Dr. Moon Moon Hussain
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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | MA, B. Ed., Ph. D |
Email ID | : | |
Subjects Handled
- Business Economics / Managerial Economics
- Indian Economic Scenario
- Business Environment
- Microeconomics
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Economics of Sustainable Engineering
- Law for Engineers
Areas Of Research Interest
- Sustainable Development, Public Finance and Migration Studies
- Awarded Best Young Faculty Award (Female) organized by HR and FTA, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48, India, on 5th September 2021
Other Responsibilities
- Faculty Coordinator for Crescent Model United Nation (CRESMUN)
- Serving as the Department of Academic Audit Committee (DAAC) Coordinator for the course “Law for Engineers” and the Department of Academic Audit Committee (DAAC) Member for the course “Introduction to Economics”.
- Internal Doctoral Committee Member
- ISO Member
- NBA Coordinator and Research Coordinator of the department.
- Member of organizing committee of workshops and seminars in School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
- In charge of Research and Statistics of SSSH
- Board of Studies member
- Staff Club Executive Member
Paper Publications in International and National Journals
- Hussain Moon Moon, Borah Rashmi Rekha and Bhuvaneswari (2024), “Balancing Population Growth and Demographic Dividend of India for A Sustainable Future”, Humanities and Social Science Studies Journal: ISSN 2319-829X with IF=7.28, Vol. 13, Issue 02, No. 18, July – December: 2024 – ISSN 2319-829X, UGC Care Approved, Group I, Ref. No. 199 “Social Science”.
- Hajira Sulthana and Hussain Moon Moon (2024), “Nexus Between Total Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence from Tamil Nadu” International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, Vol-20, Issue-2, No.31, July- December: 2024: ISSN: 2347-4777, Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal.
- K. Hajira Sulthana and Hussain Moon Moon (2024), “Dynamics of Public Expenditure and Public Debt: Policy Recommendations for Tamil Nadu”, Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. 13 Issue (2) No 18 July – December: 2024 – ISSN 2319-829X
- S. Sudha and Dr. Moon Moon Hussain (2024), “Growth and Trend of Internal Migration in Tamil Nadu: A Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post Economic Reform Period, (2024)”, Boletin De Literatura Oral – The Literary Journal, 11(1), 880-895.
- S. Sudha and Dr. Moon Moon Hussain (2024), “Determinants of Internal Migration in Tamil Nadu in the Post Economic Reform Period: An Empirical Analysis”. (2024). Boletin De Literatura Oral – The Literary Journal, 11(1), 896-906.
- S. Sudha and Dr. Moon Moon Hussain (2024), “An Investigation of the Impact of Net State Domestic Product on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Tamil Nadu”, (2024). Boletin De Literatura Oral – The Literary Journal, 11(1), 867-879.
- Moon Moon Hussain, Shreya Pal, Muhammed Ashiq Villanthenkodath, “Towards sustainable development: The impact of transport infrastructure expenditure on the ecological footprint in India”, Innovation and Green Development, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2023,100037, ISSN 2949-7531,,June 2023, Elsevier
- Moon Moon Hussain, Bhuvaneswari G and Rashmi Rekha Borah (2022), “Transitioning to Sponge City: A Key to Water Resource Management during Floods in Assam”, The Electrochemical Society, ECS Transactions, Volume 107, Number 1, 107 (1) 4999-5020 (2022) Scopus Indexed
- Rashmi Rekha Borah , Bhuvaneswari.G and Moon Moon Hussain, “When Worlds Collide: Using films to Understand the Heterotopic Overlaps of Multiple Worlds”., ECS Transactions, 107 (1) 2363-2370 (2022) Scopus Indexed.
