Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | MCA.,M.E.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 9841826003 |
Email ID | : | |
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph. D | Information and communication Engineering | 2011 | Anna University |
M.E | Computer Science Engineering | 2003 | CEG, Anna University |
MCA | Computer Applications | 1997 | Bharathidasan University |
B.Sc | Computer Science | 1994 | Bharathidasan University |
Academic Experience
S.No | Name of the post | Employer | Period of Employment | Teaching/ Industrial/ Research | |||
From | To | Yr | Mon | ||||
1. | Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Apr 2012 | Till date | 8 | 1 | Teaching |
2 | Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman University | May 2011 | Mar 2012 | – | 10 | Teaching |
3 | Asst.Prof (Sel.Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman University | Mar’ 2010 | April 2011 | 1 | 2 | Teaching |
4 | Asst. Prof (Sr.Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman University | Apr’ 2009 | Mar’ 2010 | 1 | – | Teaching |
5 | Sr.Lecturer | B.S.A Crescent Engineering College | Sep 2004 | Mar 2009 | 4 | 8 | Teaching |
6 | Lecturer | B.S.A Crescent Engg College | Nov ‘ 1997 | Aug 2004 | 6 | 9 | Teaching |
Total Experience | 22 | 6 |
Research Summary
RESEARCH SUPERVISION | Guided and Completed 2 Ph.D. Scholars
and Guiding 8 Ph.D Scholars |
PROJECT GUIDANCE | Guided more than 100 MCA, B.E., M.E., M.Phil students |
EXTENSION ACTIVITY | Visited Dubai, Singapore, for paper presentation and acted as Session Chairs |
JOURNAL ARTICLE PUBLISHED | Published 32 papers in International Journals in which more than 25 journals are refereed journals. |
CONFERENCE PAPERS | 49 Papers (16 papers in National Conference and 33 papers International Conference) |
Achievements |
Received “Certificate of Appreciation” award for having produced excellent academic results during the year academic 2007-2008, 08-09, 09-10 in the College Day celebrations |
Received cash award under the Research incentive scheme of B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute for publishing the papers in International Journals with Impact Factor |
Details of Guest lecture Delivered
- Delivered a special address in faculty development programme “Teaching and learning with Google Classroom ” through Webinar on three days from 4th May 2020 to 6th May 2020, organized by CSI Ewarts college for Women, Chennai
- Delivered Special address on “Big data analytics” on 7th February 2020 for the final year students of B.Sc and BCA students of CSI Ewarts college for women, Chennai
- Delivered key note address on ”Recent trends in Big data Analytics” for the research scholars of Periyar University, Salem
- Acted as Session Chair in the National conference on “Innovative Computing and Communications” organized by Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College for Women during 12th December 2018.
- Acted As Session Chair In The International Conference On “international conference on computing sciences ICCS 2018-2019” Organized By Loyala College, Chennai During 17th November 2018.
- Delivered key note address on “role of ontology in AI” at MGR Janaki college for women, Chennai on 4.1.2017 during the National Conference on “Computational Convolution in Intelligent systems and mathematics”
- Delivered key note address in “recent trends in Multimedia technologies – VFX” organized by department of Computer Science, Vels University during 3rd October 2016
- Delivered key note address in “Sentic Computing – Research Perspective” in the First National Conference on Computational Intelligence Systems ’16 (NCCIS ’16) during 7th April 2016
- Delivered Key note address in the regional level workshop on” recent trends in information technology” organized by CSI Ewarts college for women during 2nd March 2016
- Delivered guest lecture on “Cognitive reasoning” St.Joesph college of Engineering. Chennai on 7th January 2016
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Art of Writing Research Articles” In the national level faculty development workshop organized by Krishnaswamy arts college for Women on 1st April 2015
- Acted as a judge for Paper Presentation intechnical symposium XPLOITS & COLOSIUM on 28th March 2015 at Valliammai college of Engineering, Chennai – 48
- Delivered guest lecture on ”Recent trends in Information technology” organized by St. Thomas college for arts and science on 10th February 2015
- Acted as a Session chair in the Second International Conference on Innovations in Contemporary IT Research (ICITR-2015)” during 6th – 7th february 2015 organized by Department of Computer Science,Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women (Autonomous) in Chennai
- Acted as a Session chair in the International conference on Artificial intelligence and Manufacturing Engineering” during 25th – 26th December 2014 in Dubai.
- Delivered Key note address in the regional level workshop on” sentic computing” organized by Dr.M.G.R Janaki arts college for women during September 2014
- Delivered guest lecture on “Computer Architrecture” St.Joesph college of Engineering. Chennai on 18th June 2014.
