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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | rameshrao@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualifications
Education: Course | Institution Name | Year of Passing | Aggregate% | Class |
Ph.D., | National Institute of Epidemiology | 2014 | ||
M.Phil.,(Mathematics) | Pachaiyappas College, Chennai | 1988 | 79 | First |
M.Sc.,(Mathematics) | Presidency College, Chennai | 1987 | 69 | First |
B.Sc.,(Mathematics) | D.R.B.C.C.C.Hindu College,Chennai | 1985 | 85 | First |
HSC | D.R.B.C.C.C.Hindu Higher Sec.School | 1982 | 67 | First |
SSLC | D.R.B.C.C.C.Hindu Higher Sec.School | 1980 | 69 | First |
Teaching Experience
S.No | Name of the Post | Employer | Period of Employment | |||
From | To | Years | Months | |||
1 | Lecturer | MNM Jain Engineering College | 01.07.95 | 30.11.99 | 4 | 4 |
2 | Lecturer | Madha Engineering College | 03.12.99 | 10.10.01 | 1 | 10 |
3 | Lecturer | Crescent Engg college | 15.10.01 | 31.12.02 | 1 | 2 |
4 | Senior Lecturer | B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College | 01.01.03 | 31.03.09 | 6 | 2 |
5 | Assistant Professor(S.G) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 01.04.09 | 14.05.12 | 3 | 1 |
6 | Asst.ProfSGL | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 15.05.12 | 27.07.2016 | 4 | 2 |
7 | Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute | 28.07.2016 | Till Date |
Research Publications
International Journals
- A.Mohammed Abid and T R Ramesh Rao, ‘On strict strong coloring of graphs’ Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications’, 13 (4), 1-13 (2021)
- A.Mohammed Abid and T R Ramesh Rao,’Dominator coloring changing and stable graphs upon vertex removal’ The journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing, 112, 103-113 (2020).
- A.Mohammed Abid and T R Ramesh Rao,’Dominator coloring of Mycielskian graphs’ Australas. J. Combin, 73, 274-79 (2019)
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Exact solution of gas dynamics equations through reduced differential transform and sumudu transform linked with pades approximants,’ Journal of Physics, 1-5, 1000(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Numerical Solution Of Time-Fractional Newell-White Head-Segal Equation hrough Residual Power Series Method Coupled With Fractional Complex Transform, ‘International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(10), 205-15(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Numerical solution of time fractional parabolic equations, ‘International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 790-92(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ’Application of residual power series method for the solution of time fractional Kortweg – Devries equation, ‘International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119 (13), 41-49(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao and Santosh balaji, ‘Numerical solution of time fractional gas dynamics equation’, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7, 610-12(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao , ‘Application of residual power series method to time fractional gas dynamics equations’, Journal of Physics: Conference , 1139 (1)(2018).
- A.Mohammed Abid and T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Dominated coloring of Mycielskian graphs’, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(13), 21-29(2018).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Approximate analytical solution of highly nonlinear differential equations using Laplace homotopy perturbation method,‘ International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 117(5), 135-44(2017).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Numerical solution of time fractional gas dynamics equation through reduced differential transform coupled with fractional complex transform’ International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 117(20), 111-118(2017).
- T R Ramesh Rao, ’Exact solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations using homotopy perturbation method linked Laplace transform and Pades approximants,’ Int. J. Eng. Research and Technology, 5, 760-66 (2017).
- T.R.RameshRao,’ A Novel Method for solving multipoint boundary value problems’, Global journal of pure and applied mathematics, 13(2), 850-857 (2017).
- T.R.RameshRao,‘Numerical solution of Sine-Gordon equations through Reduced Differential Transform method’, Global journal of pure and applied mathematics, 13(7), 3879-3888 (2017).
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘A Study on Linear and Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations By Reduced Differential Transform method’, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 4(1), 59-64 (2016).
