![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E., |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347 Ext:242,238(Office)(Office) |
Email ID | : | sivashanmugavalli@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
B.E/ B.Tech | ECE | 2002 | Madras University |
M.E / M.Tech | Applied Electronics | 2008 | Anna University |
MBA | Operations Research | 2010 | IGNOU |
Ph.D | ECE | Pursuing |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor |
Areas of Expertise : | Electromagnetics & Wave Propagation, Electron Devices & Circuits, Antenna Design. |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 18.06.2012 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 7 years and 7 months |
Previous Experience: | 9 years |
Additional Responsibilities
- Wadhwani Foundation Entrepreneurship Program – Institute Coordinator
- BQUECE Club Coordinator
- ECE GOT TALENT Program Coordinator
Areas of Research Interest
- Antenna Design
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Wireless Communication
- Working on SERB sponsored Project “Design of Antenna for 5G Communication” worth Rs.15 Lakhs
Publications in Journals
- B.Sivashanmugavalli, B. Vijayalakshmi, L.Badhree Rao, S.Samiulla.” Design of 4X4 CSRR Metasurface Loaded Patch Antenna”TEST Engineering And Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, pp: 25245-25248, March-April 2020
Publications in Conferences
- B.Sivashanmugavalli, B.Vijayalakshmi, “Performance Measures of Vivaldi antenna with parasitic elements”, IEEE International conference on Wireless Signal Processing & Networking , March 2017.
- Anudeep.K, Sivashanmugavalli.B,“CPW Feed Circular Monopole Ultra Wideband Antenna with Triple Band No¡tch Characteristics Using a Split Ring Resonator” International conference of Science and Innovative Engineering, April 2015.
- Indhu. K, Sivashanmugavalli, “Improved Intrusion Detection System For Manet To Defend Against Malicious Node”, proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Communication Trends (NCECT ‘14), vol:1, Pg : 62, 2014.
- V.Fetsi, B.Sivashanmugavalli, M.Selvi , “Performance Study Of Free Space Optical Link Under Turbulent Atmospheric Condition”, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computer and Communication IIST-2013.
- Presented a paper in “Secure & Efficient Conference Scheme in Mobile Communication” in the National Conference conducted in Tagore Engineering College, Chennai.
- Presented a paper in “3D Face Modeling” in the National Conference conducted in Meenakshi Sundaresan Engineering College, Chennai
Programs Attended
- One day conference in satellite communications by ISAC, ISRO, Ahmedhabad.
- Pre-conference workshop (INCEMIC 2010) on “EMC & EMI”, conducted by SEMCEI, Bangalore.
- Faculty development program conducted by ASCI , Hyderabad.
- Short term course in “Efficient systems for Microwave Transmission and Radiation”, conducted by IIT, Kharagpur.
- MATLAB training course conducted by IIST, Trivandrum
- Faculty Development program in “DSP”, conducted by MIT, Chennai.
- Workshop on “Embedded Systems”, conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
- Faculty Development Program in “Mentoring”, conducted by Tagore Engineering College, Chennai
Workshops / Seminars / FDP attended
- Attended Workshop on “‘Dielectric Resonator Antennas” from 15 Dec 2020 to 19 Dec 2020 Conducted by IIT, Kharaghpur.
- Attended the webinar on “5G NR Field Measurements“, sponsored by Anritsu on April 22, 2020.
- Attended the webinar on “Supporting 5G Fronthaul/Backhaul“, sponsored by Infinera and Anritsu on April 23, 2020.
- Attended two day Webinar on “Design and EM simulation of RF modules, Antennas using CST Studio Suite” held on 26 – 27 May 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on the topic “Artificial Intelligence in Neurology” conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) on 05-06-2020.
- Attended the webinar on the topic “Comprehensive Nutrition to Combat Covid-19” organised by CIIC, on 16th May, 2020.
- Attended the webinar on 24th June 2020 on the topic “Startup Investments Post-COVID: What would the last man standing do?” by Prof.ThillaiRajan, Professor IIT Madras, Organised by CIIC.
- Completed the NPTEL course on Designing Learner centric MOOC Courses during Jan-Feb 2020.
- Attended the Online Webinar on Scientific Writing for Journals” held on 15thMay 2020, organised by Springer Nature.
- Participated in the two days MHRD IIC Sponsored Online Webinar Series 2020 conducted from 05.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 organized by the Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam on the topic “Entrepreneurship Development , IPR & Technology Transfer”.
- Attended Moodle Learning Management System online FDP programme from 29th Apr 2020 to 01st May 2020, Organised by Kaypees Engineering College in association with IITB Spoken Tutorial.
