Information Technology
Events of information technology
EVENTS ORGANIZED (2024 – 2025)
Workshop on “Developing a website using HTML, CSS and JS” on 27th August 2024
The Department of Information Technology organized a hands-on workshop on “DEVELOPING A WEBSITE USING HTML, CSS AND JS” on 27th August 2024 from 1.45 pm to 4.00 pm for the benefit of 2nd year B. Tech IT students. The Resource Person of the workshop is Mrs. K. Kalaivani, Technical Trainer, LIVEWIRE, TAMBARAM, Chennai. A total of 62 students have attended the workshop. This hands-on workshop guided the students through the process of developing interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, supported by Visual Studio Code.
EVENTS ORGANIZED (2023 – 2024)
IBM Project Based Boot Camp on Cloud and AI
The Department of Information Technology in association with Edunet Foundation and IBM has successfully conducted 4-days “IBM Project Based Boot Camp on Cloud and AI Technologies” from 12.3.24 to 16.3.24. The second, third and final year students of B.Tech(IT) attended the bootcamp and were given hands-on experience in IBM industry tools pertaining to Cloud, Data science and Artificial Intelligence.
The IBM boot camp Programme utilized cloud-based services like IBM Cloud and Watson Studio for access to cutting-edge industry tools and the students gained exposure to technologies used by professionals, enhancing their skillset.
An industry relevant real time project using IBM Cloud in the fields of Data analytics, AI, and NLP has been completed thereby enhancing comprehension and skill development of the undergraduate students. The students received professionally recognized badges and certificates from IBM on “Journey to Cloud: Envisioning your solution”, “Getting started with Enterprise Data science” and “Getting started with Enterprise-grade AI” during the training sessions of the bootcamp.
The IBM Skill Build Programme was coordinated by Dr.N.Prakash, Professor & Head/IT and Dr.G.Kavitha, Professor & Directoric/CITL. We thank our Vice-Chancellor Dr.T.Murugesan, Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Registrar and Dr. Sharmila Sankar, Dean(SCIMS) for their motivation and support in organizing this IBM Bootcamp.

Workshop on Time Series Analysis on 3.10.2023
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a hands-on training on “Time Series Analysis” on 3rd october 2023 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm for third year and final year B. Tech IT students. The Resource Person of the workshop is, Ms.Sindhu.S, Corporate Trainer & Technical Leader, LIVEWIRE, Chennai. A total of 60 participants including B. Tech IT students and faculty members attended the workshop. This intensive and insightful workshop centered around the basics of data science and gave hands-on practice in time series analysis.

EVENTS ORGANIZED (2022 – 2023)
Workshop on “Cyber Security and a glimpse on Bug Bounties” on 17th Feb 2023

Workshop on “Network Security” on 19th October 2022
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a workshop on “Network Security” on 19th October 2022 from 10.15 am to 12.30 p.m.for 2nd year B. Tech IT students.
The Resource Person of the workshop is Mr. Abdul Khader, Lead Network Engineer, Freshworks Ltd. A total of 70 participants including B.Tech IT students, faculty members attended the workshop. Mr. Abdul Khader discussed about network security, 7 layer model, types of network security protections like firewall, Remote access VPN, Network segmentation, access control, zero trust network access, email security, data loss prevention.

Workshop on “Application of AI and ML in the Industry” on 18th October 2022
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a hands on training on “Application of AI and ML in the Industry” on 18th October 2022 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm for 3rd year B. Tech IT students. The Resource Person of the workshop is Mr.Govind Kumar, Vice president, Zebpay (Crypto/ Blockchain Exchange). A total of 60 participants (3rd year B. Tech IT students and faculty members attended the workshop. Mr.Govind Kumar discussed about information on Artificial Intelligence, Automation, chat bots, Adaptive Intelligence, Algorithm Trading, and ML.

EVENTS ORGANIZED (2021 – 2022)
Alumni Webinar on “Rearchitecting Front-end Monorepos with GraphQL and Edge Servers” on 29th October 2021 by Mr. Nawaz Khan (Alumnus of B.Tech IT 2006-10 batch), Senior Engineer at Everlane, San Francisco, USA.
Webinar on “The importance of Ethical Hacking” on 31.08.2021
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized an online Webinar on “The importance of Ethical Hacking” on 31st August 2021 from 11.15 am to 12.45 pm through Zoom meeting.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr. Manoj Kashyap, Co-founder & Technical Head, Ethical Byte. A total of 270 participants including students, faculty members from various Institutions attended the webinar. Mr. Manoj Kashayap discussed about various kinds of hardware attacks, attacks on IOT devices and the awareness required for securing our Smartphone in the day-to-day activities. Also he demonstrated about DoS attacks (Wikipedia, Zoom), Router attacks and the attacks happened recently in the Tesla electric car.
The resource person explained about shell scripting with a demonstration in Linux environment. And he discussed about the design of a pen drive with 3D printer. The discussion was continued about the Crunch tool and Yersinia tools to crack the usernames and passwords (face book) of social media accounts. The resource person advised the participants not to click on the links shared in emails and not to download the attachments which are coming from unknown sources. It was very exciting for the participants to have interaction with resource person and cleared their queries. The participants appreciated the resource person and the informative session in their feedback.
Coveners : Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinator : Mr. N. Rajendran, AP (Sr.Gr) / IT
Co-coordinators : Ms. Nabeena Ameen, AP (Sr.Gr) / IT, Dr. P. Gnanasekaran, AP / IT, Ms. A. Sonya, AP / IT.

