Lab Details
The Department of Information Technology laboratories (IT Lab 1, IT Lab 2 & IT Lab 3) are equipped with 120 high end computers. All the computers in the labs are having i5 processor, 16GB RAM and 1TB HDD and are connected to internet with 1 Gbps leased line connectivity.
These computer labs are supported by UPS system for power backup and provided with AC facilities.
The following software are installed in the labs.
- Eucalyptus – V3.1
- IBM Rational Rose Suite Architecture (RSA)
- ApacheHadoop – V1.0.4
- Apache Tomcat 7.0
- Autodesk EDU MAYA Suite
- Adobe Master Collection
- Mongo DB
- Open Nebula – V3.4.1
- Java JDK V1.6
- Netbeans – V7.0
- Cloudsim 3.0
- NS2
- My SQL