The department has 24 faculty members of which 19 faculty members are with Ph.D qualification and further 5 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D research in our B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Further 10 faculty members from other premier institutions are carrying out their Ph.D research in this department. The department has vibrant research activity that the research scholars and faculty members are highly motivated in carrying out the research and often publish their research findings in refereed International journals and Conferences.
The thrust areas of research of the department includes
- VLSI & Embedded systems
- Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Wireless Networks and Communication Systems
Journal Publications
Department has good record of publications
Few are listed
R.Arshath Raja, B.Vijayalakshmi, “Improved spectral efficiency in massive MIMO ultra-dense networks through optimal pilot-based vector perturbation precoding”, Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, January 2023.
R.Iniyavan and B. Vijayalakshmi, “Design and Development of Improved Coyote Optimization-based Adaptive Equalization Technique for ECG Signal Transmission”, “ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications”, ECTI Association, (ISSN: 1685-9545), Vol 2, pp. 1-14. February, 2023
- Bhuvaneshwari, V.andTharini, C.,Novel construction of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes with variable code rates for cloud data storage systems,ETRI Journal(2022),1–14.
- Maya, P., and C. Tharini. “Lane Detection by Dynamic Origin Technique for Advanced Driver Assistance System.”International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications(2021): 589-594
- Sivashanmugavalli, B., B. Vijayalakshmi, and S. Samiullah. “CSRR-Loaded Crescent Slot Circular Antenna for WLAN/Wi-Fi Application”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 31, no. 02 (2022): 2250025.
- Ahmed, Mohammed Imtyaz, and G. Kannan. “Safeguards and weightless of electronic chain of command consolidated for virtual patient evaluation.” Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022): 1-26.
- R.Anitha, B. Vijayalakshmi, “Image Encryption Using Multi-Scroll Attractor and Chaotic Logistic Map” , Computers Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.2, 2022, pp.3447-3463, doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.021519
- S.Anusooya, P.K.Jawahar, “A Power Efficient Based DC to DC Converter Using SCC”, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web, Vol.9, issue 38, 2022
- G Kannan, K Indra Gandhi, S Ganesh, S Priyanka, A Anusuya, “Industrial IoT: Development of Smart Cooler for Solder Paste Storage and Management”, Internet of Things and Its Applications, 67-78, 2022.
- M. S. Kumar, , G. Sakthivel , R. Thiyagarajan , M. Vanmathi , R. V. Mangalaraja , M. Ismail , A. Elayaperumal “Synthesis and characterization of cordierite and cordierite-zirconia by conventional approach “Journal of ovonic research,Vol.18,No. 4,August 2022.
- SindhubalaKadirvelu, Walter D. Leon-Salas, Xiaozhe Fan, B. Vijayalakshmi,, “;A Circuit for Simultaneous Reception of Data and Power using a Solar Cell”; IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, pp. 1-11, Print ISSN: 2473-2400, Online ISSN: 2473-2400, June 2021.
- M. Senthil Kumar, M. Vanmathi and G. Sakthivel “A Systematic Review on Current Status of Zirconia Bonding with Novel SilaneCouplant for Dental Restorations” Silicon journal , May 2021,
- P. V. Bhuvaneshwari and C.Tharini, “Review on LDPC Codes for Big Data storage “,Wireless Personal Communications,117(2), 1601-1625, DOI
10.1007/s11277-020-07937-4, January 2021. - A Ambika, C Tharini, Tanweer Ali,” Analysis of Dual Semicircle Shape CSRR Sensor for Dent Detection on Teflon Coated Metal Surfaces”, Wireless Personal Communications,March 2021.doi:10.1007/s11277-021-08160-5
- S.Anusooya,Dr.P.K.Jawahar “ Design And Analysis Of A Step-Down Switched Capacitor Converter For Low Power Applications”, Materials Today: Proceedings,, Available online 15 January 2021.
- S.Anusooya,Dr.P.K.Jawahar “Design and implementation of advanced step down switched capacitor converter using threshold voltage logic”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021,page no:175-192.
- S. Kalaivani, C. Tharini, A. M. Azarudeen and R. Karthikeyan, “IoT Based Smart and Efficient Wind Turbine Monitoring System”, IT in Industry, Vol. 9, No.1, eISSN: 2203-1731,18-03-2021. doi:
- D.V. Pavan Sesha Sai , Shaik Abbas, S.Kalaivani,T. Prudhvi Raj, “Smart Helmet with Ignition Lock Control and Accident Detection for Two Wheelers”, International Journal of Science, Technology and Management, Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2021.
- MI Ahmed, G Kannan, ” Secure End to End Communications and Data Analytics in IoT Integrated Application Using IBM Watson IoT Platform”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2021,
- Imtyaz Ahmed and Dr.G. Kannan, “Cloud-Based Remote RFID Authentication for Security of Smart Internet of Things Applications”, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol. 20, No. Supp01, 2140004 (2021)
- Parnasree Chakraborty, Tharini Chandrapragasam, Extended Applications of Compressed Sensing Algorithm in Biomedical Signal and Image Compression. Journal of Inst. Eng. India Ser. B (IEIB), Springer, June 2021,
- V. Jean Shilpa, P. K. Jawahar , “Efficient algorithm design on hybrid CPU-FPGA architecture for high performance computing”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2021
- Syed Rafiammal, S., Najumnissa Jamal, D. &KajaMohideen, S. Detection of Epilepsy Seizure in Adults Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cluster Nearest Neighborhood Classifier. Iran J SciTechnol Trans ElectrEng (2021).
- P Chakraborty, Tharini. C, An Efcient Parallel Block Compressive Sensing Scheme for Medical Signals and Image Compression, Wireless Personal Communications, October 2021,
- D.Manikandan , SadhishPrabhu,ParnasreeChakraborty, T.Manthra, M.Kumaravel ,IoT-Based Smart Irrigation and Monitoring System in Smart Agriculture ,Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies,pp 45-56, SpringerLecture Notes in Electrical Engineeringbook series (LNEE, volume 792),Online:12 October 2021
- Parnasree Chakraborty & C. Tharini , ”Integration of Prediction Based Hybrid Compression in Distributed Sensor Network”, Wireless Personal Communications, August 2021, DOI10.1007/s11277-021-08896-0,
