Seminar on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers’
A seminar is organized on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers’ (Hybrid Mode) on 26.04.24. Mr.N.Arumuga Perumal, Senior Hardware Discipline Manager, Dow Chemicals International Pvt.Ltd, Chennai delivered the lecture for the benefit of school and college students.

Webinar on “Engineering Education in India-The Future of Interdisciplinary Programme”

Guest Lecture on “The Future of Energy”
Organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “The Future of Energy” by Mr.Birendra Nayak, Director (Business Intelligence and Pricing-GE Vernova- Europe,MENA, SSA & South Asia), General Electric on 28.03.2024.

Guest Lecture on ‘Neuro-controller for inverted Pendulum’

Industrial Visit

Certification programme on Safety Instrumentation Systems

“CLUB FEIESTA” was inaugurated on 17.3.23 to improve students’ extracurricular skills beyond academics.

Two day workshop on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Biomedical Applications”

The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation organized a IEEE sponsored two day workshop on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Biomedical Applications” through hybrid mode from 19.12.23 to 20.12.23.
Convenors: Dr. C.Tharini, Dean (SECS), Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof & HOD/EIE.
Co-Ordinators: Dr.G.Anitha, Asst.Prof (Sel.G)/EIE, Dr.P.R.Hemavathy, Asst.Prof (Sel.G)/EIE.
Guest lecture titled “An overview of Medical Imaging Equipments & Technology”

Webinar on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers”
A webinar was organized on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers” on 20.05.2023. Mr.J.V.Parthasarathy, Pump Instrumentation Specialist, Ruhrpumpen India Pvt.Ltd delivered the lecture. He discussed on scope of Instrumentation Engineering and Roles of an Instrumentation Engineer in detail.

Webinar on Importance of Instrumentation Engineer in Software industries
A Webinar on Importance of Instrumentation Engineer in Software industries was organized on 13.5.23. The resource person was Mr. Balavan Vignesh (2017 batch Alumni), Associate. Mobile Application Development, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai. He discussed the current scenario of IT companies and Instrumentation Engineers in the field of IoT and Integrated systems.

Webinar on Engineering Education in India – The future of Interdisciplinary Programmes
A Webinar on Engineering Education in India- The future of Interdisciplinary Programmes was organized on 25.4.23. The resource person was Dr.Dinakaran, Senior Technical Manager (R&D), HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai. Dr.Dinakaran discussed the recent scenario of engineering education in India. He also clearly stated the role of interdisciplinary programmes such as EIE, Robotics, Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering etc., and the scope for higher education in these areas. He also enlightened the students on the job opportunities in these fields of engineering.

Webinar on Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics and Ethical Considerations in Carrying out Research
A Webinar on Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics and Ethical Considerations in Carrying out Research was organized on 17.4.23. The resource person was our affiliate faculty, Dr.Irraivan AL Elamvazhuthi, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. He presented in detail the studies and projects going on in their university on various rehabilitation robots and also demonstrated through videos how they are useful for the patients with immobility problems. The workshop gave an insight on the ethics and regulations to be followed while using robots for rehabilitation of patients.

Awareness and training session on “Soft skill Training session on Aptitude, Career choices and Resume Building”
On 21.09.22, the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering organized an awareness and training session on “Soft skill Training session on Aptitude, Career choices and Resume Building” for the second and third year students.
The keynote speaker and the presenter of the morning session was Dr.M. Snehalatha, Associate professor, Career Development Council, SRMIST. She introduced the students about quantitative aptitude and how it is necessary for clearing any interview.
The keynote speaker of the evening session was Ms. D. Mehernissa, AP, Career Development Council, SRMIST. The main focus of this session was to educate the students on what are soft skills? And how they are important to build your profile and resume.

Awareness and informative session on “Awareness and guidance session about International Internships and Training”
On 06.9.22 the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering conducted an awareness and informative session on “Awareness and guidance session about International Internships and Training” for the second year students, the aim of the session was to educate the students about the various Internship opportunities present at the International level which can even be attained for free and how they will help the students in building their career and open a new path for the future.Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Professor & Head, EIE & Dean (SECS) presented her own research about the various international internships to the students and gave an overview about how to get them. Some of the main internship providing institutions which was discussed were “CERN, NTU, NASA, FRAUNHOFER, TEEP”.

