![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & Head |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E(EEE), M.E(CSE),Ph.D(CSE) |
Phone | : | 044 – 22751347(Office) |
Email ID | : | hodcse@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, syedmohamed@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Class/Grade | University |
Ph.D | C.S.E | April, 2015 | First Internal Engineering Faculty awarded Ph.D | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology |
M.E | C.S.E | April, 2003 | FIRST CLASS | University of Madras |
B.E | E.E.E | April, 1997 | FIRST CLASS | University of Madras |
Diploma | D.E.E.E | April, 1994 | FIRST CLASS with DISTINCTION | D O T E |
Work Experience in Industrial – 4.6 Years
Work Experience (Teaching)
Institution | Designation | Department | From | To | Duration |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Professor | CSE | 16/12/2019 | Till date | BSACIST |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Associate Professor | CSE | 1/8/2016 | 15/12/2019 | 3.4 Years |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai | Assistant Professor (S.G.) | CSE | 09/03/2010 | 31/07/2016 | 6.5 years |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai | Assistant Professor | CSE | 01/04/2009 | 08/03/2010 | 1 year |
B.S.A Crescent Engg.College, Chennai | Lecturer | CSE | 02/01/2006 | 31/03/2009 | 3.3 years |
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg & Tech, Melvisharam | Lecturer | CSE | 09/06/2003 | 30/12/2005 | 2.6 years |
Areas Of Research Interest
- Soft Computing
- Information Security
- Web Technologies
- Big data &Data Visualization
- Mathematical Modeling
- Graphics and Multimedia
Administration – Institution level
- Professor & Head of CSE Department (Dec 2019 – till date)
- Assistant Dean (Research) (2017- 2020)
- Time table coordinator (2017-2020)
- Class rooms arrangement Co-ordinator(2017 – 2020)
- Crescent Creative Strokes Club – Co-ordinator (2017 – till date)
Details of Research & Professional Activities | Nos. |
Funded Project Applied in Various Govt.Agencies | 3 |
Funded Project Sanctioned in Govt. Agencies | 1 |
Funded Project sanctioned in Private Agencies | 1 |
AICTE – ATAL Sponsored FDP Conducted | 1 |
International Certifications | 5 |
Total No.of Publications | 39 |
Paper Published in International Journals (INJ) | 18 |
International Conferences (INC) | 17 |
National Conferences(NC) | 4 |
Book Chapter | 3 |
Appreciations / Awards | 19 |
Quality Improvement Programme(QIP) | 5 |
Faculty Development Programme(FDP) | 20 |
Invited Lectures / Guest Lectures Delivered | 19 |
Organized Workshops/Seminar/Programmes | 120+ |
Attended Workshops/Seminars/Conferences (International/National) | 75 |
Development of Learning Resource Material | 3 |
Copy Rights | 3 |
Patent Filed | 2 |
A funded project proposal on the title “Cellular Automata and Geometric models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves” to SERB, DST
Budget: Rs.12.48 Lakhs
Duration: July 2019 – June 2022 (36 Months)
Principal Investigator – Dr.E.Syed Mohamed
Verification and Validation support : National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India,Pallikaranai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Ongoing Consultancy Project
Project title : Robo Eye
Project Support : Gibraltar Technologies LLC, United Arab Emirates
Duration : October 2021 – till date
ATAL Academy – AICTE Sponsored FDP
Online FDP has been approved by ATAL Academy – AICTE
One Week Online Faculty Development Programme On Data Science (21st-25th September 2020)
International Certifications
- Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
- IBM Certified Database Associate DB2
- SCJP (Sun Certified Java Professional) by Sun Micro Systems
- IBM Cloud Computing Practitioner – Instructor Certificate
- Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner
Research Guidance
- No of Ph.D.Completed: 01
- No of Ph.D. Students (Full Time & Part time) On-going: 08
- No of PhD. VIVA VOCE – Coordinator: 02
- No of Ph.D Viva Voce External Examiner :02
- No of thesis Corrected : 04
- No of P.G Students Guided: 12
- No of U.G Students Guided: 36
Refereed Journal Publications
- Regina M.Y., Mohamed E.S. (2022) “Modeling and Analysis of Tsunami Wave Propagation Characteristics in the Coast of Bay of Bengal”, Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1408. PP – 637-652, Springer, Singapore.Online: 26 October 2021 (Scopus)
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5157-1_50 - E.Syed Mohamed & K. Vijayalakshmi, (2021).“XSS Extenuator framework for exterminating Cross Site Scripting attack to ensure secure web access”, Solid State Technology, Volume 64, issue 2, pp. 2027-2040, 2021.Scopus
- E.Syed Mohamed, Syed Javeed Pasha “Novel Feature Reduction (NFR) Model With Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Effective Disease Risk Prediction”Volume: 8, Page(s)184087 – 184108, Sep 2020
DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028714, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9212426 (Published in IEEE Access). - E.Syed Mohamed, Vijayalakshmi.K. “Case Study: Extenuation of XSS Attacks through Various Detecting and Defending Techniques”, Journal of Applied Security Research, March 2020
(https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19361610.2020.1735283)(Scopus) - E.Syed Mohamed,V Yuvaraj,S Rajasekaran,”Complex Solutions for Tsunami-Ascending Into a River as a Bore”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,114(6),pp.99-107, February, 2017(Scopus)
- E.Syed Mohamed,V Yuvaraj,S Rajasekaran, An Alternative Analytical Model for Propagation of Tsunami Waves”, ”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,113(6),pp.29-37, January, 2017(Scopus)
- E.Syed Mohamed,A.Sarfaraz Ahamed “A novel broadcasting method for code dissemination in wireless sensor networks “International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), 6(7), pp.71-80, Jul-Aug, 2015.
