Mr. S.Dhamodharan
![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 18.07.2017 |
Qualification | : | B.E,M.Tech., |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Specialization | Name of the Institution/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D | Civil Engineering | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai | Ongoing |
M.Tech. | Water Resources Engineering | Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur | 2017 |
B.E. | Civil Engineering | Alagappa Chettiyar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi | 2015 |
Lecture Courses
- Mechanics of Fluids
- Hydraulic and Hydraulic Machinery
- Irrigation Engineering
- Design of Hydraulic Structures
- Irrigation and Environmental Engineering Design and Drawing
- Hydrology
- Basic Engineering Mechanics
- Estimation and Costing
- Structural analysis
- Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory
- Surveying
- Survey Camp
- Trsansportation Engineering – I (Highway & Airpport)
- Environmental Science &Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
- Mechanics of Soil
Areas of Research Interest
- Climate Change
- Runoff Estimation
- Strom water management
- Water resources Engineering and Hydrology
- Hydraulic Structures
- Pipe Distribution Networks
- Concrete and materials
Project Proposal
- Submitted a project proposal to DST WTI call 2019 on the title of “Demonstration on the use of natural currents to detect groundwater in hard rock area” on June 2019.
International Conference
- Dhamodharan S, Balaharaikaran, Ahmed akram, Dine darshan and Dinesh (2022), “Experimental study on paperwaste solid blocks with replacement of foundry waste as fine aggregates” in proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Construction Technologies and Environment (ICRASCE-2022), ISBN : 978-81-19160-00-6.
- Nisha Khanam, Dhamodharan S, Hrithick Rahul and Abdul Kalam (2022), “Integrated approach of flood inundation along nandampakkam to kotturpuram” in proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Construction Technologies and Environment (ICRASCE-2022), ISBN : 978-81-19160-00-6.
Projects Guided: B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
- Comparative Study on the Performance of Open-Graded Premix Carpet And Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix” (2023)
- Experimental study on paper waste solid blocks (2022)
- Replacement of Aggregates with Plastic in Concrete : A Review (2021)
- Experimental study on Light weight Foam Bricks (2020)
- Experimental study on properties of Geo Polymer Concrete (2020)
- Experimental study on properties of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates by Waste Tyre (2019)
- Study on properties Cementitious Brick with addition of Plastic Waste(2019)
- Experimental Study on Flexural Behaviour of concrete with GFR as a Reinforcement (2018)
Online Courses Completed
- NITTT course on “Module 3: Communication skills, Modes and knowledge dissemination” guring Sep – Oct 2021.
- NITTT course on “Module 2: Professional Ethics & Sustainability” during Sep – Oct 2022.
- NITTT course on “Module 4: Instructional Planning and Delivery” during Sep – Oct 2022.
UHV FDP – Certification Program:
- Participated and successfully completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 05th December to 09th December 2022. (UHV – Phase I). F.No AICTE/FDP-SI/OnlineWorkshop/201/161701.
- Participated and successfully completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 19th December to 23rd December 2022. (UHV – Phase I). F.No AICTE/FDP-SI/OnlineWorkshop/201/163863.
Events organized:
- Organized a National Level Technical Quiz Contest – TECHWIZARD 2k20 exclusively for Civil Engineering students on 06.06.2021.
- Organized a GuestLectureon the topic “Bridges & its Protective Measures” by Mr.M.Ravikumar, Deputy General Manager, Structural Division, L&T Infrastructure Development Projects Limited on29thAugust 2020, 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon to our B.Tech students through online.
- Organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering” on12th April 2021 for our B.Tech students through online by Dr. Leon Raj, Scientist from CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat.
- Organizeda National Level Science Quiz Contest – CRESWIZARD2021 exclusively forschool students from IX to XII standard on 08.05.2021.
- Organized a Technical Quiz Contest exclusively forDiploma in Civil Engineering students on 14.06.2021.
- Organized a webinar on the topic “Career Advancement for Diploma Students in Civil Engineering” on17th June 2021 through online.
- Organized a two day workshop on “STADD PRO” for the benefit of Diplomo in Civil Engineering students on 19.4.2022 and 20.4.2022.
- Organized a two day workshop on “BIM softwares” for the benefit of B.Tech – Civil Engineering students on on 21.4.2022 and 22.4.2022.
