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Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,M.S.,M.E.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044- 2275 1347,48,50(Office) |
Email ID | : | sharmilasankar@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D. | Computer Science & Engineering | 2012 | Anna University |
M.E. | Computer Science & Engineering | 2002 | Madras University |
M.S. | Software Systems | 1997 | BITS, Pilani |
B. E | Computer Science & Engineering | 1993 | Bharathiyar University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | July 2017 to Till Date | |
Professor and Head | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology | July 2014 to June 2017 | 3 Years |
Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology | December 2012 To June 2014 | 1 Year 7 months |
Associate Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology | April 2009 to November 2012 | 3 Years 7 Months |
Assistant Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | August 2005 to March 2009 | 3 Years 7 Months |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | April 2002 to July 2005 | 3 Years 3 Months |
Lecturer | Crescent Engineering College | February 1998 to March 2002 | 4 Years 1 Month |
Lecturer | Bharath Engineering College | June 1993 to January 1998 | 4 Years 7 Months |
Lecture Courses:
- Internet of Things
- Data Structures
- Digital Logic Design
- Computer Programming
- Mobile Adhoc Network
- Compiler Design
- Data Structures
- Analysis of algorithms
- Operating Systems
- Microprocessors
- Cloud Computing
- Object Oriented Programming
- Software Testing
- Software Quality Assurance
Area of Research Interest
- Wireless Networks
- IoT
- Bigdata
Journal Publications:
- “Investigative Protocol Design of Layer Optimized Image Compression in Telemedicine Environment”, Procedia Computer Science 167, 2617-2622
- “ICT’s role in building and understanding Indian Telemedicine Environment : A Study”, Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, Springer Publications, 2019. Scopus Indexed.
- “A Dynamic MooM Dataset Processing under TelMED protocol design for QoS improvisation of telemedicine environment”, Journal of medical systems 43 (8), 257, 2019.
- Using an innovative stacked ensemble algorithm for the accurate prediction of preterm birth, Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association 20 (2), 70, 2019.
- An optimized RTSRV machine learning algorithm for biomedical signal transmission and regeneration for telemedicine environment, Procedia Computer Science 152, 140-149, 2019.
- “Using an innovative stacked ensemble algorithm for accurate prediction of the preterm birth”, Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, December 2018. Scopus Indexed.
- “A Multi-Tier Stacked Ensemble Algorithm to Reduce the Regret of Incremental Learning for Streaming Data”, in IEEE Access, Vol. 6, Page(s): 48726 – 48739,Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536, 2018. Scopus Indexed.
- “Naive Bayes algorithm for reducing the redundant data in the cluster based RFIDnetwork”, in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol.118. No. 9, 2018, Page no.: 729-735. Scopus Indexed.
- “A Survey on Test Case Prioritization Techniques”, in International Journal ofPure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 16 2018, PP: 3355-3365, ISSN:1314-3395. https://acadpubl.eu/hub/2018-119-16/2/350.pdf. Scopus Indexed.
- “Cluster based mechanism for Avoidance of Duplicate Tag Data in RFIDNetworks” has been accepted presentation in 3rd International Conference onNext Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT 2017), 30th – 31st Oct 2017 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.
- “Providing Secret Authentication in Clustered Security Architecture, for Cloud-Based WBAN, The Computer Journal, Oxford Academic, June 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxx051, Scopus Indexed
- “Hybrid Zigbee RFID for detection of Active tags and Energy Minimization”, in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Feb. 2017. http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol95No3/6Vol95No3.pdf, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 1805, Journal no. 11368
- “Performance Comparioson of Dragon Fly and Firefly in RFID network”, in in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Jan 2017, http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol95No1/7Vol95No1.pdf, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 1805, Journal no. 11368
- “Disabling Camera Features in a Mobile Phone in Restricted Zones”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(33), September, 2016. DOI: 17485/ijst/2016/v9i33/99608. http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/99608, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 2, Journal no. 24
- Hybrid Blow Fish Algorithm-IPSO based Signing Method for Secure Storage and Computation Process, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology12(8): 847-856, 2016, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 548, Journal no. 10445
- “Measuring the security compliance using cloud control matrix”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 23(8) Aug 2015, Pg. 1797 – 1803. https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr23(8)15/31.pdf, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 1146, Journal no. 31222
- “TDMA Based Reader Anti-Collision Algorithm for Cluster Based Dense RFID Networks Using Particle Swarm Optimization Approach”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(23) July 2015, Pages: 209-215. http://ajbasweb.com/old/ajbas/2015/July/209-215.pdf, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 1017, Journal no. 1608
- “Integration of Cognitive Radio Networks in RFID system for identification of Missing Tags”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(23) July 2015, Pages: 209-215. http://ajbasweb.com/old/ajbas/2015/July/227-232.pdf, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 1017, Journal no. 1608
- “High Performance Multicast Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network.“, International Journal of Computer Applications 103(7):17-20, October 2014. http://research.ijcaonline.org/volume103/number7/pxc3899129.pdf,Listed in UGC, Serial No. 4094, Journal no. 44570
- “An Improved Authentication Mechanism using IPV6 in Mobile RFID Environment “, Information Journal, Vol 16, No. 8(b), pp.6383-6400, August 2013. http://www.ijcte.org/papers/534-A291.pdf, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 4634, Journal no. 47658
- “Performance Enhancement of AODV Protocol for Dense MANETs”, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 5, No.3, PP.170-177, 2012. http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ajsr.2012.170.177, Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 3870, Journal No. 43488
- “Realization of Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for Zigbee”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 761-766, 2012. http://thescipub.com/journals/jcs/indexing Scopus Indexed, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 380, Journal No. 6895
- “Route Maintenance using Link State Prediction for Dense Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, Journal of Digital Information Management Vol. 9, No. 4, 2011. http://www.dirf.org/jdim/v9i4ed.pdf, Listed in UGC, Serial No. 603, Journal No. 7118
International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
- Optimized Multiwalk Algorithm for Test Case Reduction, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, 2019.
