![]() |
Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.Sc., MSW, MBA, M.Phil., PhD |
Date of Joining | : | 03.11.1995 |
Phone | : | 044- 22751347(Office) |
Email ID | : | yasmeen@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Degree | Specialization | Institution/Department | University | Month & year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Organizational Behaviour | Department of Management Studies | Anna University | November 2009 |
MBA – Part time | Systems/HR | New College Institute of Management | Madras University | April 2009 |
MPhil | Labour Studies | Department of Labour Studies | Madurai Kamaraj university | March 2002 |
M.A. (S.W) | Community Development | Department of Social Work, Madras Christian College | Madras University | April 1994 |
B.Sc. | Mathematics | Department of Mathematics. Women’s Christian College | Madras University | Nov 1991 |
Work Experience
S.No | Organization | Designation | Period of service | No. of Years |
1 | BSACIST | Professor | Till date | |
2 | BSACIST | Professor & Director, Centre for Leadership | 2018-10.11.19 | |
3 | BSAIST | Professor & Head | 2017 – Till June 15, 2018 | 4 | BSAIST | Professor | 2013 – 2017 | 4 years |
5 | BSAIST | Associate Professor | 2009 – 2012 | 3 years |
6 | CEC | Assistant Professor/Lecturer | 1996 – 2008 | 13 years |
- Recently appointed (October 2021) as Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, to work remotely on Research Collaboration
- Former Chief Editor, Crescent Journal of Business
Areas Of Research Interest
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Behaviour Psychology
- Marketing Behaviour
- Predictive Analytics
- Management Science
Research Publications
Publications: International Journal
- Haider Yasmeen and Amitha Babu (2021). Implications of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility on Rural Development in India. International Journal of Management Practice. Vol:14, Issue:6, pp:716-735. Scopus Indexed.
https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJMP.2021.118933 - Somashekhar, K. and Yasmeen, H. (2018). Sharing Behaviour as Significant Predictor to Motivation of Transfer of Learning.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET). Volume: 9,Issue: 7, Pages: 422-432. Scopus Indexed. SJR-2019-0.29.
- Zarin, F. and Yasmeen, H. (2017). Predictive policing in Tamil Nadu using R analytics. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 15(Special), 337 – 340. Scopus Indexed, SJR: 0.136
- Zareena, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2017). Employability Status of Engineering Students A Comparison of Private Self Financing Engineering Colleges and Private Deemed Universities. Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET.
- Somashekhar, K. and Yasmeen, H. (2016). Transfer of learning from executive education programs in developing economies: the key role of motivation. Development and Learning in Organizations, 30(1), 15-18. Scopus Indexed , SJR: 0.14
- Nirmala, R. and Yasmeen, H. (2015). Emotional Intelligence of yoga and non yoga practitioners – A comparative study. European Journal of Social Sciences, 46(4), 446-456, Scopus Indexed , SJR: 0.071
- Rajapriya, N. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Factors Contributing to Attraction of Nurses in Indian Tertiary Care Hospitals. European Journal of Social Sciences, 45 (3), 255-261. Scopus Indexed, SJR: 0.436
- Zareena, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Employability Status of Engineering Graduates: A Moderator study published in European Journal of Social Sciences, 45(2), 179 – 187. Scopus Indexed, SJR: 0.11.
- Nirmala, R. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Components of Simplified Kundalini Yoga in Relation to Demographic Characteristics. International journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, 3(1), 54-61.
- Zareena, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2013). Self Perceived Attributes for Employment: A Study on Engineering Graduates. International Journal of Human Resource Management and research, 3 (4), 29-32. ASJR Indexed, IF: 4.67.
- Zareena, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2013). Role of Personal Development Planning Programme in Enhancing the Career Development of Engineering Students. International Journal of Educational science and research. 3 (4), 13-20. ASJR Indexed, IF: 3.20.
- Hemalatha, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2013). Consumer Demographics and Supermarket Preference: Indian Scenario. European Journal of Social Sciences, 40(3), 488-494. Scopus Indexed, SJR: 0.11
- Somashekhar, K. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). Transfer of Learning International published in Journal of Human Resource Management and Research, 2(3), 71-92. ASJR Indexed, IF: 2.99.
- Rajeswari, T.G. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). Work Life Balance for IT Professionals. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(7), 127-128
- Rajapriya, N. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). Case study: A war of Attrition among Indian Nurses. International Journal of Applied Management Research, 3, 462.
- Hemalatha, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2011). Impact of Organized Retailers on Traditional Markets: Implication for India. International Journal’s Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies, 1(1).
- Hemalatha, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2011). An Evolutionary Outlook of Wal-Mart’s Growth in a Global Scenario. International Journal of research in Commerce and Management, 2(8), 92 – 96.
