EVENTS 2022-23
Events 2022-23
Inauguration of Activities of Societies (20.10.2022)
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure inaugurated the activities of the Society of Civil Engineers, Students Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers, and Indian Concrete Institute for the academic year 2022-2023 on 20.10.2022. The Dean, School of Infrastructure Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan & Faculty Coordinator Dr.Nisha Khanam (Assistant Professor) welcomed the gathering. The newly elected office bearers of various societies were introduced by the Dean (SOI) to the gathering. Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean (Academic Affairs) delivered the presidential address. The Chief Guest Mr.S.Janakumaran, Project Director, National Highway Authority of India, Chennai inaugurated the society activities and delivered a lecture on “Process of Implementing Infrastructure Projects”. The UG and PG students & faculty members attended the inaugural function.
BCA & B.Sc(CS) student Induction Programme on 14.10.2022 Department of Computer Applications conducted the student induction programme for I year BCA and B.Sc (Computer Science) students on 14.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre.240 students attended the programme. Mr.Ashok Anand Ramakrishnan Compliance Leader, IBM Kyndryl Solutions was the chief guest. He enthralled the students with his talk and gave valuable tips to the students on how to succeed in this competitive world.
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MCA Orientation Programme on 12.10.2022 Department of Computer Applications conducted the Orientation programme for I MCA students on 12.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre. 122 students attended the programme. Mr.Rahman Khan President RK Automation LLC, USA who is the alumni of MCA was the chief guest. He shared his experiences with the students and the session was very lively and interactive.
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Technical Webinar on Automation and Industry 4.0 in Polymer Industries on 09.10.2022
Exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” on 27th September 2022 The exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” was organized by the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Department of Mechanical Engineering on 27.09.2022. The exhibition was coordinated by Dr. S. Jeavudeen. The mobile vehicle of FESTO that exhibit the various pneumatic components and systems of FESTO was brought to our campus. The expo offered awareness for the undergraduate students on the various types of pneumatic components used in the industry to develop automatic systems. It also featured a variety of Dynamic and Static displays with an emphasis on fast and easy ways of understanding the latest product applications of Pneumatic technology in Industrial Automation. Demonstration on the automation of pick and place functions, machine vision systems that identify components, automatic mixing of ingredients for pharma applications and many other industrial applications attracted the students. Working principle of the components used in these systems was also explained. A batch of maximum 15 members was allowed inside the vehicle to visit in each slot of 15 minutes. Students from Mechanical Engineering and other branches showed interested and waited in queue and visited the vehicle. Students got benefitted and gave very good feedback.
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Inauguration of Mechanical Societies for 2022-23 Department of Mechanical Engineering has four professional societies namely Society ofMechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineering (ISHRAE). These societies are conducting various events for the benefit of students. The inauguration of societies for the academic year 2022-23 was conducted on 22nd September 2022. Dr. N. Kulasekharan, Metier Technical Leader, Valeo India Private Ltd. inaugurated the society activities and delivered Keynote address. Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani, Head of the department of Mechanical Engineering welcomed the gathering. Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean School of Mechanical Sciences felicitated. Faculty coordinators & office bearers of the technical societies, Department staffs and students attended the function.
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Guest Lecture on “Studying a Master’s in the UK: A Journey” 19th September 2022 A guest lecture was jointly organised by the Centre for International Relations and the Office of Dean (Student Affairs) for final-year students on the topic, “Studying a Master’s in the UK: Your Journey” with the resource person Dr. Sally Clift, Associate Dean (International) and Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University of Bath, UK, on 19th September 2022.
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Meeting with the International Students on 15th September 2022 at the Centre for International Relations
Engineer’s Day (15th September 2022) Engineer’s Day was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institution of Science & Technology in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Kancheepuram local centre, on 15th September 2022. Dr. D. Elango, FIE, Chairman welcomed the gathering and gave presidential address. The keynote address was delivered by chief guest Er. M. Vasudevan, Superintending Engineer, Planning & Design Circle, PWD, Chepauk, Chennai. He started the lecture with the narration of efficient works of the legendary engineer and Bharat Ratna Sir Er. M. Visveshwaraya, who has done various projects in the field of Civil Engineering. He then explained the importance, the benefits, the job opportunities for Civil Engineering professionals. He also discussed the role of Civil Engineer under various divisions such as Construction, Irrigation, Geotechnical, Structural and so on, which motivated the young engineers.