Webinar on “Easy Electronics for ALL”

This webinar titled “Easy Electronics for ALL” was organized on 24.07.22 to focus on creating awareness among students of various disciplines to take up electronics project as a hobby which can lead them to a career in the same.
Mr.C.Balasubramaniam, Director, Akash Instruments Chennai, was the Resource Person.
Webinar on “Significance of Engineering Education in the Modern world”

Webinar on “Exploring career in Computer Aided Engineering”
The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering organized a webinar on “Exploring career in Computer Aided Engineering” on 8th October 2021 through Gmeet.
All the third and final year students of EIE attended this webinar. Mrs. Caroline Nathan, Associate EIMT Manager, DOW IEC, Chennai was the resource person. This webinar proposed to create awareness of Computer Aided Engineering and the job opportunities

Webinar on “Importance of Engineering Education in the Modern world”

Guest Lecture on “Introduction to Nano Technology and Nano sensors (in ONLINE MODE)”
A Guest Lecture on “Introduction to Nano Technology and Nano sensors (in ONLINE MODE)” was conducted on 12th December, 2020. It was arranged by the course teacher for the benefit of third semester EIE students. The Resource person is Dr. K.Kamalanand, Assistant Professor, Department of Instrumentation Engineering, MIT, Anna University, Chennai 44.
Dr.Sudha Radhika, Assistant Professor discussed about Remote Sensing Based Advanced Damage Detection on Structures in a very simple manner which was easily understandable. She discussed how remote sensing images were used to identify the damages in structures using EEL fish approach, texture wavelet analysis and artificial intelligence. Building damage detection was carried out using drones in her study. She answered the queries asked by the participants.

SEIE activities 2020-21
Webinar on “Industrial Automation”

Webinar on “A Journey from Idea to Product”

Webinar on “Career Options & Opportunities in the core Electronics Field”

Webinar on “Global opportunities in Instrumentation”
The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering organized a webinar on “Global opportunities in Instrumentation” for engineering students on 20.06.2020.
Webinar on “Activities of Instrument Discipline in Project Execution”
A Webinar on “Activities of Instrument Discipline in Project Execution” is organized on 18.06.22. The resource person Ms. I. Shabana Begam, Instrument design Engineer.
School Visits

Industrial Visit
The students of II year (IV semester) B.Tech (EIE) students visited the Mine-I and TPS – II Expansion, Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Ltd on 11.2.2020. Ms.P.R.Hemavathy, AP(SG)/EIE & Mr.M.Uvaraj, Technician/EIE accompanied the students.
SEIE Society Inauguration
The Activities of Society of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineers for the year 2019-2020 was inaugurated on 06-02-2020 at the seminar hall – II, Convention Centre. Dr.A. Peer Mohamed, PRO-VC and VC Incharge, Dr.A.Azad, Registrar, Mr.V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager, Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Dean – SECS, Mrs. Ummul Fatima Sr. Inside Sales Engineer, Ruhrpumpen (Chief Guest), Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar, Ms.G.Anitha, SEIE co-ordinator and the students participated.

Alumni Connect Program
Mrs.Ummul Fatima, Inside Sales Engineer Sr.,Ruhrpumpen, Chief Guest of SEIE inauguration gave a presentation on “Placement in Core Companies” on on 6.2.20 at Seminar hall II, convention center.

School Visits
A career guidance cum Workshop on “Domestic and Industrial Automation” was arranged for the students of CSI St.Thomas Matriculation Higher Secondary School on 15.11.2019. The faculty members Dr.Sabura Banu, Ms.G.Anitha and technician Mr.Uvaraj visited the school.

Career Guidance program for school students
A career guidance cum Workshop on “Domestic, Health care and and Industrial Automation” was arranged for the students of Crescent School, Vandalur on 02.11.2019 at process control lab, Dept.of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.

Two days Workshop on “Industrial IoT for Remote Monitoring and Management” during 21-22, March 2019
The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering in association with Ostara Research (Alumni ICE) and Denvik Technologies (Alumni ECE) organized two days Workshop on “Industrial IoT for Remote Monitoring and Management” during 21-22, March 2019.

Alumni Connect Program on 21.3.19 and 22.3.19
Mr. S.Rajkumar, Director, Ostara Research, Chennai and Alumni (ICE_2001) handled two sessions of the two day workshop on “Industrial IoT for Remote Monitoring and Management” on Introduction to Embedded system, Industry 4.0, Raspberry PI and Internet of Things and Applications of IoT for Remote monitoring.

