Research Publications
Research Output

Research Publications
Publication\Year | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total |
Journal | 10 | 14 | 13 | 28 | 16 | 15 | 17 | 113 |
Conference | 9 | 15 | 5 | 8 | 7 | 14 | 18 | 76 |
Patent | – | – | 2 | – | – | 1 | 7 + 1 (Applied) | 10 |
Consultancy | 1 | – | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Research Publications – Journals
S.No | Year | No. of Research Publications Journals (Scopus) | No. of Research Publications Journals (Web of Science) | No. of Research PublicationsJournals (UGC Approved | Total Publications |
1. | 2021 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 13 |
2. | 2020 | 18 | 5 | 2 | 25 |
3. | 2019 | 10 | 5 | 0 | 15 |
4. | 2018 | 8 | 3 | 5 | 16 |
5. | 2017 | 19 | 0 | 9 | 28 |
6. | 2016 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 13 |
7. | 2015 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 14 |
8. | 2014 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 10 |
Total | 85 | 19 | 30 | 134 |
Research Publications – Conferences
S.No | Year | No. of National Conferences | No. of International Conferences | Total |
1. | 2021 | 0 | 17 | 17 |
2. | 2020 | 2 | 19 | 21 |
3. | 2019 | 0 | 14 | 14 |
4. | 2018 | 0 | 7 | 7 |
5. | 2017 | 1 | 7 | 8 |
6. | 2016 | 0 | 5 | 5 |
7. | 2015 | 0 | 15 | 15 |
8. | 2014 | 0 | 9 | 9 |
Total | 3 | 93 | 96 |
Funded Projects – Ongoing
Name of the faculty | Project Title | Project type Research / consultancy | Funding Agency | Amount | Year | Duration |
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed | Cellular Automata Models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves | Sponsored research | SERB | 12,48,000 | 2019 | 3 years |
Book Chapter Details
S.No | Year | Book Chapter & ISBN Details | Publisher |
1 | 2021 | Modeling and Analysis of Tsunami Wave Propagation Characteristics in the Coast of Bay of Bengal | Springer |
2 | 2020 | Increasing the efficiency of E-learning System using Recommendation system Approach | IGI Global |
3 | 2020 | Deep Learning: A Recent Computing Platform for Multimedia Information Retrieval | IGI Global |
4 | 2018 | Analyzing Threats of IoT Networks Using SDN Based Intrusion Detection System (SDIoT-IDS) | Springer |
5 | 2016 | A Cloud Broker Framework for Cloud Renderfarm Services Selection | Advanced Engineering Research and Applications pp.220-238,2016 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2021 | K. Niha, Dr.S. Amutha, W Aisha Banu | A Convolutional Neural Network based System to Detect Plant Disease | Webology, Computing Technology and Information Management, | Volume 18 DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18SI04/WEB18175 | 0.26 |
2. | 2021 | S Prathiba, Sharmila Sankar | Task scheduling and resource allocation of seasonal requests of users in cloud using NMKA and CM-GA techniques | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 79-97, | 0.15 |
3 | 2021 | Akila Devi TR, K Javubar Sathick, A Abdul Azeez Khan, L Arun Raj | A Novel Framework Using Zero Shot Learning Technique for a Non-Factoid Question Answering System | International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies | Vol.16, No.6, pp.1-13 | 0.3 |
4 | 2021 | Sonali Appasaheb Patil, L Arun Raj, Bhupesh Kumar Singh | Prediction of IoT Traffic Using the Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network-(GRU-NN-) Based Predictive Model | Security and Communication Networks | Article ID1425732 | 0.45 |
5 | 2021 | s.s saranya and Sabiyath Fatima N | Efficient Handling of Medical Data Classification in CloudEdge Network using Optimization Algorithm | Journal of Computer Science | Volume 17 No. 11, 2021, 1116-1127 ISSN: 1549-3636 (Print), ISSN: 1552-6607 | 0.57 |
6 | 2021 | Boobalan. J , Malleswaran. M and Muthupriya.V | A Novel Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for WSN | Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks | Vol. 50, pp. 255–276, ISSN: 1551-9899 | – |
7 | 2021 | E.Syed Mohamed & K. Vijayalakshmi | XSS Extenuator framework for exterminating Cross Site Scripting attack to ensure secure web access. | Solid State Technology | Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 2027-2040 | 0.1 |
8 | 2021 | A. Radhika, M. Syed Masood | Effective dimensionality reduction by using soft computing method in data mining techniques | Soft Computing |,pp.4643–4651 | 0.71 |
9 | 2021 | Narayani Raman, Aisha Banu Wahab, Sutherson Chandrasekaran | Computation of workflow Scheduling using Backpropagation Neural Network in Cloud Computing- a Virtual Machine Placement Approach | The Journal of Supercomputing | 1-20 | 0.45 |
10 | 2021 | R.Mythily, Aisha Banu W.,Dinesh Mavaluru | An Efficient Feature Selection Algorithm for Healthcare Data Analysis | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Vol.9,No.3,pp.877-885 | 0,25 |
11 | 2021 | M. Senthilraja, Arun Raj Lakshminarayanan | Detection of Malicious Profiles and Protecting Users in Online Social Networks. | Wireless Personal Communications | DOI:10.1007/s11277-021-08095-x | 0.3 |
12 | 2021 | Azka Wani, Revathi S, Rubeena Khaliq | SDN-based intrusion detection system for IoT using deep learning classifier (IDSIoT-SDL) | “CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, | | 0.35 |
13 | 2021 | C.Hema, Sharmila Sankar:. | Collision Mitigation algorithm for tracking of RFID based assets in Defence | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web | |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1 | 2020 | Syed Javeed Pasha;E. Syed Mohamed | Novel Feature Reduction (NFR) Model With Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Effective Disease Risk Prediction | IEEE Access DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028714 | Vol.8, PP.184087– 184108, | 0.78 |
2 | 2020 | S.P.Valli and Sharmila Sankar | An Analysis on the Impact of Mobility and Sustainability of TCP Performance in Mobile Adhoc Networks | Journal of Green Computing | Vol.10, No.9, | 0.19 |
3 | 2020 | Ramachandran | Enhanced routing for secured ad-hoc network | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vol. 19, No. 2, PP. 949-956 | 0.21 |
4 | 2020 | Mythily R., Aisha Banu W., Dinesh Mavaluru | An efficient feature selection algorithm for health care data analysis | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Vol.9, No.3 pp. 877 ~ 885 | 0.23 |
5 | 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C, Pakkir Mohideen S, Jayasudha M, Nivedita M | Block Chain Research and its Implementation Analysis | Journal of Seybold Report | Vol. 15 No. 9 pp.1746-1756 | 0.1 |
6 | 2020 | C.Hema,Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dr.Sandhya | Tag count based priority scheduling algorithm for mitigating the RFID collisions | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v18.i1.pp434-442 | 0.21 |
7 | 2020 | D. Menega and S.Revathi | An empirical study of cancer classification techniques based on the neural networks | Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications | Vol. 32, No. 2, | 0.19 |
8 | 2020 | Nabeena Ameen, Najumnissa Jamal, Arun Raj | Optimized dual path analysis using finite automata theory in wireless sensor networks | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | DOI:10.1108/IJIUS-11-2019-0060 | 0.24 |
9. | 2020 | Azka, S.Revathi | DDoS Detection and Alleviation in IoT using SDN(SDIoT-DDoS-DA) | Journal of The Institution of Engineers | https://doi.or 10.1007/s40031-020-00442-z | 0.12 |
10. | 2020 | Azka, S.Revathi | Ransomware Protection in IoT Using Software Defined Networking | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol, 10, No. 3, pp. 3166-3175, | 0.15 |
11. | 2020 | Niha Kamal Basha, Aisha Banu Wahab | Single Channel EEG Signal for Automatic Detection of Absence Seizure using Convolutional Neural Network | Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications | DOI:10.2174/2666255813666191122114608 | 0.3 |
12. | 2020 | U Kumaran, A Ramachandran, J Jegan, E.K. Subramanian | Enhanced routing for secured ad-hoc network | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.949-956 | 0.21 |
13. | 2020 | Balamanigandan R, Ramachandran A, Jeejo Vetharaj, S. John Justin Thangaraj | Artificial Intelligence Empowered CT Image Processing for Covid-19 Diagnosis | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol. 29, No. 7s, (2020), pp. 4649 – 4652 | – |
14. | 2020 | Dinesh Kumar K, Senthil P, Manoj Kumar D.S | Educational Certificate Verification System Using Blockchain | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | ISSN2277-8616,Vol.9, No. 3,pp.82-85 | 0.12 |
15. | 2020 | Ramachandran. A, E. K. Subramanian,U.Kumaran, J.Jegan | A Medical Image Encryption Scheme Using Chaotic Random Sequence | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol. 29, No. 7s, pp. 4856 – 4864 | 0.11 |
16. | 2020 | Manoj Kumar D S;S. Venkatesan;A Ramachandran, | Flexible Data Access Control using Attribute-Based Encryption and Proxy Re-Encryption in Cloud Computing | Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming | ISSN2582-2179,Vol. 5, No.1,pp.24-28 | 0.1 |
17. | 2020 | K. Vijayalakshmi&E. Syed Mohamed | Case Study: Extenuation of XSS Attacks through Various Detecting and Defending Techniques | Journal of Applied Security Research,March | | 0.17 |
18. | 2020 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | Telmed: Dynamic User Clustering Resource Allocation Technique For Moom Datasets Under Optimizing Telemedicine Network | Wireless Personal Communications | 0.25 | |
19. | 2020 | Dinesh Kumar K, Manoj Kumar D.S, Anandh R | Blockchain Technology In Food Supply Chain Security | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.9, No.1, ISSN2277-8616 | 0.12 |
20. | 2020 | Zulfia Afreen M.A, Ramachandran A | Study of Image Processing, Recognition And Computer Vision Algorithms | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.9, No.1 | 0.12 |
21. | 2020 | Iswaryah G., Ramachandran A | Information Hiding Using Qr Code | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol 9, No.1, PP. 1596 – 1598 | 0.12 |
22. | 2020 | Sharukh Rahman S., Ramachandran A. | Study of Decentralized Networks | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol 9, Issue 01, PP. 3170 – 3172 | 0.12 |
23. | 2020 | Shakkeera L, Pandimurugan V, Sharmasth Vali Y, Vijayalakshmi. C and Jaya Sudha M | A Classification Fusion System For Detecting Malicious Android Application In Smartphones | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) | Vol.11, No. 11, pp.1678-1693 | – |
24. | 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C, Jishnu Govindarajan, Mohammed Shafeeq , Pakkir Mohideen S, | Risk Prediction of Liver Diseases for Hepatitis-B patients based on K –Nearest Neighbor Algorithm | Journal of Seybold Report | Issn No: 1533-9211 Vol. 25,No. 10, ISSN: 1533 – 9211 pp: 426-429 | 0.1 |
25. | 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C, Pakkir Mohideen S | Sustainable Development of Teaching through Assessment of Descriptive Questions in E-Learning System | Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) | Vol.10, No.9, pp: 6395 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2019 | Arunraj | Optimized Routing Protocols for Data Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | ISSN/ISBN No. 2277-3878Vol-8, No-3 | 0.11 |
2. | 2019 | Malathi Devarajana and N.Sabiyath Fatima, Subramaniyaswamy Vairavasundarama and Logesh Ravia | Swarm intelligence clustering ensemble based point of interest recommendation for social cyber-physical systems | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | ISSN1064-1246(Print) ISSN 1875-8967 Vol 36, no.5, pp.4349-4360 | 0.36 |
3. | 2019 | Dinesh Kumar K, Komathy K, Manoj Kumar D S | Block Chain Technologies In Financial Sectors And Industries | SInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.8, No.11, ISSN 2277-8616 | 0.12 |
4. | 2019 | Nabeena, Najumnissa Jamal, L.Arun Raj, | Comparative analysis of energy based optimized dynamic source multipath routing protocol in WSNs | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vol. 16, No. 1,ISSN 2502-4752 | 0.21 |
5. | 2019 | J.Jegan, S.Siva Kumar, A.Ramachandran, S.Md.Shafiullah | An Efficient Leader Node selection for Movable Nodes in WSN using PSO Approach | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol 8, No. 6, PP. 5072 – 5078 | 0.1 |
6. | 2019 | Madhina Banu, Aranganathan | Effective utilisation of cloud data centre and allocating user demands to virtual machines using LMRO algorithm | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, | DOI: 10.1504/IJVICS.2019.103924 | 0.13 |
7. | 2019 | Madhina Banu, Aranganathan IF: | Mutual Profit Increment for Cloud User and Resource Providers Efficient Resource Utilization Auction Method in Cloud Computing | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Vol.12, No.4, 2019 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2019.0831.25 | 0.2 |
8. | 2019 | Narayani Raman, Aisha Banu W | Fairness based Heuristic Workflow scheduling and placement in Cloud Computing | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | Vol.4 No.4 pp.355 – 374 DOI: 10.1504/IJVICS.2019.103932 | 0.13 |
9 | 2019 | Niha Kamal Basha, Aisha Banu Wahab | Automatic absence seizure detection and early detection system using CRNN-SVM | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | Vol.11 No.4, pp.330 – 335 | 0.11 |
