
State of Research laboratory facilities are available and equipped with sophisticated instruments

Generic Name of Equipment Model, Make & year of purchase
CO2 Incubator Model 3111, (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA), 2013
Phase Contrast Inverted Microscope Axio Vert A1 FL (Carl Zeiss, Germany), 2013
Western Blot Semi Dry TE70X (Hoefer, USA), 2013
Gel Electrophoresis Horizontal SE250-10A-75 mighty small II mini vertical electrophoresis (Hoefer, USA), 2013
Gel Electrophoresis Vertical SUB15 standard submarine gel system (Hoefer, USA), 2013
Gel Documentation Unit GelDoc –IT imaging system (UVP LTD, UK), 2013
Phase Contrast Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Axio Vert A1 FL (Carl Zeiss, Germany), 2013
Western Blot Semi Dry Trans blot turbo (Biorad, USA), 2013
Western Blot wet Standard transfer unit with cooling chamber (Hoefer, USA), 2013
Chemiluminiscent Gel Documentation Unit ChemiDoc MP system with red module (Biorad,USA), 2013
Freeze Dryer Alpha 2-4 Ldplus (Martin Christ, Germany), 2013
Real Time PCR CFX96 (Biorad, USA), 2013
CO2 Incubator Galaxy incubator 170R (Eppendorf, USA), 2013
Deep Freezer -80C Premium upright freezer U410 (Eppendorf, USA), 2013
Deep Freezer -20C Revco -20 (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA), 2013
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) With PDA & Fluorescence Detector LC-2010CHT (Shimadzu, Japan), 2013
Gel Electrophoresis Horizontal Mini Sub GT Cell (Biorad, USA), 2013
Gel Electrophoresis Vertical Mini-PROTEAN Tetra (Biorad, USA), 2013
Manual Colony Counter Scan 100 (Intersciences, France), 2013
Multiporator Multiporator, for eukaryotics, bacteria and yeasts (Eppendorf,USA), 2013
Spectrophotometer BioSpectrometer basic (Eppendorf, USA), 2013
Multimode Reader With Alpha Tech Enspire multilabel plate reader with Alpha Tech (PerkinElmer, USA), 2013
PCR Mastercycler nexus gradient (Eppendorf, USA), 2013

Infrastructure and Labs

The school has sufficient number of well equipped class rooms, fully equipped laboratories with state of the art equipments, conference hall, school and library. The school has the following laboratories adequately equipped with latest equipments

  • Molecular biology lab
  • Biochemistry lab
  • Genetics lab
  • Microbiology lab
  • Computational biology lab
  • Plant tissue culture lab
  • Animal tissue culture lab
  • Central research laboratory


Chemi-luminescent Gel-documentation Unit, BioRad, USA

  • Gel imaging system, Automated, hands-off routines
  • Save and recall all the steps in the workflow for repeatable and reproducible results.
  • Comprehensive, automated quantitative analysis of protein and DNA samples

Phase Contrast Inverted Fluorescence Microscope, Carl Zeiss, Germany

  • The phase contrast microscope was developed visualize specimens that fluoresce, that is, emit light of a different color than the light absorbed by the specimen.
  • This microscope has stable time-lapse imaging with automatic focus correction system.

Lyophilizer, Martin Christ

  • Lyophilized (freeze dried) products retain their original properties.
  • There is no need for cooling during storage
  • There is a wide range of substances for which lyophilization is used as conservation / preservation method
  • In the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries it is widely used for the following products: antibiotics, bacteria, vaccines, hormones, vitamins, enzymes, ferments, peptides, liposomes, collagen, plant extracts, blood plasma and antibodies.

Mastercycler nexus gradient, Eppendorf India Limited

  • Master cycler (PCR) is an exponentially progressing synthesis of the defined target DNA sequences under in vitro.
  • PCR used for classification of organisms, genotyping, molecular archaeology, mutagenesis, mutation detection, sequencing, cancer research, detection of pathogens, DNA fingerprinting, drug discovery, genetic matching and engineering.