Partial Course Delivery for the course EICX01, Biomedical Instrumentation, by Visiting Professor, Dr.Juliana Binti Johari , Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation), FKE, UiTM, Malaysia from 7.2.19 to 25.2.19

An alumni meet of the 2013 batch students was held on 6.1.19 at Chennai where the job opportunities, Industrial Visits and support in terms knowledge transfer and sponsorship for the EIE students were discussed

Mr.R. Balavan Vignesh, Alumni (2017 – EIE) and Mr. K.M. Samsul Arif, Alumni (2017 – EIE) participated as External committee members of EIE department in The School Level Advisory Committee Meeting held on 5.1.19

One day Workshop on “Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation” on 26.10.18
- The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and EATON MTL Instruments, Sholinganallur, Chennai jointly organized a one day Workshop on “Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation” on 26.10.18 at the Unit II of EATON MTL.
Memorandum Of Understanding
- A memorandum of understanding between Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur and EATON MTL Instruments Pvt Ltd, Sholinganallur, was signed on 23.5.18
- Organized one day workshop on “Measuring Instruments and its trouble shooting” for the benefit of second year EIE students on 4.4.2018
Government School Visit
- D. Najumnissa Jamal, Professor / EIE arranged for visit to the Panchayat Union Middle School, Keerapakkam, Vandalur, Chennai 48 for the final year EIE students on 3.4.18 as a part of the course Social Entrepreneurship and also as the department Societal Activity. The students of primary classes were taught hand work and all the students from VI standard to VIII standard were taught introduction to Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.
- The department has organized One Credit Course on “Design of Intelligent Robots and Its Applications” from 19-3-2018 to 23-3-2018. Resource person is Dr. M. K. A. Ahamed Khan, Professor, Faculty Of Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University, Malaysia from 19.3.18 to 23.3.18.
- The department has organized Two Days “National Level Students Conference On Futuristic Innovation In Robotics, Control Engineering and Automation” (FIRCA-2K18) from 23.3.18 & 24.3.18
One Credit Course on “Design Of Intelligent Robots And Its Applications” by Dr. M. K. A. Ahamed Khan, Professor, Faculty Of Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University, Malaysia from 19.3.18 to 23.3.18
Two Days National Level Students Conference On Futuristic Innovation In Robotics,
Control ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION (FIRCA-2K18) from 23.3.18 & 24.3.18
Work shop on IoT for Automation by Mr.Rajasekhar, Application Engineer,
National instruments on 23.3.18
Inauguration and keynote address on Entrepreneurship in Instrumentation by Mr.Kalkura,
Managing Director, Shujan Instruments, on 24.3.18
- Organized three days hands on training program on” Labview- Basics and Data Acquisition” for the second and third year EIE students from 3-1-2018 to 5-1-2018
- Ms.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof/EIE Ms.M.S.Murshitha Shajahan, AP(S.G)/EIE, Ms.B.Pushpa, AP/EIE, Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan, AP/EIE organized two Weeks Faculty Training Programme on “Nano Instrumentation Systems And Biomedical Nanotechnology” from 3.11.17 to 16.11.17
- Ms.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof/EIE Ms.M.S.Murshitha Shajahan, Ap(S.G)/EIE, Mr.S.Shahul Hamid, Visiting Faculty/EIEorganized two days workshop on “Trends in Control & Instrumentation for Power Plant – A Research Perspective” on 27th & 28th Sep 2017.
- Ms.P.R.Hemavathy, AP(S.G)/EIE, Ms. M.S.Murshitha Shajahan AP(S.G)/EIE organized One day Workshop on “Multivariable Process Control” on 22-09-2017.
- A Seminar on “Safety In Engineering” was organized by EIE department on 23rd August 2017.
- A Seminar on “Robotics and Automation – Advancements in Robotic Surgery was organized by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation, in co-ordination with IEEE student chapter on 11th August, 2017 in the EIE Seminar Hall. Dr. M.K.A. Ahamed Khan, Vice Chairman, IEEE – RAS Malaysia Chapter and Associate Professor, University Selangur, Malaysia was the Resource person.
- Dr.U.Sabura Banu, Prof/EIE & Ms.G.Anitha,AP(SG)/EIE organized a two days training program on in “Research Oriented Approach on Biomedical Image Processing Using MATLAB” on 11th and 12 th April 2017
- Ms.P.R.Hemavathy, AP(SG)/ EIE& N.Sivaramakrishnan, AP/EIE organised a one day National level students conference on Innovative trends in instrumentation, Electronics and Automation on 4th April 2017.