EVENTS ORGANIZED (2020 – 2021)
Webinar on “Smartphone Security” – 27th May 2021
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized an online Webinar on “Smartphone Security” on 27th May 2021 from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm through Google Meet. The Resource Person of the webinar is Dr. S. Sibi Chakkaravarthy, Cyber Security Consultant, Chennai.
A total of 227 participants including students, faculty members from various Institutions and Industry persons registered for the webinar. Out of them 110 participants attended the webinar.
Dr. Sibi discussed about various kinds of mobile phone attacks and the awareness required for securing our Smartphone in the day-to-day activities. Also he demonstrated few smartphone attacks happened recently with real-time incidents. It was very exciting for the participants to have interaction with resource person and cleared their queries. The participants appreciated the resource person and the informative session in their feedback.
Conveners: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT, Dr. K.A. Varun Kumar, Assistant Professor / IT

Five Day Online STTP on “Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industry 4.0” (26.04.2021 to 30.04.2021)
A Five Day Online Short Term Training Programme on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industry 4.0 (Technologies and Solution Methodologies for Real-world Scenarios) 26.04.2021 to 30.04.2021was organized by School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, in association with Computer Society of India (CSI) and ICT Academy,through Zoom platform. The inaugural function was attended by the participants from various institutions and organizations along with faculty members and Heads of the various departments of this prestigious institution of repute with 37 years of academic excellence.
Inaugural Session started with Qirath, followed by Welcome Address by STTP Coordinator, Dr. GufranAhamed Ansari, Prof/CA & Director (CFSC). Presidential Address was delivered by Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean, SCIMS.The Chief Guestof the Inaugural function,Dr. Lalith Kumar Singh, Nuclear Scientist, NPCIL (BARC),Department of Atomic Energy,Govt. of India,delivered Keynote address on“Artificial Intelligence for Reliability Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems”.He explained the Markov models on reliability of systems and Petri Nets, which explains about the reliability prediction of safety critical systems.The second session was handled byDr. MohanrajVengadachalam, Data Scientist, Standard Chartered, Chennai, on the topic “Introduction to Industry 4.0 & AI and Industry 4.0 Applications in Image Processing”.Dr.Mohanraj, gave a brief introduction about Computer Vision and he gave several real time applications of Computer Vision.

Webinar on “Prag Robotics” for the final year B.Tech. (IT & CSE) students on 01.04.2021
The School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a Webinar on “Prag Robotics” for the final year B.Tech. (IT & CSE) students on 01.04.2021 through Google Meet. The Resource Person for the webinar is Mr. Kola Naveen, Robotics & A.I. Architect, Prag Robotics, Chennai. The main objective of the webinar is to impart the knowledge in the field of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics.
Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean (SCIMS) welcomed the Resource Person and Participants. Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD/IT and Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, HOD/CSE offered felicitation. Dr. P. Latchoumy, Associate Professor/IT coordinated the webinar.
The webinar has provided the participants with a deep understanding of industrial robotics & service robotics and the implementation of the same in final year project. The information and knowledge shared by the resourse person was very helpful for the students in choosing their project work in modern technologies like, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Robotics. Overall it was very useful to the students as it gave awareness about the latest technology.

Awareness Session on iOS App Development on 9th Nov 2020
BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre organized an online awareness session on “iOS App Development” on 9th Nov 2020 from 2.30 pm to 3.45 pm through Zoom online meeting. This session is organized to create awareness among the students of first year B.Tech., BCA and B.Sc (CS) joined in the academic year 2020-21.
The Resource Persons of the awareness session are Mr. V. Bala Subramani, ICT Solution Specialist – Education & Apple Solution Expert – Education from Datalogics, Chennai and Mr. U.S. Madhan, Co-Founder, Move-Up Learning Solution, Chennai & Product Technology Consultant.
A total of 45 students from various branches of BSACIST attended the awareness session.
The awareness session provided the students with basic idea on iOS App Development. This will help them to learn and develop iOS Apps / Games using Swift Programming Language and enhance their career in Mobile App Development. The resource persons also gave a clear picture on the worldwide growth of iOS App Development and demand for iOS App Developers.
The students interacted with the resource persons frequently and cleared their doubts regarding iOS App Development. The participants also appreciated the resource persons and the useful information shared by them during the session in their feedback.
Convener: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS
Coordinator: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT

Online awareness session on “iOS App Development” on 15th Oct 2020
BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre organized an online awareness session on “iOS App Development” on 15th Oct 2020 from 3.30 pm to 4.45 pm through Zoom online meeting.
The Resource Persons of the awareness session are Mr. V. Bala Subramani, ICT Solution Specialist – Education & Apple Solution Expert – Education from Datalogics, Chennai and Mr. U.S. Madhan, Co-Founder, Move-Up Learning Solution, Chennai & Product Technology Consultant.
A total of 35 students from various branches of BSACIST attended the awareness session.
The awareness session provided the students with basic idea on iOS App Development. This will help them to learn and develop iOS Apps / Games using Swift Programming Language and enhance their career in Mobile App Development. The resource persons also gave a clear picture on the worldwide growth of iOS App Development and demand for iOS App Developers.
The students interacted with the resource persons frequently and cleared their doubts regarding iOS App Development. The participants also appreciated the resource persons and the useful information shared by them during the session in their feedback.
Convener: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS
Coordinator: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT

One Day Online Training Programme on “Mobile App Development using App Inventor” 10th Oct 2020
BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre organized a one day online Training Programme on “Mobile App Development using App Inventor” on 10th Oct 2020 from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm through Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the training programme is Mr. F.M. Mohamed Farooq Abdullah, Development Engineer, Sirpi Software Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
A total of 32 participants including students and faculty members from various Institutions attended the training programme. The training programme provided the participants with basic idea on Mobile App Development. This will help them to develop small mobile apps / games and enhance their career in Mobile App Development. The resource person also gave a clear picture and demonstrated the use of Scratch Programing and App Inventor used for App Development.
The participants felt easy in learning and developing small mobile apps using App Inventor. The participants also appreciated the resource person and the quality content of the training programme in their feedback.
Convener: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS. Coordinator : Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT.
Co-coordinators : Mr. A. Salman Ayaz, Assistant Professor / CA, Mr. V.M. Niaz Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CA, Dr. A.K. Ashfauk Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CSE

Webinar on “Cyber Security Simplified” on 11th September 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized an online Webinar on “Cyber Security Simplified” on 11th September 2020 from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm through Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr.Vijay Anand, Network Engineer, East Province Municipality, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
A total of 225 participants including students, faculty members from various Institutions and Industry persons registered for the webinar. Out of them 120 participants attended the webinar.
Mr. Vijay Anand discussed about various kinds of cyber-attacks and the awareness required for securing our day-to-day activities using the internet. Also he discussed about some cyber-attacks happened recently with real-time incidents. It was very exciting for the participants to have interaction with resource person and cleared their queries. The participants appreciated the resource person and the informative session in their feedback.
Conveners: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Dr. P. Gnanasekaran, Assistant Professor / IT, Ms. A. Sonya, Assistant Professor / IT

Webinar on “Career Opportunities in Linux and Open Source Software” on 25th August 2020
The School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized an online Webinar on “Career Opportunities in Linux and Open Source Software” in association with M/s Advantage Pro, Chennai, on 25th Aug 2020 from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm through Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr. N. Kathirvel, RHCI, Red Hat Trainer, Advantage Pro, Chennai. A total of 189 participants including students and faculty members from various Institutions registered for the webinar. Out of them 91 participants attended the webinar.
The webinar provided the participants with broader view on Linux and Open Source Software to help them shape their career, especially for the students after completing their graduation. The resource person also gave a clear picture and demonstrated the use of Open Source Software. Also he discussed about the security of Linux OS compared to the other Operating Systems available in the market.
It was very easy for the participants to understand the necessity of Open Source Software for the current needs. The participants appreciated the resource person and the quality content of the webinar in their feedback.
Convener: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS. Coordinator: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT
Co-coordinators : Dr. P. Gnanasekaran, Assistant Professor / IT, Dr. A.K. Ashfauk Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CSE, Mr. V.M. Niaz Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CA

FDP on “Agile Software Development – An Industry Perspective” during 25-29 June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a five days online FDP on “Agile Software Development – An Industry Perspective” during 25-29 June 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30am via Cisco WebEx Meeting App.
The objective of the FDP was to inculcate the latest industry practices in Software Development to the participants from Institute and Industry. All the resource persons who handled the sessions were from the leading IT industries, having outstanding experience in the domain.
The schedule of technical sessions is given below. (Time: 10.00 am to 11.30 am)
Day | Date | Topic | Resource Person | Designation |
1 | 25.06.2020 | Agile Methodologies | Mr. J. Premkumar | Software Architect, Reactore India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru |
2 | 26.06.2020 | Dockers | Mr. SelvakumarKamaraj | Technology Architect, Infosys, Chennai |
3 | 27.06.2020 | DevOps | Mr. S. Mohammed Bakkrudeen | Director – Life Sciences QE & A, CTS, Chennai |
4 | 28.06.2020 | Design Thinking | Ms. JananiJayaraman | Vice President, Morgan Stanley, New york |
5 | 29.06.2020 | Open Source Tools for Small Segment | Mr. T. ArunPrakash | Test Automation Architect, CTS, Chennai |
A total of 50 participants have registered for this event. Participants from various institutions / organizations across India and overseasattended the FDP.
The FDP provided the participants with latest trends and tools used in IT industries for Software Development with suitable demonstrations. The participants gave a positive feedback about all the sessions and showed their willingness to attend the future events by these resource persons.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Dr. N. Prakash, Associate Professor / IT, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Mr. N. Rajendran Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT

Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT) Security” on 18th June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a live Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT) Security” on 18th June 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:30pm via Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Dr. A. Athif Shah, Chairman and Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai. A total of 52 participants including faculty members and students from various Institutions attended the webinar.
The webinar provided the participants with broader view on IoT security and breaches in line with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning approaches with the help of intelligent learning models and real-life case study examples to help them shape their career, especially after COVID-19.
The resource person also gave a clear picture and demonstration of Artificial Intelligence using a video which we come across in the day to day activities. It was very easy for the participants to understand the concepts in a lively manner.
The participants appreciated the resource person and the quality content of the webinar in their feedback.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Dr. L. Shakkeera, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Ms. A. Sonya, Assistant Professor / IT

Webinar on “Cyber Forensics and Current Challenges” on 13th June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a live Webinar on “Cyber Forensics and Current Challenges” on 13th June 2020 from 11:00 am to 01:00pmvia Google Meet and YouTube Live. The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr. Gurcharan Singh, Faculty Member for Cyber Crimes, Central Detective Training Institute, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Chandigarh.
A total of 662 participants have registered for this event. Participants from various institutions across India and Overseasattended this online webinar.
This webinar is benefitted to 297 faculty members from various Institutions/Universities/Schools, 23 participants from industry, 6 participants from Tamilnadu Police, 13 Research scholars, 323 UG &School students. The webinar provided the participants with practical awareness of cybercrimes and vulnerabilities. The resource person also gave clear insights and demo of many attacks which we come across in day today activities.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Mr. N. Rajendran Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT, Dr. N. Prakash, Associate Professor / IT, Dr.R.Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT

Webinar on “Opportunities in E-Commerce” on 05th May 2020
Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information & Mathematical Sciences has organized a Webinar on “Opportunities in E-Commerce” for students and faculty members on 05th May 2020 (Tuesday) from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. A total of 95 partiipants from various Institutions participated in the webinar.
The resource person for this webinar is Mr. Nirmal Lal, Sales Manager, Flipkart, Bengaluru. He is alumni of Crescent (B.Tech., IT 2008-12 Batch).

Seminar on Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA on 13.03.2020
School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Seminar on “Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA” (A Real Time Demonstration on Blueprism RPA) on 13.03.2020 at 2.30 pm in Seminar Hall II, Convention Centre of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The second year students of the department of IT, CSE and CA have attended the seminar.
Resource Person for the seminar is Mr. M. Pradeep, Director – Information Technology, Netalla Innovations Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.
Around 150 students from the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences of our Institution participated in the seminar. This seminar was coordinated by Mr. A. Niaz Ahamed, Asst. Prof. / CA, Mr. N. Rajendran, Asst. Prof. (SG) / IT and Mr. D.S. Manoj Kumar, Asst. Prof. / CSE.