- Rashmi Rekha Borah, Moon Moon Hussain and G.Bhuvaneswari (2020), “Keeping Sexism Alive through Social Acceptability: A Contextual Study of Sexist and Derogatory Slurs” dialog, A bi-annual peer reviewed journal of Department of English and Cultural Studies, Punjab University, Chandigarh, ISSN:0975-4881, Issue No: 35, Spring 2020. UGC CARE List
- Moon Moon Hussain and Rashmi Rekha Borah (2020), “Impact Of Covid-19 On Indian Economy: A Study”, Journal of Global Resources Volume 6 (01a), pp: 26-37, ISSN: 2455-2445 (Onlin,e), UGC CARE List
- Moon Moon Hussain and Rashmi Rekha Borah (2020), “Dirty Money As A Carrier Of Corona Virus and other Pathogens: A Survey Article”, GAU Research Journal, 45 (3) : 160-169 (July 2020), pp: 160-169
- Rashmi Rekha Borah and Moon Moon Hussain (2019), “Business Management Learners’ Academic and Professional Needs for English And its Current Practices”, International Journal of Management Studies” Vol. 6, Special Issue. 2(1), April 2019, ISSN (P): 2249 – 0302, ISSN (E): 2231 – 2528, UGC Listed Journal
- Moon Moon Hussain and Rashmi Rekha Borah (2019), “A Review of the Growth Implications of Goods and Service Tax in India”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), Vol. 8, Special Issue. 3, December 2018, ISSN (P): 2249 – 6890, ISSN (E) : 2249 – 8001, pp. 946-963. Scopus indexed Journal
- Moon Moon Hussain, Rashmi Rekha Borah, A. Selvakumar (2018), “A Review on the Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on the Economy of a Nation”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 4, October- December, 2018
- Rashmi Rekha Borah and Moon Moon Hussain (2018), “English for Employability”, A Case Study of the Management Students in India”, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Vol 7, Issue 10, October 2018, pp-53-66, ISSN: 2278-4853, Impact Factor: SJIF 2017 = 5.443.
- Moon Moon Hussain (2017) “Developing Contemporary Assam: Some Issues and Concerns”, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Euro Asia Research and Development Association, ISSN:2249-7382,Impact Factor 6.939, Vol.7, Issue 5, pp 322-335, May-2017.
- Moon Moon Hussain (2017) “Globalization and Environment Sustainability”, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382,Impact Factor 6.939, Vol.7, Issue 5, pp. 410-420, May-2017.
- Moon Moon Hussain (2017) “Assam Drowns Every Year: Challenges of Women during the Floods and Building Adaptive Capacity”, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Euro Asia Research and Development Association, ISSN: 2249-7382, Impact Factor 6.939, Vol.7, Issue 1, ,pp 99-106, January-2017.
- Moon Moon Hussain (2016), “Eve Teasing: A Social Menace” International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382,Impact Factor 6.939, Vol.6, Issue 5, ,pp 22-31, May-2016.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2015), “Women in India: A Mute Voice”, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 5, pp. 107-113, ISSN 2249 –7382, May 2015, Impact Factor: 5.545.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2014), “Transformations in the Economy of Assam in the Post Economic Reform Period”, Indian Journal of Social Development, Volume 14, Number 1, June 2014, pp. 81-90, ISSN No: 0972-3692.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2014), “An Analysis of Growth, Pattern and Determinants of Public Expenditure in Assam”, European Academic Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 2094 – 2136, ISSN 2286-4822.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2014), Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Sector in India: Opportunities and Challenges, International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 1- 10, ISSN 2231 – 5985.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Reviving Manas National Park as a Sustainable and Unique Tourist Destination”, International Journal of Business and Rural Development Studies, Research India Publications, Volume 3, Number 2 (2013), pp. 1-8, ISSN 2277-3207.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Foreign Direct Investment in India: A Boon or a Bane for India”, The Indian Journal on Educational Research and Development, Vol.1, No. 1, ISSN: 2319 – 8087.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2012), “Growth of Public Expenditure in Assam: A Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post Economic Reform Periods”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Research India Publications, Vol.2 (3), pp.173-193, ISSN: 2250 – 3226.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2012), “Role of Tourism in the Socio-Economic Development of Assam”, Dialogue, Vol.14, No (1), pp. 205-213, A Journal of Astha Bharati, New Delhi, ISSN: 0973 – 0095.
- Hussain, Moon Moon and Hazarika, S.D (2010), “Assam Tea Industry and its Crisis”, Dialogue, Vol.12, No (1), pp. 166-174, A Journal of Astha Bharati, New Delhi, ISSN: 0973 – 0095.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2012), “The Significance of Public Expenditure Management in Assam”, International Journal of Management Research and Technology, Serials Publications, Volume 6 • Number 2 • July-December 2012: 135-142, ISSN: 0974-3502.
- Hussain, Moon Moon and Suresh, P.S. (2012), “Determinants of Public Expenditure in Assam: An Econometric Study”, International Journal of Business Management Economics and Information Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, July-December 2012, pp. 141-156, ISSN: 0975 – 296X.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2012), “Rural Development in India”, International Journal of Business and Rural Development Studies, Serials Publications, Volume 2, Number 1 (2012), pp. 11-15, ISSN: 2277-3207.
- Hussain, Moon Moon and Suresh, P.S. (2010), “Determinants of Public Expenditure: A Survey Article”, International Journal of Business Management Economics and Information Technology, Serials Publications, Vol. 2, No.1, Jan-June 2010, pp. 51-68, ISSN: 0975 – 296X.