- Delivered guest lecture on “The Impact of Java in developing research oriented tools and Applications – A Researcher perspective” at A.V.C college of Engineering on 21st December 2013.
- Delivered Key note address in the regional level workshop on” overview of SPSS and Matlab” organized by Dr.M.G.R Janaki arts college for women during September 2013
- Delivered a guest lecture on “How to do Research? In the national level workshop on “Research Methodologies” organized by Krishnaswamy arts college for Women during July 2013
- Delivered a guest lecture on ‘ Analysis of Algorithm ‘ , one day seminar organized by Department of Mathematics, BSA University, Chennai, during April 2010
- Delivered a guest Lecture on “Intelligent Agents”, in the Workshop on “ Knowledge management “sponsored AICTE – QIP Programme and organized by Department of Computer science engineering, Anna University, Chennai during Dec ‘2007
- Delivered a guest Lecture on “Network Security “in Faculty Development Training Programmes for “Networks and Data Structure” organized by Department of computer science and Application, B.S.A Crescent engineering College, during May 2006
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Data structure and Algorithm” in Campus Connect Program during 2006
Areas of Research Interest
- Case based Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Knowledge Engineering
- Web Mining
- Text Mining
Research Publications
International Journal
- France P, A.Jaya, “Classification and retrieval of thoracic diseases using patch-based visual words: a study on chest x-rays” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, Volume 6, Number 2 March 2020
- Salman Ayaz A, A.Jaya, “Recommendation based meta-search engine for suggesting relevant documents links’”, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) Volume 16, Issue 4
- S. Murugesh and A. Jaya “An integrated approach towards automated software requirements elicitation from unstructured documents”, in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 19 December 2019, Annexure I. (H Index 23)
- Ms. Sunitha, A.Jaya ,”Automatic Summarization of Malayalam documents using Clause identification Method” is accepted for publication in the journal, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE, ISSN: 2088-8708, a SCOPUS indexed Journal).
- Ms. Sunitha, A.Jaya, “Semantic role labeling of Malayalam web documents in cricket domain” published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol 96,18, B2232-E-2241
- P.G.OmPrakashandDr.A.Jaya”Analyzingand Predicting User Navigation Pattern from Weblogs using Modified Classification“ in the Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencep-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760is will be published onVol11, No 1: July 2018(Scopus indexed journal).
- P.G.Om Prakash and Dr.A.Jaya”Predicting The User Behaviour From Weblogs by Improved Span Classification“ published in the journal of International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ISSN: 1311-8080 E-ISSN: 1314-3395 (Scopus indexed journal).
- Murugesh, A.Jaya, ”Exploiting Ontology to map requirements derived from informal descriptions” published in International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems- Inderscience publications
- Murugesh, A.Jaya,“Representing Natural Language Sentences In RDF Graph And Discourse Representation For Ontology Mapping”is published in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 11, Number 1, 2016, pp 632-635.(Annexure I)
- P.G. OmPrakashandA.Jaya ”Analyzing and Predicting UserBehaviorPattern from Weblogs“ in the International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 9 (2016) pp 6278-6283 (Annexure I).
- Sunitha.C,.A.Jaya,Amal Ganesh, “A Study on Abstractive Summarization Techniques in Indian Languages” published in the international open access journalElsevier Proceedia Computer Science,Volume 87, 2016 pages 25-31 which is indexed by
- Jishma Mohan, Sunitha.C,A.Jaya, Amal Ganesh,“A Study on Ontology Based Abstractive Summarization” published in the international open access journal Elsevier Proceedia Computer Science,Volume 87, 2016 pages 32-37 which is indexed by
- R.Mervin and Dr.A.Jaya published the research article titled “Efficient Approach to Ranking the Answers in KBQA using Ontology” in the International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET) in their issue of May, 2015, Volume 1.
- S.Murugesh, A.Jaya”, published research articles titled “Construction of ontology for software requirements elicitation” published in the journal of Indian Journal of Science & Technology, month, 2015 ( Annexure I)
- Javubar Sathick, A.Jaya, ” Natural Language to SQL Generation for Semantic Knowledge Extraction in Social Web Sources” International Journal of science and technology(IJST),Accepted for publication in Jan 2015 Issue
- Javubar Sathick, A.Jaya” A Generic Framework for Extraction of Knowledge from Social Web Sources (Social Networking Websites) for an Online Recommendation System” International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning “Volume 16, Number 2 in April 2015
- Omprakash, A.Jaya,”Analyzing the user navigation pattern from web logs ” in the International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, December 2014
- Javubar Sathick, A.Jaya, “Generic Framework for Semantic Query Conversion in Social Web sources” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science(IJLTEMAS),volume:3,issue:10,Oct 2014,page(s): 75- 79
- R.Mervin, A.Jaya ”Knowledge Based Question Answering Using Ontology“ in the International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology(IJESRT)” OCT 2014 , Volume 1 pg no 523 – 528 .
