Preparation Centre Awards – Business English Certificate Courses & Exams

Dr.A.Shahin Sultana, Professor of English has been awarded “Extra Mile Award” for Continuous Excellence by Cambridge Assessment English, University of Cambridge, London on 22.11.2019 at the Annual Coordinators’ Conference held at Hotel Rain Tree, Chennai. The award was given in recognition of the special efforts taken by her as the Coordinator of Business English Certificate Courses in conducting the Courses and the exams well and producing good results consistently. The award was presented by T.K. Arunacahalam, Regional Director, South Asia Region, Cambridge Assessment English.

In 2016 she was awarded “Best Staff of the year – All Rounder” award by Cambridge Assessment English at the Cambridge Partners’ function held at Hotel Hyatt Regency in recognition of her contributions towards Business English Certificate Courses and the multi-task role she played in preparing and training the speaking examiners and administering the BEC exams successfully and achieving good results every year She was instrumental in starting Business English Certificate Courses and in the signing of Mou. The university became the first private university in the whole of South India.

Our institution which has been functioning as BEC Centre has been given the award “Preparation Centre Award 2019-2020” for Continuous Excellence in recognition of conducting the exams as per the standards set by Cambridge Assessment English.