Graduated Ph.D scholars

Ph.D. Guidance

In the School of Life sciences, all faculty members are with Ph.D. qualification and are recognized supervisors of the institute.

The detailed list of ongoing and graduated scholars are listed below:

No. of Ph.D. Scholars graduatedNo. of Ph.D. Scholars ongoing
List of Graduated research scholars
Sl. No.Name of the scholar RRN No.Year of registrationPart Time / Full TimeYear of graduationResearch SupervisorTitle of the thesisThesis link
1.Dr.V. Lavanya (141153107003)2014Full time2018Dr. Shazia JamalBiophysical analysis and Investigation of the immunomodulatory and mitogenic facets of Jacalein, A dietary Lectin.Thesis Link
2.Dr.S.M. Fazeela Mehaboob Begum (141153107006)2014Full time2018Dr. S. HemalathaScreening the antioxidant, anticancer, antimetastatic and immunomodulatory activities of Marine algae.Thesis Link
3.Dr.Mohd Shahanbaj Khan (131153701004)2014Full time2018Dr. S. HemalathaProgramed cell Death & Autophagy are Critical players during Saline Stress in Oryza Sativa.L.Thesis Link
4.Dr.Ubaid Rasool (141153701004)2014Full time2019Dr. S. HemalathaCharacterization and applications of nano particles synthesized via the assistance of marine endophytic actinomycetes isolated from seaweed Gelidium SpThesis Link
5.Dr.Mohamed Adil. A. A (141153101007)2014Full time2020Dr. Neesar AhmedUnderstanding the Molecular Mechanism that regulates inflammation and Tumor progression.Thesis Link
6.Dr.Saroj Kumar Sah (1311537010012014Full time2021Dr. S. HemalathaMolecular Studies of Pathogenic microbes and Development of Anti-microbial compounds.Thesis Link
7.Dr.Tahira Akther (141153701003)2014Full time2021Dr. S. HemalathaCharacterization and Biological applications of myco-silver nanoparticles synthesized from endophytic fungi isolated from different medicinal plants.Thesis Link
8.Dr.Rekha Yamini (141153107005)2014Full time2021.Dr. Soumen BeraUnderstanding the mechanism of plant polyphenols in modulating Bacterial Drug ResistanceThesis Link
9.Dr.Mohd. Hashim Khan (141153701005)2014Full time2022Dr. Karthikeyan RSynergistic effect of biosynthesized nanoparticles integrated nanoemulsions against multi-drug resistant ESKAPE pathogens.Thesis Link
10.Dr.U. Sneha (161153701004)2016Full time2022Dr. Karthikeyan RIdentification, optimization, and application of innocuous Bacteria for the Bio-remediation of Textile industrial dyes and effluent.Thesis Link
11.Dr. S. Priya (161153101004)2016Full Time2022Dr. S. HemalathaScreening of Phytocompounds and Designing small molecular peptides to control human pathogenic viruses and bacteriaThesis Link
12.Dr. S. Ranjani (181153701003)2018Full time2022Dr. S. HemalathaSynthesis, characterization, and multipotent applications of polyherbal nano formulationThesis Link
13.Dr. Mohd. Basheer Uddin (141153701001)2014Full time2023Dr. Shazia JamalProtective Effect of Osmolytes on Diclofenac induced changes in protein stability: Structural, Functional and Thermodynamic stability aspects.Thesis Link
14.Dr.Edet Love Mendie (191153701001)2019Full time2023Dr. S. HemalathaPreparation, characterization and application of nanoparticles synthesized from Endophytic bacteria isolated from Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.Thesis Link
15.Dr.M. K. Saranya (151153704002)2015Full time2023Dr. Sangeetha KannanScientific evaluation of traditional medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata for potential anti-snake venom activity.Thesis Link
16.Dr.R. Sathya (191153101002)2019Full time2023Dr. MubarakAli DPreparation, and characterization of bio-degradable chitosan loaded nanoparticles-based drug delivery system.Thesis Link
17.Dr.Bommanaboina Anil Kumar (151153104002)2015 ​​Full time2023Dr. Neesar AhmedCaveole-mediated regulation of the inflammatory tumor microenvironment.–