Three days Short Term Training on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security”
Three days Short Term Training on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security organized by School Of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, in association with ICT academy, IFF & TEXIAL from 11.03.2020 to 13.03.2020. The venue of the training is Cyber Security Innovation Lab, SCIMS. The convener of the program is Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/ SCIMS. The program was coordinated by Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, Associate Professor / CA and Mr. Syed Abdul Syed S, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) / CSE. The inauguration of the three day Short Term Training Programme on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security was held on 11-Mar-2020 at 9:45 a.m. at Seminar Hall – 1.
The inauguration session was addressed by our Dean of SCIMS, Dr. Venkatesan Selvan followed by the Presidential address given by our Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A. Peer Mohammed. The chief guest of the day Mr. Suresh Kumar founder and Director of Texial and IFF labs, Bangaluru, and Mr. Mohit Kumar Co founder of Texial Innovations, Bangaluru, gave the inaugural address followed by the Vote of Thanks given by Dr. Pakkir Mohaideen. The participants proceeded to the Research lab for the hands-on lab session
Inauguration of value added course Red Hat – RHCSA
Our Institution has signed a MoU with Red Hat Academy and planning to offer many value added programmes to our students to enrich their technical skills and increase their employability. As a part of this MoU, Red Hat Academy offers the Certification Programme “Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)” to our students on our campus during Mar – Apr 2020.
The course was inaugurated on 05.03.2020 at 4.30 pm in IT LAB 3, Dept of IT, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences. The inaugural address was given by Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD/ IT and he explained the importance of learning open source technologies. Mr. Ranjith Sengupta, Director, Advantage Pro briefed about the course and shared the current trends in open source technologies. Also he talked about “Why should an Engineer need to learn Open Source Operating Systems” and need for the same in IT career.
Two-Days Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning on 7th and 8th March 2019
The department of Information Technology organized two days workshop on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning” in association with Dcrew IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd., Chennai on 7th and 8th March 2019. Dr.I.Sathik Ali, Head of the Department welcomed the speakers and students for the two days technical workshop. The students, research scholars and faculty from various departments namely IT, CSE, E&I, CA and Commerce registered for the workshop.
The main objective of the workshop is to impart the knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep Learning and expose the students to the tools of AI. Mr. Dinesh Kumar Subramanian, Founder of DTeam (Research Division, Dcrew IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd.,) presented the concepts and hands on session of the workshop. Mr.Dinesh was accompanied by his team Mr.Vignesh Ram and Mr.Arjun for the two days training session.
Seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Use Cases” on 5th February 2019
The department of Information Technology organized a seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Use Cases” on 5th February 2019 for the final year students of B.Tech (I.T).
The seminar was presented by Mr.Navin Chander Jacob, Lead Manager, iNautix Technologies, Chennai. Mr.Navin started with the basics of linked list and discussed the basics of blockchain technology. He explained about how blockchain is created for the growing list of records and about linking the blocks using cryptography techniques. Mr.Navin discussed about the evolution of digital currency, the concept of bitcoins, businesses using bitcoins and also shared his views about cryptocurrency. The working of the blockchain was explained to the students with a banking transaction example. Mr.Navin dealt the concepts of hashing, digital signatures, accessing transaction data and its information.
Seminar on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” on 31st January 2019
Department of Information Technology has organized a seminar on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” on 31st January 2019 at 9.00 in Mechanical Seminar Hall, MS Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr. Brijesh Kumar Tippi, R&D Head, Image Infotainment Ltd., He has 12+ years of experience in Game Programming and Mobile Android Application. He is a post graduate in MCA from Osimania University, Hyderabad.
The students from II year B.Tech.IT, Students from III year B.Tech IT and faculty members of IT Department attended the seminar. The resource person gave an insight into the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and gave a demo on Virtual and Augmented reality with the devices. He gave application examples for all the mobile based AR & VR techniques. Real time demo and AR, VR applicators are shared with students for some of the real time projects.

Guest Lecture on “Software Testing using Junit” on 13.10.2018
Guest Lecture on “Software Testing using Junit” organized by Department of Information Technology, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, on 13.10.2018. The venue of the Guest Lecture is Project Lab, Department of Information Technology.
An eminent personality from Cognizant Technology Mr Arun Prakash Alumni from M.Tech-IT (2013) batch visited the Department of lnforamtion Technology on October 13, 2018 to deliver a guest lecture on “Software Testing using Junit”. Introduction of chief guest was given by Dr.N.Prakash, Assoc.Prof.
He gave a very good picture of how software can be tested and he also explained the significance of why software should be tested. He discussed about Junit and its importance.
Hands-on training Session on “Open Nebula – Cloud Middleware Tool” on 26.09.18
A hands-on training session on “Open Nebula – Cloud Middleware Tool” was organized by the Department of Information Technology on 26th September 2018, Wednesday from 10.00am to l.OO pm at the Audio Visual Lab of the Central Library BSACIST. The faculty and the students of IV year B.Tech, IT attended the training.
Dr.P.Veeralakshmi, Associate Professor/CSE of Prince Shri Venkateswara Padrnavathy Engineering College was the resource person. She has rich experience in both teaching and research and has published more than 8 papers in refeered International Journals and Conferences in the area of Cloud Computing Technologies.
One day workshop on “Big Data Analytics using Hadoop” on 12.09.2018
A workshop on “Big Data Analytics using Hadoop” was arranged on 12th of September, 2018 and handled by the resource person Mr.Sukumar, Project Lead, SANDS (India) Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
The workshop was organized by the Department of Information Technology for the benefit Students, Research Scholars, and Academicians. During the session, he briefed about the basics concepts of analytics and big data technologies with its strategic importance to any organization. Participants were also introduced to the concept of analytics with big data technologies: Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Pig and Hive. The entire session dealt with the basic principles, concepts, and techniques used for big data and analytics, which includes Hadoop, Sqoop, Pig and Apache Hive. Also a hands on training in the Hadoop software such as installation, data ingestion using Sqoop and Flume and data analysis using Hive and pig was trained well. Participants got clear picture of all these concepts and how they all are interconnected to each other in organizational context.