International Conference Coordinator
- Secretary of International Conference on “Innovations for Sustainable Well-Being: Empowering Today’s Youth”, organized by School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48. And Department of Psychology, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai from 12 – 13 February, 2025.
- Coordinator of international virtual conference on “Research Outlook, Innovations and Research Trends (ICROIRT-2020)” organized by 18 premium Institutions across the globe from 29th August – 30th August 2020
Invited Speaker in International Conference
- Invited as a speaker at international seminar of “International Conference of Ethics on Business, Economics and Social Science” in conjunction with “Annual Conference of Management Challenges” 2021 in the topic: Education and Business Strategic Empowerment as a Key Factor in Revitalizing National Economy held on 15th-16th October 2021 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Session Chair for Virtual International Conference
- Chaired a session in International Virtual conference on “The New Normal”: Virtuality, Personal Branding, and Humanities Education in the Post-COVID Era” organized by the Division of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Chennai from 21 – 23 July, 2020
Session Chair for International Conference
- Chaired a session in International conference on “Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics and Business Research on Sustainable Development” organized by the Department of Commerce, S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48. from 1 – 2 March, 2023.
Seminars/ Symposium/Conferences Participated
- Presented a paper titled “Evaluating the Economic Growth of Tamil Nadu Through the Lens of Public Expenditure” in a national conference on Fintech and Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering New Frontiers in Commerce, Economics, And Business Administration” (NCFAI – 2025), organized by Christ Arts and Science College, Chennai- 631402.
- Presented a paper titled “The Role of GST in Redefining India’s Fiscal Federalism” in an International Conference on Fiscal Federalism with Special Reference to the Indian Constitution organized by Crescent School of Law, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48, on 27 -28 September 2024.
- Presented a paper titled “A Study on Growth of Migration Stream in India”, in Two Days International Conference on Social Sciences, Languages and Culture ICSSLC’23 organized by the Department of English in Collaboration with Centre for International Relations, School of Social Sciences and Humanities & School of Arabic and Islamic Studies at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology held on 12 & 13 October 2023.
- Presented a paper titled “An Evaluation of the Social Work Response to Covid-19 and the Unorganized Migrant Workers of India”, ISBN-Role of Management and Business Practices for Sustainable Development organized by B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology held on 1-2 March 2023.
- Presented a paper titled “Analyzing the Effects of Government Agricultural Spending in The National Conference on Doubling Farmer’s Income-Reality or Myth organized by Post Graduate and Research Development of Economics and Indian Economic Association, Agurchand Manmull Jain College, University of Madras, on 12th October, 2023
- Participated in one-day Virtual International Seminar on Gender and Trauma: Integrating Sex and Gender and Issues of Trauma”, organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India on May 18, 2023
- Presented a paper entitled, “An Evaluation of the Social Work Response to Covid-19 and the Unorganized Migrant Workers of India” organized by Department of Commerce, S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48. from 1 – 2 March, 2023.
- Presented a paper titled “The Impact of Public Expenditure on the Health Sector for the State of Tamil Nadu” in the two-day International Multidisciplinary Conference on Educational Research and Innovation organised by Department of Research and Development, Saveetha School of Law in collaboration with Indian Economic Association (IEA) and Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA), Chennai –77 from 12 -13 August 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of Government Expenditure on the Economic Growth of Tamil Nadu” in the International Conference on Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Approach (ICSRMA) organised by SRM Arts and Science College, Chennai – 603203 from 13 -14 July 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled, “An Analysis of Internal Migration in The Event of a Covid-19 Pandemic in India” in two days International Multidisciplinary Conference on Educational research & Innovation organized by Saveetha School of Law held on 12th-13th August 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “Issues Faced by Migrant Workers in India due to COVID-19 Lockdown”, in International Conference on New World Order-Impact of Ukraine War and Corona organized by Kamala College of Education, Thirunavalur, Kallakurichi District, Tamil Nadu on 27th and 28th April 2022
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of labour migration due to Global Covid -19 pandemic: The tale of never-ending crisis” in 45th Indian Social Science Congress organised by Indian Social Science Academy and B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on Environment, Energy and Health held from March 28-April 1, 2022
- Presented a paper titled “Study of Government Expenditures on the Economic Growth of Tamil Nadu” in 45th Indian Social Science Congress organised by Indian Social Science Academy and B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on Environment, Energy and Health held from March 28-April 1, 2022.
- Participated in the International Seminar cum Workshop titled ‘Multi-Disciplinary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences’ on 21st and 22nd February 2022, organised by School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, India.
