M. Padma Usha
![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E. |
Phone | : | 91-44-22396683 Ext:242,238(Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | ECE | Pursuing | Anna University |
M.Tech | Communication Systems | 2008 | Anna University |
B.Tech | Electronics | 2005 | BSAIST |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) |
Areas of Expertise : | Image Processing |
Currently Teaching: | Computer Networks, Radar & Navigational Aids |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 07.07.2008 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 11 yrs 3 months |
Area of Research Interest
- Digital Image Processing
Research Publications
Papers Published in Journals
- Karthiyayini R, Rishi Arvind B, Padma Usha M, Kanimozhi Tand Daniel Selvan D,”A Cyber Security Solution:Automation of Secure Boot of Industrial IoT(IIoT) Edge Devices”, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,Vol.11,no.11,November 2020.doi:10.24327/IJRSR
- Padma Usha.M,Kannan.G,Ramamoorthy.M,Sharmila.M,HuzaifaAnjum.G.A,Hairunnisha.M.S.H,”Multimodal Brain Image Fusion using Graph Intelligence Method”,International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol.11,no.2,July 2020.doi:
- M.Ramamoorthy, N.Ayyanathan, M.PadmaUsha, “Robust Time Optimization in HD Video Surveillance System” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8, June 2019
- M Ramamoorthy, N Ayyanathan, M Padma Usha,” Biometric Authentication for Cloud Service Provider in Multiple Cloud Storage System”, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry,Vol.13,3,2018
- M.Padmausha, M.Sharmila “Brain image fusion using graph cut algorithm”, International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics(IJETCSE),Vol.13,no.4,March 2015
- U.SaburaBanu, M.Ramamoorthy, M.PadmaUsha “LABView Based Dimension Detection and Seggregationof Good and Faulty Crank Pins” in “International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering held at Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai on 4th and 5th January 2013
Papers Published in Conferences
- Published a paper titled “Cyber Security Solution -Automation of Secure Boot In Industrial Iot (Iiot) Edge Devices” in Online International Conference on “Smart Modernistic in Electronics and Communication(ICSMEC-2020)” held atSt. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally, Secunderabadon 29th & 30th June 2020
- Published a paper titled “Automatic fish feeding system” in Online International Conference on “Smart Modernistic in Electronics and Communication (ICSMEC-2020)” held at St. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally, Secunderabad on 29th & 30th June 2020
- Delivered a lecture on “Image fusion” in Workshop on “Research Oriented Approaches on Biomedical Image Processing using MATLAB” on 11th April 2017 conducted by Electronics&Instrumentation Department, Crescent Institute
- Published a paper titled “Robust Time Optimization in HD Video Surveillance System” in “National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology” held at Sri Lakshmiammal Engineering College, Chennai on 09.05.19 & 10.05.19
- Published a paper titled “Detection of blockage in Coronary artery in Coronary Angiography” in “National Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology” held at Sri Lakshmiammal Engineering College, Chennai on 22.03.18 & 23.03.18
- Published a paper titled “Multimodal Medical Image Fusion of Brain using Swarm Intelligence based Energy Optimization” in “International Conference on Comtemporary Engineering and Technology” held at Madha Engineering College, Chennai on 24.03.17 and 25.03.17.
- Published a paper titled “Brain image fusion using graph cut algorithm” in International Conference on “Advances in Emerging Technology 2015 (ICAET 2015)” held at Jaya Engineering College, Chennai on 28.3.2015.
- Published a paper titled “LABView Based Dimension Detection and Seggregation of Good and Faulty Crank Pins” in “International conference on Information, Systems and Computing”(ICSIC 2013) held at Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai on 4th and 5th January 2013.
- One of the resource person for the two day hands on FDP on “Applications of Image Processing using MATLAB” held on 02.05.2019 & 03.05.2019 at BSACIST.
- Delivered a lecture on “Image fusion” in Workshop on “Research Oriented Approaches on Biomedical Image Processing using MATLAB” on 11th April 2017 conducted by Electronics&Instrumentation Department, Crescent Institute.
