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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,.M.E. |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347,48,50 (Office) |
Email ID | : | subashini@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Computer Science and Engineering | Pursuing | B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai |
M.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2008 | Anna University, Chennai |
B. E | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2005 | Anna University, Chennai |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Asst. Professor | B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai | 1.04.2009-Till Date | 11 years |
Lecturer | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College,Chennai | 10.07.2008 -31.03.2009 | 9 months |
Lecture courses
- Programming : C, C++, Python, Java
- Activity based: Engineering design
- Multimedia: Gaming technology, Computer Graphics, User Interface Design.
- Algorithm : Data Structures and algorithms , Algorithm design and analysis
- Security : Information Security, Social media security
- Analysis : Social network analysis , Web mining
- Electronics: Digital systems, Microprocessors and Microcontroller
- Core: Principles of Compiler design, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
- Soft skill course : Confidence Building and Behavioral skills
- Project Based learning course : Object Oriented Programming lab – Game development with Green foot application and java, Mobile android application, Microcontroller projects
- Industry oriented course: Industry session (IBM), Android app(Braingroom)
Areas Of Research Interest
- Computer Vision and Image processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Internet of things
- Big data Analytics
Research Publications
International Journal
- Published paper entitled “Hand Gesture Recognition using Binary Language for audio based communication” in International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), Volume-4, Issue-6, ISSN (Online): 2394-0697 pg no : 43-49, ISSN (Print): 2393-8374, DOI:10.21276/ijcesr , approved by UGC, published on 20th June 2017.
International Conference
- Published paper entitled “A Novel Approach to enhance the robustness of Iris Recognition system”, First International Conference on Research Vogues in inventive Engineering (LYCANS) on 26th February, Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology, Nagercoil, 2014.
National Conferences
- Published paper entitled “Extended Cryptography Schemes For Secret Images”, National Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies,(NCCCT’13) , DMI College of Engineering,Chennai,5th April 2013.
- Published paper entitled” Embedded Visual Cryptographic Schemes for secret images”, National Level Conference EMERALD 2k13, Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology, Nagercoil during 14th March 2013.
Certification Awarded
- Awarded E-certificate on Game development using PyGame –online course by GUVI at 28th March 2020.
- Awarded Explorer and Mastery Digital badge for Professionals on Big data engineer 2018 -2020 and received global certification from IBM Skills Academy on 13th September 2019.
National Seminar / Workshop
- Attended one day workshop on C & CPP organized by IIT Spoken Tutorial, Bombay & B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 29th February 2020.
- Attended One day National Seminar on “E-learning and MOOC in Higher Education” conducted by MHRD on 9th March 2019 at B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Attended 2 days Workshop on “Information Technology Essentials” conducted by IT department on 8-9 Dec 2017 at St. Joseph Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “IOT with Arduino” on 3rd December 2017 at AltSense, Chennai.
- Attended one day Workshop on “Software development for devices using Android” conducted by CSE department at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 20th March 2017.
- Attended one day Workshop on “BigData Analytics and Python Programming” conducted by CSE department at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 18th March 2017.
- Attended two days Workshop on “Research Methodology & Quality Assurance” conducted by Dean (Academic Research) at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 2nd and 3rd Dec ’16.
- Attended two days workshop on Research prospects on Image fusion and Image registration organized by Department of IT, SSN college of Engineering during Feb1-2, 2016.
- Attended one day seminar on “Cadence Orcad Pspice and Orcad PCB” organized by Department of ECE, B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 26th June 2015.
- Attended one day workshop on Soft skill organized by Faculty training Academy, B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 24th December 2014.
- Attended Motivational Workshop for teachers organized by Women Empowerment cell, B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 11th April 2014.
- Attended one day workshop on Big data Analytics organized by CDAC, Bangalore during 15th February, 2014.
- Attended one day workshop on Violence against women organized by Women Empowerment cell, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 16th February 2013.