10. | 2019 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Dynamic MooM Dataset Processing Under TelMED Protocol Design for QoS Improvisation of Telemedicine Environment | Journal of medical systems | Vol.43, No.8, pp.257 | 0.69 |
11. | 2019 | Zameer, L. Arun Raj | Ontology Supported Hybrid Recommender System With Threshold Based Nearest Neighborhood Approach | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education | Vol 15 no.2 ISSN/ISBN No. 1550-1876, ESCI | 0.27 |
12. | 2019 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu | An efficient method to detect communities in social networks using DBSCAN algorithm | Social Network Analysis and Mining | Vol.9, 12 | 0.4 |
13. | 2019 | J Ruby Annette, Aisha Banu, recommender system | Ranking cloud render farm services for a multi criteria | Sadhana . Springer India | Vol.44, No. 1 | 0.28 |
14. | 2019 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W. Aisha Banu | An Improved Algorithm for Detecting Overlapping Communities in Social Network | International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms | 0.15 | |
15. | 2019 | Kamal Basha Niha, Wahab Aisha Banu | Wavelet Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for the Automatic Detection of Absence Seizure | Springer India | Vol.30,pp.347-354 | 0.28 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No / Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2018 | P Ramalingam, M Sandhya, S Sankar | Using an innovative stacked ensemble algorithm for accurate prediction of the preterm birth | Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association | DOI:10.4274/jtgga.2018.0105 | 0.33 |
2. | 2018 | Sonya A | Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System | International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering | Volume 8, Issue XII, (ISSN NO: 2249-7455) | 0.1 |
3. | 2018 | Vasudevan Muthupriya, Sathyanarayanan Revathi | Security Enhanced Location-aided Level-based Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Journal of Computing and Information Technology | Vol. 26, No. 4, , 251–265 251 | 0.18 |
4. | 2018 | R Pari, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Multi-Tier Stacked Ensemble Algorithm for Improving Classification Accuracy | Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE, | DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2018.2873940, | 1.94 |
5. | 2018 | Sonya A. | Clustering of Storing Sensitive Data by Using Cloud System Technology | International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology | Vol. 5, Issue 5, ISSN: 2348-4039 | 0.1 |
6. | 2018 | R Pari, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Multi-Tier Stacked Ensemble Algorithm to Reduce the Regret of Incremental Learning for Streaming Data | IEEE | Vol.6, pp. 48726– 48739 | 1.94 |
7. | 2018 | D. Menaga;S. Revathi | Least lion optimisation algorithm (LLOA) based secret key generation for privacy preserving association rule hiding | IET Digital Library | Vol.12, Issue 4, pp.332-340 | 0.857 |
8. | 2018 | Annette Ruby, Banu W Aisha, Chandran P Subash | A Multi Criteria Recommendation Engine Model for Cloud Renderfarm Services | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol.8, Issue 5 | 0.37 |
9 | 2018 | Radhika.A | Kind of Crops and Small Plants Prediction using IoT with Machine Learning | International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences | vol:7 ,issue :4, pp no: 93-97 | 0.11 |
11. | 2018 | Hema.C, | Naive Bayes algorithm for reducing the redundant data in the cluster based RFID network | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 118(9):729-735 | 0.13 |
12. | 2018 | Madhina Banu.D, Aranganathan.S | Study of Load Optimization and Performance Issues in Cloud | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), | Vol.11, No.3, pp.1035-1041, DOI:10.11591/ijeecs.v11.i3.pp1035-1041 | 0.24 |
13. | 2018 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu | An efficient method to detect communities in social networks | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System | Vol no:11,Issue no 4,pp no:199-206 | 0.19 |
14. | 2018 | Arputha Rathina X., Ponnavaikko M., Mehata K.M., Kavitha M.S | Students concentration alert system | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol No.119, Issue No.12, pp. 13845 – 13852, ISSN: 1314-3395 | 0.13 |
15. | 2018 | S. Sharon Priya, K. M. Mehata, and W. Aisha Banu | Ganging of Resources via Fuzzy Manhattan Distance Similarity with Priority Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing | Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology | | 0.15 |
16. | 2018 | Sonali A Patil., Sandhya., Sharmila Sankar | A Survey on Cloud Computing Parameters | Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology | Vol.4, No.1, ISSN NO: 2350-1146 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2017 | S.P.Valli , Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dr.K.M.Mehata | A Heuristic Method For Improving TCP performance By A Greedy Routing Algorithm, ,2017 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol:95, No.19,PP 5215-5213 | 0.17 |
2. | 2017 | SairaBanu, R.Shriram ,Radhika | Effective Packet Loss Concealment Algorithm For VOIP,2017. | VIOPJournal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems | No :17,Pp no:598-618 | 0.36 |
3. | 2017 | V.Muthupriya and S.Revathi | Secure Location Aided Routing (SLAR) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, December 2017. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.95, No.23 | 0.16 |
4. | 2017 | Ruby Annette. J,Dr. Aisha Banu | COLD START PROBLEM IN RECOMMENDING CLOUD SERVICES:A SURVEY | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9, Sp– 16 | 0.13 |
5. | 2017 | Ruby Annette. J,Dr. Aisha Banu | TOWARDS AN ONTOLOGY FOR CLOUD RENDERFARM SERVIC | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9, Sp– 16 | 0.13 |
6. | 2017 | X Arputha Rathina, | Face Emotion Recognition using combined SIFT, LBP and Local Phase Quantization Features | IJETSR | Vol: 4, No. 8 | 0.1 |
7. | 2017 | Azka and S.Revathi | Protocols for Secure Internet of Things | International Journal Education and Management Engineering | Vol No :2,PP :20-29 | 0.11 |
8. | 2017 | Arun Raj.L, Dhananjay Kumar and A.Srinivasan | Adaptive video streaming over HTTP through 4G wireless networks based on Buffer Analysis | Journal on Image and Video Processing | vol no:41 | 1.5 |
9. | 2017 | SV.Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis of Twitter and RSS News Feeds and its Impact on Stock Market Prediction | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering andSystems | Vol no:10,Issue no:6,pp no:66-73 | 0.248 |
10. | 2017 | S.Sharon Priya and W.Aisha Banu | Fuzzy Resource Pre-processing and Compress and Join Gang Polling Evaluation | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Vol.10, No.3 pp.371-380 | 0.248 |
11. | 2017 | C.Hema, Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya | Performance comparison of Dragonfly and Firefly algorithm in the RFID Network to improve the data transmission | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol no:95,issue no :1,pp no:59-67 | 0.33 |
12. | 2017 | S.Bagirathi, Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya | Hybrid Zigbee RFID for detection of active tags and energy minimization | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol no:95,issue no :3,pp no:506-514 | 0.171 |
13. | 2017 | V. Yuvaraj, S. Rajasekaran, E. Syed Mohamed | An Alternative analytical model for propogation of Tsunami Waves | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol no:113,Issue no:6,pp no29-37 | 0.635 |
14. | 2017 | V. Yuvaraj, S. Rajasekaran, E. Syed Mohamed | Complex solutions for Tsunami- ascending into a river as a bore | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol no:113,Issue no:6,pp no:99-107 | 0.635 |
15. | 2017 | SV.Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis for Effective Stock Market Prediction | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering andSystems | Vol no:10,Issue no:3,pp no:146-154 | 0.248 |
16. | 2017 | Azka, S. Revathi, Angelina Geetha | A Survey of Applications and Security Issues in Software Defined Networking. | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | Vol no:9,Issue no :3,pp no: 21-28 | 1.087 |
17. | 2017 | Ramanathan L., Angelina Geetha, Khalid M., Swarnalatha P | Student Performance Prediction Model Based on Lion-Wolf Neural Network | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System | Vol no:10,Issue no 1,pp no:114-123 | 1.08 |
18. | 2017 | TN Ravishankar, R Shriram | A review of algorithms applied for linguistic sentiment analysis-A study with reference to Tamil Tweets by public in Twitter | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security | Vol:14,Issue No:1,Pp:1-10 | 0.553 |
19. | 2017 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Corpus Based Sentiment Classification Of Tamil Movie Tweets Using Syntactic Patterns | IIOAB Journal, | Vol:8,Issue No:6,Pp: 172-178 | 0.55 |
20. | 2017 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Grammar Rule based Sentiment categorization model for classification of Tamil Tweets | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications – Inderscience | DOI:10.1504/IJISTA.2018.10012884 Vol. 17, No. 1/2 | 0.59 |
21. | 2017 | M.Sandhya, R.M.Madhumitha, Sharmila Sankar | Analysis of Threats in Interoperability of Medical Devices | International Journal of BioMedical and Biological Engineering | Vol.11,No.5 | 0.1 |
22. | 2017 | S Sharon Priya, Wahab Aisha Banu | Fault Tolerance On Leaguegang Scheduling Aided Enhanced Compress & Join For Heterogeneous Cloud Environment | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9. Sp– 16 | 0.11 |
23. | 2017 | V.Muthupriya, S.Revathi | Location Aided Level Based Disjoint Multipath Routing (LLDMR) Algorithm | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.95, No.23, pp.6608-6615 | 0.17 |
24. | 2017 | S.Subhashini, Dr.S.Revathi | Hand Gesture Recognition Using Binary Language for Audio Based Communication | International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research | ISSN:2393-8374 | 0.1 |
25. | 2017 | Sumaiya Farzana G. Angelina Geetha | Evolution and Prospects of Deep Learning in Current Research Scenarios | International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science | Vol.6, No.8, ISSN 2347 – 8616 | 0.12 |
26. | 2017 | Veni Devi Gopal., Angelina Geetha International | Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prediction using Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm and Metabolic Profiling, | Journal of current Engineering and scientific Research | Vol.4, No.4, ISSN: 2393-8374 | 0.12 |
27. | 2017 | R.Mythily., W.Aisha Banu | A Novel Pre-Learning Algorithm Based Detection And Eliminationof Data Error And Data Redundancy To Improve The Data Quality | International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Vol.9, No.2, pp.30147-30165 | 0.13 |
28. | 2017 | Karthiga., Sharmila Sankar | Providing Secret Authentication in Clustered Security Architecture for Cloud-Based WBAN | The Computer Journal | Vol.61, No.2, pp.223-232., | 0.14 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2016 | N. Sabiyath Fatima and V. Muthupriya | An Effective (FD-E-TOHIP) Fault Detection Enabled E-TOHIP for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | vol no:9, pp.22-30 | 0.252 |
2. | 2016 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Grammar Rule based Sentiment categorization model for Tamil Tweets | Springer – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 0.49 | |
3. | 2016 | T. Nagamalar, T. R. Rangaswamy | Mathematical Model based Energy Efficient Routing with Prediction of Mobile Sink in WSN | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences | vol.10, no.4, pp.405-415 | 0.118 |
4. | 2016 | C. Firdozali, T. Nagamalar | Energy Aware Mobile Sink Based RPL Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science | vol.5 no. 4 | 0.14 |
5. | 2016 | Boominathan.S, and Aranganathan | A Verifiable Mechanism for Attribute based encryption in cloud computing | International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering | vol.3 | 0.226 |
6. | 2016 | Muthupriya.V and K.M.Mehata | Review on Network layer attaqcks and counter measures in MANET | International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits | vol.2 no.1 | 0.1 |
7. | 2016 | Muthupriya.V | Direct trust based detection and recovery process of jelly fish attack in MANET | International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics | vol.22, no.2 | 0.11 |
8. | 2016 | Suganthi.J, Brindha Merin | Using of Jaccard Index for Catchwords Similarity Values | International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology | vol.1, no.1 | 0.1 |
9. | 2016 | Raj V.K.M., Shriram R. | Power management in virtualized datacenter – A survey | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | Vol no:69,Pp no:117-133 | 2.331 |