Guest lecture on “Studying abroad: Things to know and things you need” on 02.08.18
A guest lecture on “Studying abroad: Things to know and things you need” was organized by the department of Information technology on 02.08.2018, Thursday from 11.00am to 12.40pm at the Seminar Hall I, Convention Centre, BSACIST. The faculty and the students of III and IV year B.Tech, IT attended the lecture.
Dr.M.Kabeer, Head of the Department welcomed the gathering and informed the students about the importance of higher education in the present scenario. Dr.G.Kavitha, introduced the guest speaker, Mr.Ahilan Tamilselvan, Graduate Student, IOWA State University, USA. He is an Alumni of our University and pursuing his master’s degree at IOWA. During his undergraduate, he published a paper on “Efficient Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Fishing through Surveillance for Fishermen”, and has presented at a conference in Malaysia.
Seminar on “Creative Career Guidance in Multimedia Technologies & Game Design and Development” on 27th July 2018
Department of Information Technology has organized a seminar on “Creative Career Guidance In Multimedia Technologies & Game Design and Development” on 27th July 2018 at 9.30 a.m. to 10.40 a.m in Mechanical Seminar Hall, MS Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr.Yokesh, Senior Consultant. Image Creative Infotainment, Chennai. He has lot of experience in animation and game design.
Workshop on “Java Programming Fundamentals” on 26th July 2018
Department of Information Technology has organized a workshop on “Java Programming Fundamentals” on 26th July 2018 at 2.30 p.m. in IT Seminar Hall, ES Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr.Mohammed Waseem Ahmed, Team leader, Tech Mahindra, Hyderabad. He has 12+ years of experience in Java Programming and cloud platform. He is a post graduate in M.Tech CSE. He has 4 years of teaching experience in Hyderabad.
The students from II year B.Tech. IT, Some interested students from M.Tech I year and faculty members of IT Department attended the workshop. The resource person gave an insight into the Java fundamentals and gave hands on demo on simple Java programs.
Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” on 13.07.2018
Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” organized by Department of Information Technology, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, on 13.07.2018. The venue of the Seminar is Seminar Hall, School of Mechanical Studies.
An eminent personality Mr.Kumarasamy Shanrnugam, Director, CEO from QuantumSys Technologies Pvt Ltd, Singapore, visited the Department of Information Technology on July 13, 2018 to deliver a Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” and highlighted the current state of understanding the future trends of research in the concerned field. Introduction of chief guest was given by Dr.M.Kabeer, HOD/IT.
- Organized Seminar on “Data Lake-An Agile Expedition” on 2nd August-2017.Resource Person: Ms.S.Niranjana, Quality Assurance Analyst, Tata Consultancy Services, Thorapakkam, Chennai.
- Organized Seminar on “Virtualization VMware VSphere” on 4th August-2017. Resource Person: Mr. Usman, Trainer AMOS Technologies, Chennai.
- Conducted One Day Workshop on “Data Analytics using R Tool” on 6th September – 2017.Resource Person: Dr. E. Sivasankar, NIT.
- Organized Seminar on “Importance of Data Structure in IT Industries” on 12th September – 2017. Mr.K.Subramanian, Director, Sirpi Software Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
- Organized Seminar on “Are you Ready to Face the Outside World” on 9th October-2017. Resource Person: Ms.Arunmozhi Madhavan, M.E, Senior Consultant , Mumbai.
- Organized Seminar on “Machine Learning Algorithm Based On IOT” on 11th October-2017 .Resource Person: Mr.A.Athif shah, M.E(Ph.D), Chairman & Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor, Chennai.
- Organized Seminar on “Software Quality Assurance in Industry Standards” on 14th October-2017.Resource Person: Mr.Ragavendar, Quality Assurance & Automation Engineer, FEDBY Information Services, Pvt.Ltd, Chennai.
- Organized Seminar on “Role of Sensors in IOT” on 20th October-2017.Resource Person: Mr.Abdul Waheed, Research Scholar, Computer Science, Chennai.
- Organized Seminar on “Software Management and People Management in Corporate” on 24th October-2017.Resource Person: Mr.A.Alagaraja, Product Lead, Service Desk Plus, Zoho Corporation, Estancia IT part, Chennai.
Events 2016-2017
National Conference Recent Trends in Information Technology was held on April 5th & 6th 2017
Events 2015-2016
ICON 2k15
Events 2014-2015
Inauguration of Society of Information Technologists was held on August 4th 2014