- Presented a paper titled “Transitioning to Sponge City: A Key to Water Resource Management during Floods in Assam” at the International Conference On Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 ICTSGS-1 conference led by Yamagata University Japan on November 29-30, 2021.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Opportunities and Challenges of Achieving Equity and Equality in India”, in a three day National Symposium on Contemporary Sociology in India: Emerging Trends and Challenges, organisized by Department of Sociology, Pondicherry University held from 20/3/2019 to 22/3/2019
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Business Communication Among Management Learners: Some Emerging Trends and Current Practices”, in a two day International Conference on “Tackling Challenges With Innovative Ideas for Business Success” organized by Islamiah Women’s Arts & Science College, Vaniyambadi, Tamil Nadu on 12/3/2019 and 13/3/2019
- Participated in a one Day National Seminar on “E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” organized by Crescent FTA team, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 48, on 09/03/2019
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility: Driving Business Values” in International Conference on Digitalization of Banking Operations: Outreach, Challenges and Impact On Economy organized by Alpha Arts and Science and science College, Chennai on 1/3/2019
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Engaging the Millennial Learner: Challenges and Strategies” in International Conference on Indian Education System organized by Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai on 16/2/2019
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Impact of Migration on Tamil Language and Culture” in International Conference on Progressive Outlook of Tamil Literature organized by Department of Tamil, BSACIST on January 25, 2019
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “A Review of the Growth Implications of Goods and Service Tax in India”, in 8th International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economy for Sustainable Development organized by Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai during 10th and 11th October, 2018
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “An overview of the Public Policy and Social Protection for the Aged Community in India” in an ICSSR Sponsored two day National Seminar on “Elder Abuse and Social Exclusion” during January 24 and 25, 2018.
- Attended a one day seminar on “Case Study Writing and Teaching Methods”, organized by Department of Management Studies, BSACIST on January 4, 2018.
- Participated in the National Conference on “Higher Education and Career Opportunities”, organized by the Department of Management Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai – 600048 on 10th October 2017.
- Attended and presented a paper in an ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Achieving Clean Indian Society- Prospects and Problems” entitled “Green Economy: A Tool for Transitioning to Sustainable Development”, organized by the Department of Sociology, Periyar University, Salem-636011, on 30 and 31 March, 2017.
- Attended and presented a paper in an ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Economic Growth and Social Inequalities” entitled “Development Issues of Contemporary Assam”, organised by Post Graduate and Research Department of Economics, Muthurangam Government Arts College, Vellore-632002, on 18th and 19th February, 2016.
- Attended an ICMR – Sponsored National Conference on “Women and Mental Health: A Psychosocial Perspective” organized by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 17/2/2016 and 18/2/2016.
- Attended an ICSSR – Sponsored National Conference on “Socio – Economic and Political Status of Muslims in India: Challenges and Development” organized by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai – 48 on 21.01.2015 to 22.01.2015.
- Attended a National Level Conference on “Recent Trends and Challenges in Indian Business Scenario” held on 12th November 2014, Crescent Business School, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai – 48.
- Presented a paper entitled “Tax Evasion – An Impediment to the Revenue Generation in Assam” in the National Conference on “Management Practices Today: Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Sri Malolan College of Arts and Science during the event of Kautilya-2013 held on 5th October, 2013.
- Presented a paper titled “Role of Tourism in the Economic Development of Assam” at a National Conference organized by Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, Guwahati, Assam on 13th to 15th December, 2010.
- Presented a paper titled “Assam Tea Industry and its Crisis” at the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Organized by Lalit Chandra Bharali College in collaboration with The Environmental Watch and Management Institute, Guwahati, Assam on 7th and 8th May, 2010.
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Economy of Assam” at the UGC Sponsored National Seminar organized by Guwahati College, Guwahati, Assam on 26th and 27th June, 2009.
- Presented a paper titled “Role of Eco-tourism in the Socio-Economic development of North Eastern Region of India” at the NEC, Shillong Sponsored National Seminar organized by Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati, Assam on 26th and 27th August, 2009.
- Attended an International Seminar on “Realizing Human Potential in the Service of Society and Country: Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra’s Concepts in Economics and Development” organized by UDGATA, Satsang Vihar, Guwahati, Assam on 13th February, 2011.