10. | 2016 | Velayudhan Kumar, Mohan Raj; Raghunathan, Shriram | Power management using dynamic power state transitions and dynamic voltage frequency scaling controls in virtualized server clusters | TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES | Vol no:24, no:4,Pp no 2290-2309 | 0.518 |
11. | 2016 | Arun Raj.L, K. Balaprasath | Predictive Analytics on Student Academics | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology | vol.34, no.2 | 0.11 |
12. | 2016 | N. Sabiyath Fatima, S. Jahira Begam and N.S.Muneera, | Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | Vol.9,No.30 | 0.252 |
13. | 2016 | Arputha Rathina X., Mehata K.M., Ponnavaikko M. | An automatic emotion detection system from face image of a video using Bacterial Foraging Optimization | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Vol.11, No.6,pp. 4288-4295 | 0.145 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, T.N.Ravi | Measuring the Security Compliance using Cloud Control matrix | Middle – East Journal of Scientific Research | vol. 23 pp. 1797-1803 | 0.155 |
2. | 2015 | S.Fouzul Hidhaya, Angelina Geetha, Nandh Kumar B, Venkat Loganathan and Sravanth | Supplementary Event-Listener Injection Attack in Smart Phones | KSII Transactions in internet and information systems | vol.9, no.10 | 0.185 |
3. | 2015 | Kumar M.R.V, Raghunathan S | Heterogeneity and thermal aware adaptive heuristics for energy efficient consolidation of virtual machines in infrastructure clouds | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | vol.10, no.1 | 1.58 |
4. | 2015 | Teras. M, Raghunathan, S | Big Data Visualisation in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments: Embodied Phenomenological Perspectives to interaction | ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing | vol. 5 no. 5. | 0.787 |
5. | 2015 | S.P.Valli and K.M. Mehata | A Cross-Layer approach for TCP Packet Loss differentiation in Adhoc Networks | Middle – East Journal of Scientific Research | vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 2278- 2287 | 0.155 |
6. | 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya, I.Karthiga | Secure Transmission of Sensitive Data in Wban Using N-LARP Mechanism | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10,pp. 187-193 | 0.125 |
7. | 2015 | R.Shriram, T.Nadana Ravishankar | Mining Web Log Files Using Self-Organizing Map and K-Means Clustering Methods | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 17, pp.136969-13700 | 0.125 |
8. | 2015 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W.Aisha Banu | A survey on Communication detection methods in social networks | International Journal of Education and management Engineering | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8-18 | 0.12 |
9. | 2015 | Revathi.S, T.R.Rangaswamy | Secure Route Discovery using Opinion based method in MANET | International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 442-446 | 0.11 |
10. | 2015 | S.P. Valli, Balasundaram Ananthakrishnan | Packet Loss Classification and Cross-Layer Congestion Control in Wireless Networks | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 6949-6953 | 0.125 |
11. | 2015 | Muthupriya | Performance Analysis of AOMDV under the Impact of Rushing Attack | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 29581-29594 | 0.125 |
12. | 2015 | Saira Banu | Qos Analysis of VOIP traffic over WiMAX | International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development | vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 442-446 | 0.13 |
13. | 2015 | R.Narayani, W. Aisha Banu | Framework for Provenance based Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud | International Journal of Education and management Engineering | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 19-26 | 0.12 |
14. | 2015 | Arun Raj.L, Vasanth.S, Ramanathan. M | Evaluating Vulenability tool to analyze the web security mechanism | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 28385-28392 | 0.13 |
Publication in International Journals
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2014 | S.Venkatesh and K.M.Mehata | A Fault Tolerant System Based On Genetic Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research | vol.3, no 7, pp. 434-438 | 0.8 |
2. | 2014 | R.A. Prakash, K.M.Mehata and C.Chellappan | A Novel Hybrid Authentication Method Based on Orientation Maps and Server Aided Signature for M Commerce Secured Transactions | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 84-94 | 0.14 |
3. | 2014 | R.Annette and W.A.Banu | A Service Broker Model for Cloud based Render Farm Selection“, International Journal of Computer Application | International Journal of Computer Application | Vol. 96, no. 24, pp. 11-14 | 0.821 |
4. | 2014 | I. Sheriff and A.Geetha | A Survey of Research Dimensions in Complex Event Processing | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 7769-7780 | 0.116 |
5. | 2014 | L.ArunRaj, Srinivasan, Dhivahar and Sweta | A Survey on Telemedicine Approach Using Cross Layer Design in Video Streaming | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology | vol.3, no. 7, pp. 955-958 | 0.489 |
6. | 2014 | B.Govindarajalu. and K.M.Mehata | A case for hybrid instruction encoding for reducing code size in embedded system-on-chips based on RISC processor cores | Journal of Computer Science | vol. 10, no. 3, pp.411- 422 | 0.290 |
7. | 2014 | R.Shriram and V.K.Mohan Raj | Energy efficient and interference aware provisioning in virtualized server cluster environment | Journal of Computer Science | vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 143-156 | 0.290 |
8. | 2014 | S.Revathi and T.R.Rangaswamy | Efficient flooding and local route repair using stable connected dominating set for MANET | Asian Journal of Scientific Research | vol. 2, no. 1,pp.234-243 | 0.381 |
9. | 2014 | S. Mohamed and S.Raja Sekaran | A Study Of Tsunami Model For Propagation Of Oceanic Waves | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | vol. 59, no.3, pp.510-519 | 0.14 |
10. | 2014 | L.Arun Raj and Thangapandian | Motion Based Summarization and Grouping of Events for Video Surveillance System | International Journal of Engineering Research | vol.3, no. 4, pp. 258-260 | 0.421 |
Sl.No. | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National / International |
1. | 2021 December 13-15 | Subhashini S, S.Revathi, ,. | R-DCNN based automatic recognition of Indian sign language | Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Auburn, Washington | International |
2. | November 2021 | E.Syed Mohamed, Tawseef Ahamed | Artificial Intelligence in mental healthcare analysis opportunities, future risks and regulation | Education and innovative science symposium ankara, turkey | International |
3. | 24th Oct 2021 | Radhika .A, M. Syed Masood | Premier League Table Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Multidisciplinary Perspectives In Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh | International |
4. | October, 2021 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu | Unsupervised algorithms comparison in the perspective of community detection from social networks | Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), IEEE, , DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA51532.2021.9544555 | International |
5. | November 2021 | L.Arun Raj, | Predicting soil suitability by Employing Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques, | Disruptive Technologies for Multi-Disciplinary Research & Applications,IEEE Xplore, Bengaluru | International |
6. | September 2021 | L.Arun Raj | Predicting the Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste using XGBoost Model | Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), IEEE Xplore | International |
7. | July 2021 | L.Arun Raj | Naïve Bayes – AdaBoost Ensemble Model for Classifying Sexual Crimes | Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics, Springer | International |
8. | July 2021 | L.Arun Raj | Detection of depression among social media users with machine learning | Engineering and Advancement in Technology, IEEE Xplore | International |
9. | November 2021 | Sabiyath Fatima N , Revathi S , Muthu Priya V , Mohamed Haris K | Enhanced Early Detection Of Brain Tumor Using Deep Belief Network For Improvising Human Life Span And Health | Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), IEEE | International |
10 | August 2021 | Revathi S, Ragina Begam, Akila R, Radhika A | Comparison Of Stock Market Prediction Using Deep Learning Algorithms | Springer proceedings Big data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC21) | International |
11 | August 2021. | Revathi S, Muthu Priya, Bhargavan C, Fatah Mohammed | An Iot Based Smart Device To Monitor And Analyze The Performance Of Athletes | Springer proceedings Conference on Big data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC21) | International |
12. | 2021 | U.Geetha, Sharmila Sankar, M.Sandhya | Optimized Multi-Walk Algorithm for Test Case Reduction | Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, Book Series. | International |
13 | 2021 | Deepak Shankar, N.Aaftab Rehman, Sharmila Sankar,Aisha Banu, M.Sandhya | Chennai Water Crisis – Data Analysis | Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, Book Series. | International |
14. | 2021 | Faaez Razeen, Sharmila Sankar, W.Aisha Banu, Sandhya Mahesh | Predicting Movie Success Using Regression Techniques | Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, Book Series. | International |
15. | 25-27 March 2021 | ArunRaj Lakshminarayanan;Pavani B;Rajeswari V;Saravanan Parthasarathy;A. Abdul Azeez Khan;K. Javubar Sathick | Malnutrition Detection using Convolutional Neural Network | Seventh International conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII), IEEE Explore, DOI:10.1109/ICBSII51839.2021.9445188 | International |
16. | March 18 – 20, 2021 | Arun Raj L. | Crop Recommendation by Analysing the Soil Nutrients using Machine Learning Techniques: A Study | 4th International Conference On Computational Intelligence In Data Science, Springer IFIP AICT | International |
17. | 5-7 March 2021 | Selvaprabu Jeganathan;Saravanan Parthasarathy;Arun Raj Lakshminarayanan;P. M. Ashok Kumar;Md. Khurshid Alam Khan | Predicting the Post Graduate Admissions using Classification Techniques | International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), IEEE Explore. | International |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | December 2020 | L.Arun Raj | Skin Cancer Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms | International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing (ICRTAC), Springer, Chennai. | International |
2. | November 2020 | L.Arun Raj | A Survey on Prediction of Health Insurance Frauds Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical, Communication, Embedded System and Soft Computing Techniques (ICECES’20) – AICTE, Tiruchirappalli | International |
3. | November 2020 | L.Arun Raj | Analysis of Classification Models to Predict the Post Graduate Admissions | International Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical, Communication, Embedded System and Soft Computing Techniques (ICECES’20) – AICTE, Tiruchirappalli | International |
4. | 6th-7th August 2020. | Vijayalakshmi C | Semantic similarity check Answers Retrieval for Web Forum Questions | Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Data Science and IoT (National Conference), VCANDO 2020 | National |
5. | July 2020 | L.Arun Raj | Detection of Fake News on Social Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques. | International e-Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (IECICN) | International |
6. | August 2020 | L.Arun Raj | An Efficient Scene Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval on Video Lectures | 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications -Intelligent System Design–Springer | International |
7. | August 2020 | L.Arun Raj | An Efficient Text-Based Image Retrieval Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques | 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications -Intelligent System Design–Springer | International |
8. | 30th- 31st July 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C | Personalization of Data Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Technology | International |
9. | April 2020. | R.Akila, S.Revathi, G.Shree Devi | Opinion Mining on Food Services using Topic Modeling and Machine Learning Algorithms | IEEE, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), ISBN: 978-1-7281-5197-7,DOI:10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074428 | International |
10. | April 2020 | Brindha Merin;W. Aisha Banu | Discovering Web Services By Matching Semantic Relationships Through Ontology | IEEE, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), ISBN:978-1-7281-5197-7, DOI:10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074364 | International |
11. | 2020 | N.Sabiyath Fatima, D.Steffy, D. Stella, S.Nandhini Devi | Enhanced Performance of Android Application using Recycler View | springer -3rd International Conference On Advanced Computing & Intelligent Engineering, Proc. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer, ISSN 2194-5365 ISBN 978-981-15-1483-8,pp.189-200, Volume 1089 | International |