- Dr.U.Sabura Banu, Prof/EIE, Ms.M.P.Nageswari , AP/EIE organized two days National Winter Training Program on “IOT using Raspberry Pi” in association with Cognizance, IIT Roorkee on 31-03-2017 and 01-04-2017.
- A training programme on SCADA was conducted for the second year and third year students was organized by Axis Global Automation, Chennai on 10.3.2017
- A two days Hands on training programme “CONVAL SOFTWARE” CAD Tech consultants Pvt Ltd for benefit of III Year EIE Students by Mrs. P. R.Hemavathy, AP (SG) /EIE Dept. on 1st & 2nd March & 2017. Mr. Rana Gupta and Mr. Arul Manikandan from CADTech consltants Pvt. Ltd. were the resource persons for the training programme.
- Dr.U.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof/EIE organized a one credit course on “Internet of Things for Automation” from 7th March 2017 to 31st March 2017. The affiliate faculty handling the course is Mr.Rajkumar, Director Technology, Bhairava Research and Technology, Chennai.
Events Conducted (2016-2017)
- A seminar on “Gate Awareness Program” was conducted by Mr.Syed Farook from Gate Academy for the benefit of II year EIE students on 2-3-2017.
- One day workshop was organized on the demonstration of Pressure calibrator, Temperature Calibrator and Multifunction Calibrator for Students and Faculty of the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering was conducted on 17.2.2017.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu organized a Seminar on “Industrial Automation” by Technocrat Automation Solution Pvt Ltd., on 14th February 2017.
- Project Day was conducted on November 23, 2016 for UG student of B.Tech, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. Students demonstrated the projects done as part of their PBL course/ Mini Project.
Events Conducted (2015-2016)
- Ms.U.Sabura Banu Prof & Head and Ms.M.P Nageswari, AP/EIE organised a National summer Training Program on “ Embedded System and Robotics” organized by EDC , IIT Roorkee in association with EIE dept, BSAIST from 18th July to 24th July 2016.
- A Mobile exhibition is organised for the benefit of Engineering students in our Campus on2.4.16.M/S.MEASURECON
INSTRUMENTS,CHENNAI displayed their test and measuring Instruments / field Instruments etc.. in their vehicle. - Ms.M.S. Mursitha Shajahan, AP(Sr.Gr), M.P.Nageswari, AP,B.Pushpa, AP Organised a workshop on “Measuring Instruments” on 6th April 2016.
- Ms..P.R.Hemavathy AP(Sr.Gr) , Mr.M.Yuvarajan, AP Organised a one day “Hands on training in PSPICE and its application to circuit design” on 12.3.16
- Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan AP, Ms.B.Pushpa, AP Organised two days workshop on “Embedded Systems and its application to Instrumentation” on 15.6.16 and 16.3.16. Mr.S.Selvaradji , SS Technologies was the resource person.
- Mr.P.Murugan, superintending Engineer, M.N.Dasthur and Co Pvt Ltd., delivered a lecture on “Scope of Instrumentation Engineers in Core Industries” on 19.3.16
- Organised a lecture on “Automation and control for Industrial applications” on 11.3.16. The Resource person was Mr. Mazharuddin Mohamed Shaik, Engineer, Prolific Automation Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
- Ms.M.SMursitha Shajahan, AP(Sr.Gr) organised a Guest lecture on “Power plant instrumentation” on 16th Feb 2016. The resource person was Mrs. Ayesha Jamal, Senior Application Engineer, Schneider Electric, Chennai.
- Organised a lecture on “Industrial Automation” on 23.2.16. The Resource person was Mr. S.Arun Kumar, Engineer, Technocrat Automation Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Events Conducted (2014-2015)
- A training program on “Honing Interview Skills” for benefit of III yr EIE students was organized on 19.3.15. Mrs. D. Mehernissa, HOD / Career development centre, SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai – 89 was the resource person.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Professor organised a Technical demonstration on the 3D models of various Industrial Instruments such as Differential Pressure Transmitter, Piezo electric Accelerometer, Strain Gauge Load Cell, Viscometer, Hydraulic load cell constructed by the II year students on 5th March 2015 in process control Lab, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
- A workshop on “Patient Monitoring Instruments” was organized for the benefit of the IV year and II year students on 25.2.15. Mr. Sivakumar, Hospitec Medical System was the resource person.
- A half day workshop was arranged on 7.1.15 on PRODOK Software for the benefit of I year & II year PG students. Mr. S. Harihara Suthan, Manager, Tech Support, CADTech was the resource persons.
- A workshop was organised by Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Professor/EIE Department for the II year UG students of EIE department on 25th and 26th February 2015 on 3D google sketch-up for construction of Industrial Instruments.