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Syed Abdul syed “An effective reliable broadcast code dissemination in wireless sensor networks “International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), 6(7), pp.61-70, Jul-Aug, 2015.
- E.Syed Mohamed,R.Neerajha,”Image enhancement and quality analysis using the bilog transformation” SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,5(6),p 77-83,July 2015(UGC Approved Journal)
- E.Syed Mohamed,A. Kamala, ”Gradient blending of images for content aware image resizing” SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,5(6),p 71-76,July 2015(UGC Approved Journal)
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran “A Study Of Tsunami Model For Propagation Of Oceanic Waves”, Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology, 59(3) p 510-519, , January 2014.(Scopus Listed)
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran “Propagation Of Tsunami Waves Multi-factor Spread Simulation Based On CA Model “, International Journal Of Advanced Computer Technology, 2(8) ,p 267-274 , August 2013.
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, ”Performance Enhancement for Tsunami Wave Simulation using Hexagonal Cellular Automata“, International Journal Of Computer Applications,75(9), p 36-43, ,August 2013
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran “Tsunami Wave Simulation Models Based On Hexagonal Cellular Automata “WSEAS Transactions On Fluid Mechanics, 8(3), p 91-101, July 2013(Scopus Listed)
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, ”Tsunami Wave Propagation Models Based On Two- dimensional Cellular Automata“ International Journal Of Computer Applications,57(20),p 22-29,November 2012.
- E.Syed Mohamed,Madhina Banu Dawood Ali “VM Queuing Optimal Scheduling in Cloud with Heterogeneous Workloads using Effective Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-Ant Colony Optimization “Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) (Scopus) (Accepted)- May 2019
- C Imthyaz Sheriff, E.Syed Mohammed, ”Complex Event Processing for Effective Livestock Management in Farmlands with Predictive Analytics”, International Journal of Cloud Computing – Special Issue on: “Advances in Data Science and Computing”(Accepted)-2021
Refereed Conference Publications
- E.Syed Mohamed, “Cellular Automata Multi-model Simulation Spread for Tsunami Waves” in the virtual mode conducted the Emerging Scientist Season III (2022) – ASCE, Deira Dubai, Dubai on 20/02/2022
- E.Syed Mohamed, Tawseef Ahamed, “Artificial Intelligence in mental healthcare analysis opportunities, future risks and regulations”, 4th international 24 November education and innovative science symposium ankara, turkey, 24th November 2021
- E.Syed Mohamed, Yasmin Regina “Modeling and Analysis of Tsunami wave Propagation Characteristics in the coast of Bay of Bengal” in the Springer Sponsored International Conference on Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning (ICSADL 2021) organized by Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Prince of Songkla University, Thailand on 18th and 19th June, 2021
- E.Syed Mohamed,“Multi-model Simulation Spread of Cellular Automata for Tsunami Wave Propagation”in IEEE Sponsored First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (2021 ETI 4.0) organized by the OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh, India during 19 – 21, May 2021
- E.Syed Mohamed and M.Yasmin Regina “Study on Analytical Modelling of Tsunami Wave Propagation” in 3rd International Conference for Phoenixes on Emerging Current Trends in Materials, Manufacturing, Management Practices and Construction Technologies during 6th & 7th March 2020, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai
- E.Syed Mohamed and Syed Javeed Pasha “Ensemble Gain Ratio Feature Selection (EGFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction” in IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies(ICICT 2020) during 26 – 28 February 2020,RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore
- E.Syed Mohamed, “Interactive Multi Resolution 2D Cellular Automata Model for Tsunami Wave Propagation” in 5th International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering (ICMAE’19), Puthrajaya, Malaysia during 30 -31st October 2019(https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1489/1/012010/pdf)
- E.Syed Mohamed, Syed Pasha, “BEFS Model with Machine Learning and Data mining algorithm for Disease risk prediction” in IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication Control Automation (ICCBEA -2019), Pune, India, during 19th – 21st December 2019.
- C Imthyaz Sheriff, E.Syed Mohamed, “Predictive Analytics Based on Complex Event Analysis for Effective Livestock Management in Farmlands”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, April 2019
- E.Syed Mohamed, Anusuya “Cybercrime and Cyber security issues and challenges on healthcare: A survey” in International Conference On Information Technology & Digital Applications 2018 (ICITDA 2018) (ISBN: 978-1- 5108-5984- 5)conducted by Department of Information Technology during April 6-7, 2018 at JECRC, Jaipur.
- E.Syed Mohamed,S. Nivedha “Uniform Embedding Distortion Function and Discrete Cosine Transformation for Efficient JPEG Steganography”, ICCA2016, Meenakshi College of Engineering, Chennai on 9th April 2016
- E.Syed Mohamed, Sathana “Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using distributed source coding & hiding”, ICSSCCET 2016, Karpagam Institute of Technology , Coimbatore on 19th March 2016
- E.Syed Mohamed, “Image Enchantment and Quality Analysis using the BILOG Transformation” ICETSH-2015 Imayam College of Engg.Trichy.