12. | 6th – 7th March 2020 | Regina, S.Revathi | Machine Learning Algorithms for predicting stock market daily returns | International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20) | International |
13. | 2020 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, Sharmila Sankar | Investigative Protocol Design of Layer Optimized Image Compression in Telemedicine Environment. | Precedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Volume 167, Pages 2617-2622, | International |
14. | Jan 2020. | S. Monisha;R. Meera;Vijay Swaminath R.;Arun Raj L | Predictive Analytics of Student Stress level using Naive Bayesian Classification Algorithm | International Conference on computer communication and Informatics, IEEE, ISBN:978-1-7281-4514-3, DOI:10.1109/ICCCI48352.2020.9104113 | International |
15. | 06 & 07 Aug 2020 | A.Ramachandran | The present plight of the fishing industry | Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Data Science and iOt (National Level) organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, In association with Computer Society of India, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai | National |
16. | 2020 | A.Ramachandran | An Effective Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Erection and Destruction in Image | Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, ISSN:2524-7565, Lecture Notes on Springer AIS Series | International |
17. | 30th June 2020 | Syed Javeed Pasha,E.Syed Mohamed | Bio inspired Ensemble Feature Selection (BEFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction | IEEE, , DOI 10.1109/ICCUBEA47591.2019.9129304 | International |
18. | 9th June 2020 | SyedJaveed Pasha,E.Syed Mohamed | Ensemble Gain Ratio Feature Selection (EGFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction | IEEE, , INSPEC Accession Number:19675462DOI:10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112406 | International |
19. | March 6-7, 2020 | J.Brindha Mein, Dr. W. Aisha Banu | Linking of Web Services and Recommendation Based on User Profile | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) | International |
20. | March 6-7, 2020 | R.Akila, S.Revathi,G.Shree Devi | Text Mining Of User Reviews To Predict Sentiment Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) | International |
21. | March 6-7, 2020 | A.Radhika, Dr. Syed Masood | Comparison & Evaluation of Effective Data mining Techniques for Crop Yield Prediction | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | 2019 | X Arputha Rathina, M Ponnavaikko & K M Mehata and M S Kavitha | Analysis of User’s Behavior Using Markov Model | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.2019, J. C. Bansal et al. (eds.),Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 817, | International |
2. | 2019 | Azka and S.Revathi | A software Defined Networking Model for ensuring end-to-end security in IoT(SDN-SIoT) | ICKSSD, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi | International |
3. | December 2019 | Saravanan and Arun Raj | Survey on Crime Analysis and Prediction Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques | 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and CONtrol – PECCON 2019, Chennai | International |
4. | December 14-15, 2019 | Ramachandran A. | An Effective Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Erection and Destruction In Image | International Conference on Information Management & machine Intelligence (ICIMMI – 2019), at Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan | International |
5. | December 2019 | Akila.R, Shree devi.G, Revathi S. | Opinion mining on mcdonald’s services | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
6. | December 2019 | J. Brindha Merin, W. Aisha Banu, S.Mohamed Owais | Discovering web services by matching semantic relationships through ontology | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
7. | December 2019 | R.Akila, J.Brindhamerin, Vishal R.K, Vishal Krishnan S H | Prediction of Juvenile Delinquencies in correlation with Education, | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
8. | November 2019 | Ashok Kumar and Arun Raj | Efficient Text Based Image Retrieval Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques | International Symposium on Computational Intelligence (ISCI-2k19) | International |
9. | March 2019 | Selva Prabhu and L.Arun Raj | Survey on Predicting Educational trends by analyzing the Academic Performance of the Students | Springer Lectures proceedings on 2019 International Conference on Emerging current trends in Computing and Expert Technology, Chennai | International |
10. | June 27-29, 2019 | Ramachandran A. | An Efficient Leader Node selection for Movable Nodes in WSN using PSO Approach | International Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2019), at National University Singapore | International |
11. | February 2019 | W Aisha Banu, Sharmila Sankar, M Sandhya, N Krishna Sagar, M Imran | Intelligent three-pin adapter: a turnkey iot Solution. | Fifth International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), pp.p.1-3, ISBN:978-1-5386-9247-9, DOI:10.1109/ICEES.2019.8719306 | International |
12. | May 2019 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, Sandhya M, Sharmila Sankar | An Optimized RTSRV Machine Learning Algorithm for Biomedical Signal Transmission and Regeneration for Telemedicine Environment | International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications, pp.140-149, PerCAA 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2019.05.036 | International |
13. | August 2019 | Arun Raj.L | A survey on healthcare monitoring system using Smart technology, | International conference on computing communication and electrical technologies, Hyderabad | International |
14. | December 2019 | Arun Raj.L | Survey on Utilization of Internet of Things in Health Monitoring Systems | 2nd International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT – ICCBI 2019, Madurai | International |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | 31,August 2018 | S Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, S Shankar | ICT’s Role in Building and Understanding Indian Telemedicine Environment: A Study, Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies | Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems[Book Series] | International |
2. | August 2018 | SyedThouheed Ahmed, M.Sandhya | Real-Time Biomedical Recursive Images Detection Algorithm for Indian Telemedicine Environment | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computingbook series (AISC, volume 768),12[Book Series] | International |
3. | 13 June 2018 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu, A Ayesha Zohra, S Chinthaman | Sentiment Analysis on Tweets | Springer, Singapore,Software Engineering Book Series pp.717-724[Book Series] | International |
4. | June 2018 | Azka Wani, S.Revathi | Analyzing Threats of IoT Networks Using SDN Based Intrusion Detection System(SDIoT-IDS) | International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies, Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS, Vol.828), pp.536-542[Book Series] | International |
5. | 2018 | Sonya A | Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System | 4th International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) | International |
6. | April 6th and 7th 2018 | R. Akila, Angelina Geetha, T.R. Akila Devi, Vishal R.K | Opinion Mining on YouTube Comments for Effective Video Classification | International Conference on Knowledge based Computing Technologies | International |
7. | Jan 2018 | Madhina Banu.D, Aranganathan.S | Study of Load Optimization and Performance Issues in Cloud, | International conference on Science, Engineering and technology Applications | International |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National / International |
1 | Nov 27 – 29th, 2017 | L.Arun raj, Dhananjay Kumar | Machine learning approach for quality adaptation of streaming video through 4G wireless network over HTTP | International Conference on ITU Kaleidoscope 2017, China[IEEE Conference] | International |
2 | 21st & 22nd September 2017 | Muthupriya | Secure Location Aided Routing (SLAR) for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks during | IEEE International conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI) – 2017, with catalog “CFP17M84-PRJ: 978-1-5386-0813-5”, organized by Saveetha Engineering college[IEEE Conference] | International |
3 | Feb-17 | T.R. Akila Devi, R. Akila, Angelina Geetha | Framework for Embedded Intelligence – Integrating IOT, WOT and W2T | IEEE sponsored Second International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies, Chennai[IEEE Conference] | International |
4 | March 17 | D. Veni, Angelina Geetha | Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prediction using Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm and Metabolic Profiling | 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Chennai, | International |
5 | March 17 | Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis for Online Stock Market News using RSS Feeds | 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Chennai | International |
6 | 2017 | R. Pari; M. Sandhya; S. Shankar | Level prediction of preterm birth using risk factor analysis and electrohysterogram signal classification | 2nd International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), [IEEE Conference] | International |
7 | 2017 | Pari, R.; Sandhya, M.; Sankar, Sharmila | Risk Factors Based Classification for Accurate Prediction of the Preterm Birth | Proceedings Of The International Conference On Inventive Computing And Informatics (ICICI 2017) | International |
8 | 2017 | VYuvaraj,SRajasekaran and ESyed Mohamed | Complex solutions for tsunami ascending into a river as a bore. | National conference on recent trends in Mathematics and Applications | National |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1 | Dec 2016 | Niha K and W.Aisha Banu | Brain Signal Processing: Technologies, Analysis and Application, | IEEE International Conference on Computational lntelligence and Computing Research [IEEE Conference] | International |
2 | Apr 2016 | S.Jahira Begam and N.Sabiyath Fatima | Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources | International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems | International |
3 | Apr 2016 | N.S.Muneera and N.Sabiyath Fatima | A Security Enabled Authentication Processing Time Reduction In Distributed Cloud Computing | International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems | International |
4 | May 2016 | Navya Nelapati, R.Shriram | Automated Answer Evaluation Of Short Answers Using Moodle Platform | International Conference On Innovative Emerging Trends In Engineering And Technology | International |
5 | 2016 | A. Premchand; Sandhya M. S. Sankar | Roadmap for simplification of enterprise architecture at financial institutions, | International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), [IEEE] | International |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1 | Sep 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya, Anush Premchand | Simplification of Information Technology services cut financial Institution- A Framework | ICCCT -Sixth International of Computer and Communication Technology | International |
2 | Dec 2015 | Mehjabin Khatoon, Aisha Banu, Ayesha Zohra and Chintamani | Sentiment Analysis in Tweets | Computer Society of India 2015 Convention | International |
3 | Dec 2015 | Dhananjay Kumar and Arun Raj.L | Adaptive video streaming over HTTP through 3G/4G Wireless Networks employing dynamic on the fly bit rate Analysis | ITU Kaleidoscope 2015 – Trust in the Information Society | International |
4 | Mar 2015 | R.Shriram | Sketching Approach and Massive Dataset | International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering | International |
5 | Mar 2015 | Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar, Geethanjali | Implementation of K-Means Clustering using Big Data Methodology for categorizing retail dataset | International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management | International |
6 | May 2015 | T.Nagamalar, T.R.Rangasamy | Energy Efficient Cluster based approach for data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with multiple mobile sink | International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control | International |
7 | Mar 2015 | X Arputha Rathina | Drowsiness Detection system for safety Driving, | International Conference on Advanced Computing and Mathematical Engineering | International |
8 | Mar 2015 | MuthuPriya V | LARP protocol for secure location service based on Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) scheme in MANET | International Conference on Advanced Computing and Mathematical Engineering | International |
9 | Mar 2015 | Muthupriya V | TPSS: Two phase security system to avoid path reduction in AODMV | International Conference on Electronic Instrumentation and Communication Engineering | International |