- T.R.RameshRao,’ A Comparison Between the Differential Transform Method and Homotopy Perturbation Method for a System of Nonlinear Chemistry Problems’, Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 28(2),171-180 (2016)
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘Differential Transform Techniques- A tool for solving non linear boundary value probles which arise from Calculus of variation,’International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 28, 1126-29(2012).
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘Application of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling for assessing disease control programmes – Examination of some methodological issues,’International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3, 1086-90(2011).
Paper presented in the national / International conference
- T R Ramesh Rao, A numerical study of time fractional Rosenau Hyman Equation arising in the pattern formation in liquid drops, Third international conference mathematical modelling , applied analysis and computation conducted by Dept of Mathematics, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, August 07-09, 2020
- T R Ramesh Rao, Computational method for solving nonlinear chemistry problems, First international conference on advances in mathematics, science and technology, Dept of mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, September 01-03, 2020.
- T R Ramesh Rao, Exact solution of nonlinear Volterra integral equations, International Conference on Present Scenario of Mathematical Sciences Karnatak Arts college, Dharwad, September 12-13, 2020.
- T R Ramesh Rao, Numerical study of Sine Gordon equation using Sumudu Homotopy Perturbation transform Method, International Conference on Discrete and Applied Mathematics, Centre for Studies in Discrete Mathematics (CSDM), Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, India, September 18-19, 2020.
- T R Ramesh Rao, Approximate analytical method for solving time fractional coupled Burger equations, International conference on recent trends in theoretical and applied statistics conducted by department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University, September 18-20, 2020.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops (Attended)
- Participated in international workshop in virtual mode on the theme ‘System Modelling and Artificial Intelligence’ conducted by Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, Manipal University, Jaipur, July 26-30, 2021
- Participated in the webinar series on Math for Data science organised by department of Mathematics and Actuarial science, B S Abdur Rahman crescent Institute of science and technology, Chennai, September 19-20, 2020.
- Participated in the national workshop on Stochastic Modelling, Optimization and Soft Computing organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, School of Basic Sciences, Manipal University, Jaipur during August 10-14, 2020.
- Participated in the programme entitled Training program on Crescent LMS for Faculty Members conducted by office of Data centre, BS Crescent Institute of science and technology, Chennai on 04.08.2020.
- Participated in ICMR sponsored national level seminar on ‘Research acumens in machine learning algorithm for bioinformatics applications conducted by Dept of ECE, Rajalakshmi Institute of technology, Chennai, June 22-23, 2018.
- Participated in the DST-SERB sponsored two day workshop on ‘The new age of quantum cryptography,’ conducted by Dept of CSE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering college, Coimbatore, June 27-28, 2018.
- Participated in ICMR sponsored a two day workshop on ‘Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of Brachial plexus injuries,’ conducted by Dept of S &H, PA college of engineering and technology, Pollachi, June 13-14, 2018.
- Participated in the International conference on Nonlinear differential equations – Theory, modelling and computations conducted by SRM University, Chennai, December 08-09, 2017.
- Participated in the national workshop on ‘Relevance of mathematics in scientific computing and engineering discipline’ conducted by B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and technology, Chennai, May 12-13, 2017.
- Attended quality improvement programme on ‘Stochastic modelling and optimal control of engineering systems’ conducted by QIP Centre, IIT, Roorkee(Utterkhand) from 22.05.2017 to 26.05.2017
- Participated in the three day short term training program on ‘Symbolic Computing and Numerical Programming using Mathematica / Matlab’ organized by the Dept. of Mathematics, National Institute of technology, Warangal during July 10-12, 2015.
- Participated in the three day short term training program on ‘Cotemporary Approaches Of Applied Mathematics In Science And Engineering’ organized by the Dept. of Mathematics, National Institute of technology, Warangal during May 11-15, 2015.
- Participated in the CSIR sponsored one day workshop on ‘ Differential Equations and Transform Techniques using MATLAB’ organized by School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-Chennai on 1st Feb’2013.
- Participated in the one day workshop on ‘Advanced Computations Through Mathematics’ organized by the Dept. of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, IT-Chennai on 8th Feb’ 2013.