- E.Syed Mohamed,”Gradient Blending of Images using Content Aware Image Resizing “ICETSH-2015 Imayam College of Engg.Trichy
- E.Syed Mohamed, “Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted images and Videos by Reserving Room “LYCANS 2K14 26th Feb’2014
- E.Syed Mohamed,”Graphical Password Authentication using Persuasive Click Points”, LYCANS 2K14 26th Feb’2014
- E.Syed Mohamed “Secret Image Hiding using Fragments for Visible MOSIAC Images”, ICMEET 2013
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, “Tsunami Wave Propagation Models based on Cellular Automata” November 30 – 10, 2010, ICACCT–2010,APIIT, Panipat, India Refereed Conference Publications
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, “Forest fire Simulation Models based on Cellular Automata” 03-05August’10, ICMAE, 2010 Malaysia
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, “A geometric Model for the propagation of Tsunami waves” 25-29thJuly’2010, 4th International Tsunami conference Toronto, Canada(Scopus Listed)
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, “Multi –Model forest fire simulation using CA Model“ at Vellammal Engineering College, Chennai on 19th Feb’2010
- E.Syed Mohamed,S.Rajasekaran, “Performance Enhancement of Forest fire spread Simulation using Hexagonal CA Model” at BSAIST, Chennai on 28-29 Jan’2010
Book Chapter
- M. Yasmin Regina & E. Syed Mohamed Modeling and Analysis of Tsunami Wave Propagation Characteristics in the Coast of Bay of Bengal. In: Shakya S., Balas V.E., Kamolphiwong S., Du KL. (eds) Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1408. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5157-1_50 (First Online: 26 October 2021)
- Syed Thouheed Ahmed,E. Syed Mohamed,”Phonocardiography (PCG) Signal Optimization and Compression for Low Line Transmission in Telemedicine”, Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control pp 1127-1137,DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8221-9_106 (First Online: 05 March 2021)
- E.Syed Mohamed and M.Yasmin Regina “Study on Analytical Modelling of Tsunami Wave Propagation”, Intelligent Systems and Computer Technology, IOS Press, PP 479-484, DOI:10.3233/APC37, ISBN 978-1-64368-103-0 (online), 2020
Invited Lectures as a Resource person
- A special lecture on “Desktop Security” in the Cyber Crime Awareness Program was conducted (virtual mode) by Directorate Employment & Training Wing, Chennai for all the District Employment officers(Computer) of Tamilnadu on 3rd March 2022
- KEYNOTE Speaker from INDIA – 7th International Virtual Conference vIRSD 2021, Organised by I2OR India and Green ThinkerZ in association with Centre for Smart Modern Construction, Western Sydney University, Australia, Wakelet – Manchester UK. on 25/12/2021
- A Special Lecture on “Research Software Tool-Honest Publication & Research Ethics” on 4th October 2021 (Offline mode) Organized by the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD), B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- A Special Lecture on “Research Software Tool-Honest Publication” on 3rd April 2021 (Online mode) Organized by conducted by the Center for Energy, Sponsored Projects, Integrated Research and Consultancy, B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- A Hands on training on “Importance of Plagiarism & The effective usage of Turnitin software” on 10.01.2020, Organized by conducted by the Office of Dean (Research) at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- A Guest Lecture on the topic on “Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering” organized by Fakulti Sains Komputer Dan Matematik, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia on 01.10. 2019
- “Plagiarism Issues and Anti Plagiarism tools“ on 20.07.2019, Seminar Organized by conducted by Office of Dean (Research) at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- “Turning point of Scientists and their Research” on 26.07.2019, One day seminar Organized by Chevalier Thomas Elizabeth College, Chennai
- “Data Analysis and Visualization Using R tool” Organized by by Office of Dean (Research) on14th Mar 2019 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- “How to write a Good Research Paper” on 18.03.2018, One day seminar Organized by Rover College of Engineering & Technology, Perambalur
- “Data Analytics using R tool” on 21.02.2018, One day Special Lecture Organized by Chendu College of Engineering & Technology, Madurantakam, Kancheepuram
- “Research Overview” on 04.01.2018, One day seminar Organized by Annai Ayesha Arts & Science College for Women, Vallikandapuram, Perambalur
- As a chief guest on “How to write a Research paper for Top International Journal” on 8th 2019 in Second International conference on “Technology and Advancement in Computing Application ICTACA’19” Organized by Department of Information Technology, C.Abdul Hakeem college of Engineering Technology, Melvisharam, Vellore
- “Data Analysis and Visualization using R” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) at B.S. A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 20th-21st Feb 2019
- “Master Level IT finishing school training for SC/ST students” 12th – 14th oct’2011, A three day training programme for SC/ST organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- “Cellular Automata and its Applications“ 06th & 07th Dec’2010, A two day Inter-disciplinary Seminar – Soft Computing Algorithms organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- The Talent transformation programmefor the WIPRO Tech., Chennai, organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College during May 2009.
- The Campus connect programmefor the INFOSYS Tech., Chennai, organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College during May 2008 & May 2009.
- “Computer Hardware Services and Maintenance”conducted by EDC Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, during 23rd-25th Feb ‘2008.