10 | Mar 2015 | Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar, Geethanjali | Implementation of K-Means Clustering using Big Data Methodology for categorizing retail dataset | International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management | International |
11 | Feb 2015 | Sharon Priya | A scheduling Strategy to federate parallel workload using backfilling | International Conference on Evolving Trends in Engineering and Technology | International |
12 | Mar 2015 | Gayathri.J | A Fuzzy Logic Based trust model in cloud computing | International Conference on Advance Information Computation | International |
13 | Jan 2015 | I. Sheriff, T. Naqishbandi and A.Geetha | Healthcare Informatics and Analytics Framework | International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | International |
14 | Mar 2015 | Raja Sheik | Enhancing Implicit Relations in Wikipedia mining using object relationship technique | International Conference on Innovation in Communications and Computer Engineering | International |
15 | Mar 2015 | L. Arun Raj | Privacy Preserving Cloud assisted Mobile Health data Monitoring | International Conference on Recent Trends on Information and Communication Engineering | International |
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1 | Sep 2014 | S.Sathya, and R.Shriram | Survey on emotion recognition from speech, Pondicherry, pp.25-28 | International Tamil Internet Conference | International |
2 | Sep 2014 | C.Vijayalakshmi, and R.Shriram | Natural language processing based Visualization a survey, pp.1-5. | International Tamil Internet Conference, Pondicherry | International |
3 | July 2014 | D.Mavaluru, R.Shriram, and V. Sugumaran | Big Data Analytics in Information retrieval: Promise and Potential IRF | International Conference, Tirupathi | International |
4 | Dec 2014 | R.Mythili, W.A.Banu, and R.Shriram | Cluster models for Data Stream Mining | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies,Cochin | International |
5 | 13-14th March 2014 | S.V.ShriBharathi and A.Geetha | Emotion Classification of RSS News feeds, Coimbatore | International Conference on Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development,ICICTS’14, Karunya University | International |
6 | February 2014 | P.Usha, R.Shriram, and S.S.Kumar | Sensitive Attribute Based Non-homogeneous Anonymization for privacy preserving Data Mining | International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems, ICICES | International |
7 | 25th March 2014 | A. Ganesh, M.Sandhya, and S. Sharmila | A study on fault tolerance methods in cloud computing | IEEE International advanced computing conference IACC’14, pp.844-849 | International |
8 | May 2014 | S.Bagirathi, S. Sharmila, and M.Sandhya | Missing Tag Detection Using Beacon Intervals in Tags , pp.37-41 | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014) | International |
9 | May 2014 | J.Gayathri, M.Sandhya, and S. Sharmila | Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Big Data Analytics, pp.49-53 | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014) | International |
Papers Published in National and International Journal 2014-2020
List of papers published in Journals – 2020
Sl. No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2020 | C.Hema, Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dr.Sandhya | Tag count based priority scheduling algorithm for mitigating the RFID collisions | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | DOI: 10.11591/ ijeecs.v18.i1.pp434-442 | 0.21 |
2. | 2020 | D.Menega and S.Revathi | An empirical study of cancer classification techniques based on the neural networks | Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications | Vol. 32, No. 2, | 0.19 |
3. | 2020 | Nabeena Ameen, Najumnissa Jamal, Arun Raj | Optimized dual path analysis using finite automata theory in wireless sensor networks | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | DOI:10.1108/IJIUS-11-2019-0060 | 0.24 |
4. | 2020 | Azka, S.Revathi | DDoS Detection and Alleviation in IoT using SDN(SDIoT-DDoS-DA) | Journal of The Institution of Engineers | s40031-020-00442-z | 0.12 |
5. | 2020 | Azka, S.Revathi | Ransomware Protection in IoT Using Software Defined Networking | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol, 10, No.3, pp.3166-3175, ijece.v10i3. pp3166-3175 | 0.15 |
6. | 2020 | Niha Kamal Basha, Aisha Banu Wahab | Single Channel EEG Signal for Automatic Detection of Absence Seizure using Convolutional Neural Network | Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications | DOI:10.2174/ 2666255813666 191122114608 | 0.3 |
7. | 2020 | U Kumaran, A Ramachandran, J Jegan, E.K. Subramanian | Enhanced routing for secured ad-hoc network | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.949-956 | 0.21 |
8. | 2020 | Balamanigandan R, Ramachandran A, Jeejo Vetharaj, S. John Justin Thangaraj | Artificial Intelligence Empowered CT Image Processing for Covid-19 Diagnosis | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol. 29, No. 7s, (2020), pp. 4649 – 4652 | |
9 | 2020 | Dinesh Kumar K, Senthil P, Manoj Kumar D.S | Educational Certificate Verification System Using Blockchain | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | ISSN2277-8616,Vol.9, No. 3,pp.82-85 | 0.12 |
10. | 2020 | Ramachandran. A, E. K. Subramanian, U.Kumaran, J.Jegan | A Medical Image Encryption Scheme Using Chaotic Random Sequence | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol. 29, No. 7s, pp. 4856 – 4864 | 0.11 |
11. | 2020 | Manoj Kumar D S;S. Venkatesan;A Ramachandran, | Flexible Data Access Control using Attribute-Based Encryption and Proxy Re-Encryption in Cloud Computing | Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming | ISSN2582-2179,Vol. 5, No.1,pp.24-28 | 0.1 |
12. | 2020 | K. Vijayalakshmi&E. Syed Mohamed | Case Study: Extenuation of XSS Attacks through Various Detecting and Defending Techniques | Journal of Applied Security Research,March | 19361610.2020. 1735283 | 0.17 |
13. | 2020 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | Telmed: Dynamic User Clustering Resource Allocation Technique For Moom Datasets Under Optimizing Telemedicine Network | wireless personal communications | 0.25 | |
14. | 2020 | Dinesh Kumar K, Manoj Kumar D.S, Anandh R | Blockchain Technology In Food Supply Chain Security | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.9, No.1, ISSN2277-8616 | 0.12 |
15. | 2020 | Zulfia Afreen M.A, Ramachandran A | Study of Image Processing, Recognition And Computer Vision Algorithms | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.9, No.1 | 0.12 |
16. | 2020 | Iswaryah G., Ramachandran A | Information Hiding Using Qr Code | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol 9, No.1, PP. 1596 – 1598 | 0.12 |
17. | 2020 | Sharukh Rahman S., Ramachandran A. | Study of Decentralized Networks | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol 9, Issue 01, PP. 3170 – 3172 | 0.12 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2019
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue/ Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2019 | Arunraj | Optimized Routing Protocols for Data Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | ISSN/ISBN No. 2277-3878Vol-8, No-3 | 0.11 |
2. | 2019 | Malathi Devarajana and N.Sabiyath Fatima, Subramaniyaswamy Vairavasundarama and Logesh Ravia | Swarm intelligence clustering ensemble based point of interest recommendation for social cyber-physical systems | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | ISSN1064-1246(Print)ISSN 1875-8967 Vol 36, no.5, pp.4349-4360 | 0.36 |
3. | 2019 | Dinesh Kumar K, Komathy K, Manoj Kumar D S | Block Chain Technologies In Financial Sectors And Industries | SInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol.8, No.11, ISSN2277-8616 | 0.12 |
4. | 2019 | Nabeena,Najumnissa Jamal,L.Arun Raj, | Comparative analysis of energy based optimized dynamic source multipath routing protocol in WSNs | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vol. 16, No. 1,ISSN 2502-4752 | 0.21 |
5. | 2019 | J.Jegan, S.Siva Kumar, A.Ramachandran, S.Md.Shafiullah | An Efficient Leader Node selection for Movable Nodes in WSN using PSO Approach | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol 8, No. 6, PP. 5072 – 5078 | 0.1 |
6. | 2019 | Madhina Banu, Aranganathan | Effective utilisation of cloud data centre and allocating user demands to virtual machines using LMRO algorithm | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, | DOI:10.1504/ IJVICS.2019.103924 | 0.13 |
7. | 2019 | Madhina Banu, Aranganathan IF: | Mutual Profit Increment for Cloud User and Resource Providers Efficient Resource Utilization Auction Method in Cloud Computing | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Vol.12, No.4, 2019 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2019.0831.25 | 0.2 |
8. | 2019 | Narayani Raman, Aisha Banu W | Fairness based Heuristic Workflow scheduling and placement in Cloud Computing | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | Vol.4 No.4 pp.355 – 374 DOI:10.1504/IJVICS. 2019.103932 | 0.13 |
9 | 2019 | Niha Kamal Basha, Aisha Banu Wahab | Automatic absence seizure detection and early detection system using CRNN-SVM | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | Vol.11 No.4, pp.330 – 335 | 0.11 |
10. | 2019 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Dynamic MooM Dataset Processing Under TelMED Protocol Design for QoS Improvisation of Telemedicine Environment | Journal of medical systems | Vol.43, No.8, pp.257 | 0.69 |
11. | 2019 | Zameer, L. Arun Raj | Ontology Supported Hybrid Recommender System With Threshold Based Nearest Neighborhood Approach | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education | Vol 15 no.2 ISSN/ ISBN No. 1550-1876, ESCI | 0.27 |
12. | 2019 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu | An efficient method to detect communities in social networks using DBSCAN algorithm | Social Network Analysis and Mining | Vol.9, 12 | 0.4 |
13. | 2019 | J Ruby Annette, Aisha Banu, recommender system | Ranking cloud render farm services for a multi criteria | Sadhana . Springer India | Vol.44, No. 1 | 0.28 |
14. | 2019 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W. Aisha Banu | An Improved Algorithm for Detecting Overlapping Communities in Social Network | International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms | 0.15 | |
15. | 2019 | Kamal Basha Niha, Wahab Aisha Banu | Wavelet Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for the Automatic Detection of Absence Seizure | Springer India | Vol.30,pp.347-354 | 0.28 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2018
Sl. No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No / Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2018 | P Ramalingam, M Sandhya, S Sankar | Using an innovative stacked ensemble algorithm for accurate prediction of the preterm birth | Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association | DOI:10.4274/jtgga.2018.0105 | 0.33 |
2. | 2018 | Sonya A | Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System | International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering | Volume 8, Issue XII, (ISSN NO: 2249-7455) | 0.1 |
3. | 2018 | Vasudevan Muthupriya, Sathyanarayanan Revathi | Security Enhanced Location-aided Level-based Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Journal of Computing and Information Technology | Vol. 26, No. 4, , 251–265 251 | 0.18 |
4. | 2018 | R Pari, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Multi-Tier Stacked Ensemble Algorithm for Improving Classification Accuracy | Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE, | DOI:10.1109/MCSE. 2018.2873940 | 3.557 |
5. | 2018 | Sonya A. | Clustering of Storing Sensitive Data by Using Cloud System Technology | International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology | Vol. 5, Issue 5, ISSN: 2348-4039 | 0.1 |
6. | 2018 | R Pari, M Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar | A Multi-Tier Stacked Ensemble Algorithm to Reduce the Regret of Incremental Learning for Streaming Data | IEEE | Vol.6, pp. 48726– 48739 | 3.557 |
7. | 2018 | D.Menaga S. Revathi | Least lion optimisation algorithm (LLOA) based secret key generation for privacy preserving association rule hiding | IET Digital Library | Vol.12, Issue 4, pp.332-340 | 0.857 |
8. | 2018 | Annette Ruby, Banu W Aisha, Chandran P Subash | A Multi Criteria Recommendation Engine Model for Cloud Renderfarm Services | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol.8, Issue 5 | 0.37 |
9 | 2018 | Radhika.A, April 2018 | Kind of Crops and Small Plants Prediction using IoT with Machine Learning | International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences | vol:7 ,issue :4, pp no: 93-97 | 0.11 |
11. | 2018 | Hema.C, | Naive Bayes algorithm for reducing the redundant data in the cluster based RFID network | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 118(9):729-735 | 0.13 |
12. | 2018 | Madhina Banu.D, Aranganathan.S | Study of Load Optimization and Performance Issues in Cloud | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), | 0.24 | |
