Quality Education
Mentoring Systems

The Office of Alumni Relations & Department of Information Technology conducted an Alumni mentoring session on “Staying focused and productive in the digital age” by our Alumnus Mr. Srihari Sridharan (B.Tech. IT, 2004 Batch), Principal Member of Technical Staff, Athena Health India Pvt. Ltd. on 7th February 2020 @ 11:00 am in Seminar Hall 2, as part of the “Alumni Talk” series.
Seminar Length : Two hours minimum
Full seminar : Three days
Date : 26-08-2019 & 28-08-2019; 14-10-2019, 16-10-2019 & 17-10-2019
Resource Person : Dean Academic Affairs DR. M. S.HAJI SHEIK MOHAMED
Faculty Attended : 195 Faculties
In order to develop a clear understanding of the differences between mentoring and counselling to the Students this training was conducted by FTA for Teaching Staff members. This focus particularly on mentoring teachers in this respect towards Academic mentoring is a developmental relationship between a more experienced individual (a mentor) and a less experienced partner (a mentee). The mentee is supported through regular interactions by the mentor’s guidance to gain skills, perspective and experience. Mentoring is therefore a longterm, ongoing process of guiding someone in order to develop their overall personal and professional development. Many of us use the terms ‘mentoring’ and ‘coaching’ interchangeably.

The session started with the remarkable points on Effective Teaching Practices by our honourable VC sir followed by key note address on Teaching Practices by Dr.K.Narashiman, Director AU TVS Centre for quality management, Anna university. In the Afternoon, our dynamic registrar delivered a valuable Inputs on “How to manage the classroom for effective outcome” his session was followed by a interactive and energetic session on the topic “How to counsel and mentor the students” which is delivered by Dr.C.Kumar Babu senior retired professor and doctor in pyschiatry department, Stanley Medical College Chennai. Finally the day was concluded by panel discussion by the eminent icons of the crescent our VC sir, Registrar Sir and Deputy Registrar. It was a effective and interactive session where the panel members were answering all the queries raised by the faculty members. All the faculties who attended the training program was completely benefitted and understood the concept of effective teaching practices.

Report on the Webinar on Industry Integrated Teaching & Mentoring On June 10th – 11th June 2020
About the programme The objective of this seminar was to educate the staff members on the importance of industry integrated curriculum set up and educating the students’ as per the industry’s need and to groom the students towards placements in industry.
Course contents / conference themes The webinar highlighted the importance of Industry integrated teaching and mentoring (IIT-IIM). The resource person MR. M.A.Gazali, MBA, Head Strategy, 3G IRPS, IIT Madras Research Park. Gazali is our alumni, passed out from CSE department during the year 2004. He did his post graduate in management from IIM with about 16 years of experience in Industry. He is giving more lectures and webinars to educate the teaching faculty members towards industry integrated teaching. He kept the students involved in the conversation by sharing his expertise and experience in this field.

Crescent Achievers Connect 2019 (1st Edition) was conducted on 16th October 2019 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm in the Auditorium, Convention Centre. Seven prominent Alumni speakers from different sectors were invited. Around 650 First year BTech students attended the event and got motivated by this mentoring session. The Alumni presented their works and shared their achievements to our future achievers.

CRESMA – Crescent Management Association inaugurated on 25th September 2019 Crescent Management Association was inaugurated on 25th September 2019 by Dato’ Dr. Vaseehar Hassan, Executive Coach at INSEAD France & Chief Mentor of Crescent School of Business. Mr. S.Ramachandran, Managing Director of Renold Chains India Pvt. Ltd., delivered the keynote address. The event was graced by Mr.M.Elango, Vice President, FCB Interface and Mr. Baburaj Nair, HR Expert.
CRESMA is a management association run by the PGDM Students of Crescent School of Business to organize competitions and events in the area of Management. Student office bearers of CRESMA took oath and assumed their positions during the event.

Coordinated as NPTEL mentor for the courses like Introduction to Modern Applications (31 Students), OOAD (38 students), Internet of Things (5 Students) & Data Science (11 students), Ethical Hacking (42 students) during 2016-2020.
Office of Alumni Relations conducted an interactive Alumni mentoring session by Mr. Mir Mohammad Ali, I.A.S an alumnus of B.Tech – ECE 2008 Batch on – How to prepare for Competitive examinations.

The Office of Alumni Relations conducted a mentoring session by our Alumnus Mr. SamriddhMangotra (BTech IT, 2005 Batch) – Assistant Vice President (Finance Change Delivery), HSBC, Gurgaon – on the topic ―The Next Big Thing…― on 18th Sept 2019 at 2.00 pm in Seminar Hall.

The Office of Alumni Relations conducted a mentoring session by our Alumnus Mr. S. Ramajagan (MBA, 2012 Batch), Senior Manager (Risk Analytics), HDFC Bank – on the topic ― Managerial Jobs Tomorrow ― at 10.30 am in Seminar Hall 2, Convention Centre on 3rd Dec 2019 at 10.30 am. 1st year students from the MBA department attended the event.

The Office of Alumni Relations & Department of Computer Applications conducted an Alumni Mentoring session on ―Confidence Building Measuresll was conducted by our Alumnus Mr.Farhan Ahmed Sheikh (MCA, 2004 Batch), Entrepreneur & Soft Skills trainer on 30th January 2020 at 10.30 am, as part of the ―Alumni Talk‖ series for the 2nd year computer applications students.

MENTORSHIP PROGRAM The House of Debaters, believes in the idea of “Don’t raise your voice, rather improve your argument” and in order to achieve these standards, the club holds a Debate Mentorship Session, exclusively for the members of Crescent Literary Society. The programme aims to bring out the best out of every debater and finesse their debate skills. The common means of achieving professionalism is continuous practice and thus the debaters are asked to speak for a particular duration and are also given chances to rebut the stance put forth by the fellow debaters. The sessions are conducted on Tuesdays and Fridays of every week during lunch break, with strength of 15 consistent attendees. The sessions are headed and guided by Senior Members of CLS, who have previous experience of participating in debates and workshops relating to debating. The debaters are pre-handily, informed about the topic and the style of debate for the next session, giving them enough time to prepare a well-structured speech. The programme started with a warm welcome and the first session showcased the fine, public speaking skills of the debaters. In the following sessions the debaters worked on correcting the grammatical errors and sentence formation, during their delivery. The ideal structure, suitable for all forms of debates was shared and practiced by the debaters. In one of the sessions, the debaters were given a chance to learn the procedures of a Lincoln – Douglas Debate style. In its recent session, the debaters were trained on British Parliament Debate Style. The entire programme aims at helping the debaters, gain more confidence and learn to prepare a well-structured argument. Thus far, the programme has been working towards achieving its objectives and the same shall continue in the near future also.