- Murugesh, A. Jaya, “A generic framework for requirement elicitation from informal descriptions”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2278 -1323, vol 3, issue 7. July 2014
- K.France, A.Jaya “A Survey of Segmentation Techniques in Medical Image Retrieval”International Journal ofResearch in Advanced Technology in Engineering October 2013
- K.Javubar Sathik, A.Jaya ,”Extraction of actionable knowledge to predict student’s academic performance using data mining technique- an experimental study” in International journal of knowledge based computer systems Vol1, Issue 1 pg 29-32 , June 2013
- Murugesh, A. Jaya, “ A step towards software requirements elicitation from unstructured documents”, International Journal of Computer Applications, published by Foundations of Computer Science, NewYork, USA, ISBN 973-93-8072, February 2013.
- G.Sunitha, Dr.A.Jaya, “A Knowledge based approach for automatic Database NormaliZation” accepted in International journal of Advanced Research in computer Engineering and Technology will be published in June 2013.
- M.sandhya, A.Jaya, “An integrated Approach Towards Software requirement Elucidation Using Mind map” published in International Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology, May 2013 page number 499-504.
- Mervin R, Jaya A, “Web Spider: A Search Engine for Multimedia Question Answering” published in the International Journal of Research in Information Technology and Sciences and published during June 2012.
- Maheswari and A.Jaya, ” An Integrated Approach towards Prediction of Stock Values for Short Term”, IFRSA’s International Journal Of Computing|Vol2|issue 3|July 2012 645- 651
- Murugesh, A.Jaya, “ Automated Software Requirements Elicitation from Unstructured documents”, International journal of Computer Applications to be published
- A.Jaya. ”A Standard Methodology for the Construction of Symptoms Ontology for Diabetes Diagnosis.” International Journal of Computer Applications 14(1):47–51, January 2011. Published by Foundation of Computer Science
- A.Jaya, G.V. Uma, “A Novel Approach for Intelligent Reasoning of Stories using Ontology”, International Journal of Futuristic Computer Application, Number 16. Article 6, Feb 2010
- A.Jaya, G.V.Uma, “A knowledge based study on Automatic story generation system”, International Journal of computational intelligence and Research September 2009. Vol 5, Number 3 (2009), pp 271- 284.
- A Jaya & G.V. Uma , “Ontological Based Approach For Reasoning The Stories” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application , INJERIA , Jan 2009 Vol. 1, pg 1-10.
- A Jaya & G.V. Uma, “Role of ontology in Case-based Reasoning (CBR) for diagnosing diabetes” The Icfai University Journal of Information Technology, Sep 2009 Vol 5, No .3 pg 17-23.
- A Jaya & G.V. Uma, “A Semantic based Approach for Automatic Story Generation Using Multi Agent Framework “ICFAI Journal of computer science, July 2008, Vol II, No. 3, Pg 78 -.84.
- A.Jaya, G.V. Uma, “A knowledge based approach for story generation from ontology” was published in the “Asian Journal on Information Technology” 2006 5(9): July Pg no: 1005 – 1008.
International Conferences
- A.Jaya, A. Abdul Azeez Khan. “Acquiring Learner’s requirements for E-learning using Crowd sourcing” “, in the proceedings of seventh International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (BAICONF) organized by IIMB banglore during 5th to 7th December 2019
- Priya N, A. Jaya , “An Understanding Of Crowd sourcing Techniques In Agriculture: A Survey “ in the proceedings of 8th International conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET 19)” organized by organized By Institute For Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) during 30th and 31st December 2019
- France, A.Jaya ,”Classification and Retrieval of Thoracic Diseases Using Patch-Based Visual Words: A Study on Chest X-rays”, in the proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (IAIM2019), organized by SATHYABAMA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Chennai during 3 to 5 April 2019.
