- Overview
- Vision & Mission
- Dean’s Message
- Programmes Offered (Curriculum & Syllabi)
- Admission Brochure
- Faculty
- Infrastructure
- Centre for Corrosion Studies
- Accolades
- Crescent Civilians Report
- Placement – 2019-22
- Alumni
- Research
- Events
- Educational Visits
- Testing and consultancy
- Contact Details
- E-Learning Portal
- E-Magazine
The Department has a sufficient number of well-equipped class rooms, laboratories with state-of-the-art software and equipment, a seminar hall, a drawing hall and Department library.
- UG Class Rooms: 3
- PG Class Rooms: 2
- Exclusive U.G. & P.G. Air conditioned computer laboratory with 72 computers.
- Air-conditioned Seminar Hall
- 9 well equiped Laboratories
- Dean / HoD office and Faculty rooms / cabins
- Teaching aids like smart board, OHP, explanatory models & charts, etc
- Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
- Concrete and Highway Laboratory
- Construction Materials and Technology Laboratory
- Environmental Engineering Laboratory
- Computer Laboratory
- Survey Laboratory
- Structural Engineering Laboratory
- GIS Laboratory
Strength of Materials Laboratory (319 sq.m.)
- Compression Testing Machine (100T & 300T Capacity)
- Universal Testing Machine (40T Capacity)
- Servo controlled Digital Universal Testing Machine (100T Capacity)
- Impact Testing Machine (Izod and Charpy Methods)
- Hardness Testing Machine (Rockwell and Brinell Type)
- Torsion Testing Machine
- Spring Testing Machine (Open and Close coil springs)
- Wood Testing Machine
- Universal Testing Machine 40T

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory (92 sq.m.)
- Sieve Shaker and Hydrometer
- Relative Density test apparatus
- Atterberg’s Limit apparatus
- Field density test apparatus (Core cutter and Sand replacement)
- Permeability test apparatus (Constant head and Falling head)
- Standard Proctor Compaction test apparatus
- Consolidometer
- Shear strength test apparatus (Direct Shear, UCC, Vane Shear and Triaxial)
- Standard Penetration test apparatus with all accessories
- CBR Test apparatus with all accessories
- Plate Load Bearing test apparatus with all accessories

Concrete and Highway Laboratory (131 sq.m.)
- Slump Cone Apparatus
- Compaction Factor Test Apparatus
- Flow Table Apparatus
- Vee Bee Consistometer
- Compression Testing Machine (100T & 300T Capacity)
- Universal Testing Machine (40T Capacity)
- Digital Compressometer
- Digital Extensometer
- Impact Testing Machine
- Crushing Strength Apparatus
- Loss Angles Apparatus
- Deval Attrition Test Apparatus
- Bitumen/Tar Standard Penetrometer
- Bitumen Ductility Testing Machine
- Tar Viscometer
- Ring and Ball Apparatus – Bitumen
- Pensky Marten Flash and Fire Point Test Apparatus
- Marshall’s Stability Test Apparatus
- Bitumen Extractor/Centrifuge Extractor
- Plate/Table Vibrator (50cmx50cm)
- Needle Vibrator
- Cement Mortar Cube Vibrating Machine
Construction Materials and Technology Laboratory (500 sq. m.)
- Vicat Apparatus, Sieves and Sieve Shaker, Lechatlier’s Apparatus
- Pyconometer, IS Sieves, Buoyancy Balance, Flakiness Gauge, Elongation Gauge
- Slump Cone, Compaction Factor Apparatus, Vee Bee Consistometer,
- Flow Table – Concrete and Cement Mortar
- 500 kNDigital Compression Testing Machine
- L Box, U Box, V Funnel
- Concrete Permeability Test Apparatus
- Hot Air Oven, Digital Scale
- Non Destructive Testing Equipment – Rebound Hammer, Profometer, Resipod (Resistivity Meter), Half Cell Potential Apparatus, Core Cutter
- Potentiostat – Electrochemical Work Station for Corrosion Analysis
- Sophisticated 8 Channel NI Data Acquisition System – Load and Strain Measurement
- Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability Apparatus
- Acceleration Corrosion Test Apparatus
- Coating Thickness Guage
- Ion Conductivity Meter – Chloride Analyser
- 5.5 digit Multimeter
- Sophisticated DC Power Supply unit

Environmental Engineering Laboratory (120 sq.m.)
- pH Meter
- Turbidity Meter
- Hot Air oven (0 to 200°C)
- Muffle Furnace (0 to 600°C)
- Jar Test apparatus
- Flame Photo Meter
- Atomic Absorption Spectro Photometer
- UV-VIS Double Beam Spectrophotometer
- Peristaltic pump
- Water and soil Analysis Kit
- BOD Incubator
- COD Digester
- Indoor Air Quality Sampler

Computer Laboratory (156 sq.m.)
- Computer System – Core i5 3rd Gen Processor, 16 GB RAM – 19 nos.
- Computer System – AMD Veriton Processor, 8 GB RAM – 20 nos.
- Computer System – Core 2 duo Processor, 4 GB RAM – 32 nos.
- Computer System – Wipro i5 Processor, 4 GB RAM – 1 no.
- Primavera P6, Perpetual License – 10 users
- Cost X, Licensed – 30 users
- Auto CAD, Educational License Version

Survey Laboratory (102 sq.m.)
- Total Station (Trimble Focus) – 3 nos
- Total Station (Kolida) -2 nos
- Auto level – 5nos
- Transit Vernier theodolite – 20 nos
- GPS Q Mini Serial – 1 no
- Dumpy level – 5 nos.

Structural Engineering Laboratory (253 sq.m.)
- FIE Universal Testing Machine, Model UTES-100
- Rod Type linear potentiometer(100 ohms Spring Return)
- Horizontal shake table with Experimental Models
- 5T Electrically operated hydraullic power pack
- VEE-Bee Consistometer, Compaction Factor Apparatus
- Concrete Permeability Apparatus with Compressometer
- 10T Capacity Loading Frame
- 5T Capacity Servo – hydraulic activator with a standard two column fixed loading frame
- AIM-378-DG-S2 Digital Lateral Extensometer Combined Compressometer & Extensometer
- Data Logging & Signal Conditioning system with 8 channels
- AIM -390-Air Permeability Apparatus
- Round Drum semi automatic concrete mixer 100kg capacity
- AIM-404 Shrinkage Bar Mould with 4 Compartments
- 100KN Capacity Strain Controlled Universal Testing Machine (100KN)
- Self Consolidating Concrete Apparatus
- Concrete Crack Microscope
- 50T Load Cell – Compression type with 10m Cable
- 100mm Displacement LVDT Sensor with 5m Cable
- 20 Channel Data Logger
- Data Acquisition System with Vibration Analyses Software
- Computerized Displacement & Strain Recording Equipment
- AC LVDT with Magnetic Stand (0 to 10mm & 0 to 50mm)
- String Potentiometer 0 to 50mm
- Displacement Sensor (0-10mm & 0 – 50mm) Spring loaded
- Pundit Lab Ultrasonic Testing Instrument

GIS Laboratory (100 sq.m)
- Bentley Academic Bundle Select (5 users)
- Quantum GIS (QGIS) – Educational Version