13. | 2018 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu | An efficient method to detect communities in social networks | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System | Vol no:11,Issue no 4,pp no:199-206 | 0.19 |
14. | 2018 | Arputha Rathina X., Ponnavaikko M., Mehata K.M., Kavitha M.S | Students concentration alert system | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol No.119, Issue No.12, pp. 13845 – 13852, ISSN: 1314-3395 | 0.13 |
15. | 2018 | S.Sharon Priya, K. M. Mehata, and W. Aisha Banu | Ganging of Resources via Fuzzy Manhattan Distance Similarity with Priority Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing | Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology | jtit.2018.108916 | 0.15 |
16. | 2018 | Sonali A Patil., Sandhya., Sharmila Sankar | A Survey on Cloud Computing Parameters | Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology | Vol.4, No.1, ISSN NO: 2350-1146 | 0.13 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2017
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No/ Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2017 | S.P.Valli , Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dr.K.M.Mehata | A Heuristic Method For Improving TCP performance By A Greedy Routing Algorithm, ,2017 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol:95, No.19,PP 5215-5213 | 0.17 |
2. | 2017 | SairaBanu, R.Shriram ,Radhika | Effective Packet Loss Concealment Algorithm For VOIP,2017. | VIOPJournal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems | No :17,Pp no:598-618 | 0.36 |
3. | 2017 | V.Muthupriya and S.Revathi | Secure Location Aided Routing (SLAR) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, December 2017. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.95, No.23 | 0.16 |
4. | 2017 | Ruby Annette. J,Dr. Aisha Banu | COLD START PROBLEM IN RECOMMENDING CLOUD SERVICES:A SURVEY | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9, Sp– 16 | 0.13 |
5. | 2017 | Ruby Annette. J,Dr. Aisha Banu | TOWARDS AN ONTOLOGY FOR CLOUD RENDERFARM SERVIC | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9, Sp– 16 | 0.13 |
6. | 2017 | X Arputha Rathina, | Face Emotion Recognition using combined SIFT, LBP and Local Phase Quantization Features | IJETSR | Vol: 4, No. 8 | 0.1 |
7. | 2017 | Azka and S.Revathi | Protocols for Secure Internet of Things | International Journal Education and Management Engineering | Vol No :2,PP :20-29 | 0.11 |
8. | 2017 | Arun Raj.L, Dhananjay Kumar and A.Srinivasan | Adaptive video streaming over HTTP through 4G wireless networks based on Buffer Analysis | Journal on Image and Video Processing | vol no:41 | 1.5 |
9. | 2017 | SV.Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis of Twitter and RSS News Feeds and its Impact on Stock Market Prediction | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering andSystems | Vol no:10,Issue no:6,pp no:66-73 | 0.248 |
10. | 2017 | S.Sharon Priya and W.Aisha Banu | Fuzzy Resource Pre-processing and Compress and Join Gang Polling Evaluation | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Vol.10, No.3 pp.371-380 | 0.248 |
11. | 2017 | C.Hema, Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya | Performance comparison of Dragonfly and Firefly algorithm in the RFID Network to improve the data transmission | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol no:95,issue no :1,pp no:59-67 | 0.33 |
12. | 2017 | S.Bagirathi, Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya | Hybrid Zigbee RFID for detection of active tags and energy minimization | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol no:95,issue no :3,pp no:506-514 | 0.171 |
13. | 2017 | V. Yuvaraj, S. Rajasekaran, E. Syed Mohamed | An Alternative analytical model for propogation of Tsunami Waves | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol no:113,Issue no:6,pp no29-37 | 0.635 |
14. | 2017 | V. Yuvaraj, S. Rajasekaran, E. Syed Mohamed | Complex solutions for Tsunami- ascending into a river as a bore | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol no:113,Issue no:6,pp no:99-107 | 0.635 |
15. | 2017 | SV.Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis for Effective Stock Market Prediction | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering andSystems | Vol no:10,Issue no:3,pp no:146-154 | 0.248 |
16. | 2017 | Azka, S. Revathi, Angelina Geetha | A Survey of Applications and Security Issues in Software Defined Networking. | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | Vol no:9,Issue no :3,pp no: 21-28 | 1.087 |
17. | 2017 | Ramanathan L., Angelina Geetha, Khalid M., Swarnalatha P | Student Performance Prediction Model Based on Lion-Wolf Neural Network | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System | Vol no:10,Issue no 1,pp no:114-123 | 1.08 |
18. | 2017 | TN Ravishankar, R Shriram | A review of algorithms applied for linguistic sentiment analysis-A study with reference to Tamil Tweets by public in Twitter | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security | Vol:14,Issue No:1,Pp:1-10 | 0.553 |
19. | 2017 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Corpus Based Sentiment Classification Of Tamil Movie Tweets Using Syntactic Patterns | IIOAB Journal, | Vol:8,Issue No:6,Pp: 172-178 | 0.55 |
20. | 2017 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Grammar Rule based Sentiment categorization model for classification of Tamil Tweets | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications – Inderscience | DOI:10.1504/IJISTA.2018.10012884 Vol. 17, No. 1/2 | 0.59 |
21. | 2017 | M.Sandhya, R.M.Madhumitha, Sharmila Sankar | Analysis of Threats in Interoperability of Medical Devices | International Journal of BioMedical and Biological Engineering | Vol.11,No.5 | 0.1 |
22. | 2017 | S Sharon Priya, Wahab Aisha Banu | Fault Tolerance On Leaguegang Scheduling Aided Enhanced Compress & Join For Heterogeneous Cloud Environment | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | Vol. 9. Sp– 16 | 0.11 |
23. | 2017 | V.Muthupriya, S.Revathi | Location Aided Level Based Disjoint Multipath Routing (LLDMR) Algorithm | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.95, No.23, pp.6608-6615 | 0.17 |
24. | 2017 | S.Subhashini, Dr.S.Revathi | Hand Gesture Recognition Using Binary Language for Audio Based Communication | International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research | ISSN:2393-8374 | 0.1 |
25. | 2017 | Sumaiya Farzana G. Angelina Geetha | Evolution and Prospects of Deep Learning in Current Research Scenarios | International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science | Vol.6, No.8, ISSN 2347 – 8616 | 0.12 |
26. | 2017 | Veni Devi Gopal., Angelina Geetha International | Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prediction using Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm and Metabolic Profiling, | Journal of current Engineering and scientific Research | Vol.4, No.4, ISSN: 2393-8374 | 0.12 |
27. | 2017 | R.Mythily., W.Aisha Banu | A Novel Pre-Learning Algorithm Based Detection And Eliminationof Data Error And Data Redundancy To Improve The Data Quality | International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Vol.9, No.2, pp.30147-30165 | 0.13 |
28. | 2017 | Karthiga., Sharmila Sankar | Providing Secret Authentication in Clustered Security Architecture for Cloud-Based WBAN | The Computer Journa | Vol.61, No.2, pp.223-232., | 0.14 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2016
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No / Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2016 | N. Sabiyath Fatima and V. Muthupriya | An Effective (FD-E-TOHIP) Fault Detection Enabled E-TOHIP for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | vol no:9, pp.22-30 | 0.252 |
2. | 2016 | Nadana Ravishankar, Shriram Raghunathan | Grammar Rule based Sentiment categorization model for Tamil Tweets | Springer – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 0.49 | |
3. | 2016 | T. Nagamalar, T. R. Rangaswamy | Mathematical Model based Energy Efficient Routing with Prediction of Mobile Sink in WSN | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences | vol.10, no.4, pp.405-415 | 0.118 |
4. | 2016 | C. Firdozali, T. Nagamalar | Energy Aware Mobile Sink Based RPL Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science | vol.5 no. 4 | 0.14 |
5. | 2016 | Boominathan.S, and Aranganathan | A Verifiable Mechanism for Attribute based encryption in cloud computing | International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering | vol.3 | 0.226 |
6. | 2016 | Muthupriya.V and K.M.Mehata | Review on Network layer attaqcks and counter measures in MANET | International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits | vol.2 no.1 | 0.1 |
7. | 2016 | Muthupriya.V | Direct trust based detection and recovery process of jelly fish attack in MANET | International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics | vol.22, no.2 | 0.11 |
8. | 2016 | Suganthi.J, Brindha Merin | Using of Jaccard Index for Catchwords Similarity Values | International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology | vol.1, no.1 | 0.1 |
9. | 2016 | Raj V.K.M., Shriram R. | Power management in virtualized datacenter – A survey | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | Vol no:69,Pp no:117-133 | 2.331 |
10. | 2016 | Velayudhan Kumar, Mohan Raj; Raghunathan, Shriram | Power management using dynamic power state transitions and dynamic voltage frequency scaling controls in virtualized server clusters | TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES | Vol no:24, no:4,Pp no 2290-2309 | 0.518 |
11. | 2016 | Arun Raj.L, K. Balaprasath | Predictive Analytics on Student Academics | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology | vol.34, no.2 | 0.11 |
12. | 2016 | N. Sabiyath Fatima, S. Jahira Begam and N.S.Muneera, | Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | Vol.9,No.30 | 0.252 |
13. | 2016 | Arputha Rathina X., Mehata K.M., Ponnavaikko M. | An automatic emotion detection system from face image of a video using Bacterial Foraging Optimization | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Vol.11, No.6,pp. 4288-4295 | 0.145 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2015
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No / Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, T.N.Ravi | Measuring the Security Compliance using Cloud Control matrix | Middle – East Journal of Scientific Research | vol.23 pp. 1797-1803 | 0.155 |
2. | 2015 | S.Fouzul Hidhaya, Angelina Geetha, Nandh Kumar B, Venkat Loganathan and Sravanth | Supplementary Event-Listener Injection Attack in Smart Phones | KSII Transactions in internet and information systems | vol.9, no.10 | 0.185 |
3. | 2015 | Kumar M.R.V, Raghunathan S | Heterogeneity and thermal aware adaptive heuristics for energy efficient consolidation of virtual machines in infrastructure clouds | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | vol.10, no.1 | 1.58 |
4. | 2015 | Teras. M, Raghunathan, S | Big Data Visualisation in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments: Embodied Phenomenological Perspectives to interaction | ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing | vol.5 no. 5. | 0.787 |
5. | 2015 | S.P.Valli and K.M. Mehata | A Cross-Layer approach for TCP Packet Loss differentiation in Adhoc Networks | Middle – East Journal of Scientific Research | vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 2278- 2287 | 0.155 |
6. | 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya, I.Karthiga | Secure Transmission of Sensitive Data in Wban Using N-LARP Mechanism | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol.10,pp. 187-193 | 0.125 |
7. | 2015 | R.Shriram, T.Nadana Ravishankar | Mining Web Log Files Using Self-Organizing Map and K-Means Clustering Methods | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 17, pp.136969-13700 | 0.125 |
8. | 2015 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W.Aisha Banu | A survey on Communication detection methods in social networks | International Journal of Education and management Engineering | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8-18 | 0.12 |
9. | 2015 | Revathi.S, T.R.Rangaswamy | Secure Route Discovery using Opinion based method in MANET | International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 442-446 | 0.11 |
10. | 2015 | S.P. Valli ,Balasundaram Ananthakrishnan | Packet Loss Classification and Cross-Layer Congestion Control in Wireless Networks | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 6949-6953 | 0.125 |
11. | 2015 | Muthupriya | Performance Analysis of AOMDV under the Impact of Rushing Attack | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 29581-29594 | 0.125 |
12. | 2015 | Saira Banu | Qos Analysis of VOIP traffic over WiMAX | International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development | vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 442-446 | 0.13 |
13. | 2015 | R.Narayani, W. Aisha Banu | Framework for Provenance based Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud | International Journal of Education and management Engineering | vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 19-26 | 0.12 |
