Message From HoD’S Desk

Electrical & Electronics Engineering is an exciting and dynamic field that deals with the technology of electricity, especially the design and applications of circuitry and equipment for power generation and distribution, machine control and communications. Electrical and Electronics Engineers enjoy a high demand service status in modern manufacturing and industrial processes. The need to cater to the ever-growing demand for trained professionals in the field has led to the establishment of the department at the B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science and Technology. The department offers range of programs to cater to diverse interests and career aspirations
- B.Tech. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) – Regular
- M.Tech. (Power Systems Engineering) – Regular
- Ph.D. – Full-Time / Part-Time
It imparts quality education in multifarious disciplines of Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Control Engineering, etc. along with generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power and a set of subjects specially focusing on the performance and design of DC, AC and Special Electric Machines. The course curriculum combined with practicals, produce skillfully competent professionals to face the modern technological challenges.
The department encompasses a fine blend of renowned as well as young and dynamic faculties with a balanced mix from the industry and academics. Most of the faculties have excellent track records and are associated with leading institutes like IITs/NITs, Anna University and other reputed institutions.
The faculty takes active interest in research and development activities. High Impact publications in International Journals and authoring refereed books showcase the standard of the faculty members. They regularly organize workshops, training programmes, conferences and related activities for the benefit of the EEE students’ community. Sponsored research projects worth tens lakhs of rupees are undertaken by them, contributing to the growth of recent research trends in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
The infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide a good practical learning and innovative environment for the students and researchers. There are about 15 licensed and approved software packages for in-depth training of the students. There are about 10 laboratories just for the exclusive benefit of students of department of EEE.
The department library, air-conditioned seminar halls, state-of-art class rooms with internet connectivity, 24×7 usage of academic facilities, encouragement to appear for extra- and co-curricular activities and many other academic excellences will certainly pave a red carpet welcome to the hard working students in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
Stay with EEE and fly out with colorful feathers…
Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi, B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.
Associate Professor & HOD