The department has completed five research projects funded by government agencies such as DST, DST-WOS-A and SERB with the total costs of Rs.129.88 lakhs. The department also has one research project funded by DST with a worth Rs. 28.02 lakhs.

Completed Projects

Sl. No.Project TitleName of the Principal InvestigatorFunding AgencyDurationAmount in lakhs (Rs)
1.Investigation of chaotic and strange nonchaotic phenomena in coupled nonlinear circuit and systemsDr. I. Raja MohamedSERB3 years (23.09.13 to 22.09.16)32.46
2.Preparation of rare – earth doped molybdate nanostructures using soft chemical route for optoelectronic applicationsDr. J. ThirumalaiDST-SERB3 years (26.10.13 to 25.01.17)23.64
3.Synthesis and characterization of multi ferroic nano composites for functional applicationsP. Komalavalli, Research Scholar
Mentor: Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu
DST-WOS-A3 years (01.06.15 to 31.05.18)17.79
4.Investigation of multi-ferroic properties of rare earth and transition metal doped bismuth ferrite for functional applicationsDr. I. B. Shameem BanuDST-SERB3 years (01.06.15 to 31.05.18)23.55
5.Construction of optical logic gate using solition collision and study of electrical solition in nonlinear transmission line.Dr. Vijayajayanthi
Young Scientist fellow
DST-SERB3 years (20.06.16 to 19.06.19)32.44
Total129.88 lakhs

Ongoing Projects

Project TitleName of the Principal InvestigatorFunding AgencyDurationAmount in lakhs (Rs.)
Development of Graphene and Metal Nanoparticles Reinforced Flexible Polymer nanocomposites for Effective Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding ApplicationsDr. M. Basheer Ahamed  DST-SERB3 years (17.03.2018 to 16.03.2021)28.02