The department conducts various co-curricular activities such as symposiums, guest lectures, workshops, conferences and seminars through professional society named as SIT (Society of Information Technologists) and invites the professionals from various industries and R&D organization for developing technical and interpersonal skills.
The details of such societal and professional activities are discussed briefly in the following Table
Societal and Professional activities
- Organized National Conference on “Recent Trends in Information Technology” in collaboration with IEEE Madras Chapter, Chennai and ICT Academy, on 05 & 06 April 2017. Chief Guest: Dr.M.Ponnavaikko, Pro Vice Chancellor, Bharat University.
- Organized Pre-Conference tutorials on the invited talk topics on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” and “Internet of Things” Technology” in collaboration with IEEE Madras Chapter, on 05 & 06 April 2017. Resource persons: Dr.S.Swamynathan, Associate Prof., Anna University and Dr. Ranjani Parthasarthy, Professor, Anna University, Chennai.
- Organized seven weeks Online Certification Course on “Mongo DB for Java Developers” from 17th March to 5th May 2017. Resource Person: Ms. R.Priyadarshini, Asst. Prof. (Sr.Gr.)/IT & Jeff Yemin, Engineering Manager, Mongo Db Inc., Andrew Erlichson Education Efforts, MongoDB Inc.
- Handled training classes in collaboration with MHRD’s QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) programme on “Information Security and Cryptography” on 16th, 20th & 22nd March, 2017. Resource person: Prof. Chester Rebeiro – IIT Madras.
- Organized department level “Alumni meeting” on 18th March 2017.
- Organized Guest Lecture on “Software Testing” on 11th February 2017. Resource Person: Mr.Arun Prakash, Cognizant Technology Solutions.
- Organized Seminar on “Hadoop – An Open Source Framework for Processing Big Data” on 22nd November 2016. Resource person: Mr.R.Pari.
- Organized Seminar on “Cyber Security” conducted on 18th November 2016. Resource person: Mr.Ranjith, Cyber Security Consultant in Ernst & Young.
- Organized a Seminar “Cloud Middleware Tools – Eucalyptus” on 28th October 2016. Resource Person: Ms.Veeralakshmi, Associate Professor/CSE of Prince Shri Venkateswara Engineering College.
- Organized School level Industry-Institute Meet on 22nd October, 2016.
- Organized Oracle iLearning Certification Programme on “Database Design and Programming with SQL” from 19th September 2016 to 28th October 2016. Resource Person: Ms.P.Usha, Associate Professor, Dr.G.Kavitha, Associate Professor Ms.P.Latchoumy, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) and Ms.L.Shakkeera, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute, Chennai.
- Handled training classes in collaboration with MHRD’s QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) programme on Cloud Computing on 16th,17th and 19th August 2016. Resource Person: Prof. S.C.Gupta, IIT Bombay.
- Handled training classes in collaboration with MHRD’s QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) programme on “Virtualization Technology – Cloud Computing” on 22nd, 23rd & 26th August, 2016. Resource Person: Prof. S.C.Gupta, IIT Bombay.
- Handled training classes in collaboration with MHRD’s QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Phase V programme on “Information Security and Cryptography” on 2nd, 3rd and 9th February, 2016. Resource Person: Prof. Chester Reberio, IIT Madras.
- Organized Seminar on Opportunities in Big Data on 3rd March 2016.
- Organized workshop on “Introduction to Android App Development” on 13th February 2016.Resource Person: Mr. Bharathi Raj, Mobile App Developer, Cognizant Technology Solutions.
- Organized workshop on Network Security on 19th to 21st September 2015 Resource Person: IBNC INDIA Ltd and I-Medita Learning Solutions (P) Limited.
- Organized Oracle iLearning Certification Programme on “Database Design and Programming with SQL” on 07th September 2015 to 23rd October 2015. Resource Person: Ms.L.Shakeera, Asst.
Prof.(Sr.G.) / IT,Dr.N.Prakash, Asst.Prof.(Sel.Gr.) / IT and Ms.R.Mythily, Asst. Prof./IT.
- Organized guest Lecture on Software Testing Using Junit Tool on 31st March 2015. Resource Person: Mr.P.Azhaguvel(Alumni).
- Organized Mongo DB Online Certification Course from 17th March to 5th May 2015.Resource Person: Ms. R.Priyadarshini, Asst. Prof.(Sr.G.) Jeff Yemin, Engineering Manager, Mongo Db Inc., Andrew Erlichson Education Efforts, MongoDB Inc.
- Organized Guest Lecture on “Cyber Security Awareness Programme” on 3rd March 2015.Resource Person: Mr.P.V.Sreejith and Mr.Rajesh Associate Manager, Quick Heal Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Chennai.
- Organized a Seminar on Opportunities and Challenges in Cyber Forensics on 28 October 2014. Chief Guest: Dr.Kala Baskar, Director I/C, Centre for Information and Cyber Forensics, Madras University.