Seminar/ Conference Proceedings
- Hajira Sulthana and Hussain Moon Moon (2024), “Evaluating The Economic Growth of Tamil Nadu Through the Lens of Public Expenditure” In Christ Arts and Science College, National Conference On Fintech and Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering New Frontiers in Commerce, Economics, And Business, (NCFAI – 2024)
- Hussain Moon Moon and Borah Rashmi Rekha (2025), “Challenges of Labour Market in India: Catalysing New and Promising Approaches in Youth Employment Innovations for A Sustainable Well-Being: Empowering Today’s Youth, Published by ALBOREAR (OPC) PVT.LTD. Aravali, Sanghvi Hills, Ghodbander Road Thane -400607, Maharashtra, India.
- Hajira Sulthana and Hussain Moon Moon (2024), “Evaluating The Economic Growth of Tamil Nadu Through the Lens of Public Expenditure” In Christ Arts and Science College, National Conference On Fintech and Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering New Frontiers in Commerce, Economics, And Business, (NCFAI – 2024)
- Moon Moon Hussain, Rashmi Rekha Borah (2019), “Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility: Driving Business Values”, Proceedings of International Conference on Digitalization of Banking Operations: Outreach, Challenges and Impact on Economy, Alpha Arts and Science College, Chennai – 600116.
- “Role of Eco-tourism in the Socio-economic Development of North-East Region of India.”Organized by Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati and sponsored by North Eastern Council.
Workshop Attended
- Attended Online Workshop on “How to write an effective Research paper for peer reviewed journals” organized by SRM Institutions, Ramapuram and Trichy Campus held on 24-04-2020, Tamilnadu, India
- Participated in a one day International Workshop on “ Innovative Teaching and Learning: Tools and Techniques”, organized by University of Madras, Department of Commerce and Women Christian College, PG Department of Commerce on 11th October, 2019
- Participated in a one day workshop on “Sharpening Research Skills (Research Writing, Statistical analysis using R-software and research procedure)” organized by School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai on 23rd August, 2019
- Participated in a two day Industry – Academia Conclave – TECHSAS organized by School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai on 26-27 April, 2019
- Participated in a two day international workshop on “ Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure” organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai – 48 during 3rd and 4th July, 2019
- Participated in a one day workshop on “Web Tools and Virtual Technology for Educators”, organised by Division of Social Sciences, Languages and Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai on 20/2/2019.
- Participated in a one day Level 1 Teacher’s Basic Workshop on Integral Education conducted by People First Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India on 18th August, 2018
- Participated in a three day workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents”, organised by Office of Dean (Research) at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai -48 during 20th July 2018 to 22nd July 2018
- Attended a one day workshop on “Mental Health and Stress Management for Teachers” organised by School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 7th March, 2018.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Capacity Building of Women in Higher Education” organised by the Women Empowerment Cell, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai on 1st April 2017.
- Attended ICMR-Sponsored two national conference on “Women and Mental Health : A Psychosocial Perspective” by the school of social sciences and Humanities, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 17 and 18 February 2016.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Preparing Technical Teachers for Optimal Class Room Delivery through English Language.” organized by the School of Social Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai-48 in association with Cambridge English on 28/10/2015.
- Participated in a two day National workshop on “Quality Research” on 10/10/2015 and 11/10/2015 organized by Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai – 127.
- Participated in “The Awareness Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights “on 29/8/2015 conducted by the department of Computer Science & Engineering in Collaboration with Academic Research, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai – 48
- Participated in a one day workshop on Women Academic Managers: Challenges and Approaches held on 29th April 2015 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Attended a one day national workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research” held on 23rd October 2013 at Sri Ramanujar College, Vandalur, Chennai – 127.
- Attended the “The Third International Workshop on Teaching and Learning in the Twenty First Century” organized by the Faculty Training Academy, BSAIST, Chennai on 17 December, 2013.