National Training / FDP
- Participated one day online faculty training programme on Machine Learning organized by Shanthi Ram Engineering college in association with Indian Servers on 2nd May 2020.
- Participated in National level Online Quiz on Digital Learning Resources organized by Shree L.R.Tiwari College of Engineering, Thane on 30th April 2020.
- Completed training on HTML organized by IIT Spoken Tutorial, Bombay & B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 24th April 2020.
- Participated online faculty training programme on Cyber forensics organized by Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies in association with Indian Servers on 20th April 2020.
- Participated online faculty training programme on Cyber Attacks organized by CMR Technical Campus in association with Indian Servers on 19th April 2020.
- Participated online faculty training programme on Cyber forensics organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education in association with Indian Servers on 18th April 2020.
- Attended Faculty training programme on Big data and Ecosystem, 9-13 September, 2019 at IBM ,Bangalore.
- Participated training on python course in January 2019 – April 2019 sponsored by IIT Spoken Tutorial, Bombay & B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Attended Faculty training programme on Data Base management System – DB2 , 2-6 July 2018 organised by IBM & Department of Computer Science and Engineering, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Participated in 3rd Annual Women’s Meet AWM 2018 on 3rd March, 2018 at Radha Regent, Chennai organised by Venus International Foundation.
- Attended Industry training for Faculty Development Program on “Big Data Analytics” from 8th May ‘17 to 19th May ’17 (2 Weeks) at E-attributes Private limited, Chennai.
- Attended National Summer training program on “Embedded System and Robotics” organized by Department of Electronics and instrumentation engg, B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology and EDC-IIT, Roorkee during 18th -24th July 2016.
- Attended two days Faculty Development Program on “Personality Development” conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu at Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai on 14th and 15th July 2016.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on “Assurance Faculty Connect Programme”, Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai during March 1st, 2016.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on “A school of Algorithms and techniques” at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 22nd to 27 th July 2015.
Webinar Session
- Participated Webinar on Data visualization using Tableau conducted by Brain Swig Edutech Pvt. Limited on 30th April 2020.
- Participated Webinar series on Season 3 of Sky Campus: The future is here now conducted by ICT Academy from 27th April -30th April 2020.
- Participated Webinar on Basics of Cryptography and Network Security conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering in association with CSI on 29th April 2020.
- Participated Webinar on Advanced Business Analytics using R software conducted by Brain Swig Edutech Pvt. Limited on 28th April 2020.
- Participated webinar on Systematic software based approach to implement outcome based education to achieve excellence leading to Accreditation readiness through IONCUDOS on 24th April 2020.
- Participated Webinar on Thrive in VUCA World with Collective Responsibility & Leadership skills by Talentpepz and CIIC on 23rd April 2020.
- Participated webinar on Season1 – Technology for future: Introduction to AI & ML conducted by ICT Academy on 15th April 2020.
- Participated webinar on Season1 – Technology for future: Accelerating Experiential Learning in Engineering conducted by ICT Academy on 13th April 2020.
- Participated webinar on Season1 – Technology for future: Introduction to VM Ware Cloud conducted by ICT Academy on 11th April 2020.
- Participated webinar on Season1 – Technology for future: Robotic Process Automation conducted by ICT Academy on 10th April 2020.
Additional Responsibilities:
- Organised IBM Industry session for B.Tech CSE – AI & IOT specialization (2018 batch) on 24th & 25th October 2019.
- Organised IBM mentor session for B.Tech CSE specialization in AI, IOT & Big data analytics (2017 – 2011) on 28th August 2019.
- Organised 5 days Faculty training program on IBM Design Thinking, Agile software development and Devops along with IBM at B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai during May 2019.
