Quality Education
Outreach Activities
The NSS units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology have celebrated the international women’s day in the crescent campus on 8th march 2020 at its charismatic way. More than 300 participants which include the girl’s students and ladies staff from Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. As part of the auspicious occasion, many programmes has planned under the headings of National Service Scheme (NSS) and Youth Red Cross (YRC). One of such programmes was Walkathon which reflects the strength of the women from the campus. Most of the students participated in the walkathon has carried the placard which mentioned the slogan of women empowerment in the various spheres. Most of the girls Students from the campus very enthusiastically participated in the event. The placards which were carried by the girl’s students and staff members really show potentiality of International women’s day 2020 theme “The generation equality: Realising Women Rights.
The main objectives of the walkathon was,
- In order to make the awareness of the rights of the women
- To strengthen the rights of the women in the campus
- To empower the girls students and ladies members in the campus
- To make awareness to the girls students about the legal rights which are available to them from Indian constitution etc.
The walkathon was flag off by the Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohammed with the presents of Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr.N.Raja Hussain and Alhaj VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager of the Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
In the occasion of women’s day NSS Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has planted trees in the campus. Around 100 trees were planted in the different corners of the campus by the NSS volunteers. Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohammed has inaugurated the planting of tree by planting the first tree then it is followed by the Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr.N.Raja Hussain and Alhaj VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager of the Crescent Institute.

The NSS units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology along with the Inner Wheels Club of Chennai KK Nagar has organized a webinar on Webinar on Health and Hygiene on Women. More than 30 NSS Volunteers from the Crescent Institute of Sciecen and Technology has participated in the programme.

On world cancer day (04.02.2020). As a part of this we conducted an awareness programme for the women in the Karasangal Village adopted under the UBA programme. We also went on a rally with the students of the high school in karasangal and distributed pamphlets on cancer awareness given by the Adyar Cancer institute. We choose to do it for women because they feel shy to come out with health issues especially when it comes to breast cancer. The happiest part of the whole event was two women came forward to tell us they have symptoms and they need further treatment. One of our Alumni came forward to provide them with facilities to visit the Adyar Cancer Institute for further treatment.

On April 21, 2020, The UBA team of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in association with the Crescent Alumni Association distributed provisions to the needy in the Karasangal village. More than 50 families who are dependent on their daily wages for their livelihood benefitted. I thank the association President Mr. Seshadrinathan and our coordinator Dr.Raja Hussain for their support. Thank our student volunteer Ms. Sneha for her efforts. This village is assigned to CSE dept and she is our second year student.