Online Conferences / Webinars / Workshops
- Participate in One-Day Virtual National Level Workshop on “Current Research Trends on Humanities and Social Sciences” organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages VIT Chennai on 3/10/2020
- Participate in One-Day Virtual National Level Workshop on “Career, Cyber security, and Technology” organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages VIT Chennai on 12/9/2020
- Presented paper on “Impact of Covid-19 on the Environment” in three days International Webinar Series Vivliografia Panimias on Panic, Pandemics and Literature organized by Department of English, Pavanatma College, Murickassery, Kerala from 24/8/2020 to 26/8/2020
- Participated in the International Virtual Conference titled “The New Normal”: Virtuality, Personal Branding and the Humanities Education in the Post-COVID Era, 2020 organized by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Chennai from July 21st-23rd July, 2020
- Participated in one day technical webinar on “Teaching to Transform – A Comparative Teaching and Learning Methodology” organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, Easwari Engineering College on 18th July, 2020
- Participated in the Virtual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Learning and Divide Edifice: Covid – I9 Pandemic on July 16 -17, 2020 organized by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Chennai
- Participated in the Virtual Summit – Series II on “Win-Win HRM with The Challenging Business Landscape”, on July 14, 2020 organized by the Department of Commerce – University of Madras, Department of Commerce and Management Studies – BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology and Post Graduate Department of Commerce – Shift II, Stella Maris College
- Participated in the Virtual Summit – Series I on ‘Paradigm Shift in Consumer Behavior: Reorientation of Marketing and Supply Chain Strategies’, from July 7 – 9, 2020 organized by the Department of Commerce – University of Madras, Department of Commerce and Management Studies – BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology and Post Graduate Department of Commerce – Shift II, Stella Maris College
- Participated in the webinar on “Sustainable Building Materials and Products For Green Buildings” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Easwari Engineering College on 8th July 2020
- Participated in one day technical webinar on “Desirable Skills for the Future” organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, Easwari Engineering College on 4th July, 2020
- Participated in one day national webinar on “Teaching productive skills in remote settings” organized by British Council on 3 July, 2020
- Participated in one day national webinar on “Modern Monetary Theory: The Macroeconomics of Human Rights Law” organized by Crescent School of Law, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 26/6/2020
- Participate in one day webinar on “Teaching a course book online” organized by British Council on 19 June 2020
- Participated in two day International Webinar on “Fostering Academic Research and Writing Skills” organized by the Department of English, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai on June 12 & 13, 2020
- Participated in one day national level webinar on “Digital Era in Indian Higher Education” jointly organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQAC) of Shri Shivaji College, Parbhani and Shivaji College, Hingoli on 12th June 2020
- Participated in one day webinar on “Research Methods in Language and Linguistics” organized by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Chennai on 8th June 2020
- Participated in National Webinar on “ICT Enabled Teaching, Learning and Evaluation of English Language & Literature” organized by the Department of English and IQAC, Noble College (A), Machilipatnam on 05.06.2020
- Participated in one day webinar on “Essential Future Skills Post COVID” organized by School of Social Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 5th June 2020
- Participated in the Webinar on “The Power of Positive Thinking” Nothing is impossible” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Easwari Engineering College on 29th May 2020
- Participated in one day webinar on “Myths and Archetypes in Popular Culture” organized by the Department of English, St. John`s College, Agra, on 15-05-2020
- Participated in one day webinar on “Reorienting Academic Leadership, Pedagogy and Research in the Time of Crisis” organized by Department of Education, Tezpur University on May 30, 2020
- Participated in the Webinar on “A Comprehensive Roadmap To Pursue Academic Research” presented by Dr. T. Thyagarajan, Dean-MIT on 29th May, 2020 Organized By Department Of Mechatronics Engineering, SRMIST-Kattankulathur
- Attended Online Workshop on “How to write an effective Research paper for peer reviewed journals” organized by SRM Institutions, Ramapuram and Trichy Campus held on 24-04-2020, Tamilnadu, India
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) /STTP/Orientation/Induction Programme
- Completed the NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme(MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission(UGC) organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kanchipuram, Chennai during February 19-28, 2024.
- Participated in One WEEK Online National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Gender Justice: The Way Forward” organized by Career Development Cell (CDC), Gokul Global University, Siddhpur, Gujarat from 30 October to 5 November 2023.
- Attended one-month Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from 23 April -22 May, 2023 organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Army Institute of Education (AIE), Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh, Indraprastha University, Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers and Teaching
- Attended Induction Training Programme – 2013 from 8th to 12th July, 2013 organized by Faculty Training Academy, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai – 48.
- Participated in the faculty development programme on Statistical Analysis and interpretation using SPSS and AMOS on 16th and 17th August, 2013 organized by MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai-14.
- Attended and participated in AICTE – AQIS sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Be the Change – Teaching Learning Process” The Complete Transformation” held from 7 November- 12 November 2020 organized by Director HR & Faculty Training, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Personality Enhancement & Psychological Well-Being held from 2 November- 6 November 2020, organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages, at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
- Attended a one week Online Faculty Development program (FDP) on “Blended Learning and flipped classrooms”, organized by Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India and sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy during August 10-14, 2020
- Attended FDP on ‘Canvas your Teaching Ideas using Interactive Web Tools’ organised by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences VIT Chennai on 12th June 2020
- Participated in one day Faculty Development Programme organized by the Department of Management Studies, Eashwari Engineering College, Chennai on 26th May, 2020
Books Published
- Sudha S and Hussain Moon Moon (2025), “Internal Migration of Tamil Nadu: Trends Determinants and Policy Implications” by Transstellar Journal Publications & Research Consultancy Private Limited, Chennai, ISBN No. 978-81-983470-6-0.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2015), “Introductory Economics for Engineers” by Himalaya Publishing House, ISO 9001: 2008.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Indian Economic Scenario” for BBA 2nd Semester, Guwahati University, Kalyani Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-272-2909-7.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Public Expenditure of Assam: An Emperical Analysis”, ISBN No. 978 93 80261 850, Eastern Publishing House.
