Major Research Facilities
Major Research Facilities
Major Research Facilities – 2021
Sl No. | Name of the Equipment / Software | Year of Purchase | Costs of the Equipment / Software in lakhs (INR) | Model | Department / School Installed | Funding agencies |
1 | Keysight Vector Signal Generator – 3GHz | 2021 | 13.90 | N51804310 | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | AICTE Modrobs Scheme |
2 | Pundit Lab Ultrasonic Testing Instrument | 2021 | 6.70 | PL02-006-0099C0 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
3 | DigitalTriaxialEquipment with software | 2021 | 4.80 | Digital triaxial outfit with AIM 90248099064, AIM 075-38, AIM 081-1-2, AIM 085-2-D, AIM 10121, AIM 10122, AIM 10123 AND AIM 084-1. | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
4 | Double Beam UV – VIS Spectrophotometer | 2021 | 3.36 | Motras : UV Plus | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
5 | Half cell probe kitcopper /Copper Sulphate | 2021 | 1.19 | 3312 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
6 | Computerised Displacement and Strain recording Instrument | 2021 | 1.33 | 6712 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
7 | PH Meter | 2021 | 1.20 | 35414-00PC2700, OAKTON BENC HTOP | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | DST,New Delhi |
8 | Displacement Sensors | 2021 | 0.35 | 025AS | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
9 | Compression Set | 2021 | 0.14 | Compression Set | Department of Polymer Engineering | BSACIST |
10 | Weighing Machine with 15 kg Capacity | 2021 | 0.03 | IST Class 2 2021060 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
Major Research Facilities – 2020
| ||||||
Sl No. | Name of the Equipment / Software | Year of Purchase | Costs of the Equipment / Software in lakhs (INR) | Model | Department / School Installed | Funding agencies |
1 | LabView Software | 2020 | 8.40 | NI Academic site license | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | BSACIST |
2 | Cadence software | 2020 | 5.78 | Ug Bundle: UG3Y10LR | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | BSACIST |
3 | ANSYS academic Multiphysics | 2020 | 2.20 | N/A | Department of Mechanical Engineering | BSACIST |
4 | MANUAL METAL ARC WELDING(MMAW) GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (TIG) GAS METAL ARC WELDING SET UP (MIG) | 2020 | 2.02 | Transpocket 180 – MMAW Magicwave 230i – TIG Transsteel 2200 Std – MIG | Department of Mechanical Engineering | BSACIST |
5 | Transit Vernier Theodolite | 2020 | 1.32 | Transit Vernier Theodolite 1126 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
6 | Data Logging & Signal Conditioning System | 2020 | 1.29 | RS232 | Civil Department/ School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
7 | Flame Photometer | 2020 | 0.61 | 1381 Deep vision (sodium & pottassium) | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
8 | Cross staff | 2020 | 0.08 | Yash model | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
9 | Air Permeability Apparatus | 2020 | 0.04 | AIM 390 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
Instrumentation Available For Research
S.No. | Name of the Equipment |
1. | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer |
2. | Microprocessor controlled UTM. of 100T capacity |
3. | Photo Elastic Test setup |
4. | Advanced Tri-axial shear strength test equipment with pore pressure measuring unit |
5. | CNC Turning Center and Vertical Machining Center for machining experiments |
6. | Load cells & strain gauge indicators, Vibration sensor, Acoustic Emission sensor and vibration shaker |
7. | Versamax PLC for automation with software |
8. | Data Acquisition System and Exhaust Gas Analyzer for engine testing |
9. | High speed digital storage oscilloscope with GPIB interface for data acquisition |
10. | Image analyzer with CCD camera for microstructure analysis, Tool makers microscope and Coordinate measuring machine surface roughness tester |
11. | Low speed wind tunnel |
12. | Swirl injector Test rig |
13. | Rocket Fuel sampling and Firing setup |
14. | Drones and UAV modelling |
15. | Three Tank Interacting Level Process with Closed loop Control Setup |
16. | pH neutralization setup |
17. | Multi process trainer |
18. | PLC, Drilling operation using PLC |
19. | Electroporator |
20. | Harmonic Analyzer |
21. | Design and Analysis of 3-phase inverter drives |
22. | Power Electronics and Drives. – Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Prototype of Power Electronic Devices, Electrical Machines and Drives |
23. | Fibre optic trainer |
24. | Antenna trainer with software |
25. | IAR Embedded work bench |
26. | XRD (Bruker – D8 Focus) |
27. | Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) |
28. | Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) – SEIKO model |
29. | Electrospinning unit (ESPIN) |
30. | Ultra Cryostat circulator |
31. | FTIR |
32. | Q switched High Energy Nd :YAG (850 mJ) LASER |
33. | EPM 2000 Dual channel power/Energy meter, OSM2 Series Spectrometer |
34. | Multi-frequency Ultrasonic Interferometer Research type (1 – 2 MHz) |
35. | Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
36. | P – E Loop Tracer |
37. | Pulsed Laser Deposition Unit (PLD) |
38. | High temperature furnace – 14000 C |
39. | Spray Pyrolysis unit |
40. | LCR meter |
41. | Polarimeter |
42. | Diode array Spectrophptometer |
43. | Photoreactor |
44. | UV – Vis – NIR Spectrophotometer |
45. | Beam Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing beams up to 3m span. |
46. | Column Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing columns up to 2m height with provisions for axial and lateral loadings. |
47. | Pin on disc set up, salt spray apparatus and semi micro balance for wear and corrosion testing |
48. | Flow Table motorized for concrete |
49. | Trimble focus total station with accessories |
50. | GPS Q mini serial |
Software Available For Research
S.No. | Name of the Software |
1. | Qualnet |
2. | Adobe enterprise |
3. | IBM DB2, IBM Cognos Insight |
4. | MATLAB 2012 |
6. | MOLDEX |
8. | MATHCAD |
9. | IE3D Antenna simulation software |
10. | MDSPICE MIC Simulation |
11. | Mentor Graphics HEP1 pack |
12. | SCADA software |
13. | ANSYS V 18.1 – CFD and Structural stimulation |
14. | Sinfire X4200 server for CAD APPLICATINS |
15. | GIS – Mapping software |
16. | SPSS Software developed by IBM for data management |