Multiporator, Eppendorf India Limited

  • Utilzeed for the electroporation of eukaryotic cells, bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as the electrofusion of cells possible with Eppendorf  Multiporator modular system. The applications includes
  • Makes stable and transient transfection of eukaryotic cells
  • Efficient and gentle transfer of siRNA
  • Electroporation of bacteria, yeasts and other microorganisms
  • Generation of hybridoma cells for the production of monoclonal antibodies
  • Fusion of plant protoplasts

Real-time PCR , Eppendorf India Limited

  • Real-time PCR is used for sensitive, specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets.
  • This system has powerful assay design algorithms, optimized master mixes, intuitive data analysis software and flexible instrumentation to harness the power of qPCR across a rich and diverse set of applications. The applications include
  • Gene Expression (mRNA) analysis
  • microRNA & Noncoding RNA analysis
  • Genetic variation analysis
  • Mutation detection Assays

Probe Sonicator

  • Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate particles in a sample, for various purposes. Ultrasonic frequencies (>20 kHz) are usually used, leading to the process known asr ultra-sonication.
  • Sonicators are used for a wide variety of applications including: Protein purification, Degassing, PMCA, Sono-chemistry, Liposomes, Crystallization, Emulsification, Extraction,  Transesterification, focused Cleaning,  and solubilize the compounds

Binary Gradient HPLC system, Shimadzu

  • This instrument is used to separate the components in a mixture to identify each component, and to quantify each component.
  • It relies on pumps to pass a pressurized liquid solvent containing the sample mixture through a column filled with a solid adsorbent material.
  • Each component in the sample interacts slightly differently with the adsorbent material, causing different flow rates for the different components and leading to the effective separation of the components as they flow out of the column.

Thermostat C, Eppendorf India Limited

  • The ideal device to accurately set and maintain temperatures. The ThermoStat C features excellent temperature management.
  • Provides comfortable and precise temperature control of all conventional lab vessels.
  • The operation is easier and more intuitive than ever before.
  • Predefined temperature keys provide quick access to five important experimental temperatures.
  • Due to comprehensive program functions, one can also individually store 15 programs. With an extensive range of exchangeable Smart Blocks, the ThermoStat C adapts to any application.

Gel Doc, Labmate (Asia) PVT LTD

  • A gel doc, also known as a gel documentation system, gel image system or gel imager, is an equipment widely used in molecular biology laboratory for the imaging and documentation of nucleic acid and protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gels.
  • Generally, a gel doc includes an ultraviolet (UV) light transilluminator, or  darkroom to shield external light sources and protect the user from UV  exposure, and a
  • CCD camera for image capturing

Table-top Centrifuge, Eppendorf

  • A mini spin (centrifuge) is a piece of equipment, generally driven by an electric motor
  • The centrifuge works using the sedimentation principle, where the centripetal acceleration causes denser substances to separate out along the radial direction.
  • Simple centrifuges are used in chemistry, biology and biochemistry for isolating and separating suspensions.

Gel Electrophoresis Vertical and Horizontal, BioRad

  • Gel electrophoresis is a method for separation and analysis of macromolecules (DNA, RNA and proteins) and their fragments, based on their size and charge.
  • Estimation of the size of DNA molecules following restriction enzyme digestion, e.g. in restriction mapping of cloned DNA.
  • Analysis of PCR products, e.g. in molecular genetic diagnosis or genetic fingerprinting
  • Separation of restricted genomic DNA prior to Southern transfer, or of RNA prior to Northern transfer.
  • Gel electrophoresis is used in forensics, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and biochemistry.

Multimode Reader with Alpha Tech, PerkinElmer

  • The benchtop multimode instrument to feature label-free technology
  • Ultra-sensitive luminescence option for detecting fewer cells than standard luminescence, ideal for primary, stem or difficult-to-transfect cells
  • Quad-monochromator for fluorescence and absorbance – select any wavelength and perform wavelength scans for the best possible signal to background for fluorescence applications
  • Time-resolved fluorescence provides high sensitivity for biological and cellular assays, even when sample is at a premium or in low concentration.