Chapter in Book Published
- Bhuvaneswari G., Borah R.R., Hussain M.M. (2022), “Willingness to Communicate in Face-To-Face and Online Language Classroom and the Future of Learning”. In: Hamdan A., Hassanien A.E., Mescon T., Alareeni B. (eds) Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning Post-COVID-19. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1019. Springer, Cham, January 2022.
- S. Sudha and Moon Moon Hussain (2022), “Inadequate Labour Laws and Health of Interstate Migrant Workers during Covid-19 In India, EECOMMA 2022, SVDES Book Series, ISBN: 978-93-91842-80-2.
- S. Sudha and Moon Moon Hussain (2022), “Interstate Migration and Linguistic Dispersal to the Indian Urban Centres”, Modern Research in Social Sciences, Law, Management and Environmental Sciences, Shanlax Publications, ISBN 9789393737069.
- Moon Moon Hussain (2019), “Violence and Social Exclusion of Dalit Women in India”, Smart City and Women Empowerment”, ISBN 9789388398633, Published by Shanlax Publications
- Moon Moon Hussain (2019), “Engaging the Millennial Learner: Challenges and Strategies” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, ISSN 2348 4705
- Moon Moon Hussain (2019), “Impact of Migration on Tamil Language and Culture”, Progressive Outlook of Tamil Literature, Vasantha Publications, Chennai -88, ISBN 978-81-927457-5-6
- Moon Moon Hussain (2017), “An Overview of the Public Policy and Social Protection for the Aged Community in India”, published in edited volume of book titled as ‘Elder Abuse and Social Exclusion’, with ISBN 9789387587724. Published by B. R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi, 2018
- Moon Moon Hussain (2017) “Green Economy: A Tool for Transitioning to Sustainable Development” published in edited volume of book titled as ‘Cleanliness as Godliness’ with ISBN 978938653263. Published by Shanlax Publications, 2017.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Manas National Park: Paradise Lost and Regained”, Manas – The Future of Humanity, Research Publication and Publicity Cell, Bhawanipur Anchalik College, Bhawanipur, Assam. ISBN: 925353 -0- 2.
- Hussain, Moon Moon (2013), “Tax Evasion – An Impediment to the Revenue Generation in Assam”, Management Practices Today: Opportunities and Challenges, pp. 122-125, ISBN: 978-81-923607- 4 – 4, Sabanayagam Publication, Perambur, Chennai.
Chapter in Edited Book
- Edited a book on “Innovations for A Sustainable Well-Being: Empowering Today’s Youth” published by ALBOREAR (OPC) PVT.LTD. Aravali, Sanghvi Hills, Ghodbander Road Thane -400607, Maharashtra, India with ISBN 178-81-782881-1-5.
- S.Sudha & Dr. Moon Moon Hussain (2023), “The Study of Interstate Migration in India: An Overview”, organised by Department of English in collaboration with Centre for International Relations, School of Social Sciences and Humanities & School of Arabic and Islamic Studies at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai, on 12 & 13 October 2023, Published in ISBN- Proceedings of International Conference on Social Sciences, Languages and Culture, Published by Alborear (Opc) Pvt. Ltd, pp:152-155.
- S.Sudha & Dr. Moon Moon Hussain (2023), “A Study on Growth of Migration Stream in India”, organised by Department of English in collaboration with Centre for International Relations, School of Social Sciences and Humanities & School of Arabic and Islamic Studies at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai, on 12 & 13 October 2023, Published in ISBN- Proceedings of International Conference on Social Sciences, Languages and Culture, Published by Alborear (Opc) Pvt. Ltd, pp:148-151.
- S. Sudha and Moon Moon Hussain (2023), “An Evaluation of the Social Work Response to COVID-19 and the Unorganised Migrant Workers of India”, Role of Management and Business Practices for Sustainable Development, Alborear (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., May 2023, Maharashtra E-ISBN: 978-81-946660-5-9/
- Ms. K Hajira Sulthana and Moon Moon Hussain, “Analyzing the Effects of Government Spending in Tamil Nadu”, Doubling Farmers Income- A Myth or Realty, RcHuB Publications, Chennai, October 2023.