- Appreciation for academic result- CS1022 KBDSS – 100% (2009)
- Appreciation for academic result- MG1401 TQM – 98.4% (2010)
- Appreciation for academic result- data WAREHOUSING AND MINING-100% (2007)
- Appreciation for Infosys Campus Connect Programme-Dec 2006 – June 2008
- Appreciation for Refresher Course Coordinator-2012, 2013
- Appreciation for Research Incentive Scheme Of BSAIST 2012-2013
- Appreciation for Research Incentive Scheme Of BSAIST 2013-2014
- Appreciation for Research Incentive Scheme Of BSAIST 2014-2015
- Appreciation for “Mining Big Data In Social Media &Web – Aug 2014
- Appreciation for Inter Institution Sport Meet “SANGAMAM 2019”
- Appreciation for Research Incentive Scheme-Academic Research of BSACIST 2019-2020
- International Award – “ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD 2021”
Organised by: I2OR & Centre for Smart Modern Construction, Western Sydney University Australia
Inaugural and Recognition Session – vIRSD 2021
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW1YIzQF_xA (4.39 to 4.44) - “Best Faculty Performance Award” by GLOBAL EDUCATION AND CORPORATE LEADERSHIP AWARDS (GECL-2021) 4TH INTERNATIONAL AWARD SUMMIT 18th December 2021 Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
- National Academic Excellence Award 2021 by International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Chandigarh (UT) – September 2021
- Best Paper Award in the IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (2021 ETI 4.0) organized by the OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh, India during 19 – 21, May 2021
- National level Award “Best Teaching Faculty-2020” by Dr. Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai, March 2021
- Best Research Initiative Award of TAMILNADU (2019), MAXWELL Academy, Chennai
- Best Paper Presenter Award in 5th International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering (ICMAE’19) organized by the Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), from 30th to 31st October 2019 at the Putrajaya International Convention Center, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- Best Research Paper Award in IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2018) from 15 to 16th November 2018, Coimbatore, India
Professional Activities
Quality Improvement Programme (QIP)
- (Online) One Week AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on “Cyber Security for Next Generation Technologies: Challenges and Solutions” conducted by Dept. of CSE, IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai from March 7th to 12th, 2022
- “Pedagogical Innovations and Research Directions in STEM Education” at Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai from 25 February 2019 to 02 March 2019 (One Week)
- “Embedded System & Robotics” at BSAIST, Chennai from 18th July’2016 to 24th July ‘2016 (One Week)
- “Mobile Networks” at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. From 19th Jan to 23rd Jan’2009 (One Week)
- “Instructional Design and Delivery” at NITTTR, Chennai. From 21st January to 02nd February ‘2008. (Two Weeks)
- “Cryptography and Secure Communication” at VIT, Vellore. From 24th November to 6th December ‘2003 (Two Weeks)
Faculty Development Programmes (Online Mode)
- A five-day faculty development online program on “Cryptography & Cyber Security by NIT, Agartala in association with AICTE – ATAL from 26/07/2021 to 30/07/2021
- A five-day faculty development online program on “Data Analytics” by Centre for Electronic Governance, Jaipur institute in association with AICTE – ATAL from 05/07/2021 to 09/07/2021
- Role of Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) in Real – Time Applications Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) Thrust Areas organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences in association with AICTE – ATAL from 07-06-2021 to 11-06-2021
- 3D Printing & Design Thrust Areas (No:ATAL/2020/1605458588) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in association with AICTE – ATAL from 7-12-2020 to 11-12-2020
- Participated in the Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES and CO-CREATING MOOCS” conducted by Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujam College, the University of Delhi Sponsored by PMMMNMTT, Ministry of HRD from April 20 – May 06, 2020.
- Participated in online Faculty Development Programme on “Moodle Learning Management System” organised by the Department of Computer Science, Kaypeeyes College of Arts & Science, Kotagiri, The Nilgiris association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Govt., of India from 29-04-2020 to 01-05-2020.
- Participated in the FDP on “Understanding Data Analytics with Real-Life Cases” organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 in association with IEEE Control System Society Student Chapter from May 28, 2020, to May 30, 2020.
- Participated in the FDP on “Data Sciences” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with AICTE –ATAL, the Central University of Kerala from June 09, 2020, to June 13, 2020.
- Participated in online National Level one week Faculty Development Programme on “Moodle Learning Management System” organised by PG Department of Computer Science, Govt Arts & Science College Thiruvennainallur Villupuram Dist. in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Govt., of India from 02-07-2020 to 08-07-2020
- Participated in a five-day FDP on “Innovative Teaching Learning Methodologies” organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology-Teaching Learning Center from July 06, 2020 to July 10, 2020
Faculty Development Programmes (Regular mode)
- “Introduction to Big Data Analytics“ Conducted by ICT Academy at B S A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 7th August 2019 to 09th August 2019.
- “Academic Leadership Training” conducted by Office of Centre for Leadership, B S A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology during April 1st to April 6th 2019 (One week)
- “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” conducted by Office of Dean(Research), B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology during 31st July 2017 to 05th August 2017 (One week)
- “Introduction to Mobile App Development Conducted by ICT Academy at at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 30-31st Jan’2017
- “Big data Analytics“ Conducted by DST, New Delhi at Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai. From 25th April ‘2016 to 05th May ‘2016 (Two weeks)
- “A School on Algorithms and Techniques” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
From 22nd July to 27th July’2015(One week) - “Faculty Development Programme on Teaching and Learning” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology. From 29th June to 11th July’2015 (Two weeks)
- “Web Technology“ at Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai.