- Organized a Workshop on “Cloud Simulator” on 09 October 2014. Chief Guest: Ms.L.Shyamala, Research Scholar, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
- Organized a Workshop on “Eucalyptus Cloud” on 20 September 2014. Chief Guest: Mr.Jeyanthan Hariharan, HOD of Infrastructure Data –Technics, IT Services Private Limited, Chennai.
- Organized a Workshop on “Big Data” on 10 April 2014. Chief Guest: Mr.S.Kannan, Application Architect, Wisen Soft Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
- Organized a Seminar on “Internet of Things-Trends and Opportunities” on 10 April 2014 Chief Guest: Dr.Ranjani Parthasarathy-Professor, Dept of IST, Anna University,Chennai.
- Organized a workshop on “Open source cloud computing Platforms” on 18&19 September 2013. Chief Guest: Mr.Senthil Kumar Arumugam Associate-GTO High Performance Computing COE,CTS,
- Dr.Saswati Mukherjee Professor/Dept of Information Science & Tech, Anna University, Dr.D.Manjula Associate Professor/ Dept of Information Science & Tech, Anna University and Mr.Jeyanthan Hariharan Head of IT infrastructure Data-Technics IT Services Private Limited, Chennai
- Organized a Seminar on “Projects in Open Source Technologies” on 27 September 2013. Chief Guest: Dr.Manjaiah D.H, Prof & Chairman(BOS), Mangalore University.
- Organized a Seminar on ”Cyber Security Threats” on 29 July 2013. Chief Guest: Mr.Ramesh, Manager Indian Education pvt Ltd. Chennai.
- Organized a Seminar on “Personal Transformation” on 25 July 2013. Chief Guest: Dr.Arasu Chellaiah, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Maryland, USA.
- Organized a workshop on “Cloud Computing” on 27 April 2012. Chief Guest: Dr.R.Vijayarajeswaran, Managing Director, VI Microsystems and Mr.B.Thirupathi, Manager M/s.Vi Microsystems Pvt Ltd Chennai
- Organized a seminar on “Oracle Database” on 10 February 2012. Chief Guest: Mr.M.Gurunathan, Senior Oracle Specialist, Technosoft Corporation, Chennai.
- Organized a workshop on “Maya Software” on 03 January 2012. Chief Guest: Mr.Lenin Christopher, Technical Head, M/s.Snipper Systems & Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
- Organized a seminar on “Philosophy of Open Sources” on 27 January 2012.Chief Guest: Mr.Shanu Sukhooor Project leader, TCS & The Convener, Free Software Foundation, Chennai.
S. No | Date of visit | Semester | Name of the Industry | Type of Industry | Related Field | Staff In charge |
1 | 13.03.2019 | B.Tech IT III Year | RJP Infotech, Red Hat Training Industry | Demo on Data Center Virtualization | Virtualization & Cloud Computing | Dr.N.Prakash Mr.N.Rajendran |
2 | 31.01.2019 | B.Tech IT III Year | Barclays Bank | Softskills and Placement preparation | Soft skills – career building skills | Ms. A. Sonya Dr.G.Kavitha Ms.R.Priyadarshini |
3 | 25.10.2018 | B.Tech IT V & B.Tech IT III | Signals and Systems India Pvt.Ltd. | IT, IIOT | Industrial IOT | Dr. L. Shakkeera |
4 | 20.09.2018 | B.Tech IT VII M.Tech IT I sem & III Sem | Signals and Systems India Pvt.Ltd. | IT, IIOT | Industrial IOT | Ms. R.Priyadarshini |
5 | 1/03/18 | B.Tech IT V sem, M.Tech IT III Sem | Sansbound Technology | Networks | IT | Dr.G.Kavitha |
6 | 15/03/18 | B.Tech IT V sem, M.Tech IT III Sem | Special Governor Visit | Soft Skills | Politics | Ms.R.Mythily |
7 | 21/10/17 | B.Tech IT V sem, M.Tech IT III Sem | Lenovo, Pondicherry | IT | Hardware, IT | Ms.R.Mythily |
8 | 10/10/2017 | B.Tech(IT) – 4th Semester and M.Tech II Yr. | UX Business Solutions | IT | Internet Of Things | Dr.L.Shakkeera |
9 | 08/04/2017 | B.Tech IT V sem, M.Tech IT III Sem | ISRO, Sriharikota | Space Satellite | Electronics, IT | Dr.L.Shakkera, Dr.G.Kavitha |
10 | 22/03/2017 | B.Tech (IT) 6th Semester | Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Channel | IT | Telecommunications and Multimedia | Ms.R.Mythily |
11 | 08/03/2017 | B.Tech(IT) – 4th Semester | News 7 TV Channel (New Generation Media) | IT | Telecommunications and Multimedia | Ms.R.Mythily |
12 | 08/11/2016 | Faculty Members of IT Department | VI Microsystems, Chennai | IT | Inter Of Things | Dr.L.Shakkeera |
13 | 21-04-2016 | Faculty Members of IT Department | Sansbound Technologies | IT | Networking | Dr.L.Shakkeera |
14 | 18/3/2016 | B.Tech(IT)-6th Semester | Global Talent Track Pvt Ltd, Choolaimedu, Chennai | Training | IT | Mr.E.k.Subramanian |
15 | 08/09/2015 | B.Tech(IT)-3rd Semester | Larsen & Tubro Ltd Manapakam, Chennai | IT | IT | Ms.R.Raihana |
16 | 27/10/2014 | B.Tech(IT)-5th Semester M.Tech(IT)-3rd Semester | Tata Consultancy Services | IT | IT | Ms.R.Raihana |
17 | 15/03/2014 | B.Tech(IT)-6th Semester | Tata Consultancy Services | IT | IT | Ms.R.Raihana |
Industrial Visit by B.Tech II year students to L&T Infotech