‘Online First’: - Parnasree Chakraborty, Tharini Chandrapragasam,. Extended Applications of Compressed Sensing Algorithm in Biomedical Signal and Image Compression. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B (2021).
- K Indragandhi, Jawahar P K, ”An Application based “Efficient Thread Level Parallelism”(ETLP) scheme on Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded System for real time image processing”, scalable computing practice and experience, Vol No 21 Issue No 1, March 2020.
- Imtyaz Ahmed and Dr.G. Kannan, 2020, “Overcoming Privacy and Security Challenges of Internet of Things Applications”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol. 13, No. 1, (2020), pp. 1550-1556.(ESCI)
- Imtyaz Ahmed and Dr.G. Kannan, 2020, “Cloud-Based Remote RFID Authentication for Security of Smart Internet of Things Applications”, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, World Scientific Publishing, ISSN (print): 0219-6492 | ISSN (online): 1793-6926 (In press).
- R.Mahalakshmi,P.V.Bhuvaneshwari,C.Tharini& VidyacharanBhaskar “A Novel Algorithm to design Rate Adaptive Irregular LDPC codes” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer March2020.
- Kalaivani, S., Tharini, C., Saranya, K. et al. Design and Implementation of Hybrid Compression Algorithm for Personal Health Care Big Data Applications. Wireless PersCommun (2020).
- S.Kalaivani and C.Tharini, “Analysis and implementation of novel Rice Golomb coding algorithm for wireless sensor networks”, Volume 150, 15 January 2020, Pages 463-471.
- S.Anusooya,Dr.P.K.Jawahar,”Design and implementation of advanced step down switched capacitor converter using threshold voltage logic”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC),ISSN online :1755-9359,ISSN print:1755-9340,(In press)
- V.Jean, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, “Efficient algorithm design on hybrid CPU-FPGA architecture for high performance computing”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC), Accepted for publication
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, ”Cognitive adaptive travelling window for high performance computing”, International Journal of Circuit, Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, January, Vol. No.13, issue 1, pp. 170-176.
- Marek Dvorsky, Harihara Ganesh, SadhishPrabhu, “Design and Validation of a Novel Structure Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna”, Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, May 2019. (SCI)
- S.SadhishPrabhu , B.Vijayalakshmi, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, ” Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Graphene As Super substrate”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control systems, March 2019.
- M.Vanmathi, M.Mohamed Ismail, M. Senthil Kumar, ‘Optimization of RF sputtering process parameter on electrical resistivity , deposition rate and sensitivity of Al doped zno thin film grown on Si substrate using grey taguchitechnique”,Bulletin of material science,2019. (SCI)
- Vanmathi, M. Senthil Kumar, Mohamed Ismail, G. Senguttuvan,” .Optimization Of Process Parameters For Al-Doping Back Ground On CO Gas Sensing Characteristics Of Magnetron-Sputtered”, Material research express, page 1 to 14, August 2019.
- M.Ramamoorthy, N.Ayyanathan, M.Padma Usha,” Robust Time Optimization in HD Video Surveillance system”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,Volume-8, Issue 8,July 2019.
- Walter D. Leon-Salas, Xiaozhe Fan, Yizhou Zhang1 and SindhubalaKadirvelu,” Wireless Optical Communications with GaAs Solar Cells”, Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington, DC United States, 15–19 September 2019, ISBN: 978-1-943580-67-5.
- S. Kalaivani, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya, Jean Shilpa,” Iot Based Physical Condition Screening System For Animals”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277 – 3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S5, July 2019.
- S.Syedrafiammal,DNajumnissa,GAnuradha,SKajaMohideen,P.KJawahar, Syed abdulMuthalif,” A Low power and high performance hardware design for automatic epilepsy seizure detection”, International journal of electronics and telecommunication, October 2019.
- A.Elakkiya, S.Radha, E.Manikandan, B.S.Sreeja,” Design of a five-band polarization-insensitive terahertz metamaterial absorber”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vo.21, issue 8, Aug 2019 (SCI)(IF:0.585).
- Indragandhi,PKJawahar, ”Core Performance Based Packet Priority Router for NOC Haterogeneous Multicore Processor”is accepted for publication in Springer LNNS series.
- A. Priya,S. KajaMohideen,ManavalanSaravanan, ”Multi-State Reconfigurable Antenna for Wireless Communications”, is published in Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology,Springer.(SCI)
- Kanchana D, Radha.S, B.S.Sreeja, E.Manikandan,”Polarization independent bandstop frequency selective surface for X-band application,Circuit World,2019,
- A. Ambika and C. Tharini, ”Semicircle CSRR with Circular Slot Array Structures for High Level Mutual Coupling Reduction in MIMO Antenna,”Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 87, 23-32, 2019.PIERM19091001(ESCI)
- Kanchana D, Radha.S, B.S.Sreeja, E.Manikandan “Convoluted FSS Structure For Shielding Application In X-Band Frequency Response”, IETE Journal of Research,10.1080/03772063.2019.1691062, (SCI) IF: 0.793)
- Indra Gandhi K ,P.K.Jawahar, “Fuzzy based Efficient Task Scheduling Scheme (ETSS) on Heterogeneous Multicore Processor” International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms. Inderscience Publication (In Press).
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, “Advanced Optimization by Profiling of Acoustics Software Applications for Interoperability in HCF Systems”, Journal of Green Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-3, October 2019
- Indragandhi,PKJawahar, ”An Application based “Efficient Thread Level Parallelism”(ETLP) scheme on Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded System for real time image processing.” is accepted for publication in the journal titled scalable computing practice and experience
- E.Manikandan and K.A.Karthigeyan, Studies on Microdrilling of NbN Superconductor using Pulsed Laser Ablation, JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Vol. 14, No. 3, 2019 (IF: 0.789)
National Instruments-Competence Development Lab (NI-CDP)
Consultancy work on IoT applications, Automation of devices, Image processing and Sensor based applications can be taken up using LabVIEW software, Compact Rio, MyRIO, USRP, and other hardware facilities in this lab.

