The department has 14 well established state of the art laboratories.
- Electronic Devices Laboratory
- Electronic Circuits Laboratory
- Digital Electronics Laboratory
- Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
- Communication Systems Laboratory
- Microwave and Optical Communications Laboratory
- Microprocessor Laboratory
- Embedded System Design Laboratory
- Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
- VLSI Laboratory
- Analog IC Design lab
- Network Laboratory
- NI CDP (Competence Development Program) Laboratory
- Computer Laboratory
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AIIoT) Laboratory
An Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AIIoT) laboratory was established in Aug 2022. The AIIoT lab is a research and development center that focuses on exploring and developing the potential of combining AI and IoT technologies. The lab would aim to create intelligent and connected systems that can efficiently collect, process, analyze, and act on data in real-time.

Industry Support
Denvik Technology pvt ltd Chennai sponsored LoRa Gateway module for IoT applications.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

- This lab is equipped with Licensed MATLAB software and DSP trainer kits and Code Composer Studio (CCStudio)
- Texas Instruments DSP kits (TMS320C6713, TMS 320C5416 etc.) are used for hardware experiments with MATLAB-SIMULINK compatibility
- The lab experiments and exercises sequentially expose students to master complex DSP concepts
National Instruments-Competence Development Program (NI-CDP) Laboratory

- This lab is established in association with National Instruments, Bangalore
- It is equipped with the MyDAQ, MyRIO ,CRIO,PITSCO TETRIX KIT, USRP facility which helps the students to work on the Internet of things, 5G Communication, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Licensed LabVIEW software tool are used
- Training on Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) & Certified LabVIEW Developer are provided
VLSI Laboratory

- The lab is equipped with licensed Xilinx ISE integrated environment and Xilinx Vivado Design Suite experiments related to curriculum as well as research
- It consists of Xilinx & Altera FPGA Board for design, verification and testing related experiments
- The applications designs developed so far are full custom design and semicustom design
- The FPGA boards supporting the above applications were developed on Spartan Board, NEXYS Board, Altera DE1 and DE2 board, Virtx4 and virtex 5 boards and also the latest series ZED board
- Interested students in the area of VLSI Design carry out development of Digital circuits and transistor level designs to support real time applications
Analog IC Design Labarotary

- The lab has industry standard Cadence software supporting 180nm, 90nm and FinFet technology library for carrying out IC design related experiments
- Students can carry out a number of experiments using cadence software, illustrating fundamental concepts, layout design and applications of Analog & digital circuits both as full custom design and semicustom design
- These tools are also well integrated with a variety of Cadence simulation and physical implementation tools
- The cadence package comprises, Composer (schematic capture), Virtuoso (layout generation), Spectre HDL (circuit simulation), Diva tools (DRC, LVS, ERC, extraction) tools, students are able to design analog integrated circuits
Embedded System Design Laboratory

