Student Affairs
Student Affairs
About Student Affairs
Crescent Institute of Science & Technology gives significant importance to co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the students. These activities are student centered and primarily aims to supplement regular curricular activities. These activities are voluntary and promote self development, help to understand the societal needs and involvements, develop civic sense and philanthropic sense in him/her. With this in view various associations, clubs etc.. have been promoted in the Institute campus under the aegis of Student Affairs. The student associated activities are overseen by the Dean (Student Affairs).

The following bodies are under the purview of the Dean (Student Affairs):
- Rotaract club
Department Technical Societies
All UG Students have to enroll as a member in NSS, NSO or in YRC. For department technical Societies, the respective student are included as member while in others, they are voluntary. All these activities are facilitated by the respective faculty coordinators.