- Organised python training for B.Tech CSE students (2018 batch) from January 2019 – April 2019 sponsored by IIT Spoken Tutorial, Bombay & B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Organised IBM Industrial Visit for Sem3- B.Tech CSE –IBM programme students at IBM, Chennai on 30/10/18
- Organized IBM Industry session for B.Tech CSE- IBM programme courses during 3/10/18,4/10/18,29/10/18,12/03/19 at B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Organised 5 days FDP on DB2 in association with IBM at B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology during 2/7/18 -6/7/18.
- Organised Industrial Visit for Women’s day Celebration at WIPRO on 13th March 2017.
- Organised seminar on “How to become Industry ready” at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 7th March 2017.
- Organised seminar on “Tamil Computing” at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 3rd March 2017.
- Organised Women Empowerment Seminar on “Being Women” by Dhagam (Aval) Foundation at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 22nd Feb 2017.
- Organized 4 days Workshop on Algorithms-Project based Approach at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 8/11/16-12/11/16.
- Organised seminar on “Big data in action –Case study” at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology during 19th November 2016.
- Organised Industrial visit for placement training during 29/03/2016 and 19.04.2016 at Barclays @ DLF IT Park.
- Organised “Opportunities for Pursuing Higher Education” during 4th March 2014 at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- Organised to visit orphanage home (Home of Hope foundation, Acharapakkam) – 31/03/2012- B.Tech CSE ‘B’ (2009-13) Batch.
- Organised “Software project management” during 26th March 2012 at B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Co-coordinator for IBM Joint Program from 2017-till date.
- Revision and framing of syllabus.
- Technical committee, STTP on Big data analytics for Business Intelligence organized by SCIMS from 16th to 21st December 2019.
- Admission counseling for IBM joint CSE
- Event monitoring, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics organized by SCIMS on 4th & 5th April 2019.
- Class Advisor – 2014-2018 batch B.Tech CSE (B section).
- Faculty Advisor – 2012-16 batch & 2016-2020 batch.
- Coordinator – Talent Hunt 2017, ECOFEST 2017
- Event Coordinator – Talent Hunt (2011-2014),EC Meet (2013,2014,2016)
- Co- Coordinator – EC Meet 2012
- Department representative for Innovation center – 2015-17.
- QEEE – Faculty in Charge -2017.
- NPTEL – Mentor -2017.
- UG Project Review Committee Member – 2017 (2013-2017 batch students).
- Department Exam Cell member -2014 –2017.
- NBA Co-Coordinator at the department level -2015-16 & 2019
- Coordinator for Board of Studies during the period of 2010 – 2015.
- Curriculum & Syllabus file in charge during the period of 2010 – 2015.
- Department representative for Open House Exhibition ’15 at Madurai.
- Received Trophy “ROCK STAR IN EDUCATION” among 100 Working Women achievers award organized by Ooruni Foundation on 3rd March 2018, Chennai.
- Received Shield and Medal “YOUNG WOMAN IN COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING” by Venus International Foundation on 3rd March 2018, Chennai.
- Received shield WOMEN ACHIEVEMENT – “PARIVU KALAM AWARD FOR SOCIAL SERVICE” From Parivu Trust On 30th July 2017, Chennai.
Outreach activities
- Record of Achievement for “Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control” course by WHO on 4th April 2020.
- Legal awareness program organized by National Commission for Women and VIT School of law on 3rd January 2020.
- Active member in Tamil Nadu Volley ball association for visually challenged, The Origin
- Motivational supporter for visually challenged people
- Skill development activities for under privilege and village students.
- Field and online Volunteering activities with various NGOs.
- Participated in Crescent Blood donors – Life savers meet
- Human rights -Participated in 1 lakh candle light event for woman
- Participated in Guiness Record-Human flag formation
- Coached for TET /SLET examination in National Association for Blind, Takkar Baba School for visually imapired persons.
- Delivered lectures for Sub Inspector Cadets of Tamil Nadu Police Academy on “Basic Computer Training Programme” at B.S.A Institute of Science & Technology during May 2011.