Outcomes from the research scholars


Ongoing Ph. D Research scholars

Ongoing Ph. D Research scholars
S. NoName and RRNYear of registrationFull time/Part timeResearch SupervisorTitle of the research project
1.Mashihur Rahman 1411531070022014Full timeDr. Khurshid Alam KhanTreatment Strategies of NDM-1 Producing Bacteria: Combined Experimental and Bioinformatics Approach
2.Md Aashique 1611531010032016Full timeDr. Soumen BeraGPx-1 gene polymorphism in mitochondrial ROS signaling cancer risk.
3.Logesh R 1611537010022016Full timeDr. Neesar AhmedImmunology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within host macrophages.
4.Sana Qausain 1611531010022016Full timeDr. Khurshid Alam KhanUnderstanding the structure, and functional relation of peroxidase activity peroxiredoxin-6
5.Kavitha L 1711537010012017Full TimeDr. Sangeetha KStudy on agents causing infertility in Indian population.
6.S. Prathibha 1811537010022018Full timeDr. Ashok Kumar PMechanistic Anti-tumor activity of 3-(2-(3,4-Dimethoxy phenyl)-2-oxoethylidene) Indolin-2- one (RAJI) on Triple Negative Breast cancer.
7.Shariq Ahmed. M 1811537010012018Full timeDr. S. HemalathaNovel endophytic nanoparticles to control infectious and non-infectious diseases.
8.Arunika Krishnan 1911531010012019Full timeDr. Khurshid Alam KhanGenomic analysis and in silico characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages for novel therapeutics
9.Shamsoon Maharifa 2011531040012020Part TimeDr. S. HemalathaBiopotentials of green synthesized nanoparticles-Borassus flabellifer Linn.
10.Jahangir Ahmed 2011531010012020Full timeDr. Karthikeyan RNanoemulsion efficacy against shrimp diseases.
11.K. Manikandan 2011537010052020Full timeDr. S. HemalathaDegradation of dye by novel bacteria isolated from Tannery effluent.
12.Shabnam Ameenudeen 2111537010052021Full timeDr. S. HemalathaScreening small molecules & peptides to control neuropathic pain & neurodegenerative diseases.
13.Architha V 2111537010032021Full timeDr. S. HemalathaScreening of anti-diabetic potential of silver nanoparticles from different species of Ayicennania mangrove.
14.Rafeedah Fathuddin 2111537010062021Full timeDr. U. Vimal KumarDevelopment of Nano-bio composite scaffolds for cancer immunotherapy
15.Ashwathi V 2111537010022021Full timeDr. Ashok Kumar PCollagen-based composite scaffold with sodium citrate functionalized for osteochondral tissue engineering: in vitro and in vivo studies.
16.Mohd. Kashif 2111537010042021Full timeDr. Ashok Kumar PAluminum chloride-induced neurodegenerative disease with possible therapeutic targets
17.Narmadha A 2111531010012021Full timeDr. S. HemalathaSynthesis, characterization, and application of silver and copper nanoparticles
18.Keerthana V 2211531010012022Full timeDr. Karthikeyan RIndustrial pilot reactor for textile dye remediation
19.J Karunya 2211537010012022Full timeDr. S. HemalathaAnti-carcinogenic effect of polyherbal formulation in treating cancer through in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches.
20.Nashat Alam 2211537040012022Part TimeDr. Karthikeyan RNanoemulsion Ointment for the Management of Infectious Diseases.
21.Pavithra R 2211537040032022Part TimeDr. Mohd Shahanbaj KhanIn vitro, In vivo and in silico evaluation of semi-synthetic metabolite extracted from traditional plants.
22.Shurthi S.S. 2211537040042022Part TimeDr. A. BaskaranAnti-tumor metabolites from sponge associated microbes.
23.Ramya .C. 2211537040022022Part TimeDr. SheezakhanNetwork biology approach to decipher type-2 diabetes mellitus and its associated co-morbidities.
24.B. Prasanth 2311531010012023Full TimeDr. Simon DurairajIdentification and Characterization of Natural compounds as an alternative therapy for carcinoma.
25.Nisha B 2311537010082023Full TimeDr. Karthikeyan RSubstrate Enhanced Bioremediation of textile effluent.
26.N. Mohamed Juvad 2311537010062023Full TimeDr. S. HemalathaMultipotent Applications of Nanomaterials
27.Aarthi P. 2311537010052023Full TimeDr. I. Faridha BegumTreatment of Industrial effluent by Novel Bacteria
28.Parvathavardhini. P 2311537010052023Full TimeDr. I. Faridha BegumGreen Decolurization by synthetic Azo dyes by Bacteria isolated from industrial solid waste
29.Mydeen Fatima 2311537010022023Full TimeDr. SangeethaPhyto ligands for PCOS
30.Praveen Kumar C 2311537040012023Part timeDr. MubarakAli DSynthesis and characterization of fluorescent nanomaterials for molecular imaging