- This Laboratory comprising of good infrastructure and industry standard modern equipment to provide the students with hands-on experience with programming, testing, and debugging in real time Embedded system platform
- It also facilitates the students and Research scholars to design innovative project and interdisciplinary Research to enrich their skills on the recent trends and technologies
- This lab provides Industry Interaction and some of the leadings industries involved are
- Jasmin InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Chennai
- Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd
- Altran Technologies
- Wegot Utility Solutions
- Denvik Technology Pvt Ltd
- Gill Instruments Bangalore
It also carries out Consultancy under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Scheme and some of the projects are listed below:
- “Monitoring System for Dementia Patients” for SCARF organization, Chennai ,Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai. (Ongoing Project)
- “Digital Assistance for Elder People” for Saranalayam Old Age Home, Chennai , Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai.(Ongoing Project)
Industry Projects
In Collaboration with the leading industries some of the highlighted projects carried out are,
- “Seat Heating Control System for Modern Vehicle Using AUTOSAR” for Jasmin InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Chennai during (2019-2020)
- “Deep learning based Recognition of Safety Wearables and Access Provision”- for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2018-2019
- “Fault Detection on FCTJ module in 4G Airscale Line outgoing inspection System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during-2018-2019
- “Smart Weight Goverening System for Nokia Solutions” and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2017-2018
- “Employee Tracking System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2015-2016
Product Development
The following products were designed and donated to the Govt Higher Secondary School Karanaipuduchery, Chennai by the Social Technical Service Club during 2017-18
- Automatic School Bell System
- Automatic Water Tank level control
- Fingerprint Attendance Monitoring System
On Going Research Areas
- Multicore Architecture
- Automotive Embedded System
- Image Processing
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- This Laboratory comprising of good infrastructure and industry standard modern equipment to provide the students with hands-on experience with programming, testing, and debugging in real time Embedded system platform
- It also facilitates the students and Research scholars to design innovative project and interdisciplinary Research to enrich their skills on the recent trends and technologies
- This lab provides Industry Interaction and some of the leadings industries involved are
- Jasmin InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Chennai
- Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd
- Altran Technologies
- Wegot Utility Solutions
- Denvik Technology Pvt Ltd
- Gill Instruments Bangalore
It also carries out Consultancy under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Scheme and some of the projects are listed below:
- “Monitoring System for Dementia Patients” for SCARF organization, Chennai ,Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai. (Ongoing Project)
- “Digital Assistance for Elder People” for Saranalayam Old Age Home, Chennai , Project funded by Jasmin Infotech Private Ltd Chennai.(Ongoing Project)
Industry Projects
In Collaboration with the leading industries some of the highlighted projects carried out are,
- “Seat Heating Control System for Modern Vehicle Using AUTOSAR” for Jasmin InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Chennai during (2019-2020)
- “Deep learning based Recognition of Safety Wearables and Access Provision”- for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2018-2019
- “Fault Detection on FCTJ module in 4G Airscale Line outgoing inspection System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during-2018-2019
- “Smart Weight Goverening System for Nokia Solutions” and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2017-2018
- “Employee Tracking System” for Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt.Ltd Chennai during 2015-2016
Product Development
The following products were designed and donated to the Govt Higher Secondary School Karanaipuduchery, Chennai by the Social Technical Service Club during 2017-18
- Automatic School Bell System
- Automatic Water Tank level control
- Fingerprint Attendance Monitoring System
On Going Research Areas
- Multicore Architecture
- Automotive Embedded System
- Image Processing
- Internet of Things (IoT)
RF & Microwave Lab

- The RF & Microwave Lab is equipped with high precision and Industrial standard instrumentations
- Supports a wide range of projects and experiments that involve:
- Properties of microwave sources
- Measurement of Microwave antennas
- Properties of Dielectric materials
- Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Testing of Micro strip Antennas
- EMI Measurements
- Electromagnetic Systems Simulation using ANSYS® HFSS
Specialized Equipment’s

- NI USRP-2920 50 MHz TO 2.2 GHz Software Radio
- Corel tech 2X2 MIMO Software Defined Radio(SDR)
- PCB milling Machine MITS PCB Prototype machine (Model: Eleven Lab)
- Agilent Vector Network Analyzer – 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz
- Agilent RF power meters with Power Sensors (10MHz to – 18GHz) (1µW to 100mW)
- N9925A Vector Network Analyzer Operating Frequency 30 KHz to 9 GHz
- DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope): up to 100 Mhz (2 Channels)
- Bit error rate tester
- Optical power source, power meter
- PIN Photo Diode (Si-850nm) Module, Avalanche Photo Diode (Si-850nm) module
- Single mode characteristics study setup, OTDR
- Power supply for CVS 24V, 50W
- IEEE Basler camera NEIR SCA 750, 60fm, Micron MT9V022 progressive scan CMOS
- Scientek power meters with Power Sensors (10MHz to – 18GHz) (1µW to 100mW)
- Agilent 500 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope (1 GSa/s)
- Agilent 100 MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes (2 GSa/s) (2 Analog + 16 Logical Channels)
- Agilent 200 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators
- Agilent 6 ½ Digit precision millimeters
- MIC components Spectrum Analyzer: Operating Frequency of up to 500 Mhz.
- Optical kit for ISDN
- OFT Trainer Kit
- 850nm, 1300nm LED Module
- Power meter 650/850nm, Power meter 850/1300/1550nm
- NI compact vision system CVS 1456
- IEEE Basler camera monochrome-Basler SCA 640-70fm, IEEE 1394b, 659*490, 70fps
Specialized Software
- MATLAB R-14 (10 users license)
- HFSS Simulator – 5 users license
- Code composer studio- platinum edition
- MathCAD software
- Mentorgraphics_FPGAAdvantage_VLSI Software
- ORCAD Release 10.3
- Microwind Transistor Level Spice Modeling Software-VLSI layout simulator tool
- IAR embedded work bench
- Cadence software
- IE3D – 50 users license
- NI lab view
- MATLAB and Network Simulator
- Network Simulator NS2
- Xilinx foundation software ISE 4.1i
- MDSPICE MIC simulation software
- Mentor graphics –HEP1 Pack (nano meter design)
- Keil software for ARM processor
- Keil Software for 8051