- Organized two day “International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Construction Technologies and Environment (ICRASCE-2022)” during 15.06.2022 & 16.06.2022 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in virtual mode.
- Organized an inauguration of Professional Society Activities of ASCE, ICI, IE(I) & IPA for the Academic Year 2023-2024 on 11.10.2023
FDP / Workshop / Training program attended
- Attended a one day training program on 23rd March, 2017 in the topic of GROUND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT conducted by CGWB, Nagpur.
- Attended a one day seminar on the topic of “Water Conclave” conducted by Indian Express, Nippon Paint and MCCI on 23rd March, 2018.
- Attended one week soft skill training program at BSACSIT.
- Attended two days faculty development program on the topic of “Teaching Techinques” organized by ICT Academy 10 & 11 September 2018.
- Attended a webinar on “Bridge Structures – Approaches to Loading and Analysis” on 19th May 2020 organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
- Attended a webinar on “Environmental Safegaurd Challenges in Industries and its Regulations” on 20th May 2020 organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
- Attended a webinar on “ Piles-Raft Foundations for High-Rise Buildings: Sustainability and Future Directions” on 21st May 2020 organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
- Attended a FIVE day Faculty development Program on the topic of Advances in Civil Engineering from 26-05-2020 to 30-05-2020 organized by Nagpur Institute of Technology.
- Attended a one week online workshop on the topic of “Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona, A Hands On Workshop” Conducted by IIT Bombay from 11 to 17th May 2020
- Attended a one week online workshop on the topic “The BodhiTree and SAFE Tools for Effective Online Teaching: A Hands-On Workshop” Conducted by IIT Bombay from 14 – 21 June 2020
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Disaster Mitigation – A shift from Disaster Management towards Disaster Preparedness” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai during 07.09.2020 to 12.09.2020.
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Disaster Mitigation – A shift from Disaster Management towards Disaster Preparedness” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai during 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020.
- Attended “One Week International Workshop on Durability of Concrete (IWODOC – 2020)” held during Oct 26 – Oct 30, 2020 organized by NITK Surathkal, India.
- Attended a AICTE Sponsored online STTP on “Advance Mechanics of Materials” from 02nd to 7th November 2020 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode. (Certificate ID: KSRCT1120CESTTA013)
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Disaster Mitigation – A shift from Disaster Management towards Disaster Preparedness” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai during 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020.
- Attended a Six day Faculty development Program on the topic of “Water Resources Engineering” organized by Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Chengalpattu from 17th to 23rd December 2020.
- Attended a FIVE day Faculty development Program on the topic of “Green Building and built Environment organised by The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)” from 02nd to 6th August, 2021 and awarded with title “IGBC Accredited Faculty”.
- Attended an ATAL Academy Online Advanced Faculty development Program on “Green Buildings & Built Environment” from 02/08/2021 to 06/08/2021 at Confederation of Indian Industry. (Certificate No: ATAL/2021/1627360400)
- Attended a Six day Faculty development Program on the topic of “Emerging Trends & Applications in Civil Engineering” Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, SRMIST in association with SRM IIC,SRMIST IGS & ACI India Student Chapter from 02/01/2023 to 07/01/2023.
- Attended 4-Week (21 days) Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities / Colleges / Institutes of Higher Education” from 20th January to 18th February, 2023 and obtained Grade A+ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION and PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING.
- Parcticipated in the technical workshop “Engineering Design – An activity based appraoch” organised on 11th september 2023 by Department of Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Parcticipated in the one day workshop on Question Paper Setting and Evaluation for OBE on 06.11.2023 jointly organized by Office of the Controller of Examinations and Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Completed three part series of web of science certification program 2023 – Season 2.
Resource Person / Guest Lecture Delivered:
- Resource person for the traininig programme on Water Shed Planning and Monitoring using Yukthara/ Buvan/QGIS/ E-Tender for AEEs, AEs & JEs organised by SIRD – Tamilnadu
Additional Responsibilities
- Class Advisor (2016-2020 Batch & 2020-2024 Batch)
- Department Examination Co-ordinator
- Lab In-charge – Geotechnical Laboratory
- Coordinator : Central Valuation
- In-charge: Department Website Update
- Technical Committee Member – Website content Management