- A.France, A.Jaya,” 1. France, A.Jaya, “Bag of Visual Words methods in X-Ray Image Retrieval: A Survey” in the proceedings of International Conference on Intellingent Computing and Control organized by Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore, June 2017
- A.Salman Ayaz, A.Jaya “A Framework for Recommending Relevant Web Links to Online Users “ 2017 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2017)”, Jan. 06 – 07, 2017, Coimbatore, INDIA
- Murugesh, A.Jaya ,“Representing natural language sentences in RDF graph to derive knowledge patterns” published in Springer , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, August 2016, Volume 469, pp 701-707.
- Mervin, A.Jaya, “A Novel Approach To Mapping For KBQA System Using Ontology” in International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA 2016 will be held during 29 July – 30 July, 2016 in Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. [Springer]
- P Maheswari and A. Jaya, “Organising and retrieving of scientific articles using ontology “, in the proceedings of “21st International conference on computer science and information technology (ICCIT 2016) and published the paper in International Journal of current Engineering and scientific Research(IJCESR) ISSN(print):2993-0697 volume-3 Issue-8,2016.
- Salman Ayaz A, A.Jaya, “An Integrated approach to improve the ranking of Web pages” in the proceedings of “21st International conference on computer science and information technology(ICCIT 2016) and published the paper in International Journal of current Engineering and scientific Research(IJCESR) ISSN(print):2993-0697 volume-3 Issue-8,2016
- R.Mervin and Dr.A.Jaya , Presented the research article titled “Automatic Classification of Questions in Knowledge Based Question Answering System using Ontology” in the Second International Conference on Innovations in Contemporary IT Research ICITR 2015 organised by Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women, Chennai during 6th and 7th February, 2015.
- Sunitha.C and Dr.A.Jaya , Presented the research article titled “A Phoneme Based Model For English To Malayalam Transliteration” in the IEEE International Conference on Information, Innovation in Computing Technology at Saveetha Engineering College on 19th and 20th of February 2015 and was published in IEEE Explore.
- S.Murugesh, A.Jaya” , Presented the research article titled “Ontology mapping for explicit description of domain knowledge” was presented in IEEE International Conference on Innovation, Information in computing technologies (ICIICT ’15) held at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai on 19th & 20th February 2015.
- S.Murugesh, A.Jaya” , Presented the research article titled “Role of domain knowledge representation in software requirements elicitation” was presented (virtual) in International Conference on Signal Processing, Control and Data Analytics-2015(ICSCD 2015), San Diego, 7-8 March 2015.
- Murugesh, A.Jaya,“ Construction of ontology for software requirements elicitation”, was presented in International Conference on innovations in contemporary IT Research on 6th & 7th February 2015, at Quaid-E-Millath Government college for Women, Chennai 600 002.
- Mervin, A.Jaya,“ Efficient Approach to Ranking the Answers in KBQA using Ontology” in the Fourth International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology ICCET-2015 organized by Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai on 15th March, 2015
- Mervin, A.Jaya, “Classification of user’s answer using sentiment analysis” in the International Conference on Signal Processing, Control and Data Analytics-2015(ICSCD-2015) organized by International Society for Scientific Research and Development(ISSRD) on 14th March, 2015 hosted in USA (Best Paper Award)
- A.Jaya, ”A Generic Framework for Intelligent tutor using ontology” in the proceedings of International conference on “Artificial intelligence and Manufacturing Engineering” in Dubai, UAE during 25th – 26th December 2014.
- Shreedevi Ganesan, M. Munir Ahamed Rabbani and A. Jaya, “Face recognition using Principal Component Analysis with Median for Normalization on a Heterogeneous data set.” In the proceedings of International conference on Second International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Vision- ICDIP -2013,organized by AIRCC, 20-21 Dec’2013
- Mervin R, Jaya A, “ Web Spider: A Search Engine for Multimedia Question Answering” in the proceedings of International Conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems organized by ”S.A Engineering College” during February 2012.
- P.Maheswari and Dr.A.Jaya ,“Sentiment Based Approach towards Prediction of Stock Values For Long and Short Term”, In the proceedings of International Conference On Computational Intelligence And Communication(ICCIC 2012),pp 17-21,July 2012.
- Murugesh, A.Jaya, “Towards Context aware and intelligent user interfaces using agent based approach” in the proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in contemporary IT research organized by Quaid-E-millath Government College for Women(Autonomous), Anna Salai, Chennai -2, Tamilnadu, India, February 2012
- Murugesh, A.Jaya, “ Automated Software Requirements Elicitation from Unstructured documents”, in the proceedings of International Conference on Communication , Computing and information technology – ICCMIT 2012 during December 21st- 23rd 2012.