- Participated in a Two Day Inter-disciplinary Seminar on ‘Soft Computing Algorithms’ held on 6-7, Dec’2010 at B.S.AbdurRahman Institute organized by Dept of Computer Science and Engineering.
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘ Numerical solution of Harry Dym Equation,‘ AIP Conference Proceedings, 2112, 2019.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Application of residual power series method to time fractional gas dynamics equations, International conference on applied and computational mathematics, Erode arts and science college, 10th August 2018.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Laplace homotopy transform method for solving nonlinear cubic Schrodinger equations,’ International conference on applied mathematics and theoretical computer science , conducted by St.Xavier Catholic college of engineering, Nagarcoil, Feb 01-03, 2018.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘A study of highly nonlinear partial differential equations through two dimensional differential transform method, International conference on differential equations and applications, Dept of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, March 15-16, 2017.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘Analytic treatment of nonlinear cubic equation : A study with homotopy perturbation transform method, International conference on mathematical modelling and computational methods in engineering and science, Alagappa University, Febraury 20-22, 2017.
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘A Study Of Highly Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Through Two Dimensional Differential Transform Method,’ International conference on differential equations and applications, Bharathiar University, March 15-16, 2017.
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘Exact Solution Of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using Homotopy Perturbation Method Linked With Laplace Transforms and the Pade’s Approximants,’ International conference on newly engineering concepts and technology, K.Ramakrishnan engineering college of technology, Samayapuram, March 28-29, 2017.
- T.R.RameshRao, ’Analytic treatment of nonlinear cubic Schrodinger Equations: A study with Homotopy Perturbation Transform Method’, International conference on mathematical modeling and computational methods in science and engineering, Alagappa University, Feb’20-22, 2017.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘A numerical solution of multipoint boundary value problem using one dimensional differential transform method,‘ Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computing, 2013.
- T R Ramesh Rao, ‘ A numerical solution of variational problems with fixed boundaries using differential transform method, International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering, 2013.
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘A Numerical Solution of variational Problems with fixed boundaries using differential transform method’, International conference on Mathematics computer Engineering VIT, Nov’29-30, 2013.
- T.R.RameshRao, A Numerical solution of multipoint boundary value problem using one dimensional differential transform method, National conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computing Organized by VIT, Aug’23-24,2013
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘The use of Adomian Decomposition Method for solving Generalized Ricatti Differential Equations,6thIMT-GT International conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications Organized by University TunkuAbdurahman, Malaysia Nov’03-04,2010
- A A Sathakathulla, BN Murhty, TR Ramesh Rao, ‘ Sample size determination in the application of lot quality assurance sampling for monitoring disease control programmes,‘ ICM Satellite International Conference, Sambalpur University Odissa, 2010.
- T.R.RameshRao, ‘Application of Adomian Decomposition method to Variational Problem’ National conference on Applied Mathematics’ Organized by B.S.A.Crescent Engineering college, Jan’3-4,2008
Participated in Short term training Programme / Faculty development programmes
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored Quality Improvement Programme on ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics and its Applications’ conducted by QIP Centre, IIT Indore, March 26-31, 2021.
- Participated in the Two week live online FDP on Application of Moodle LMS conducted by Crescent Institute of science and technology, Chennai, July 11-25, 2020.
- Participated in the Quality Improvement Programme on ‘Stochastic Modeling and Optimal Control of Engineering Systems’ organized by QIP Centre, IIT, Roorkee, May 22-26, 2017.
- Participated in the Short term training Programme on ‘Symbolic computation and numerical Programming using Mathematica/Matlab ’ organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT, Warangal, 10-12, July 2015
- Participated in the Short term training Programme on ‘Contemporary Approaches of applied mathematics in science and engineering’ organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT, Warangal, 11-15,May 2015.
- Participated in the Winter School on ‘Modelling, Computing and Simulation in Engineering’ organized by IIT Chennai, 11-15 December 2006.
- Participated in the workshop on ‘Differential equations and dynamical systems ‘under the continuing education programme of the curriculum development cell, I.I.T., Madras held on 25th November 1998 to 5th December 1998.