Consultancy work on “Automation of LCR meter and Furnace to measurement the dielectric property at high temperature” has been completed for School of Physics, Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University.

Embedded System Design Laboratory
Consultancy and other Professional services can be provided in different domains of Embedded Systems like IoT, Industry 4.0, Image Processing and Sensing & Automation.
Consultancy Work
- “Deep learning based Recognition of Safety Wearables and Access Provision” – for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2018-2019
- “Fault Detection on FCTJ module in 4G Airscale Line outgoing inspection System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during-2018-2019
- “Smart Weight Goverening System for Nokia Solutions” and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2017-2018
- “Employee Tracking System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2015-2016
Consultancy under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Scheme
- “Monitoring System for Dementia Patients” for SCARF organization, Chennai, Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai. (Ongoing Project)
- “Digital Assistance for Elder People” for Saranalayam Old Age Home, Chennai, Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai.(Ongoing Project)
Product Development
The following products were designed and donated to the Govt Higher Secondary School Karanaipuduchery , Chennai by the Social Technical Service Club during 2017-18
Automatic School Bell System
Automatic Water Tank level control
Fingerprint Attendance Monitoring System

Communication Engineering Lab
Consultancy work can be provided to students & research scholars using MIMO DESIGN BENCH (2X2) – SOFTWAREDEFINED RADIOto realize real time wired and wireless Communication.

Microwave Lab
Consultancy work can be provided in Antennas and Filter Measurements (Upto 9 GHz), Cable Loss Measurements, PCB Fabrication (2 Layers – Top and Bottom), Antenna Fabrication (0.1mm Precision), Antenna Design using Simulation Tools.
Antenna design can also be supported using ANSYS® Electromagnetic Suite version 17.1 & Zeland® IE3D Simulation tool

Consultancy work on chip designs for low power applications using licensed CADENCE TOOL can be taken up that support analog, digital and mixed-signal designs at the device, cell, block and chip levels. FinFet designs are also supported in the package.

Electronics Service Centre
Service on RPS, DPS, Digital trainer kit, CRO, Function Generator and minor repair in 8085 microprocessor kit can be done.