14. | 2015 | Arun Raj.L, Vasanth.S, Ramanathan. M | Evaluating Vulenability tool to analyze the web security mechanism | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 28385-28392 | 0.13 |
List of papers published in Journals – 2014
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Page No / Issue / Volume | Impact Factor / SJR / SNIP |
1. | 2014 | S.Venkatesh and K.M.Mehata | A Fault Tolerant System Based On Genetic Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research | vol.3, no 7, pp. 434-438 | 0.8 |
2. | 2014 | R.A. Prakash, K.M.Mehata and C.Chellappan | A Novel Hybrid Authentication Method Based on Orientation Maps and Server Aided Signature for M Commerce Secured Transactions | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 84-94 | 0.14 |
3. | 2014 | R.Annette and W.A.Banu | A Service Broker Model for Cloud based Render Farm Selection“, International Journal of Computer Application | International Journal of Computer Application | Vol. 96, no. 24, pp. 11-14 | 0.821 |
4. | 2014 | I. Sheriff and A.Geetha | A Survey of Research Dimensions in Complex Event Processing | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 7769-7780 | 0.116 |
5. | 2014 | L.ArunRaj, Srinivasan, Dhivahar and Sweta | A Survey on Telemedicine Approach Using Cross Layer Design in Video Streaming | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology | vol.3, no. 7, pp. 955-958 | 0.489 |
6. | 2014 | B.Govindarajalu. and K.M.Mehata | A case for hybrid instruction encoding for reducing code size in embedded system-on-chips based on RISC processor cores | Journal of Computer Science | vol. 10, no. 3, pp.411- 422 | 0.290 |
7. | 2014 | R.Shriram and V.K.Mohan Raj | Energy efficient and interference aware provisioning in virtualized server cluster environment | Journal of Computer Science | vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 143-156 | 0.290 |
8. | 2014 | S.Revathi and T.R.Rangaswamy | Efficient flooding and local route repair using stable connected dominating set for MANET | Asian Journal of Scientific Research | vol. 2, no. 1,pp.234-243 | 0.381 |
9. | 2014 | S. Mohamed and S.Raja Sekaran | A Study Of Tsunami Model For Propagation Of Oceanic Waves | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | vol. 59, no.3, pp.510-519 | 0.14 |
10. | 2014 | L.Arun Raj and Thangapandian | Motion Based Summarization and Grouping of Events for Video Surveillance System | International Journal of Engineering Research | vol.3, no. 4, pp. 258-260 | 0.421 |
Papers Published in National and International Conference 2014-2020
List of papers published in National / International Conferences – 2020
Sl. No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | 6th-7th August 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C | Semantic similarity check Answers Retrieval for Web Forum Questions | Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Data Science and IoT (National Conference), VCANDO 2020 | National |
2. | July 2020 | L.Arun Raj | Detection of Fake News on Social Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques. | International e-Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (IECICN) | International |
3. | August 2020 | L.Arun Raj | An Efficient Scene Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval on Video Lectures | 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications -Intelligent System Design–Springer | International |
4. | August 2020 | L.Arun Raj | An Efficient Text-Based Image Retrieval Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques | 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications -Intelligent System Design–Springer | International |
5. | 30th- 31st July 2020 | Vijayalakshmi C | Personalization of Data Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Technology | International |
6. | April 2020. | R.Akila, S.Revathi, G.Shree Devi | Opinion Mining on Food Services using Topic Modeling and Machine Learning Algorithms | IEEE, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), ISBN: 978-1-7281-5197-7,DOI:10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074428 | International |
7. | April 2020 | Brindha Merin W. Aisha Banu | Discovering Web Services By Matching Semantic Relationships Through Ontology | IEEE, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), ISBN:978-1-7281-5197-7, DOI:10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074364 | International |
8. | 2020 | N.Sabiyath Fatima, D.Steffy, D. Stella, S.Nandhini Devi | Enhanced Performance of Android Application using Recycler View | springer -3rd International Conference On Advanced Computing & Intelligent Engineering, Proc. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer, ISSN 2194-5365 ISBN 978-981-15-1483-8,pp.189-200, Volume 1089 | International |
9. | 6th – 7th March 2020 | Regina, S.Revathi | Machine Learning Algorithms for predicting stock market daily returns | International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20) | International |
10. | 2020 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, Sharmila Sankar | Investigative Protocol Design of Layer Optimized Image Compression in Telemedicine Environment. | Precedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Volume 167, Pages 2617-2622, | International |
11. | Jan 2020. | S. Monisha;R. Meera;Vijay Swaminath R.;Arun Raj L | Predictive Analytics of Student Stress level using Naive Bayesian Classification Algorithm | International Conference on computer communication and Informatics, IEEE, ISBN:978-1-7281-4514-3, DOI:10.1109/ICCCI48352.2020.9104113 | International |
12. | 06 & 07 Aug 2020 | A.Ramachandran | The present plight of the fishing industry | Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Data Science and iOt (National Level) organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, In association with Computer Society of India, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai | National |
13. | 2020 | A.Ramachandran | An Effective Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Erection and Destruction InImage | Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, ISSN:2524-7565, Lecture Notes on Springer AIS Series | International |
14. | 30th June 2020 | Syed Javeed Pasha,E.Syed Mohamed | Bio inspired Ensemble Feature Selection (BEFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction | IEEE, , DOI 10.1109/ICCUBEA47591.2019.9129304 | International |
15. | 9th June 2020 | SyedJaveed Pasha,E.Syed Mohamed | Ensemble Gain Ratio Feature Selection (EGFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction | IEEE, INSPEC Accession Number: 19675462DOI: 10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112406 | International |
16. | March 6-7, 2020 | J.Brindha Mein, Dr. W. Aisha Banu | Linking of Web Services and Recommendation Based on User Profile | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) | International |
17. | March 6-7, 2020 | R.Akila, S.Revathi,G.Shree Devi | Text Mining Of User Reviews To Predict Sentiment Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) | International |
18. | March 6-7, 2020 | A.Radhika, Dr. Syed Masood | Comparison & Evaluation of Effective Data mining Techniques for Crop Yield Prediction | International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20) | International |
List of papers published in National / International Conferences – 2019
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | 2019 | X Arputha Rathina, M Ponnavaikko & K M Mehata and M S Kavitha | Analysis of User’s Behavior Using Markov Model | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.2019, J. C. Bansal et al. (eds.),Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 817, | International |
2. | 2019 | Azka and S.Revathi | A software Defined Networking Model for ensuring end-to-end security in IoT(SDN-SIoT) | ICKSSD, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi | International |
3. | December 2019 | Saravanan and Arun Raj | Survey on Crime Analysis and Prediction Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques | 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and CONtrol – PECCON 2019, Chennai | International |
4. | December 14-15, 2019 | Ramachandran A. | An Effective Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Erection and Destruction In Image | International Conference on Information Management & machine Intelligence (ICIMMI – 2019), at Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan | International |
5. | December 2019 | Akila.R, Shree devi.G, Revathi S. | Opinion mining on mcdonald’s services | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
6. | December 2019 | J. Brindha Merin, W. Aisha Banu, S.Mohamed Owais | Discovering web services by matching semantic relationships through ontology | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
7. | December 2019 | R.Akila, J.Brindhamerin, Vishal R.K, Vishal Krishnan S H | Prediction of Juvenile Delinquencies in correlation with Education, | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technical Education | International |
8. | November 2019 | Ashok Kumar and Arun Raj | Efficient Text Based Image Retrieval Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques | International Symposium on Computational Intelligence (ISCI-2k19) | International |
9. | March 2019 | Selva Prabhu and L.Arun Raj | Survey on Predicting Educational trends by analyzing the Academic Performance of the Students | Springer Lectures proceedings on 2019 International Conference on Emerging current trends in Computing and Expert Technology, Chennai | International |
10. | June 27-29, 2019 | Ramachandran A. | An Efficient Leader Node selection for Movable Nodes in WSN using PSO Approach | International Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2019), at National University Singapore | International |
11. | February 2019 | W Aisha Banu, Sharmila Sankar, M Sandhya, N Krishna Sagar, M Imran | Intelligent three-pin adapter: a turnkey iot Solution. | Fifth International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), pp.p.1-3, ISBN:978-1-5386-9247-9, DOI:10.1109/ICEES.2019.8719306 | International |
12. | May 2019 | Syed Thouheed Ahmed, Sandhya M, Sharmila Sankar | An Optimized RTSRV Machine Learning Algorithm for Biomedical Signal Transmission and Regeneration for Telemedicine Environment | International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications, pp.140-149, PerCAA 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2019.05.036 | International |
13. | August 2019 | Arun Raj.L | A survey on healthcare monitoring system using Smart technology, | International conference on computing communication and electrical technologies, Hyderabad | International |
14. | December 2019 | Arun Raj.L | Survey on Utilization of Internet of Things in Health Monitoring Systems | 2nd International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT – ICCBI 2019, Madurai | International |
List of papers published in National/International Conferences – 2018
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | 31,August 2018 | S Syed Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya, S Shankar | ICT’s Role in Building and Understanding Indian Telemedicine Environment: A Study, Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies | Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems[Book Series] | International |
2. | August 2018 | SyedThouheed Ahmed, M.Sandhya | Real-Time Biomedical Recursive Images Detection Algorithm for Indian Telemedicine Environment | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computingbook series (AISC, volume 768),12[Book Series] | International |
3. | 13 June 2018 | Mehjabin Khatoon, W Aisha Banu, A Ayesha Zohra, S Chinthaman | Sentiment Analysis on Tweets | Springer, Singapore,Software Engineering Book Series pp.717-724[Book Series] | International |
4. | June 2018 | Azka Wani, S.Revathi | Analyzing Threats of IoT Networks Using SDN Based Intrusion Detection System(SDIoT-IDS) | International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies, Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS, Vol.828), pp.536-542[Book Series] | International |
5. | 2018 | Sonya A | Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System | 4th International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) | International |
6. | April 6th and 7th 2018 | R. Akila, Angelina Geetha, T.R. Akila Devi, Vishal R.K | Opinion Mining on YouTube Comments for Effective Video Classification | International Conference on Knowledge based Computing Technologies | International |
7. | Jan 2018 | Madhina Banu.D, Aranganathan.S | Study of Load Optimization and Performance Issues in Cloud, | International conference on Science, Engineering and technology Applications | International |
List of papers published in National/International Conferences – 2017
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | Nov 27 – 29th, 2017 | L.Arun raj, Dhananjay Kumar | Machine learning approach for quality adaptation of streaming video through 4G wireless network over HTTP | International Conference on ITU Kaleidoscope 2017, China[IEEE Conference] | International |