- Yasmeen, H. (2010). Role Stress: A Career Stage Comparison. International Journal of Public Administration, 33(7), 357-370. Taylor and Francis group, Routledge Publication. . Scopus Indexed, SJR: 0.3
- Yasmeen, H. (2010).The Moderating Role of Personality Variables on Role-Stressor Job Satisfaction Relationship. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies,33, 105-139
- Yasmeen, H. (2007). Career Management: A View through Stress Window. International Review of Business Research Papers, 3 (5), Australia.
Publications: National Journal
- Nirmala, R. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). Application of yoga in Management: A literature review in Values-Based Management. National Journal on Value Based Management. 2 (2), 17-30
- Yasmeen, H. (2008). Organizational Role Stress: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach. Asia Pacific Business Review, 4(2) A National Refereed Journal, India. (The author was awarded an honorarium of Rs. 10,000 for the article).
Publications: Book/Chapter
- Yasmeen, H. & Raina Haider. 2021. “Role of Education in Employability and Employment” in “Empowerment of Perspective Teachers for Employability”, Tamilnadu Teachers Education University & Crescent College of Education for Women, Shanlax Publication, Madurai, ISBN No: 978-93-91373-53-5
- Julie Jacob and Yasmeen, H. 2020. In “Is Silence Golden in an Organization: A Conceptual Outlook” in Skill Enhancement for Human Resource Development. Madras University with Em K VI Publications, Chennai. ISBN No: 978-81-926434-1-0
- Sangeetha, E. and Yasmeen, H. 2020. “A Study on Education, Employability and Employment Dimensions of Food Delivery Executives: An Exploratory Study in “Proceedings of International Conference – Future of Work, Workforce and Workplace”. Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN978-81-943641-5-3.
- Yasmeen, H. (2014). Locus of Control: A Psychological Platform to Successful Work life. Essence of Management. Archers and Elevators Publishing House, 55-60.
- Zareena, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Employability requirements of Engineering Graduates: A Theoretical Review. Archers and Elevators Publishing House, 50-54.
- Hemalatha, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Determinants of Store Format Choice: Research Evidence. Essence of Management. Archers & Elevators Publishing House, 61-65.
- Nirmala, R. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). A comparative study on emotional intelligence: a literature review. In Essence of management. Archers and Elevators, 45-49.
- Nisha, K. and Yasmeen, H. (2014). Commodity Derivatives Market: A Theoretical Review. Essence of Management. Archers and Elevators Publishing House, 40-44.
- Hemalatha, J. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). Hypermarket: A reality. In Mirza, S. Saiyadain & Ganesh, S.K.G. (Eds.), Essays in Management, Excel Books, 83-96
- Nirmala, R. and Yasmeen, H. (2012). The terror manager. In Case studies in Management. Archers and Elevators, 30-31.
- Yasmeen, H. (1998). Women Entrepreneurship. “Entrepreneurship in 21st century”, Rawat Publication, Jaipur, India.
Paper Presentation: International Conference/Seminar
- Co-authored a paper titled “Existence of Generational Differences in Modern Workforce: Do they matter? Is published in the proceedings, 29th -30th April 2021 of the 6th International Conference on Contemporary Management 2021, Organized by University of Jaffna, Srilanka with Emerald Publishing as Academic Partners
- Co – authored a paper (Awarded Best Paper) titled “Combining descriptive and analytical approach to build a model focused on student employability” for presentation in an International Conference on Economic Transformation with Inclusive Growth organised by Rajalakshmi Engineering College, during January, 2018.
- Co – authored a paper titled “An upshot of creating shared value: A case study on Equitas Small Finance Bank” for presentation in an International Conference on Sustainability and Business (SUSBUS 2018) organised by IIM, during 2018.
- Co – authored a paper (Awarded Best Paper) titled “Predictive policing in Tamil Nadu using R analytics” Fathima Zarin and Dr. Haider Yasmeen for presentation at the 7th International Conference on social science research for sustaining business and economy in Global market (ICSRSBEGM – 17) organised by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai during 2017.
- Co – authored a paper titled “Rural transformation in India – A corporate social responsibility” for presentation at the 2nd International Conference – CSR (Commitment for Sustainable Development) Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore during 2017.
- Co-authored a paper titled “Impact of Commodity Derivatives Trading on Spot Price” for the presentation at the 10th AIMS International conference, organised by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore during 2013.
- Co-authored a paper titled “An application of Yoga in Management” for the presentation at the 10th AIMS International conference, organised by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore during 2013
- Authored a paper titled “Work Life Balance of IT professionals” in the International Conference on Current Trends & Challenges in Engineering, Computer Application and Technology, organised by Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad and Choice Institute of Management Studies & Research, 2012
- Authored a paper titled “An Innovative Approach to Technical Analysis” for presentation in an International Conference on “Sustainable Innovation in Global Business Scenario” organized by Madras Christian College, Chennai during 14, 15 September 2011.