- S.Zeenathunisa, A. Jaya and M.A. Rabbani, “An Intelligent Agent For Recognizing Face Under Dim Light Conditions”, In the Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems (IAMA 2011), pp. 43, September 2011.
- S.Zeenathunisa, A. Jaya and M.A. Rabbani, “A Biometric Approach Towards Recognizing Face In Various Dark Illuminations”, In the Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Electronics Communication and Computing Technologies (ICECCT ’11), pp. 59, September 2011
- A.Jaya, G.V. Uma, “An Intelligent Automatic Story Generation System by Revising Proppian’s System” Computer Science and Information Technology , COSIT , published in th Springer’s Computer communication information sciences, Bangalore Jan – 2011.
- A.Jaya, G.V. Uma, “A Knowledge based approach for semantic reasoning of stories using Ontology” International conference on contours of computing technology organized by BabaSaheb Gawde Institute of Technology and accepted for publication in Springer link (LNCS). Mumbai, March 2010.
- A.Jaya , G.V. Uma, “An Intelligent System for Semi- Automatic Story Generation for Kids Using Ontology” International conference on ACM – Compute 2010 organized by ACM Bangalore chapter, Jan 2010.
- A.Jaya , G.V. Uma, “An Intelligent Framework for Reasoning on Story Plots Using Wordnet “ Global WordNet Conference 2010, organized by IIT , Mumbai ,Jan 2010 pg
- A.Jaya, G.V.Uma , “Role of Ontology in Automatic Construction of Stories for Kids“ IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems 2009 , organized by Vinayaka Mission’s University (VMU), published in IEEE XPLORE, 978-1-4244-4710-7, Jul 22- 24, 2009 (Best Paper award)
- A.Jaya, G.V.Uma , “An Intelligent approach for reasoning the stories using Case based reasoning and Rule based reasoning “ IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems 2009 , organized by Vinayaka Mission’s University (VMU), published in IEEE XPLORE, 978-1-4244-4710-7, Jul 22- 24,2009
- A.Jaya, G.V.Uma, “A Novel Approach for Construction of Sentences for Automatic Story Generation Using Ontology “, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking (ICCCN 2008), published in the IEEE XPLORE karur, 978-1-4244-3595-1108, Dec 18-20, 2008.
- A.Jaya, G.V.Uma , “ ontology based approach for categorization of stories using text mining techniques “ International conference on Cognition and recognition 2008, mandya , Karnataka , Apr 12-13 , 2008, pg 722- 727.
- A.Jaya, J. Sathishkumar, and G.V. Uma, “A Novel Semantic Validation Mechanism for Automatic Story Generation Using Ontology” The 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Los Vegas, USA , June 25-28, 2007, pg 305 – 311.
National Conferences
- A.Salman Ayaz, A.Jaya , “ONLINE DOCUMENT RECOMMENDER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE” in the proceedings of National level conference on Computer Science and Mathematics during 4th & 5th April 2019 organized by School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- A.Salman Ayaz, A.Jaya,”An Exploratory Analysis of Web Search Engines” ISBN: 978-93-84943-19-6, ISTE Sponsored, National Conference on NCIET 2017 conducted on 25th February 2017 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore
- K.France, A.Jaya “A Survey of Segmentation Techniques in Medical Image Retrieval” in the proceedings of Recent Trends in web Technologies organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Oct 2013
- K.Javubar sathick, A.Jaya,” A Framework for decision support system- An Actionable Knowledge discovery process ” in the proceedings of Recent Trends in web Technologies organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Oct 2013
- S.Tamilmani, Dr. A.Jaya, “An Intelligent tool for processing Natural Language sentences into structured Query Language” in the proceedings of National Conference on Current Academic Research in Communication and Networking(CARCN 2013) organized by Sathyabama Universit,6th April 2013(Page No:6-9)
- S.Pramila, A. Jaya, “Question & Answering System Using Ontology Based Semantic Annotation” in the proceedings of National conference on Emerging Trends In Information And Communication Technology (ETICT’13) organized by Saveetha university during 3rd april 2013 (page no:125-129).
- Thanalakshmi.N, A.Jaya, “An intelligent tool for Medical Diagnosis for Diabetes using Case Base reasoning and Decision tree” National Conference on Cloud Computing and Network Security (NCCNS-2013) Organized by R.M.K Engineering college, during April 22nd 2013(Page no-25-28)
- P.Maheswari and .A.Jaya , “An Integrated Approach towards Prediction of Stock Values For Long and Short Term” In the proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Futuristic and Advanced Computing Technologies, March 2012.
