Dr. S.Hameed Kadar Ali
Email id: drhameed.cpc@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent
Phone: +91(44) 2275 9200 Ext.:121,
Mobile: 9444529559
Crescent Professional Counseling Centre offers the much needed counseling and human values to the needy students and staffs of this institute. The Centre is located in First Floor of Convention centre where the privacy and confidentiality of the client(Students and Staffs with the issue) are maintained. The Counselling is offered for the following issues, 1. Academic Issues 2. Interpersonal Problems 3. Frustration Tolerance Issue and all these issues are rectified through cognitive behaviour of the client and Clinical Psychological methods along with that Psychological Interventions is applied for all the needy clients. Dr.Hameed Kadar Ali is the Professional Counsellor who is heading the Counseling exceptionally well since he has having vast experience and he has more than three decades of experience in Madras Medical College. Approximately more than 10 clients were addressed per week.