Faculty Development Programme on Investment Awareness Program – An Introduction to Mutual Funds (12.09.2022) A one day faculty development programme was organised by the department of management studies in association with Sraddha Academy for Financial Education (S.A.F.E.), member of SEBI. The event was conducted on 12.09.2022 in the Seminar Hall, Crescent School of Business. The event was organised by the faculty members of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. There were more 60 faculty members participating the event. The main theme of the programme was to create awareness about financial investment among teaching fraternity. The Speaker Mr. Shankar Sundaresan, Securities Market Trainer & Founder and CEO of Sraddha Academy for Financial Education gave elaborate speech on mutual funds. The guest speaker was felicitated by our HOD with a memento. The programme was concluded by felicitation and vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Dr. Shanmugam, Head of the department, Department of Management Studies.
Regional workshop attended in Cochin organized by Study in India (A Flagship Project by the Ministry of Education) on 2nd September 2022
Colloquium on “Internationalisation at Home: Prospects and Benefits” held on 30th August 2022
On Campus Study Abroad Fair held on 24th August 2022 An On Campus Study Abroad Fair was organised jointly with Office of Student Affairs on 24.08.2022.
76th Independence Day Celebration – 2022 (15.08.2022) The 76th Independence Day was celebrated in our Institution on the 15th of August, 2022. Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, the Chancellor hoisted the National Flag and distributed certificates and prizes to the Independence day event winners from different schools situated in Chengalpattu district and adopted school children, and addressed the gathering. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, the Registrar welcomed the gathering; Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, the Vice Chancellor delivered the presidential address; Gp. Capt. [Retd] Dr. R. Venkataraman, General Manager, Madras Management Association and Wg. Cdr.[Retd] C. Arul Chamy, Air Force were invited as special guest and addressed the gathering. Mr. VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager also participated in the event. Dr. S. Selvakumar, Director – Physical Education concluded the event with the Vote of Thanks. The 76th Independence Day celebration was also witnessed with Cultural Programs like Silambam, Patriotic Act and Classical Dance. Various Competition was conducted by our department of Physical Education, NSS, and Office of Student Affairs under the FIT India movement to celebrate the “Azadi Ka Mahotsav” and “Har Gar Tiranga”.
Visit of faculty from UNITAR International University, Malaysia (08th August 2022) Ms. Sundari Subasini, Lecturer and Programme Leader of Language and Communication, UNITAR International University, Malaysia visited our institute on 08th August 2022 (Monday) to discuss the possiblities of collaboration between the Department of English of BSACIST and the Faculty of Education and Humanities, UNITAR. A meeting was held with Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. P. Rathna, Director, Centre for International Relations (CIR), Dr. H. Sofia, Head of the department of English and the faculty members of the department of English at the Office of Director, CIR. Ms. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam, Assst. Prof. (SG) / English welcomed the delegates and faculty members. Dr.H. Sofia, Head of the department of English presented an overview of the department, the areas of research expertise /interest of the facutly members and the strengths and achievements of the department. Ms.Sundari outlined the purpose of her visit. She discussed the programmes offered and facilities available at UNITAR.
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Discussion to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022 Department of Polymer Engineering arranged a discussion with Ms.Annama Jacob Regional Manager (South), to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022
Interactive Webinar Series on “Outcome – Based Curriculum Design” 1st – 5th August 2022 Office of Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Office of Dean Academic Affairs (AA) organized an Interactive Webinar Series on Outcome – Based Curriculum Design during 1st – 5th August 2022 in Seminar – Hall I, Convention Centre. Around 150 faculty members from various departments / schools participated in the webinar series and got benefitted. An eminent personality and educationalist, Prof. Dr. N. J. Rao, Professor Rtd. IISC Bengaluru was the resource person for all the 5 days and the event was conducted through blended mode. Timings: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on all the days. The inaugural function of interactive webinar series was held on 01.08.2022, 9.30 a.m. Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor gave special address followed by felicitation from Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Registrar. Dr. A. Abudhahir, Director, IQAC introduced the resource person to the audience. Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed gave welcome address and vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. M. Mohamed Ismail, Deputy Dean, AA.
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Technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” (06.07.2022) A technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” was organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure on 06.07.2022 in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers (India). The Dr.H.O. Thakare, President (IEI),Dr.D.Elango,FIE, Council Member & Chairman, Kanchipuram Local Centre, IEI and Dr.G.Shanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary, IEI Kanchipuram Local Centre presided over the function. The panelist members Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohamed, Professor & Dean-Academic Affairs, BSACIST and Dr.A.Leema Rose, Associate Professor, SRM Valliamai Engineering College had delivered the keynote lectures on “Galvanized Steel Rebars for Durable and Sustainable Reinforced Concrete”. Around 138 participants including faculty members and students participated in this programme. They gained knowledge about the sustainability and its benefits in the field of constructions. Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Professor & Dean, School of Infrastructure thanked the members of IEI, the speakers, faculty members and students.

