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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E., MBA (HRM), PhD(Pursuing) |
Phone | : | +91 9003313364 |
Email ID | : | pandiyavathi@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University / Board |
Ph.D (Pursuing) | S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology, KTR Campus | ||
M.B.A(HRM) | HRM | Annamalai university, Chidhambaram | |
M.E | Software Engineering | 2014 | CEG, Anna University, Chennai |
B. E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2012 | University College of Engineering, Villupuram |
Work Experience
Organization / Institution | Designation | Period | Experience in Years |
BSAR Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Assistant Professor | 19-July-2019 to Till Date | 1.10 yrs |
Jeppiaar Engineering College | Assistant Professor | 02-Jan-2017 to 1-Apr-2019 | 2.3 yrs |
IFET College of Engineering and Technology | Assistant Professor | 04-May-2015 to 14-May-2016 | 1 yrs |
Total Experience | 5.1 Yrs |
Research Summary
PROJECT GUIDANCE | Guided B.E., M.E., MCA., B.C.A students |
EXTENSION ACTIVITY | International Career counsellor from Mindler Completed 4 modules in NITTTR AICTE Teaching and Development course. Completed Python 3.4.3 training Course conducted by IIT Spoken Tutorial in 5.5.2020 Reviewer for Scopus indexed research article “The International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)” |
JOURNAL ARTICLE PUBLISHED | Published 8 papers in International Journals and 1 in National Journal |
Lecture Courses
- Fundamentals of Computing
- Object Oriented Programming
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
Area of Research Interest
- Software Engineering
International Journals
- “Detection of Optimal Refactoring Plans for Resolution of Code Smells”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014
- “Usage of Optimal Restructuring Plan in detection of Code Smells”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), volume 12 number 4, Jun 2014
- “A Wireless Surveillance and Safety System for Mine Workers based on Zigbee”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Technologies (IJRESTs), Vol 1 number 3, Sep 2015
- “Tracking Eye Movement by Characterizing a Sequence Through Hierarchical Clustering”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, vol 5, issue 3, March 2016.
- “Efficient Approach for Data Retrievability on Cloud Storage System”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Technologies(IJRESTs), Vol 1 number 3, Sep 2015
- Adhoc wireless network for maximizing the number of broadcast operation”(IJMECE), Vol 4, issue 3, May 2016
- A Wireless Surveillance and Safety System for Mine Workers based on zigbee, International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Technologies(IJRE), 2017
- “Restructuring with Moora and Measuring Code Smells” in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019
National Journals
- Sequential Ordering of Code Smells and Usage of Heuristic Algorithm”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(S2), 23-28, Jan 2015
International Conference / Presentation
- Presented a paper entitled “Restructuring with MOORA and measuring code with FODA TISM” in the IEEE sponsored International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management(ICONSTEM 2017) held in Jeppiaar Engineering College on 23rd and 24th March 2017.
- Exhibited my paper “Smell Detection Sequencing and Usage of Optimal Refactoring Plans” in SET, 8th international conference conducted by VIT, Vellore
- Presented poster entitled “Integrating Machine learning and DevOps” in DPRC, 2021 organized by SRMIST, Kaatangulathur.
Seminars / Workshops
- Attended a one day “Author workshop” in CEG campus delivered by Springer India Limited, organized by Anna University Library and Springer
- Attended ISRO sponsored two days National seminar on “Internet of Things – Early warning system” in IFET College of engineering.
- Participated in Two Day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 8-12-17 to 9-12-2017
Faculty Development Program
- Attended Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Program conducted in IFET College of Engineering on “Probability and Queuing Theory”
- Attended Faculty Development Program conducted in IFET College of Engineering on “Kindling the Teacher in You”
- Attended Faculty Development Program, “How to reach the hard to teach” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Jeppiaar Engineering College on 9th January 2018.
- Attended Faculty Development Program, “Legal and Health issues for working women” from 4th Dec’17 to 05th Dec’17 at Jeppiaar Engineering College
- Participated in FDTP on CS6401-Operating systems at Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai from 27th November to 3rd December 2017.
- Attended FDP on “Stress Management” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Jeppiaar Engineering College on 3rd May 2017 to 5th May 2017
Additional Responsibilities
- Awarded as “Arulnithi” in Certification in Yoga for human excellence after the completion of the course from September 2014 to December 2014
- Acted as NBA file Incharge (Placement and Higher studies file, Professional Activities file, Placement Training file, Pareto Analysis)
- Department coordinator in Discipline committee, College cultural and co-curricular activities incharge
- International Association for Engineers (IAENG) – 142978
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)-80349057
- ISTE Life Member- LM107196
- International Association of Online Engineering- IAOE Associate- 20201110997
- “RAJYA PURASKAR (Governor)Award” from His Excellency Mr.Surjit Singh Barnala for the service to mankind
- Scored first in exhibiting a project “Bioplas” conducted by National Children Science Congress in Sikkim Manipal University