- Co-authored a paper titled “Occupational; Health Hazards of Employees- An Innovative Approach to Overcome” for presentation in the International Conference on “Sustainable Innovations in Global Business Scenario” organized by Madras Christian College, Chennai on 14th and 15th September 2011.
- Co-authored a paper titled “Wal-Mart’s experience as an international retailer” for presentation at the International Conference on “Organized Retailing – the Wal-Mart way: Growth of Organized Retailing in Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Asian School of Management, Pune, on 25th & 26th February 2011.
- Authored a paper titled “Predictors of Organizational Outcomes: An Empirical Study” for presentation at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) National Conference for Academic Disciplines which was held at the UNLV Student Union at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154, US (March 7-10, 2011).
- Authored a paper on “Career Management: A View through Stress Window” for presentation in the 5th International Business Research Conference, organized by the University of Wollongong, Dubai on the 26th and 27th of April 2007.
- Authored a paper on “Stress Management: A Necessity in the era of Technology outburst” for presentation in an International conference on “Technological Explosion, its psychosocial impact” organized by JBAS college, Chennai, India on 19th and 20th January 2006.
Paper Presentation: National Conference/Seminar
- Authored a paper titled “Emotional Intelligence of Faculty Members” for presentation in the National Seminar on “Engaging Human Resource for Sustainable Development” organized by University of Madras, Chennai on 29th February, 2012.
- Co-authored a paper titled “A study on work life style of working mothers” for presentation in the National Conference “Entime 2011”on Sustainable Innovations organized by Sathya bama University, Chennai on 13th and 14th October 2011.
- Authored a paper on “Personality Attributes of Women Teachers” for presentation in a National Conference on “Stress Management” organized by the Aligarh Muslim University, U.P, India on the 25th and 26th of February 2006.
- Authored a paper on “Stress Personality of Married Women” for presentation in a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Stress and Coping Strategies” organized by the Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India on the 23rd and the 24th of March 2004.
Invited as Trainer/Resource Person & Consultancy Assignments
- Invited as resource person to handle a session on “Understanding Dynamic Status of Faculty Members & Students in the Institution” for the 5th Online Faculty Induction Program from 10th August to 8th September, 2021, using gmeet on the 2nd of September 2021, organized by UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Invited as resource person for training the supportive staff of Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET) during the two weeks “Administrative Training Program on Personality Skills Development” from 15.6.2021 to 24.6.2021 Organized by Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering. The area of training was on “Micro Management and Adaptability Skills”
- Invited as resource person to handle a session on “Strategy and Transformational Leadership” for the 3rd On-line Faculty Induction Programme using gmeet on the 14th of January 2021, organized by UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi
- Invited as resource person to handle a full day session on “Academic Leadership” to teaching fraternity for the 15 days FDP on “Outcome Based Education” dated 9th November 2019.Organized by DY Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune. The event was sponsored by AICTE. Around 88 Faculty members from DYPCOE and other institutions in and around Pune participated in the programme
- Invited as a trainer for the one day “Youth Leadership Training” organized by Women’s Christian College, Chennai at Blue Lagoon Resort on 13th September 2019. Imparted activity based training on Corporate Etiquettes and Leadership Quality Building for Future Leaders. 100 PG students of Women’s Christian College, Chennai underwent the training
- Invited as resource person to handle session on “Knowledge enhancement on Education, Career and Employability” for the “Crescent International Students Residential Workshop on Management Practices” organized by Crescent School of Business on 11th July 2019. Executive MBA program students from South Eastern University, Srilanka and 4 faculty members participated in the programme
- Carried out Industry Consultancy Project for M/s. GGS InfoTech, Chennai on ”Leveraging CSR for Creating Shared Value, additionally organized an MDP in the same area on 6th October 2017. Received a grant of Rs.50,000/-
- Carried out consultancy project on “Employee Satisfaction Survey” across different branches of Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. (Pan – India) was undertaken from March-June 2012. Received financial grant of Rs. 0.75 lakhs.
- Offered training on “Team Building and Conflict Management to Women Professors and Heads of Department from various colleges and universities in the city during MHRD, Govt of India, sponsored “Academic Leadership Programme” organised by JBAS College for Women, Chennai, on 28th August, 2018.
- Handled session on “Emotional Intelligence of Teachers and Students” & “Creation of Innovative Teaching Learning Environment” during the 7 days Faculty Development Program for Professors and Heads, organized by Quaide Milleth College for Men, Chennai on 19.06.2018.