Western Blot Semi Dry, Biorad

  • Western electroblotting is the electrophoretic transfer of separated proteins in a gel to the surface of a thin support membrane matrix where they are bound and immobilized.
  • Semi-dry blotting is performed with plate electrodes in a horizontal configuration, sandwiching a gel and membrane between sheets of buffer-soaked filter paper that function as the ion reservoir.
  • Western transfer amino acid analysis solid phase assay systems
  • Protein sequencing Western transfer, amino acid analysis solid phase assay systems.
  • Southern and northern transfers solid phase immobilization dry chemistry test strips, enzyme immobilization, gene probe assays

Phase Contrast Inverted Microscope, Micros Produktions

  • Phase contrast microscopy is an optical microscopy technique that converts phase shifts in light passing through a transparent specimen to brightness changes in the image.
  • The phase contrast microscope shows the contrast differences between cells.
  • This microscope has stable time-lapse imaging with automatic focus correction system
  • Improved performance in broader wavelength range Compatible with plastic dishes and well plates

Upright Freezer, Eppendorf and Deep Freezer, Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Deep freezer, a stand-alone freezer unit for preserving research samples
  • This deep freezer generally can achieve lower than −80 °C
  • Upright freezer from Eppendorf India Limited and other deep Freezer from Thermo Fisher Scientific are available in the school.

Autoclave, Technico

  • An autoclave is a pressure chamber used to sterilize equipment and media by subjecting them to high pressure saturated steam at 121 °C for around 15–20 minutes depending on the size of the load and the contents.
  • Sterilization autoclaves are widely used in microbiology, medicine, podiatry, tattooing, body piercing, veterinary science, mycology, dentistry, and prosthetics fabrication. They vary in size and function depending on the media to be sterilized.

Centrifuge 5810R, Eppendorf India Limited

  • A centrifuge is a piece of equipment, generally driven by an electric motor and this centrifuge has refrigeration option to use temperature sensitive sample.The centrifuge works using the sedimentation principle, where the centripetal acceleration causes denser substances to separate out along the radial direction. By the same token lighter objects will tend to move to the top.
  • Simple centrifuges are used in chemistry, biology and biochemistry for isolating and separating suspensions.

SLS Journal club

SLS Journal club

The main purpose of SLS Journal club is the critical review of the key papers in Life Science research. Each meeting will be held with the participation of scholars, students and faculty members to discuss and critique research that appears in professional journals of related field. Understanding and forming a precise opinion of a journal article is a crucial skill for research; the SLS Journal Club aims to equip the research scholars and students with the skills necessary to carry out a critical review of literature relevant to their field and also to keep everyone updated about the global scenario in multidisciplinary research. Further information and weekly updates about the club can be found in following weblink:

Internships Offered

International Internship Offered

Industrial attachment program for students from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Samarahan Campus, Sarawak, Malaysia

Four students from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Samarahan Campus,, Sarawak, Malaysia has done research internship at school of life sciences between 1st August to 4th September 2015 on phytocompounds and their applications to cure infections and cancer.

Name of the student Name of the guide Title of the project
Mohammad Hairaze Ezwandy Bin Adenan Dr.S.Hemalatha Antimicrobial activity and isolation of active compounds from leaf of the traditional african medicinal tree Kigelia africana (LAM) benth
Mozzarie Shahrayzam Bin Masidi Dr.S.Hemalatha Extraction and characterization of phytochemical compounds from Hemidesmus indicus L.
Gerald Grino Apil Dr.S.Hemalatha Detection of heavy metals in soil sediments
Dominic Anak Geruka Dr.S.Hemalatha Antibacterial and anticancerous efficacy of flavonoids isolated, purified and characterized from various parts of couroupita guianensis.

National summer internship offered in Science for school student

From May 4-22, 2015 B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute organized free SummerInternship in Science programme for School Students. Out of 30 selected students from various schools , 11 students were done their projects at SLS and the ist, 2nd and third prizes are bagged by Ms. Santhoshini, Mr. Mothi and Ms. Divya lakshmi respectively and the projects are listed in the table below.