- Rashmi Rekha Borah, G. Bhuvaneswari, Moon Moon Hussain, “Reading Habits Among University Students Studying Engineering in the Digital Age”, (pp. 127-138) Chapter 10, Handbook of Research on Learning in Language Classrooms Through ICT-Based Digital Technology, ISBN13: 9781668466827|ISBN10: 1668466821|EISBN13: 9781668466834, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6682-7 February, 2023.
- G. Bhuvaneswari, Rashmi Rekha Borah, Sahayam D. Binu, Manali Karmakar, Moon Moon Hussain (2023), “Role of Digital Competency in Sustainable Quality Education”, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, 1st Edition, CRC Press, eBook ISBN, 9781003457619, Taylor and Francis Group.
- S. Sudha and Moon Moon Hussain (2023), “An Evaluation of the Social Work Response to COVID-19 and the Unorganised Migrant Workers of India”, Role of Management and Business Practices for Sustainable Development, Alborear (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., May 2023, Maharashtra E-ISBN: 978-81-946660-5-9
- Rashmi Rekha Borah, G. Bhuvaneswari, Moon Moon Hussain, “Reading Habits Among University Students Studying Engineering in the Digital Age”, (pp. 127-138) Chapter 10, Handbook of Research on Learning in Language Classrooms Through ICT-Based Digital Technology, ISBN13: 9781668466827|ISBN10: 1668466821|EISBN13: 9781668466834, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6682-7 February, 2023
- K.H Sulthana and Moon Moon Hussain (2022), “The Impact of Public Expenditure on the Health Sector for the State of Tamil Nadu”, Scientific International Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-5625-385-8.
Self Learning Materials
- Prepared Self Learning Materials for ODL MBA Programme offered by B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai and approved by AICTE and UGC for the course Managerial Economics
Guest Lecture
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Business Practices for Social Change” for MBA students in Department of Management Sudies, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, on 9/10/2018
Organizing Member
- Coordinator of Guest Lecture on “The Field of Science from a Sociological Perspective as an Architecture for Society” organized on 19/8/2024, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur., Chennai- 600 048.
- Organizing Member of one-day workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Design Filling on 21st March 2024, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur., Chennai- 600 048.
Paper Presentation
- Presented a paper titled “Demystifying Sustainable Business Strategy” in an International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technological Innovations in Commerce and Management organized by the PG Department of Commerce, Department of Corporate Secretaryship, Information Systems and Management and Business Administration, Alpha Science and Arts College on 24 January 2024.
Online Courses MOOC
- Successfully completed 7 week Coursera Course on Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills, with 98% on 1st March 2025.
- Successfully completed 12 week SWAYAM online certification course on “Sociology of Health” from July 2024- October 2024.
- Successfully completed a three week Coursera course on “The ABC of Sustainability”, University of Michigan on 5 June, 2024.
Research Guidance Completed
- Completed research guidance of Ms. S. Sudha (RRN: 211183101001). Degree awarded.
Guest of Honour
- Invited as the Guest of Honour for delivering the inaugural address on 13/3/2019 in the two day International Conference on “ Tackling Challenges With Innovative Ideas for Business Success ” organized by Islamiah Women’s Arts & Science College, Vaniyambadi, Tamil Nadu on 12/3/2019 and 13/3/2019
Online Courses
- Successfully completed a six week Coursera course on “Becoming a Change maker: Introduction to Social Innovation”, University of Cape Town
- Successfully completed a six week Coursera course on “Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities” Lund University on 8/4/2020
- Successfully completed the Future Learn two week course on “Supporting Adolescent Learners: Social and Emotional Wellbeing” Griffith University on 27/5/2020
- Successfully Completed the Future Learn Three Week Course on “How To Teach Online: Providing Continuity For Students” Griffith University on 27/5/2020
- Successfully completed the Future Learn two week course on “How to Create Great Online Content” University Of Leeds And Institute Of Coding on 27/5/2020
- Successfully completed the Future Learn two week course on “Social Change: How Can Marketing Help?”Griffith University on 28/5/2020
- Successfully Completed the Future Learn Three Week Course on “COVID-19: Tackling The Novel Coronavirus” London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and UK Public Health Rapid Support team on 29/5/2020
- Successfully completed the Future Learn two week course on “Introduction To Creative AI UAL Creative Computing Institute And Institute Of Coding” UAL Creative Computing Institute on 30/5/2020