Academy Activities

Kalaivani. S, and Dr. C. Tharini, “Analysis and implementation of novel Rice Golomb coding algorithm for wireless sensor networks”, Computer Communications, Volume 162, 1 October 2020, Pages 227. (SCOPUS Indexed).

R. Hisham Abubacker, S.Anusooya, “Unmanned Robotic Vehicle for Environmental Disaster” presented in the virtual international conference titled AI and ML Applications in smart Buildings-AMSB2020 organized by school of Electrical Engineering, VIT Chennai from 23rd o 24th July 2020

S. Kalaivani, C. Tharini, K. Saranya, Kosireddy Priyanka, “Design and Implementation of Hybrid Compression Algorithm for Personal Health Care Big Data Applications” Wireless Personal Communications (2020) 113:599–615,Volume 113, Number 1, 28 March 2020. DOI 10.1007/s11277-020-07241-1.

R.Mahalakshmi, P.V.Bhuvaneshwari, C.Tharini& Vidyacharan Bhaskar “A Novel Algorithm to design Rate Adaptive Irregular LDPC codes” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer March2020.

Afrin, Aravind Kumar, nishanth Fathima, “An efficient ROBO for Pond / Lake Claeaning”, international Journal of Disaster recovery & Business Continuity, Vol. 11, No.1 (2020), pp. 1745-1755

Kalaivani. S, and Dr. C. Tharini, “Analysis and Modification of Rice Golomb Coding Lossless Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, June 2018, Vol. 96 No.12. (SCOPUS Indexed).

Parnasree Chakraborty, C. Tharini, Minhaj Abidha M, “Hardware Implementation Of Compressed Sensing Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electrical, Control & Communication,RTECC-’18 on 22.03.18

Subhashree. V. K, Dr. C. Tharini and Dr. S. Hemalatha, “Freshness Study of Post-Harvest Papaya Using Wireless Sensor Nodes”, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Biodiversity, Climate change and Environmental Science at Nirmala college Coimbatore, 8th–9th September 2017.

Sathyapriyan, Subhashree. V. K, Dr.C.Tharini and Dr.S.Hemalatha, “Enhancing Shelf-life of Climacteric fruits – A preview”, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Antibiotic Resistance Biomarkers under the theme Food Science and Technology at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, 8th–9th September 2017.

Subhashree V.K. and Tharini C., “Real-Time Implementation of Locality Sensitive Hashing Using NI WSN and LabVIEW for Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications, 7:3 (September 2016), pp. 22-39. (SCOPUS Indexed)

S. Kalaivani and Dr. C. Tharini, “Efficient Data Compression Technique Using Modified Adaptive Rice Golomb Coding For Wireless Sensor Network”, Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN), VOL. 10, NO. 12, JULY 2015. (SCOPUS Indexed).

S.Kalaivani,AP(Sr.Gr.) I.Shahnaz, Rizwana Sheerin, Dr.C. Tharini, “Real time ECG acquisition and detection of Anomalies” is published as a chapter in the book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer India, ISSN: 2194-5357, 06 February 2016, Volume 394, pp 503-513
Workshops Conducted
Workshop on “MY ROBO – CAR RACE” organised during the period 23.01.2020 to 25.01.2020
Workshop on “Industrial IOT” organised during the period on 6th & 7th of April 2018
A series of “Skill development workshops” for 8th semester B.E/B.Tech students during the period 4/12/17 to 9/12/17
Three days workshop was conducted on “Real Time Signal Acquisition and Processing Using Matlab & Labview”
during the period 18th to 20th September 2017
during the period 18th to 20th September 2017
Value Added Course on “Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)” during the period 5th to 12th June 2017
One week National workshop on “Biomedical Signal & Image Processing and Computational Biology For Healthcare” using MATLAB, LabVIEW with MyRIO 12.05.17 to 16.05.17
“Hands-on training on LABVIEW software” Feb 23rd to 25th 2017
International Colloboration
VISIT BY Dr.ANDY BELL, Director of Academic Programs, National Instruments
Dr.ANDY BELL, Director of Academic Programs, National Instruments visited NI-CDP lab on 14.10.16
VISIT BY Prof.Juliana Johari, Depy Dean Research, UiTM, Malaysia
Research discussion with Professor Walter Daniel Leon Salas, School of Engineering Technology,
Purdue University on 06.01.2020
Purdue University on 06.01.2020