- Offered training on “Effective Leadership and Strategic Planning” during 4 days FDP organized by Crescent College of Education for Girls, Madurai on 02.05.2018. Sponsored by MHRD, Govt of India.
- Handled a session on” Road Map for Industry Institute Collaboration” during a Regional Seminar on “Industry Institute Collaboration for Creating Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Educational Institutions” organized by EDC, BSACIST, sponsored by EDII-TN on 11.01.2018.
- Handled a session on “Biotech Business Management” during a workshop on “Opportunities and Challenges for Bio-Tech Entrepreneurs” organized by School of Life Science, sponsored by EDII-TN on 05.01.2018.
- Imparted training on the following topics a) Psychology of College Teachers for Better Teaching Learning Process. b) Importance of Research in Education at UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh on 24th and 25th March 2015. Sponsored by MHRD, Govt of India.
- Imparted training on “Managerial Skills” to students of Central Footwear Leather Institute, Chennai on 3rd December 2011.
- Handled Session on “Team Building” for Diploma Apprenticeship candidates of Ford India Pvt Ltd, Chennai between 5th May 2010 and 8th July 2010.
- Conducted “Soft Skill Training” for Middle Level Executives of Amphenol Omni Connect India Pvt Ltd. Chennai on 23rd December 2009.
Events Organised
- Two week On-line FDP on “Application of Moodle LMS”. 11th to 26th June 2020. One hundred and twenty Professors from different states-Tamil Nadu-65; Maharashtra-43; UP-3; karnataka-2; AP-2; Puduchery-2; Punjab-2; New Delhi-1 participated in the programme. The resource person was Prof. Dr. Vinay/HoDMech/DY Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune
- Two week On-line FDP on “Application of Moodle LMS”. 11th to 25th July 2020. One hundred and fifty Professors from different states participated. Prof. Dr. Vinay/HoDMech/DY Patil College of Engineering Pune & Ms. Farha.H, Associate Director and Trainer at Intellect Infinity, Training. Consulting and Designing Firm, Chennai were the resource persons of the programme
- MHRD, Govt of India sponsored, Vice Chancellor Training on University Administration and Management organized from 30th July to 2nd August 2018.
- National Conference on Higher Education and Career Opportunities, 10th October 2017
- MDP on Corporate Social Responsibility titled “Leveraging on CSR for Creating Shared Value”, 6th October, 2017
- Training for Trainers program on “Social Entrepreneurship”, 1st and 2nd August 2017 for faculty members of BSACIST.
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Research Methodology and Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS”, 13th to 19th of July 2017.
- Organized a session on “Training and Development” by Industry based research scholar, Flt. Lt. Vinod Kumar , IAF, 6th March 2017
- Organized a training programme on “Neuro Linguistic Programming” by alumni, Mr. Asif Hussain, Master trainer in Sana Model School (CBSE) between 22nd-24th February 2017
- Reminiscence – 2017 – “Bridging the Industry – Academia Gap”, 23rd September 2017
- Motivational session on “My Journey through Research”, 11th April 2017
- Organised a seminar on “Role of Youth in Creating Sustainable Society” in partnership with UN Chapter of Crescent, 7th of March 2017
- Organized Industry-Institute Meet for the Management Studies Department, 22nd October 2016
- National Conference on Career choices of B- School students: Discover the pride, 6th October 2015
- National conference on Recent trends and challenges in Indian Business scenario, 12th November 2014
- Organized a ‘Soft Skill’ training programme by Mr. Tanveer Ahmed, HR Consultant, Talentra Consulting Services on 12th March , 2014
- National Conference on Physical & Mental Health for Working Professionals: An Holistic Approach, 19th April 2013
- National Conference on Balancing Work and Life , 4th Feb 2012
- Organized a workshop on “Work Life Balance for Working Professionals”, 1st October, 2011
- Organized a workshop on How to sell yourself in interviews, 6th October 2010
- Organized a Counseling workshop for the students of BSAIST, August 2010
Involvement in CSR Activities
- Organised Joy of Giving Week – DAAN UTSAV to complement the University Canteen Staff, 4th October 2017
- Organised a visit to old age home “St. Joseph Hospice”, 31st August 2016
- Organized students’ visit to Orphanage, “Udhavum Ullangal” as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, 28th September 2013
- Organized a seminar on ‘Health and Hygiene’ for the Canteen and Mess staff of CIST, 12th January 2011
- Organized a training program on interpersonal and time management skilled for the benefit of supporting staff of BSAIST, 18th September 2010
Other Achievements
- Received the most renowned Level 5 Certification in Management and Leadership from Chartered management Institute, UK on 26.11.2019, for being part of the prestigious United Kingdom-India Education and Research Initiatives (3 weeks UKIERI Leadership Program) sponsored by AICTE and British Council of India.