From 15th May to 20th May’ 2006 (One week) - “Network Protocol & Management” at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti. From 22nd May to 3rd June ‘2006 (Two weeks)
- “Operating System” at Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. From 31st May to 5th June’2004 (One week)
Organized Workshops / Seminars / Conferences
As a Convener
- Virtual IBM DEVELOPER DAY on 29th April, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- ONLINE QUIZ – “Test Your Knowledge in Intellectual Property Rights”on 26th April, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Virtual Power Seminar on “Machine Learning and its Techniques” on 9th April, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai
- Webinar on Blockchain Technology on13th March, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Opportunities to Study Abroad” on 12th March, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Applied Data Science in Action” on1st March, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- An International Guest lecture on “let’s transcend to new horizons” on 17th February, 2021, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Alumni Entrepreneurs webinar on “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Started” on 3rd December 2020, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on virtual Reality/Augmented Reality on 18th November 2020, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Scientific Writing” on 7th October 2020, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Changes, Challenges & Opportunities for Students through GATE 2021″ on 9th September 2020, conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- One-week Short Term Training Programme on “Internet of Things – Everything Future” (7.09.2020 to 12.09.2020) conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai, Sponsored by AICTE.
- Webinar on “Changes, Challenges & Opportunities for Students through GATE 2021″ on 09.09. 2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- One-week Short Term Training Programme on “Internet of Things – Everything Future” (24-08-2020 to 29-08-2020) conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai, Sponsored by AICTE.
- Webinar on “Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and IOT: The New Normal”on 26.06.2020
- International webinar on “Combining Business Analytics and Data Technologies in the Modern workplace” on 23.06.2020 conducted by University of Stirling, U.K & Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- 5 L 5D (5 Computer Languages 5 Days) Student Development Training Programme (15.06.2020 – 19.06.2020) conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Industry Integrated Teaching & Mentoring”on 10th & 11th June 2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Online Quiz competition – Test Your Knowledge in ISOon 29.5.2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Live session on “Fields going to rule the Future” on 23.05.2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- INTELLECT 2k20 – Online event for COVID-19 awareness & talent contest (May 8 – May 25,2020) conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on Advanced Business Analytics Using R Software 2020, Data Visualization using Tableau– 30.04.2020 & Machine Learning using Python – 1.05.2020 Conducted by BrainSwig, Chennai & Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Webinar on “Introduction to Data Science” on 21st May 2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- Online Quiz Competition “Test Your Knowledge on Accreditation” – 04.05.2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai.
- One day Seminar on “Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA” (A Real Time Demonstration on Blueprism RPA) on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Seminar on “The Importance Of Skills And Abilities”on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Digital Marketing” on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A Three Day Short Term Training Programme on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security2020 to 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Seminar on “Opportunities for Higher Education in UK” on 12.03 2020 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Cyber Security” 2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A special guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in IoT”on 29.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- “Stepping Stones to the future of IT Sector”a Campus visit to Atos-Syntel on 18.02.2020 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences (SCIMS) for final year B.Tech. students on 18.02.2020
- One day Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career” on 17.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Industrial visit with staff and students of final years on 18.12.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Industrial visit for Final year interdisciplinary project at EATON, Chennai on 11.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A one day special lecture on “Research progress and guidance to complete the Ph.D.Thesis” for all the faculty members who are pursuing Ph.D. in our Institution and other Universities and a meeting is arranged with our Pro VC & Vice Chancellor i/c on 08.02.2020 conducted by the office of Dean (Research) at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- IIPC and SCIMS jointly organize one day workshop on “Automation Anywhere” for getting in RPA in our product portfolio conducted department of computer science & Engineering on 30th January 2020 at B.S. A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. This is a new area and this company is No 1 on this space
- One day Seminar on “Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA” (A Real Time Demonstration on Blueprism RPA) on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Seminar on “The Importance Of Skills And Abilities”on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Digital Marketing”on 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A Three Day Short Term Training Programme on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security 03.2020 to 13.03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Seminar on “Opportunities for Higher Education in UK” on 12.03 2020 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Cyber Security” 03.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A special guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in IoT” on 29.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- “Stepping Stones to the future of IT Sector” a Campus visit to Atos-Syntel on 18.02.2020 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences(SCIMS) for final year B.Tech. students on 18.02.2020
- One day Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career”on 17.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Industrial visit with staff and students of final years on 18.12.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Industrial visit for Final year interdisciplinary project at EATON, Chennai on 11.02.2020 organized by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A one day special lecture on “Research progress and guidance to complete the Ph.D.Thesis” for all the faculty members who are pursuing Ph.D. in our Institution and other Universities and a meeting is arranged with our Pro VC & Vice Chancellor i/c on 08.02.2020 conducted by the office of Dean (Research) at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- IIPC and SCIMS jointly organize one day workshop on “Automation Anywhere” for getting in RPA in our product portfolio conducted department of computer science & Engineering on 30th January 2020 at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. This is a new area and this company is No 1 on this space
As a Coordinator
- A virtual power seminar on “Machine Learning and its Techniques” on 9.4.2021. Conducted by CSE Department, BSACIST and ICT Academy
- One-week Faculty Development Programme on “DATA SCIENCE” – 21st September 2020 to 25th September 2020 conducted by Department of CSE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai Sponsored by ATAL-AICTE.
- An online International quiz competition Test your knowledge on Plagiarismfor undergraduate/postgraduate (UG/PG) students, research scholars and faculty members from various Institutions.
