Student Affairs

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) – Members

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) – Members

As per the guidelines provided as per UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015 Internal Complaint Committee of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology has been constituted as under :-

Sl.No. Name of the faculty Designation  
1 Dr. Latha Tamilselvan,
Prof. & Director (MIS) / Department of Information Technology
2 Dr. C. Tharini,
Prof. & Dean (SECS) / Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.
3 Dr. S.Kuttirani,
Prof. & Director (PG) Admissions / Department of Chemistry
4 Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood,
Prof. & Dean / Department of Commerce
5 Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen,
Professor / Department of Mechanical Engg.
6 Dr. C.Chokalingam,
Prof. & Dean / Crescent School of Law
7 Ms. Nallini Olivannan,
Advocate, Mail id :, Mobile : 9940050056
External Member

Gender equity programmes

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Each of us can be a leader within our spheres of influence and commit to take pragmatic actions to accelerate gender parity. Such small actions can have big impacts in making the vision of gender parity a reality. Emphasizing these messages, the women faculty members of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology gleefully celebrated the International Women’s Day. Various events were conducted and the importance of gender parity was highlighted.

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)