BCA & B.Sc(CS) student Induction Programme on 14.10.2022 Department of Computer Applications conducted the student induction programme for I year BCA and B.Sc (Computer Science) students on 14.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre.240 students attended the programme. Mr.Ashok Anand Ramakrishnan Compliance Leader, IBM Kyndryl Solutions was the chief guest. He enthralled the students with his talk and gave valuable tips to the students on how to succeed in this competitive world.

MCA Orientation Programme on 12.10.2022 Department of Computer Applications conducted the Orientation programme for I MCA students on 12.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre. 122 students attended the programme. Mr.Rahman Khan President RK Automation LLC, USA who is the alumni of MCA was the chief guest. He shared his experiences with the students and the session was very lively and interactive.

Technical Webinar on Automation and Industry 4.0 in Polymer Industries on 09.10.2022

Department of Polymer Engineering organized a webinar on “Automation and Industry 4.0 in Polymer Industries” by T.Nandakumar, Director, Wittmann Battenfield, India, Pvt. Ltd. on 09.10.2021.
Exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” on 27th September 2022 The exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” was organized by the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Department of Mechanical Engineering on 27.09.2022. The exhibition was coordinated by Dr. S. Jeavudeen. The mobile vehicle of FESTO that exhibit the various pneumatic components and systems of FESTO was brought to our campus. The expo offered awareness for the undergraduate students on the various types of pneumatic components used in the industry to develop automatic systems. It also featured a variety of Dynamic and Static displays with an emphasis on fast and easy ways of understanding the latest product applications of Pneumatic technology in Industrial Automation. Demonstration on the automation of pick and place functions, machine vision systems that identify components, automatic mixing of ingredients for pharma applications and many other industrial applications attracted the students. Working principle of the components used in these systems was also explained. A batch of maximum 15 members was allowed inside the vehicle to visit in each slot of 15 minutes. Students from Mechanical Engineering and other branches showed interested and waited in queue and visited the vehicle. Students got benefitted and gave very good feedback.

Inauguration of Mechanical Societies for 2022-23 Department of Mechanical Engineering has four professional societies namely Society ofMechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineering (ISHRAE). These societies are conducting various events for the benefit of students. The inauguration of societies for the academic year 2022-23 was conducted on 22nd September 2022. Dr. N. Kulasekharan, Metier Technical Leader, Valeo India Private Ltd. inaugurated the society activities and delivered Keynote address. Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani, Head of the department of Mechanical Engineering welcomed the gathering. Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean School of Mechanical Sciences felicitated. Faculty coordinators & office bearers of the technical societies, Department staffs and students attended the function.

Guest Lecture on “Studying a Master’s in the UK: A Journey” 19th September 2022 A guest lecture was jointly organised by the Centre for International Relations and the Office of Dean (Student Affairs) for final-year students on the topic, “Studying a Master’s in the UK: Your Journey” with the resource person Dr. Sally Clift, Associate Dean (International) and Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University of Bath, UK, on 19th September 2022.

Meeting with the International Students on 15th September 2022 at the Centre for International Relations

Engineer’s Day (15th September 2022) Engineer’s Day was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institution of Science & Technology in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Kancheepuram local centre, on 15th September 2022. Dr. D. Elango, FIE, Chairman welcomed the gathering and gave presidential address. The keynote address was delivered by chief guest Er. M. Vasudevan, Superintending Engineer, Planning & Design Circle, PWD, Chepauk, Chennai. He started the lecture with the narration of efficient works of the legendary engineer and Bharat Ratna Sir Er. M. Visveshwaraya, who has done various projects in the field of Civil Engineering. He then explained the importance, the benefits, the job opportunities for Civil Engineering professionals. He also discussed the role of Civil Engineer under various divisions such as Construction, Irrigation, Geotechnical, Structural and so on, which motivated the young engineers.

Faculty Development Programme on Investment Awareness Program – An Introduction to Mutual Funds (12.09.2022) A one day faculty development programme was organised by the department of management studies in association with Sraddha Academy for Financial Education (S.A.F.E.), member of SEBI. The event was conducted on 12.09.2022 in the Seminar Hall, Crescent School of Business. The event was organised by the faculty members of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. There were more 60 faculty members participating the event. The main theme of the programme was to create awareness about financial investment among teaching fraternity. The Speaker Mr. Shankar Sundaresan, Securities Market Trainer & Founder and CEO of Sraddha Academy for Financial Education gave elaborate speech on mutual funds. The guest speaker was felicitated by our HOD with a memento. The programme was concluded by felicitation and vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Dr. Shanmugam, Head of the department, Department of Management Studies.