- From 15th to 31st May 2020 (For UG/PG students)
- From 18th to 31st May 2020 (For research scholars and faculty members) Conducted by Office of Dean (Research), B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- A one-day Special Guest Lecture on “Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patents and Consultancy” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) & School of SCIMS on 24th October 2019 at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- A two-day workshop on “Writing for Research Purpose“ conducted by Office of Dean (Research) from 19 & 20 JULY 2019 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- A one-day Workshop on “Data Analysis and Visualization Using R” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) on14th Mar 2019 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- Organized a two day workshop on “How to make use of Researgence” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) during 14th & 17th December 2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- Anveshan – Student Research Convention – 2019 conducted by Office of Dean (Research) on 15.12.2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Onsite training Seminar on “Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) on 20.11.2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- A seminar on “How to write project proposal in International collaboration projects” on 2nd November 2018
- A three days Workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) from 20-22 JULY 2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- A four days Workshop on “Data Analytics-SPSS” conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research) from 02th May – 05th May 2018 at B.S. A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day Workshop on “How to Make Mobile Resume Website in 3 Hours” conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research)on 21st April, 2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day Workshop on “How to write a Research paper” conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research) on 13th April, 2018 at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day guest lecture on “A Computation Analysis of Indus Valley Inscriptions” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) on 03rd April, 2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day Workshop on “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications” conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research) on 13th March 2018 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day “VC’s Town Hall Talk with Research Scholars” conducted by Office of Dean (Research) on 21st Nov, 2017 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- One day Onsite Training Seminar on “How to use Turnitin Plagiarism Software Effectively“ conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research) on 6th Nov 2017 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- One day International lecture presentation on “German Academic Exchange Service presentation” conducted by International collaboration Department at BSAIST on 09th March 2017
- One day International lecture presentation on ”US Consulate Program at BSAIST with Mr.Aman Ali”, conducted by International collaboration Department at BSAIST on 2nd March 2017
- One day International lecture presentation on ”Global Academic Internship Programme at NUS-NTU , SINGAPORE, conducted by International collaboration Department at BSAIST on 15th Feb 2017
- One day International eight special lecture presentation on “British Council CS & IT Mission 2017“ conducted by International collaboration Department on 25th Jan’2017.
- One day workshop on “Mobile App development & Soft skill” on 14th March ’2017 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- Three days national workshop on “Virtual reality game development from 17th April to 19th April’2017 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- One day International special lecture on “Game Changing Finance technologies“ conducted by CSE Department on 27th Nov ’ 2016.
- One day Industry Interaction Meet 2016 on “IIPC Meet 2016” conducted by CSE department on 21st Nov ’ 2016.
- One day International special lecture on “An Introduction to Data Science“conducted by International collaboration Department on 16th Nov’2016.
- One month Summer class on “Fundamental of computing Refresh Course” from April 2013 to May 2013.
- One month Summer class on “Fundamental of computing Refresh Course” from April 2012 to May 2012
- Workshop on “IEEE Programming in SWEBOK and CSDA” for Second UG and PG students of CSE on 12th March 2011
- A two day Seminar on “Software Testing” conducted by CSE Department on 03 & 04th Oct’2011
- A two day Seminar on “Soft Computing Algorithms” conducted by CSE Department on 06 & 07th Dec’2010
- One day Seminar on “Adobe Certified Expert Training Programme” conducted by CSE Department on 22nd Feb’2010
- One day Seminar on “Applying Different Technologies in the Engineering Field” conducted by CSE Department on 18th Jan’2010
- One day Technical Seminar as a Co-Coordinator on “Virtualization Technology” conducted by CSE Department on 08th Jan’2010
- One day Seminar on “Face the interview and Ace the interview” conducted by CSE Department on 14th December’2009
- One day Seminar on “Importance of Total Quality Management” conducted by CSE Department on 04th Aug’2009
- One day Workshop on “Time Management and Six sigma” conducted by CSE Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 30th December ’08.
- One day Seminar on “IBM-Overview of Rational Software” conducted by CSE Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 19th September’2007
- Soft skills programme on “WEBINAR on Storage Networks” conducted by Infosys and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, on 29th March’2007.
- Soft skills programme on “Importance of Software Testing” conducted by Birla Soft and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 25th March ’2007.
- Two day workshop on “IBM Tivoli Software” organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. During 21 -22 March’2007.
Prof S.Peer Mohamed Endowment’s Lecture
- One day Prof S.Peer Mohamed third Endowment Lecture as a Co coordinator organized by BSAIST on 29th November 2016
- One day Prof S.Peer Mohamed Second Endowment Lecture as a Co coordinator organized by BSAIST on 05th October 2015
- One day Prof S.Peer Mohamed First Endowment Lecture as a Co coordinator organized by BSAIST on 29th April 2014.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell Activities
- One day shop for women students organized by BSAIST on 02.03.2017
- Six Week TEDP Programme cum instructor on “Computer Hardware Services and Maintenance” conducted by EDC Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, during 23rd Feb-30 March ’2008.
- One day Soft skills programme on “Filing Systems, Paper works and Office Automation” conducted by EDC Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 14th March ’2008
- EDC-Sixth Advisory Board Meeting conducted by EDC Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 3rd March ’2008
- Three days EAC (Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp) Programme conducted by EDC Department and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai,During 4th Feb-6th Feb’2008.