- A workshop on “Control Valves” was conducted for non-teaching staff members of EEE, ECE and EIE department on 29.12.2014. Mr. S. Shahul Hamid, Visiting Professor was the resource person.
- A three days hands on training programme on “Pick and Place Robotic Arm” conducted by Mr. Balaji from M/s. AEROBOTIX, Chennai for II year and III year students during 18.9.14 to 20.9.14. Ms. M.P. Nageswari, AP/EIE and Ms. B.Pushpa, AP/EIE were the co-ordinators.
- A one day workshop on Basic concepts of Control Systems using Matlab Labview was conducted on 6.9.14 for the benefit of III year students conducted by Ms. P. Anbumalar, AP/EIE and Ms. M.P. Nageswari, AP/EIE
- Organized training programme on ‘’Allen Bradly PLC’’ during 3rd week of August 2014. Mr. M.D.Rasool Alumni of EIE department B.S Abdur Rahman Institute and Junior Engineer, Invensys Pvt. Ltd. Chennai were the resource person.
- Organized a Siemen PLC training on 22.07.14 for final year EIE students. Mr.Mohammed Easa Senior Engineer and Mr.P.Ganesh Engineer from Micromech training Instruments trained the students in Siemens PLC.
Events Conducted (2012 – 2013)
- One day National seminar on “Application of control and instrumentation in thermal power plant” on 8th October 2013
- One day National seminar on “Fractional order controller” on 27.8.13 was organized by EIE department & ISA south India section
- A One day National Conference on “Modelling, Control and Optimization of Processes” was conducted on 2nd April 2013.
- A Half a day workshop was conducted on Tuning of controllers for Level process was organized on 6.10.12 at the process control lab for all the staff members and M.Tech Students.
- An Interdepartmental Workshop on “Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation” was jointly conducted by the Department of Electronics & Instrumentation and Department of Electronics & Communication for the benefit of UG students on 20.9.12. Leading Instrumentation and Measurement Companies like Whintek and Elmack India Pvt. Ltd demonstrated various equipments like Spectrum analyser, Wave Analyser, multimeter etc.
- A one day workshop on “Control valve actuators and their applications” was organized jointly by the Department of Electronics & Instrumentation and ISA south India section Chennai at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 22.08.2012.
- A one day collaborative workshop on “Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership skills” on 6th July 2012 organized jointly by Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Electronics & Instrumentation, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute.
Events Conducted(2011 – 2012)
Workshop Organised
- Two days National workshop on Digital Image Processing using Matlab and Labview on 3/9/13 and 4/9/13 for the benefit of faculties, research scholars, industrial personnels, UG and PG students.
- A workshop on “Wireless Sensor Network” was organized on 23.07.13
- A two days workshop on “Measurement and Instrumentation” was organized on 20.9.12 and 24.9.12.
- A workshop on “Control valves, actuators and their industrial applications” on 22.8.12
- One day training program on “MATLAB and its Applications” conducted on 29th and 30th of March 2012 for the benefit of faculty members, scholars and students of BSAIST.
- One day training program on “LABVIEW and its Applications” conducted on 26th March 2012 for the benefit of faculty members, scholars and students of BSAIST.
- One day workshop Intra-departmental colloquium on “Professional Ethics” conducted on 29 February 2012.
- 2 days ICMR Sponsored workshop on “Application of MATLAB and LABVIEW for Biomedical Applications” Conducted on 14th &15th December, 2011.
- 5 days training program on “DCS OVERVIEW” conducted from 15.11.2011 to 19.11.2011.
Conferences Organised:
- A one day National conference was organized on Instrumetnation Systems and Automation on 11th and 12th May, 2007.
- A one day National Conference on “Modelling, Control and Optimization of Processes” was held on 2nd April 2013. Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof/EIE and Dr.U.Sabura Banu Prof/EIE were the Co-ordinators
Societal and Extension activity of Students 15.3.14
As part of the societal and extension activity of the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute,permission was obtained from the Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai in all aspects for voter’s awareness campaign along with cleaning of the marina beach. Thirty five students, five teaching faculty and two supporting faculty members participated in the activity on 15.3.14. The following activities took place
- Cleaning of the beach near kannagi statue
- Voter’s awareness campaign by flash dance and rally.