2. | 21st & 22nd September 2017 | Muthupriya | Secure Location Aided Routing (SLAR) for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks during | IEEE International conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI) – 2017, with catalog “CFP17M84-PRJ: 978-1-5386-0813-5”, organized by Saveetha Engineering college[IEEE Conference] | International |
3. | Feb-17 | T.R. Akila Devi, R. Akila, Angelina Geetha | Framework for Embedded Intelligence – Integrating IOT, WOT and W2T | IEEE sponsored Second International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies, Chennai[IEEE Conference] | International |
4. | March 17 | D. Veni, Angelina Geetha | Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prediction using Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm and Metabolic Profiling | 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Chennai, | International |
5. | March 17 | Shri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha | Sentiment Analysis for Online Stock Market News using RSS Feeds | 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Chennai | International |
6. | 2017 | R. Pari; M. Sandhya S. Shankar | Level prediction of preterm birth using risk factor analysis and electrohysterogram signal classification | 2nd International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), [IEEE Conference] | International |
7. | 2017 | Pari, R. Sandhya, M. Sankar, Sharmila | Risk Factors Based Classification for Accurate Prediction of the Preterm Birth | Proceedings Of The International Conference On Inventive Computing And Informatics (ICICI 2017) | International |
8. | 2017 | V.Yuvaraj, S.Rajasekaran and E.Syed Mohamed | Complex solutions for tsunami ascending into a river as a bore. | National conference on recent trends in Mathematics and Applications | National |
List of papers published in National/International Conferences – 2016
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National / International |
1. | Dec 2016 | Niha K and W.Aisha Banu | Brain Signal Processing: Technologies, Analysis and Application, | IEEE International Conference on Computational lntelligence and Computing Research [IEEE Conference] | International |
2. | Apr 2016 | S.Jahira Begam and N.Sabiyath Fatima | Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources | International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems | International |
3. | Apr 2016 | N.S.Muneera and N.Sabiyath Fatima | A Security Enabled Authentication Processing Time Reduction In Distributed Cloud Computing | International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems | International |
4. | May 2016 | Navya Nelapati, R.Shriram | Automated Answer Evaluation Of Short Answers Using Moodle Platform | International Conference On Innovative Emerging Trends In Engineering And Technology | International |
5. | 2016 | A. Premchand; Sandhya M. | S. Sankar, Roadmap for simplification of enterprise architecture at financial institutions, | International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), [IEEE] | International |
List of papers published in National / International Conferences – 2015
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National / International |
1. | Sep 2015 | Sharmila Sankar, Sandhya, Anush Premchand | Simplification of Information Technology services cut financial Institution- A Framework | ICCCT-Sixth International of Computer and Communication Technology | International |
2. | Dec 2015 | Mehjabin Khatoon, Aisha Banu, Ayesha Zohra and Chintamani | Sentiment Analysis in Tweets | Computer Society of India 2015 Convention | International |
3. | Dec 2015 | Dhananjay Kumar and Arun Raj.L | Adaptive video streaming over HTTP through 3G/4G Wireless Networks employing dynamic on the fly bit rate Analysis | ITU Kaleidoscope 2015 – Trust in the Information Society | International |
4. | Mar 2015 | R.Shriram | Sketching Approach and Massive Dataset | International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering | International |
5. | Mar 2015 | Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar, Geethanjali | Implementation of K-Means Clustering using Big Data Methodology for categorizing retail dataset | International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management | International |
6. | May 2015 | T.Nagamalar, T.R.Rangasamy | Energy Efficient Cluster based approach for data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with multiple mobile sink | International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control | International |
7. | Mar 2015 | X Arputha Rathina | Drowsiness Detection system for safety Driving, | International Conference on Advanced Computing and Mathematical Engineering | International |
8. | Mar 2015 | MuthuPriya V | LARP protocol for secure location service based on Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) scheme in MANET | International Conference on Advanced Computing and Mathematical Engineering | International |
9. | Mar 2015 | Muthupriya V | TPSS: Two phase security system to avoid path reduction in AODMV | International Conference on Electronic Instrumentation and Communication Engineering | International |
10. | Mar 2015 | Sandhya, Sharmila Sankar, Geethanjali | Implementation of K-Means Clustering using Big Data Methodology for categorizing retail dataset | International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management | International |
11. | Feb 2015 | Sharon Priya | A scheduling Strategy to federate parallel workload using backfilling | International Conference on Evolving Trends in Engineering and Technology | International |
12. | Mar 2015 | Gayathri.J | A Fuzzy Logic Based trust model in cloud computing | International Conference on Advance Information Computation | International |
13. | Jan 2015 | I. Sheriff, T. Naqishbandi and A.Geetha | Healthcare Informatics and Analytics Framework | International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | International |
14. | Mar 2015 | Raja Sheik | Enhancing Implicit Relations in Wikipedia mining using object relationship technique | International Conference on Innovation in Communications and Computer Engineering | International |
15. | Mar 2015 | L. Arun Raj | Privacy Preserving Cloud assisted Mobile Health data Monitoring | International Conference on Recent Trends on Information and Communication Engineering | International |
List of papers published in National / International Conferences – 2014
Sl.No | Year | Authors | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | National/ International |
1. | Sep 2014 | S.Sathya, and R.Shriram | Survey on emotion recognition from speech, Pondicherry, pp.25-28 | International Tamil Internet Conference | International |
2. | Sep 2014 | C.Vijayalakshmi, and R.Shriram | Natural language processing based Visualization a survey, pp.1-5. | International Tamil Internet Conference, Pondicherry | International |
3. | July 2014 | D.Mavaluru, R.Shriram, and V. Sugumaran | Big Data Analytics in Information retrieval: Promise and Potential IRF | International Conference, Tirupathi | International |
4. | Dec 2014 | R.Mythili, W.A.Banu, and R.Shriram | Cluster models for Data Stream Mining | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies,Cochin | International |
5. | 13-14th March 2014 | S.V.ShriBharathi and A.Geetha | Emotion Classification of RSS News feeds, Coimbatore | International Conference on Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development,ICICTS’14, Karunya University | International |
6. | February 2014 | P.Usha, R.Shriram, and S.S.Kumar | Sensitive Attribute Based Non-homogeneous Anonymization for privacy preserving Data Mining | International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems, ICICES | International |
7. | 25th March 2014 | A. Ganesh, M.Sandhya, and S. Sharmila | A study on fault tolerance methods in cloud computing | IEEE International advanced computing conference IACC’14, pp.844-849 | International |
8. | May 2014 | S.Bagirathi, S. Sharmila, and M.Sandhya | Missing Tag Detection Using Beacon Intervals in Tags , pp.37-41 | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014) | International |
9. | May 2014 | J.Gayathri, M.Sandhya, and S. Sharmila | Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Big Data Analytics, pp.49-53 | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2014) | International |
Book Chapter
- Zameer Gulzar, Arun Raj Lakshminarayanan, Anny Leema , Increasing the efficiency of E-learning System using Recommendation system Approach, Utilizing Educational Data Mining Techniques for Improved Learning, pp.35-55, DOI: 4018/978-1-7998-0010-1.ch003, January 2020.
- Menaga D and S.Revathi, “Deep Learning: A Recent Computing Platform for Multimedia Information Retrieval”, IGI Global.2020,
- Azka and S.Revathi, “Analyzing Threats of IoT Networks Using SDN Based Intrusion Detection System (SDIoT-IDS)”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 536–542, 2018.
- Ruby Annette J, Dr.Aisha Banu W, Subash Chandran P., A Cloud Broker Framework for Cloud Renderfarm Services Selection, Chapter 19, Advanced Engineering Research and Applications, pp.220-238,2016.
Funded Projects – Ongoing
Name of the faculty | Project Title | Project type Research / consultancy | Funding Agency | Amount | Year | Duration |
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed | Cellular Automata Models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves | Sponsored research | SERB | 16,67,489 | 2019 | 3 years |
Revenue Generated Through Consultancy
Name of the faculty | Project Title | Project Type Research / Consultancy | Funding Agency | Amount | Year | Duration |
Dr. Sharmila Sankar Dr.W.Aisha Banu | Deep Learning algorithm for block chain Certificate verification system | Consultancy | Unwind Learning Labs | Rs.3,50,000 | 2020 | 1 Year |
Mrs.Brindha Merin | IIT Spoken Tutorial-Python | Consultancy | IIT Spoken Tutorial | Rs.28,300 | 2019 | 4 Months |
Mrs.Brindha Merin | IIT Spoken Tutorial-Python | Consultancy | IIT Spoken Tutorial | Rs.48,100 | 2019 | 4 Months |
Dr.Saira Banu | Oracle iLearning Certification Programme | Consultancy | Oracle Academy and ICT Academy | Rs.40,000 | 2018 | 6 Weeks |
Dr. Sharmila Sankar Dr.W.Aisha Banu Dr.M.Sandhya | Development of Auto BOTS for Integrated CRM | Consultancy | Unwind Learning Labs | Rs.1,00,000 | 2017 | 1 Year |
Dr.R.Shriram | Training program | Consultancy | Tamil Nadu Police Academy | Rs.3,50,000 | 2016 | 1 Month |
Dr. Sharmila Sankar | End of Year Feedback Management System software | Consultancy | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent University | Rs.1,44,000 | 2014 | 2 Years |
Research Activities
The Department has strong emphasis on R&D activities. Research in the department encompasses a variety of areas ranging from advancing the fundamentals of computing to recent innovations. Research is conducted within groups of faculties and their research scholars with common interests. Department also organizing workshops, seminars and guest lectures by eminent persons from leading institutions and institutions regularly. These activities are usually supported by technically and financially by different companies or organizations. Our faculty members have good amount of research publications and presentation in various National / International Journals with high impact factor and citation and Conferences. Our Research Scholars are share their experience and ideas with other faculty members during the regular faculty meet conducted by our department. It is highly motivate the other faculty members to select their research areas and refine their existing research activities.
Thrust Areas of Research
- Mobile Adhoc Networks
- Grid Computing
- Data Mining and Information Processing
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Network Security
- Image Processing
- Mobile Ubiquitous Computing
Ph.D Approved Research Supervisors
Name of the Supervisor | Area of specialization |
Dr. Venkatesan Selvam | Ant Colony Optimization, Soft Computing Tools, Pattern Recognition, Genetic Algorithm, Digital Image Processing, Optimization Techniques, Advanced Computer Networks. |
Dr. E.Syed Mohamed | Soft Computing, Information Security, Web Technologies, Big Data & Visualization, Mathematics Modeling, Graphics and Multimedia |
Dr. Sharmila Sankar | Big Data, Wireless Networks |
Dr. W.Aisha Banu | Knowledge Engineering & Information Retrieval, Data Mining. |
Dr. Revathi | Mobile Ad hoc Network, Security in Network, Internet of Things, Genetic Algorithm |
Dr. Sabiyath Fatima N. | Mobile Adhoc Networks, Wireless Networks, Big Data Analytics |
Dr. X.Arputha Rathina | Image Processing, Emotional Intelligence, Speech processing |
Dr. L.Arun Raj | Multimedia Applications, Mobile Communication, Augment reality/Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality, Next generation of Wireless Networks, Machine Learning |
Dr. S.Sharon Priya | Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing |
Dr. A.Ramachandran | Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Network & Information security, Distributed Computing, Web Technologies |
Dr. M.Mohammed Thaha | E-Learning, Machine Learning, Adhoc Networks, Data Mining, Business Analytics, Financial Analytics |