Creative skills based Workshop/Programme
- One day Creative workshop on “Art Decathon“ conducted by Crescent Creative Strokes and organized by BSACIST, Chennai on 08th August 2019
- One day Creative workshop on “ Spray Painting Workshop“ conducted by Crescent Creative Strokes and organized by BSACIST, Chennai Feb 15th 2019
- One day Creative workshop on “Oil painting workshop“ conducted by Crescent Creative Strokes and organized by BSACIST, Chennai on 09th October 2018
- One day Creative workshop on “Pencil portrait workshop“ conducted by Crescent Creative Strokes and organized by BSACIST, Chennai on 04th August 2018
Participated in Online workshop / Seminar, Webinar & FDP during Lock-down period (Since April 2020)
- Participated in a National Webinar on IPR for Patenting Innovations and Inventions organized by Department of Computer Science and Applications and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), PMIST in collaboration with Intellectual Property India, Govt. of India under the National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) on 25th February 2022
- Participated in a National level webinar on “Multidisciplinary Research Perspective Towards Sustainable Development Goals” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 17.08.2021
- Participated in an International webinar on Innovations in Online Teaching Learning and Evaluation (IOTLE 2021) organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore during 5th to 7th August 2021
- Participated in a National Webinar on “Encryption techniques through Graph Networks” conducted Department of Mathematics, BSACIT, Chennai on 12th July 2020.
- Participated in a “Three day National Webinar on Application in Mathematics conducted Department of Mathematics, Sree Devi Kumari Women’s College, Kuzhithurai (P.O), Kanyakumari (Dt.) on 08th July 2020 – 10th July 2020.
- Participated in a Webinar on “Start-up Investing Post – COVID: What would the last man standing do?” conducted by CIIC, BSACIT, Chennai on 24th June 2020.
- Participated in a Webinar on “Github – Why learning it is important to get a job” conducted by the office of Alumni Relations, BSACIST, Chennai on 17th June 2020.
- Participated in a Webinar on ”Industry Integrated Teaching and Mentoring (IIT-IIM)” conducted by Department of CSE, BSACIST, Chennai from 10th June 2020 to 11th June 2020
- Participated in a Webinar on “AI X-Pert” conducted by Star Certification, Chennai on May 28, 2020
- Participated in a Webinar on “AI and ML for Business Applications” conducted by Star Certification, Chennai on May 27, 2020
- Participated in a Webinar on “Python Programming” conducted by Star Certification, Chennai on May 23, 2020
- Participated in an online workshop on “Scientific Writing for Journal” conducted by Springer Nature on May 20, 2020
- Participated in a Webinar on “Big Data Analytics” conducted by Star Certification, Chennai on May 18, 2020
- Participated in the “LaTeXtraining” organized at Joseph’s Institute of Technologyinthe January 2020 semester, with course material provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay. (15th May 2020 to 17th May 2020)
- Participated in a Webinar on “Ethical Hacking Expert(EHE)” conducted by Star Certification, Chennai on May 14, 2020
- Participated in a Live Webinar on Artificial Intelligence with MAT Labconducted by the Department of EEE, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on May 07, 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “How to Use Turnitin Software for your Research -Turnitin Online on Campus” on May 04, 2020, conducted by GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Mumbai
- Participated in a 2 Hrs Webinar on “Machine Learning using Python” conducted by BrainSwig Edutech Pvt.Ltd, Chennai on May 01, 2020.
- Participated in a 2 Hrs Webinar on “Data Visualization Using Tableau” conducted by BrainSwig Edutech Pvt.Ltd, Chennai on April 30, 2020.
- Participated in the Online National Workshop on “Basics of Documentation using Latex“ conducted by the Department of Mathematics, Stella Maris College, Chennai from 24th April 2020 to 30th April 2020.
- Participated in the ”Moodle Learning Management System training” organized at Kaypeeyes College of Arts and Science in January 2020 semester, with course material provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay (29-04-2020 to 01-05-2020)
- Participated in the webinar on “All about Patent and Intellectual Property” conducted by CIIC, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 26th April 2020.
- Participated in Live Webinar on “A Systematic Software Based Approach to Implement OBE to achieve Excellence leading to Accreditation readiness through Ion CUDOS” conducted by IonIdea on 24th April 2020.
Attended Workshops/Seminars/Conferences
National & International Conference/Workshops
- One day National Level Workshop on “Advances in Geospatial & Simulation Models for Earthquake and Disaster Studies “ on 27th September ’2014 organized by Earthquake Research Cell, SRM University, Chennai
- One day National Workshop on “Educators day 2013“ on 2nd September ’2013 organized by National Instruments, Chennai
- “National Cyber safety and Security Standards Summit Conference 2013“ on April 27 & 28,2013 organized by NCS at Jeppier College of Engineering, Chennai.
- National Conference on Balancing work and Life on 4th Feb’2012 organized by CBS, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- International Conference – ICSEMA 2012 on Dec 19-21, 2012 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- National Conference of “Open Sources in India’09” at Trade center, Nungambakkam, Chennai on 12 & 13th March’2009.
- National Workshop on “Impact of Media in Technical and Vocational Education” On 06th & 07th March’08 at NITTTR, Chennai.
- National Conference of “iSec 2007” (Information Security) at Trade center, Nungambakkam, Chennai on 27th Nov’07
- One day National workshop on “Tamil Computing” organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, on 8th Aug 2007
- A two days International Conference for English on ”ELTAI” organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. During 9-10 Feb’2007.
- Two Day National Conference on “Mobile Computing“ organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. During 3-4 Feb’2005.
