scheme – fast track for young scientist) (SR/FTP/ETA-0097/2011) 26.12.2012 2012-2016 17.04
2. Seismic Performance of FRP Confined Steel tube in-filled Concrete Columns Dr. P.Gajalakshmi &
Dr. J.Revathy
Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi MOES/PO (Seismo)/ 1(173)/2013 23/1/2014 2014 – 2017 29.01

Sponsored Projects Ongoing

Structural behavior of corroding prestressed concrete systems and extension of service life using cathodic protection Dr. Amlan Kumar Sengupta, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Chennai Dr.G.Radhakrishna G Pillai, Department of Civil Engineering IIT Chennai, Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology DST, SERB, New Delhi 2017-2020 39.60
Evaluation of Sacrificial anode/ cathodic prevention/ protection (SACP) systems for various types of Concrete Systems Dr. G. Radhakrishna G Pillai, Department of Civil Engineering IIT Chennai Dr.K.Jayachandran, C.Natarajan, Dr.J.Karthikeyan, NIT Trichy, Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Industry Project 2017-2020 29.80
Corrosion Protection and service life extension of reinforced concrete roofing systems in existing Buildings Ms. V. Roopa DST, SERB, TARE, New Delhi 2017-2020 18.30
Seismic behaviour of light weight concrete filled FRP tubular columns Dr.J.Revathy (PI), Dr.P.Gajalakshmi(Co PI) Research Promotion Scheme,AICTE, New Delhi 2019-2022 2.00
Modernisation and Upgradation of Structutal Engg Lab –Non Destructive Testing facilty Dr Vasanthi P (PI), Dr.J.Revathy (Co PI) AICTE, MODROB, New Delhi 2019-2022 10.00

Details of Submitted Sponsored Research (2014-2020)

S.No Project Title Name of the PI Funding Agency Date of Submission Duration Amount in lakhs
1. Development of Green Eco friendly concrete using E- waste for sustainable built Environment Dr.P.Gajalakshmi AICTE-RPS 02.01.2020 3 5
2. “Application for Empanelment of SIA Agencies – Social Impact Assessment – Creation of Database” Ms.K.Kanmani Commissioner of Land Administration, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chepauk 15.8.2019 3 30
3. Performance of Corrosion Damaged RC Beams Retrofitted with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Dr. J.Revathy &
Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
BRNS 21.02.2019 3 34
4. Effluent Treatment of Corrugated box industry by Novel electrolytic degradation scheme of processes Dr.V.S.Priya DST 30.11.2018 48.66
5. Seismic performance of light weight concrete FRP tubular columns Dr.J.Revathy &
AICTE-RPS 21.11.2018 3 5
6. Improving Thermal comfort for naturally ventilated school buildings Dr. K.Yogeswari,
Ar. M. Anitha
MoRD 09.08.2018 12 5.7
7. Experimental Study of a fire retarding thatched roof for rural development Dr. K.Yogeswari TNSCT 27.08.2018 6 .10
8. Experimental study of pervious concrete as a drain cover slab Dr. K.Yogeswari TNSCT 27.08.2018 6 .10
9. Corrosion Mechanisms and Iteration Between Plain Wavy Carbon Steel Bars Embeded Matrix. Dr. M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed Mygrants, Malaysia, Ministry of Higher Education (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme) 28.03.2018 3 35
10. Development of Cementitious Composites For Durable GFRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum) panel Building Construction : An Eco Friendly and affordable Solution to the mass housing needs Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed,
Dr.P.Vasanthi &
State Forest Research Institute 2017 3 9.45
11. Bio remediation of oil contaminated soils using micro organisms Dr Vasanthi Padmanabhan and
Dr S Karthikeyan
MOEF, New Delhi 2017 3 35
12. Sustainable infrastructure planning for rural development using risk assessment strategies Dr. K.Yogeswari MoRD 2017 3 7.5
13. Development and optimization of Eco-Friendly Concrete by using E-plastic waste Dr. P. Gajalakshmi,
Dr. J.Revathy &
CSIR 02.11.2017 3 12
14. Seismic Response of Concrete Filled FRP Thin Walled Members Dr. J.Revathy &
Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
MOES 18.08.2017 3 15
15. Development of High Performance and Assessment of Green Concrete using Nano particles for Safety involved Structures Dr. J.Revathy &
Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
DRDO 18.08.2017 3 12.8
16. Assessment of forest fire and forest degradation by fuel model and soil moisture anomalies interpreted using RISAT data Mr. N.Maharajan,
Ms. K.Kanmani, &
Dr. M.V.Molykutty
NRDMS, NewDelhi 28.06.2017 3 36.02
17. Application of SAR Polarimetry for classifying plantation species within a forest ecosystem. Dr. M. V.Molykutty,
Mr.N.Maharajan, &
Ms. K.Kanmani
MOEF, NewDelhi 07.02.2017 2 18.88
18. Investigation on PSWC (Plain surface with wavy configuration) bars for improved structural & durability performance of Reinforced concrete Elements Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed &
Dr.S.Beer Mohammed Syed Ali
DST – SERB 30.07.2016 3 30.45
19. Dynamic Assessment of corrosion damaged RC beams retrofitted with fiber reinforced composites Dr. J.Revathy &
Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
BRNS, Mumbai 09.09.2015 3 34
20. “Study of the impact of desalination plant on coastal erosion, Bay of Bengal Coast, Tamil Nadu Dr. M. V.Molykutty,
Mr. N.Maharajan, &
Ms. K.Kanmani
NRDMS, DST, New Delhi 2014 2 9.43
21. Application of Remote sensing and Geographical Information System in Environment and Infrastructure Management Dr. M.V.Molykutty,
Mr. N.Maharajan, &
Ms. K.Kanmani
NRDMS, DST, New Delhi 2014 3 3.35

Research Facilities

  • 3 & 5 Ton Servo Controlled Hydraulic Actuator
  • Vibration Analyser with Software
  • Data Acquisition System
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
  • Concrete Permeability Test
  • 1000kN Beam & Column Loading Frame
  • Standard Penetration Test Apparatus
  • 3000kN/1000kN/500kN Compression Testing Machine
  • Triaxial and Field Vane Shear Testing Machine
  • Total Station & GPS

Research Thrust Areas

  • Concrete Composite Materials
  • Seismic Retrofitting of RCC Elements
  • Corrosion Protection Materials & Techniques
  • Sustainable Construction Materials
  • Application of GIS in Civil Engineering
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings
  • Waste Water Treatment Techniques

Note : Testing and Consultancy works will also be carried out based on Client’s need.