- Predicting Movie Success using Regression Techniques, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, 2019.
- Architecture to Minimize Energy Consumption in Cloud Datacenter, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, 2019.
- Chennai Water Crisis – Data, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, 2019.
- “Architecture to Minimize Energy Consumption in Cloud Datacenter”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control System, pp.1044-1048, IEEE, 2019.
- Intelligent three-pin adapter: a turnkey iot Solution, Fifth International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), 1-3, IEEE, 2019.
- “Roadmap for Simplification of Enterprise Architecture at Financial Institutions – Application of a Simplification Framework Based on System Engineering Principles”, 2016 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), 978-1-5090-0901-5/16©2016 IEEE
- “Implementation of K-means Clustering using Big Data methodology for categorizing Retail Dataset”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Jeppiar Engineering College, March 2015.
- “Prevention of Wormhole attack in MANET using Secure key sharing and Routing algorithm”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Jeppiar Engineering College, March 2015.
- Traffic Analysis using Hadoop Cloud, IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems, 2015
- “Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Big Data Analytics”, International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014), May 2014.
- “Missing Tag Detection Using Beacon Intervals in Tags”, International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014), May 2014.
- “A study on fault tolerance methods in cloud computing”, IEEE International advanced computing conference-IACC’14,25th March 2014.
Additional Responsibilities:
- One of the Committee members of NAAC Internal Mock Committee, 2019-20.
- Coordinator of AICTE Approval Application Team, 2018-19,2019-20.
- Member of Experts Coordinating Committee, UGC Visit, 2017
- Member of Malpractice enquiry committee, 2012-17.
- Member of Staff Selection Committee, June, 2015-17.
- Led the department of CSE for NBA visits, PG 2015 and UG 2016.
- Member of stock verification and condemnation.
- Expert member in staff recruitment for the department of Computer Science and Engineering in Dhanalakshmi college of Engineering, May 2017.
- Expert member in staff recruitment for the department of Information Technology in AMET University, 2017.
- Expert member in staff recruitment for the department of Information Technology in AMET University, 2016.
- Member for the Refresher & Bridge course, June 2016.
- Officiated as the judge for project exhibition conducted by the Department of Information, Sairam Engineering College on 06.04.2016.
- Expert member in staff recruitment for the department of Computer Science and Engineering in Dhanalakshmi college of Engineering, 2015.
- Officiated as session chair in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technologies, S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, October 2013.
- Coordinator of the Open House and Technical Exhibition, S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, October 2013.
- Review articles for various Journals and Conferences such as
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA)
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT)
- International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA)
- Second International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications (ICAITA-2013)
- The Fifth International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks, 2013
- SAI – 2013
- SIPP-2013
- The Second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology- ACITY 2013
- VLSI 2013
- NETCOM 2012
- Member of ISO internal Auditors.
- Professor-in-charge of Labs, 2007-2008.
- Member of ACM, CSI.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Digital Systems”, in All India Police Duty Meet, 2019.
- Delivered a lecture on “Assessment of attainment of Program Outcomes”, in the Faculty program conducted by S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 16th July 2015.
- Delivered a lecture on “Computer Networks” in FDP sponsored by Anna University in Sriram Engineering College, 29th Dec 2013.
- Delivered a lecture on “Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms” in the Faculty Development Program organized by Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering on 20th June 2013.