- One day event – “Digital Evolution in Higher Education – Post Pandemic” – How agility & Adaptablity is Driving Innovative Teaching by EBSCO IEEE | Knowledge Feast on 03/12/2021 at Le Royal Meridien, Chennai
- One day Guest Lecture on “Patenting system in India & Patentability criteria” conducted by ISHRAE – Student Chapter, Department of Mechanical Engineering on 5 November 2019 at BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day seminar on “ Smart Energy System for Renewable Energy“ on 30.07.2019 conducted by office of ESPAC at B S A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai
- A Two Day Hands-on FDP “Applications of image processing using MATLAB” by FTA and ECE Department at B S A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 02/05/2019 & 03/05/2019
- One day National Seminar on “E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” on 9th March 2019 at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Applied Machine Learning” conducted by School of CIMS on 10th August 2017 at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Chemistry and its dimensions” conducted by Department of Chemistry during 28th & 29th August 2017 at B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- One-week Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” conducted by Office of Dean (Ac research) during 31.07.2017 to 05.08.2017 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Three days national workshop on “Virtual reality game development” from 17th April to 19th April’2017 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day workshop on “Software development for Portable devices using Andriod on 20th March’2017 conducted by CSE department at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day workshop on “Hi Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Quality assurance in higher Education“on 09th Feb’2017 conducted by B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day seminar on ORCAD PCB on 26th June 2015 at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- Two day workshop on “ Analytics,Internet of Things & Web of things-A 360 View” on 6th & 7th of October, 2015 at B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Advance in Geospatial & simulation modeling for Earth and disaster management“ on 27th Novemebr ’2014 organized by ERC, S.R.M. University,Chennai.
- One day Seminar on “Educator Day 2013” on 2nd September 2013 at National Instruments-ITC Hotel
- One day Workshop on “Funded proposal preparation workshop for research projects“ on 5th September ’2013 organized by FTA, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- “Second INFITT Workshop on Tamil Computing“ on March 25 & 26,2013 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day Workshop on “Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership Skills” on 6th July ’2012 organized by Dept. of CSE, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day Workshop on “MATLab Simulation in Digital Communication and MIMO Systems” on 15th March ’2012 organized by Dept. of ECE,B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- One day Workshop on ”Workshop- Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership Skills“ organized by CSE dept., B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 6th July 2012
- One day International Workshop on “ Teaching and Learning in 21st Century” on 19th December ’2011 organized by FTA, B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- One day Workshop on “Effective Conduct of Practical sessions: focus on computer science subjects” organized by CSE dept., B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology from 12th July 2011
- Two days National Seminar on “Security of Insecurity in cyber space-Challenges of Today and Tomorrow” organized by CSE department, BSA Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 26th & 27th Jan’2010.
- One day Technical Seminar on “Virtualization Technologies” organized by CSE department, BSA Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 08th Jan’2010
- One day Workshop on “Time management and six Sigma“ organized by CSE department, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 30th Dec’2008.
- Seminar on “Filing and Paper work system” organized by MBA department, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai on 22nd Nov’07
- Two day workshop on “Digital Library Using Dspce and DSGL“organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. During 16 -17 March’2007.
- Two-day Staff workshop on “Linux Administration” organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. During 12 & 13 Jan’2007.
- Seven-day Staff workshop on “The Great Mind Challenge-2006” Conducted by IBM and organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. From 18th Sept’2006 to 24 Sept’ 2006.
Development of Learning Resource Material
- Refresh Course Material for Fundamentals of Computing (FOC) Developed
- PPT and CD Prepared for Refresh Course Material(FOC),DBMS,Web technologies,etc.,
- Laboratory Manual Developed (OOPS)
- Activity based Learning Material Developed (DBMS)
- Project based Learning Material Developed(DBMS Lab)
- OOPS Concept Lecture Video available in You tube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFE2BvGWkj0&t=20s)
Institution level Responsibilities
- Time table coordinator (2017-2020)
- Assistant Dean (Research) (2017- 2020)
- Class rooms arrangement Co-ordinator
- Co-ordinated Institution level on-line examination for Admissions
- Member of Academic Council
- Research Supervisor
- Doctoral Committee & Pre synopsis Committee Member
- PhD Viva Voce –Coordinator
- Crescent Creative Strokes Club – Co-ordinator
Department level Responsibilities
- Project coordinator in CSE department at Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology, Vellore,From June’ 2003 to Dec’ 2005
- Class advisor for B.Tech(CSE) – (2006 -2008) & (2015-2018)
- Class advisor for M.Tech(CSE) – (2013-2015)
- Project coordinator for B.Tech(CSE) (2008,2015 & 2018)
- Faculty Advisor (2008 – 2019)
- Internal Auditor for Labs (2007 –2019)
- Lab In charge (June 2017 – July 2018)
- Co-ordinator for stock verification (2013 –2019)
- Committee Member for monitoring the smooth conduct of classes.
- Department Academic Audit Committee member.(2015-2019)
- Project Review Committee Member (2012- 2019)
- Member for Parent –Teacher Meet (2013 – 2018)
- Member of Industry Institute Interaction meet (2012-2017)
- Member of Curriculum and syllabi (2012 – 2019)
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of Institute Admissions (2012 – 2019)
- Co-ordinated in the NBA for B.Tech CSE & M.Tech CSE
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department symposium (2013,2015 & 2018)
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department events Extra Curricular Meet and Talent Hunt (2012,2014 & 2017)
- Committee Member Co-ordinator for Curriculum development for UG & PG programmes (2013 – 2019)
- Class Committee Chairperson (2016 – 2019)
Pledge – Cum- Certificates (As per the instructions from the Government of India)
- Certificate of Commitment – Integrity Pledge of “honesty & Integrity” Certificate Issued by Central Vigilance Commission, GOI on 02/12/2021
- Certificate for a pledge on “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas”, Certificate Issued by Government of India on 01/10/2018