1 Mohamed Sheik Mothi Alpha Mat.Hr.Sec.School, Sembakkam Testing the efficacy of anti diabetic drug to control the pathogenic bacteria causing diabetic foot ulcer. Novel method of delivering drugs to control UTI pathogens and testing their efficacy
2 Divya Lakshmi.K Sri Vishwa Vidyalaya Hr.Sec.School,Vandalr Dr.S.Hemalatha Novel method of delivering drugs to control UTI pathogens and testing their efficacy
3 Athira.P.S Neelan Mat. School, Guduvancheri. Dr. Karthikeyan. R Antibiotic susceptibility assay of commercially available three different antibiotic tablets on human pathogen
4 Sakthi Priya.M Neelan Mat. School, Guduvancheri. Antibiotic susceptibility assay of commercially available antibiotic on human pathogen
5 Sabeena.B Ebenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur. Dr. Khurshid Alam Khan Ebola Virus: Unravelling pathogenesis & Treatment Strategies
6 Jeevitha.M Ebenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur. Dr. Soumen Bera Quantification of polyphenols in common food sources.
7 Pon Dharanieswari.P Anitha Methodist Hr.Sec. School ,Vepery. Dr. Neesar Ahmed Characterization of Blood and Its component.
8 Thejal.H Ebenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur. Dr. Shazia Jamal Quantification of Proteins
9 Raeesah Firdhouse.S Crescent Girls Mat.Hr.Sec School, Nungambakkam Er.Kavitha Green Bags to preserve and delay ripening of fruits
10 Santhoshini.J Ebenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur. Dr. M.K.Sangeetha Impact of an environmental influencing factor on Chick Embryogenesis
11 Hounandan.R St.Anne’s Mat.Hr.Sec.School,New Perungalathur Dr. Amrita Roy Diabetic Food–eat or delete?

Faculty Achievements

Faculty Achievements


Name of the Faculty Achievements
Dr. S. Hemalatha
  • Delivered invited talk in AICTE sponsored National seminar on Challenges and opportunities in green Nano Technology, Held on 25, 1, 2018, Vels University, Chennai
  • Selected among 20 researchers from India for The UK-India Newton-Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop on working at the chemistry-microbiology interface to develop new antibiotics for tackling antimicrobial resistance and resistant TB
  • Special invitee for TIDCO/TICEL/EDI brainstorming session on 20.8.2016 at TICEL Biopark, Chennai
  • Chairperson International Conference on Novel approaches in cancer research & Therapy (NACRAT-2k17),June 26-28, 2017 Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SPER) and Saveetha university, Chennai
  • Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
  • Delivered Invited talk at National conference on current trends in biosciences, medicinal plants their scientific validation and novel applications, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts and Science and commerce, Ahmednagar, 9-10, December, 2016
  • DBT Sponsored Short Term Training program on Genomics and Metabolomics of Wild Medicinal Plants at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical garden and Research Institute, Palode,Trivandrum between 16th November – 4th Dec 2015.
  • Delivered Invited talk-at International conference on nanodrug discovery-Nanodentcon-2k17, Saveetha University, Chennai 18.2.2017
    Fellow-Society of Pharmaceutical and educational research (SPER)
    President SPER-TN- Chapter
  • Invited talk delivered in XXXIV Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology (India) 2014“Challenges and Strategies in Toxicology for Food Safety” & “Drug Development – Regulatory Perspectives in Livestock, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India, 10th to 12th December, 2014, Chennai
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • EDI-Tamilnadu invited as a representative from academic institutions to chair biotech industry academic interaction 8.3.2017
  • Reviewer in Journals of Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Natural Product Research, Plant Growth Regulation, Archives of Agronomy and soil science, Plant methods, Bioinformatics, Proteomics, International, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, Indian Journal of Plant Sciences CIBTech Journal of Biotechnology, CIBTech Journal of Bio-Protocols, CIBTech Journal of Microbiology
Dr. R. Karthikeyan
  • Session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered invited talk in University of Nottingham in September 2017. Through Erasmus fund delivered three day workshop in University of Nottingham in September 2017.
  • Reviewer for Process Biochemistry, Journal of dental research Archives of oral biology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Caries Research, Clinical Microbiology: Open Access, International journal of biology and biological sciences, Journal of medicine and medical Sciences, International Research journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation.
Dr. P. Ashok Kumar
  • Selected as Vice-President for Society for Phytopharmacology and Research-India, Vishakapattanam, India.
  • Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Future oncology, Drug Design Development and Therapy, OncoTargts and Therapy, Human and Experimental Toxicology and Journal of Natural Agents and Molecular Therapeutics
Dr. Khurshid A. Khan
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Soumen Bera
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • Reviewer for SERB research projects since 2016
    Reviewer for Journals The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Environmental Science & Technology
    Encouraged students of his class and established Roof top herbal organic garden
Dr. Neesar Ahmed
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shazia Jamal
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shahul Hameed
  • Delivered invited talk on Workshop on 4-R approaches in Pharmacology and Toxicology” held on August 4, 2017 at Department of Pharmacology, SRM University
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar
  • Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
Dr. Shahanabaj Khan
  • 1st prize for Oral presentation in “National level conference on biotechnological advances towards sustainable agriculture and environment” Organized by Hindustan College of Arts and science, Chennai, India, On 24th August 2017.
  • Received travel award and fellowship for International Conference; “Inter Drought-V’ held on Feb 21st-25th, 2017 ICRISAT, Hyderabad
  • Received Travel award for poster presentation and participation in Next Gen Genomics Biology, Bioinformatics and Technologies (NGBT) Conference, Scigenome Research foundation, October 3rd-5th, 2016 Cochin,
Dr. G. Harish
  • Delivered invited talk on Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for young researchers in India”in Azyme Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Jayanagar, Bengaluru on 13th January 2018.