- Attended the workshop on “Improving Research Planning Skills at Technical Institute!” held on 28th April’20, organised by
- Participated in the Webinar on “Various Project Opportunities for DST Funding – Strategies on International Cooperation” by Sri. Sanjeev Kumar Varshney, Adviser & Head, International Division, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India on 23.05.2020, organized by the Office of Research, ESPAC and HR & FTA at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
- Attended the Theory of Learning podcast Launch on 4 May 2020.
- Attended the UpskillingSession on Teaching Learnwise on an Online Mode on 22 April 2020.
- Attended the International WebinarSeries on “Advanced Antenna Design Principles” from25 June 2020 to 27 June 2020, Organised by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
- Attended the Webinaron 7th June 2020 Sunday on the topic “Govt Funding Schemes / Subsidies for MSME’s &Startups ” by Dr. E. Bhaskaran, Deputy General Manager (Schemes), TANSIDCO (MSME Dept, Govt.of. Tamilnadu, Organised by CIIC.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme included a demonstration with organised hands on exposure in Python 3.4.3 by the Department of Computer Science, Kaypeeyes College of Arts & Science, Kotagiri, The Nilgiris in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Govt., of India from 24-06-2020 to 29-06-2020.
- Participated in the IIC Online Sessions conducted by Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD’s Innovation Cell, New Delhi to promote Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship, and Start-ups among HEIs from 28th April to 22nd May 2020.
- Attended webinar on “Innovation in Antenna Design and Analysis” organised by Altair India on 9 July 2020.
- Participated in the “Training Program on Crescent LMS for Faculty Members” on 04.08.2020,Jointly organised by the Data Center and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs ) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
- Participated in the Online Workshop on “Design and development of E – Content” on 12/08/2020, Jointly organised by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs ) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
- Attended the Webinar on MIMO Antenna Design on August 5, 2020 organised by St. Joseph Engineering College.
- Attended “5G Antenna Systems Virtual Conference” on August 26, 2020
2017 – (1)
- Attended RF & Microwave Test Symposium on January 31, 2017 conducted by National Instruments.
2016 – (2)
- Attended a Two day workshop on “Recent Research Techniques in Wireless Communication and Networks” conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 8th and 9th February 2016.
- Attended three days FDP on “Innovative Teaching Practices” from 25.07.16 to 27.07.2016 organized by ECE/ BSAIST.
- Completed the NPTEL online course on “Microwave Integrated Circuits” conducted by IIT, Bombay.
2015 – (5)
- Attended UGC sponsored seminar on WBAN Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges at Anna University, Chennai on 23 – 24 March 2015.
- Attended FDP on “Design, Simulation Fabrication and Testing of Microstrip Antennas” during 11-15 May 2015.
- Completed the training on ANSYS HFSS in BSAIST from 25-27 May 2015.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Didactic Seminar on Cadence OrCAD PSPICE and OrCAD PCB” conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 26th June 2015.
- Attended a training program on “PCB design and fabrication at BSAIST” on 12.8.15 & 13.8.15.
2014 – (2)
- Attended the Symposium on “Radio Frequency, Antenna Applications and Measurements” during 25.08.14 to 26.08.14 organized by TESLA and RADMIC, SRM University.
- Attended the FDP on Soft Skills on 24.12.2014, organized by FTA, BSAIST.
2013- (1)
- Attended the preconference tutorial on “Metamaterials”, conducted by Adhiparasakthi college of Engineering on 05.04.13.
2012 – (1)
- Attended one week induction training Program from 02.07.12 to 06.07.2012 organized by Faculty Training Academy at BSAIST.
Programs Organised
- Organising the annual event under ECE GOT TALENT and BQUECE clubs of ECE in BSACIST
- Organised Three-Day Workshop onDesign of MicrostripAntenna Arrays usingHFSS in BSACIST on October 2017
- Organised Three days workshop onAntenna Design UsingHFSSin BSACIST on March 2017
- Organized a Guest Lecture on EMI & EMC Design on 21.04.2017.
- Organized a three days’ workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS” from 16.03.17 to 18.03.17.
- Organized an Intra college competition sponsored by Texas Instruments “TI Analog Makers Contest – 2015” in B S Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Organizing Committee member in the national conference conducted by Tagore Engineering College, Chennai.
- Organized number of Seminars, Guest lectures, workshops and training programs as a Member secretary of “Seminars” committee.
- Organizing committee member in “IIST @ Schools”, the awareness program about space science to the school students.
- Organizing committee member in “Dhanak ‘09”, cultural festival of IIST, Trivandrum.
- Member in Web registration committee of the international conference, conducted by IIST and Society of Material Science, Trivandrum “ICMST”.
- Coordinated a Session in the international conference ICMST.