Regional workshop attended in Cochin organized by Study in India (A Flagship Project by the Ministry of Education) on 2nd September 2022

The Director CIR, attended a regional workshop organised by Study in India, for its newly registered partner institutes in order to inform them about the “Study in India” program, Process to fill in the courses details, SIITracks – Scholarship disbursement software, the event plan for the next Academic Year 2023-24, etc., at Kochi on 2nd September 2022.
Colloquium on “Internationalisation at Home: Prospects and Benefits” held on 30th August 2022

A Colloquium on “Internationalisation at Home: Prospects and Benefits” was organised jointly with Office of Director, IQAC, exclusively for HoD’s, Deans and Directors on 30.08.2022, with a chief objective to promote International admissions, Internships, International funding agencies, academic and research collaborations. The Resource Person, Dr.Sivaperumal Sampath, Director, International Relations & Dean (Sponsored Research), Presidency University, Bengaluru, India gave valuable inputs on these activities.
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On Campus Study Abroad Fair held on 24th August 2022 An On Campus Study Abroad Fair was organised jointly with Office of Student Affairs on 24.08.2022.

76th Independence Day Celebration – 2022 (15.08.2022) The 76th Independence Day was celebrated in our Institution on the 15th of August, 2022. Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, the Chancellor hoisted the National Flag and distributed certificates and prizes to the Independence day event winners from different schools situated in Chengalpattu district and adopted school children, and addressed the gathering. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, the Registrar welcomed the gathering; Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, the Vice Chancellor delivered the presidential address; Gp. Capt. [Retd] Dr. R. Venkataraman, General Manager, Madras Management Association and Wg. Cdr.[Retd] C. Arul Chamy, Air Force were invited as special guest and addressed the gathering. Mr. VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager also participated in the event. Dr. S. Selvakumar, Director – Physical Education concluded the event with the Vote of Thanks. The 76th Independence Day celebration was also witnessed with Cultural Programs like Silambam, Patriotic Act and Classical Dance. Various Competition was conducted by our department of Physical Education, NSS, and Office of Student Affairs under the FIT India movement to celebrate the “Azadi Ka Mahotsav” and “Har Gar Tiranga”.

Visit of faculty from UNITAR International University, Malaysia (08th August 2022) Ms. Sundari Subasini, Lecturer and Programme Leader of Language and Communication, UNITAR International University, Malaysia visited our institute on 08th August 2022 (Monday) to discuss the possiblities of collaboration between the Department of English of BSACIST and the Faculty of Education and Humanities, UNITAR. A meeting was held with Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. P. Rathna, Director, Centre for International Relations (CIR), Dr. H. Sofia, Head of the department of English and the faculty members of the department of English at the Office of Director, CIR. Ms. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam, Assst. Prof. (SG) / English welcomed the delegates and faculty members. Dr.H. Sofia, Head of the department of English presented an overview of the department, the areas of research expertise /interest of the facutly members and the strengths and achievements of the department. Ms.Sundari outlined the purpose of her visit. She discussed the programmes offered and facilities available at UNITAR.

Discussion to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022 Department of Polymer Engineering arranged a discussion with Ms.Annama Jacob Regional Manager (South), to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022

Interactive Webinar Series on “Outcome – Based Curriculum Design” 1st – 5th August 2022 Office of Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Office of Dean Academic Affairs (AA) organized an Interactive Webinar Series on Outcome – Based Curriculum Design during 1st – 5th August 2022 in Seminar – Hall I, Convention Centre. Around 150 faculty members from various departments / schools participated in the webinar series and got benefitted. An eminent personality and educationalist, Prof. Dr. N. J. Rao, Professor Rtd. IISC Bengaluru was the resource person for all the 5 days and the event was conducted through blended mode. Timings: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on all the days. The inaugural function of interactive webinar series was held on 01.08.2022, 9.30 a.m. Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor gave special address followed by felicitation from Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Registrar. Dr. A. Abudhahir, Director, IQAC introduced the resource person to the audience. Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed gave welcome address and vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. M. Mohamed Ismail, Deputy Dean, AA.

Technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” (06.07.2022) A technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” was organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure on 06.07.2022 in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers (India). The Dr.H.O. Thakare, President (IEI),Dr.D.Elango,FIE, Council Member & Chairman, Kanchipuram Local Centre, IEI and Dr.G.Shanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary, IEI Kanchipuram Local Centre presided over the function. The panelist members Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohamed, Professor & Dean-Academic Affairs, BSACIST and Dr.A.Leema Rose, Associate Professor, SRM Valliamai Engineering College had delivered the keynote lectures on “Galvanized Steel Rebars for Durable and Sustainable Reinforced Concrete”. Around 138 participants including faculty members and students participated in this programme. They gained knowledge about the sustainability and its benefits in the field of constructions. Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Professor & Dean, School of Infrastructure thanked the members of IEI, the speakers, faculty members and students.