Events Organized –Conference/Workshop/Seminar
- Organized an Online Guest Lecture on “Firewalls in Networking” for Pre-final year students of BSACIST on December 11th, 2020
- Organized a Webinar on “Opportunities for ECE Engineers for +1 and +2 students” on June 7th, 2020
- Coordinator for “Cancer Awareness Programme” on 4th March 2020 for students of BSACIST organized by Department of ECE in association with Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)
- Organized an one day workshop on “Innovative teaching methodology for school teachers” on 13th April 2019 at BSACIST.
- Organized Career Guidance and Counselling workshop for +2 students on 7th April 2018 and October 2018
- Organized five days workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing & Computational Biology for Healthcare Applications” funded by ICMR from 12.05.2017 to 16.05.2017
- Organized Career Guidance and Counselling workshop for +2 students on 12th April 2017.
- One of the coordinator for National Conference NCRVIC’16 on August 11th & 12th, 2016.
- Organised a guest lecture on “LonWorks- Industrial Networking protocol” on 15th November 2016for final year B.Tech ECE students.
- Organised a guest lecture on “Digital Image Processing and its industrial applications” on 13th October 2014 for final year B.Tech ECE and second year M.Tech COS students.
- Organised a one day technical inter-departmental technical event for students named “Cresonance’2k14” on March 13th 2014.
- Organised a National Conference NCRVIC’11 in April 2011.
Attended – Workshops / Seminars
- Attended webinar on “How to publish high impact research articles” on 9th August,2020 organized by ECE Department and Office of Dean(Research) of BSACIST
- Attended Online workshop on “Design and development of E-Content” organized by the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean(Academic Affairs),BSACIST on 12.08.2020
- Attended three days Faculty Development Programme on “Medical Signal and Image Analysis” held from June 15th to June 17th,2020 organized by St.Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai
- Attended two weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online classes and Co-creating MOOCS” from April 20 to May 6,2020 conducted by RamanujanCollege,University of Delhi
- Attended two days workshop on “Writing for research purpose” on 19th and 20th July,2019 organized by the Department of English and Office of Dean(Research),BSACIST
- Attended three days workshop on “Writing quality research articles, project proposals and patents” from 20th July 2018 to 22nd July 2018 at BSACIST.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Innovative presentation skill” on 22.07.18 at BSACIST.
- Attended three days workshop on “ICT in teaching and learning methodologies” from 12.12.2017 to 14.12.2017 at Jerusalem college of Engineering, Anna University.
- Attended six days workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” from 31.7.2017 to 5.8.17 in BSACIST.
- Attended a one day workshop on” Capacity building of Women in Higher Education” organized by Women Empowerment Cell, BSA Crescent Institute,Chennai,on 1st April 2017.
- Attended two days workshop on “Biomedical Engineering-The Nextgen” on 14th and 15th September 2016 held at VelsUniversity,Chennai.
- Attended three days faculty development program sponsored by IE(I) student chapter of ECE on “Innovative Teaching Practices” organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 25th July to 27th July 2016.
- Attended two day workshop on “Research Prospects in Image Fusion and Registration” during 1st and 2nd February 2016 held at SSN College of Engineering,Kalavakkam.
- Attended two day workshop on “Recent Advances in Biosignal Processing and Hands on training in LabVIEW” held on 29th and 30th December 2015 organised by Department of Biomedical Engineering,GKM College of Engineering and Technology,Chennai.
- Attended five days FDP on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DATA ANALYSIS USING SPSS AND AMOS” held from 4th May to 8th May 2015 organised by Crescent Business School.
- Attended one day workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic & Sponsored Research” held on 07.03.2015 organised by B.S.A University.
- Attended three days workshop on “Intensive Training on MATLAB” held from 18th to 20th September 2014 in Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering ,Chennai
- Attended a one day seminar on “MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Education” organized by Mathworks India Pvt Ltd on 20.8.14 in Chennai.
- Attended two days workshop on NI LabVIEW,held on 6th and 7th August 2014,organized by the Department of ECE,B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute,Chennai.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Violence against women” held on 16th February 2013 organised by Women Empowerment Cell,B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute,Chennai.
- Attended two days National workshop on “Guide to Earn a Doctoral Programme” held at Jerusalem College of Engineering on 14th and 15th July 2012.
- Attended two days workshop on “Writing Effective Conference Papers” on 18th and 19th February 2012 at Anna University, Chennai