Scholars Achievements


Name of the Research Scholar Achievements
Saroj Kumar Sah
  • Best oral presentation award at national conference on novel approaches and concepts in Modern Microbiology Organized by department of Microbiology, Hindustan college of Arts and Science held on 11 January 2017
  • Best Oral presentation award at National conference on “Emerging trends in the management of infectious diseases and public health (ETMIDPH-2016)” Mohamed Sathak college of arts and science, Chennai on 4th and 5th February 2016
  • Young Scientist Travel Grant at International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary research Facility, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, India on 3-4 March, 2017
S.M. Fazeela Mahaboob Begum
  • Best paper presentation award in “BRCP 2017”. Meenakshi College for women, Chennai 30 & 31st January 2017
  • Best oral presentation award at National symposium, Cancer Research: A Global Scenario. Life Intelligentsia Foundation & Frontier Mediville, Gummidipoondi June 9 2014.
Mohamed Adil
  • MANF Fellowship – UGC Government of India
  • Selected for Human Neuroanatomy at edX under instructor, Kelli A. Sullivan, Ph.D from Michigan University, U.S.A
  • Selected by Jackson laboratories, U.S.A for special complimentary webinars on mouse modelling for 2017-2018.
  • Awarded as best performer by Beckman coulter in Flow cytometry workshop held at Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biologicals (TRPVB), chennai
K. Rekha Yamini
  • Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Ubaid Rasool
  • won Ist prize for poster Presentation at National Conference on“Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” Hindustan College of Arts and Science on 11th January, 2017.
Tahira Akthar
  • 2nd prize in national conference on “Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” organized by Hindustan college of Arts and science 11th January 2017.
  • 1st prize in Oral presentation in National conference on”Nanotechnology in Medicine” organized by Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute 8thand 9th September 2017.
  • Best paper presentation Award in International Conference on”Nano-A New world of Science”organized by VidhyaSagar Women’s College 22nd September 2017.
Sneha. U
  • Won Best Outreach project in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
  • Won the first prize in ‘Synfora 2017’, a DBT sponsored National Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship: Current scenario, Scope and Opportunities in Food and Bioprocessing Sector’,Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 15th and 16th September 2017.
  • Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Logesh .R,
  • won “Best Individuality project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
  • Won 2nd Prize in oral presentation in National level Seminar on Recent advances in microbial technology for renewable energy, bioremediation, health and sustainable agriculture, 24-25 January, 2018

Students Achievements


Name of the Student Achievements
Ms. Hemashri.
R. M and Ms. B. Chandini
participated in Guinness world records event Bharatha Natyam, on 14, April, 2017
KIRUTHIGA. A. P. Chennai International youth Festival and won
Vinodhini .S won “Best Revolutionary project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Sugirdhana .P won Best Science & Technology project award in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Mohammed Faheem PECOFES 2017-spell Bee won
Ms. Zakia Fathima DBT sponsored Biotech Industrial Training Programme (BITP) with BCIL fellowship.
B. Famidha won second prize in poster presentation in National conference on applications of Green Technologies for separations of Bio-products, Sree Sastha Institute of Engg. & Technology September 2-3, 2015

4.1 International Internhips

4.1.1. Mohamed Adil I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Department of Pathology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA from June 1-30, 2015.

4.1.22. Four students from II year B.Tech have been selected from school of life sciences for summer internship at Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA for 2 months.

4.1.3. Abeer, I year B.Tech from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

4.2 National Internships

4 .2.2. B. Amrutha I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai

4.2.3. Xinovem private limited Chennai selected 32 B.Tech students for winter internship 2015 and individual project is assigned for the students for the winter 2015.

4.2.4 Divij K Kinger has been selected as intern for Entrepreneurship Training with scholarship in Pentagrit research, Chennai