- M.Vedhavathy, Jaya A , “An Integrated Approach For Automatic Web Document Summarization ” the proceedings of National Conference on Architecture, Software systems, and Green computing 2012 9th MAY 2012, at AVIT, Paiyanoor
- S.Zeenathunisa, A. Jaya and M.A. Rabbani, “An Integrated Approach Towards Recognizing Face Under Dim Light Conditions”, In the Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Advanced Trends in Computing, pp. 21-23, April 2011.
- Muhilmathi , A.Jaya , “ A tool for medical diagnosis using case based reasoning “, national conference on artificial intelligence and neural networks , organized by S.R.M. University , Chennai , Jan 2008
- A.Jaya , J.Sathish kumar , G.V.Uma, “An ontology based approach for semantic story generation ”, National Conference on Software Engineering NCSOFT 07, organized by Computer society of India and Dept. of Computer Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin Apr 26 – 27 ,2007, pg 207 – 210.
- A Jaya and G.V. Uma “ A tool for Construction of Ontology from text “ UGC sponsored National Conference on Research Advances in computer science “ conducted by Presidency College Chennai, Feb 15-16 2007 pg 25 – 30.
- B.Saleena and A. Jaya , “Role of semantic web in e-learning “ national conference on data mining and application, organized by Annamalai University, mar 2006. (Best Paper award)
- A.Jaya and B.Saleena , “ Automatic story generation using conceptual graph“ national conference on distributed systems and knowledge , organized by Sri sairam engineering college, Chennai sep 15 , 2005.
- B.Saleena and A. Jaya, “semantic web in uml “, National seminar on uml organized by Thiayagaraja engineering college, March 2004
Workshops/seminars organized:
- Organized one day work shop on Google applications and Android Programming during 13th February 2015 for Undergraduate students of other institutions.
- Organized one day work shop on Softskills and Google Applications during 20th February 2015 for Undergraduate students of other institutions.
- Organized one day work shop on Mobile applications and Google Applications during 6th March 2014 for Undergraduate students of other institutions.
- Organized one day work shop on Android Programming and Google Applications during 7th March 2014 for Undergraduate students of other institutions.
- Organized two days National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technology RTWT’ 13 during Oct 4th-5th 2013
- Organized one day International workshop on Advances in Data and Web Mining during the Feb 2012
- Organized one day workshop on “.NET Framework” for the students of School of Computer and Information Sciences in B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute during November 2011.
- Organized the ‘Basic Computer Skills workshop’ for Administrative staff our college during Feb 2009 to April 2009.
- Organizing the activities of Computer Society of India from 2005 to till date
- Organized and conducted the open house day for M.C.A students in colleges
Acted as a Reviewers:
- Reviewer in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
- Editor in International journal of knowledge based computer systems for the month of June 2013
- Reviewer for International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL)
- Reviewer for the – The 1st Annual Global Online Conference on Information and Computer Technology (CICT 2014)
- Reviewer for the – International conference on “Artificial intelligence and Manufacturing Engineering” during 25th – 26th December 2014 Dubai.
- Dean in charge for School of Computer Information and Mathematical science since from 18th September 2018 to 18th September 2019
- Managed the activities of four departments namely (CSE,IT,CA, Mathematics)
- Organized school level conference on Recent Trends On Computer Science and Mathematics during April 2019
- Played a active role for accreditation of the CSE and IT departments
- Signed MoU with ZOHO, Chennai Liver Foundations, SCARF foundations, Pathfinder.
- During the tenure, introduced various Specialization courses for undergraduate programme BCA(Data Science), BCA (Cloud Technology and Information Security), BCA(Mobile Application and Information security), BCA(Multimedia and Web Application development) with the support of experts from various industries like TCS, Paypal etc,
- Introduced specialization course for MCA with Cloud Technology, Mobile Application and Big data
- Played a dedicated and key role in admission in bringing good number of the undergraduate students
- Organized conferences, seminars, Workshops to strengthen the visibility of Computer Application department
Curriculum Development
- Academic Council member in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institue of Science and Technology during [2011 to 2019]
- Chairman , BOS member for Computer Application department since 2015 to Dec 2019
- Board of study member in Computer Application department (2012 to till date) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Prepared syllabus for BCA, B.Sc & MCA degree programme for B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and technology.
- Research coordinator
Academic Additional Qualification
– M.B.A (E- Business) from ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY during May 2008 distance education mode.