One day workshop on “Building your own 3D Printer” sponsored by ASME on the 29th of October 2018

The department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one day workshop on “Building your own 3D Printer” sponsored by ASME on the 29th of October 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Mechanical Sciences). The coordinators Dr. M. Thirumurugan, Associate Professor, faculty advisor ASME and Mr. K. Saran Kumar, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering conducted the workshop. The workshop focused on imparting the background knowledge required to build a 3D printer on their own from CAD modeling to Electrical circuitry. An hands on training session was conducted in the afternoon in association with M/s Monotech Ltd. The workshop attracted more than 25 student participants from various departments.