Major Research Facilities

Major Research Facilities

Major Research Facilities – 2021
Sl No. Name of the Equipment / Software Year of Purchase Costs of the Equipment / Software
in lakhs
Model Department / School
Funding agencies
1 Keysight Vector Signal Generator – 3GHz 2021 13.90 N51804310 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering AICTE Modrobs Scheme
2 Pundit Lab Ultrasonic Testing Instrument 2021 6.70 PL02-006-0099C0 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure AICTE,New Delhi
3 DigitalTriaxialEquipment with software 2021 4.80 Digital triaxial outfit with AIM 90248099064, AIM 075-38, AIM 081-1-2, AIM 085-2-D, AIM 10121, AIM 10122, AIM 10123 AND AIM 084-1. Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
4 Double Beam UV – VIS Spectrophotometer 2021 3.36 Motras : UV Plus Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
5 Half cell probe kitcopper /Copper Sulphate 2021 1.19 3312 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure AICTE,New Delhi
6 Computerised Displacement and Strain recording Instrument 2021 1.33 6712 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure AICTE,New Delhi
7 PH Meter 2021 1.20 35414-00PC2700, OAKTON BENC HTOP Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure DST,New Delhi
8 Displacement Sensors 2021 0.35 025AS Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure AICTE,New Delhi
9 Compression Set 2021 0.14 Compression Set Department of Polymer Engineering BSACIST
10 Weighing Machine with 15 kg Capacity 2021 0.03 IST Class 2 2021060 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
Major Research Facilities – 2020
Sl No. Name of the Equipment / Software Year of Purchase Costs of the Equipment / Software in lakhs (INR) Model Department / School
Funding agencies
1 LabView Software 2020 8.40 NI Academic site license Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering BSACIST
2 Cadence software 2020 5.78 Ug Bundle: UG3Y10LR Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering BSACIST
3 ANSYS academic Multiphysics 2020 2.20 N/A Department of Mechanical Engineering BSACIST
4 MANUAL METAL ARC WELDING(MMAW) GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (TIG) GAS METAL ARC WELDING SET UP (MIG) 2020 2.02 Transpocket 180 – MMAW Magicwave 230i – TIG Transsteel 2200 Std – MIG Department of Mechanical Engineering BSACIST
5 Transit Vernier Theodolite 2020 1.32 Transit Vernier Theodolite 1126 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
6 Data Logging & Signal Conditioning System 2020 1.29 RS232 Civil Department/ School of Infrastructure BSACIST
7 Flame Photometer 2020 0.61 1381 Deep vision (sodium & pottassium) Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
8 Cross staff 2020 0.08 Yash model Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
9 Air Permeability Apparatus 2020 0.04 AIM 390 Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure BSACIST
Instrumentation Available For Research
S.No. Name of the Equipment
1. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
2. Microprocessor controlled UTM. of 100T capacity
3. Photo Elastic Test setup
4. Advanced Tri-axial shear strength test equipment with pore pressure measuring unit
5. CNC Turning Center and Vertical Machining Center for machining experiments
6. Load cells & strain gauge indicators, Vibration sensor, Acoustic Emission sensor and vibration shaker
7. Versamax PLC for automation with software
8. Data Acquisition System and Exhaust Gas Analyzer for engine testing
9. High speed digital storage oscilloscope with GPIB interface for data acquisition
10. Image analyzer with CCD camera for microstructure analysis, Tool makers microscope and Coordinate measuring machine surface roughness tester
11. Low speed wind tunnel
12. Swirl injector Test rig
13. Rocket Fuel sampling and Firing setup
14. Drones and UAV modelling
15. Three Tank Interacting Level Process with Closed loop Control Setup
16. pH neutralization setup
17. Multi process trainer
18. PLC, Drilling operation using PLC
19. Electroporator
20. Harmonic Analyzer
21. Design and Analysis of 3-phase inverter drives
22. Power Electronics and Drives. – Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Prototype of Power Electronic Devices, Electrical Machines and Drives
23. Fibre optic trainer
24. Antenna trainer with software
25. IAR Embedded work bench
26. XRD (Bruker – D8 Focus)
27. Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA)
28. Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) – SEIKO model
29. Electrospinning unit (ESPIN)
30. Ultra Cryostat circulator
31. FTIR
32. Q switched High Energy Nd :YAG (850 mJ) LASER
33. EPM 2000 Dual channel power/Energy meter, OSM2 Series Spectrometer
34. Multi-frequency Ultrasonic Interferometer Research type (1 – 2 MHz)
35. Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
36. P – E Loop Tracer
37. Pulsed Laser Deposition Unit (PLD)
38. High temperature furnace  – 14000 C
39. Spray Pyrolysis unit
40. LCR meter
41. Polarimeter
42. Diode array Spectrophptometer
43. Photoreactor
44. UV – Vis – NIR Spectrophotometer
45. Beam Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing beams up to 3m span.
46. Column Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing columns up to 2m height with provisions for axial and lateral loadings.
47. Pin on disc set up, salt spray apparatus and semi micro balance for wear and corrosion testing
48. Flow Table motorized for concrete
49. Trimble focus total station with accessories
50. GPS Q mini serial

Software Available For Research

S.No. Name of the Software
1. Qualnet
2. Adobe enterprise
3. IBM DB2, IBM Cognos Insight
4. MATLAB 2012
9. IE3D Antenna simulation software
10. MDSPICE MIC Simulation
11. Mentor Graphics HEP1 pack
12. SCADA software
13.  ANSYS V 18.1 – CFD and Structural stimulation
14. Sinfire X4200 server for CAD APPLICATINS
15. GIS – Mapping software
16. SPSS Software developed by IBM for data management