Forth Coming Events
Forth Coming Events
- Department of ECE will be conducting “Awareness webinar on Higher Education” for the benefit of UG and PG students on 25th April 2023
Events Organized (2022-23)

Workshop on soft skills on 10.02.2023

Open house 24/11/2022

SECE Chapter Inauguration

CLAD certification course November 2022

PCB Design Workshop 19.11.2022
Events Organized (2021-22)

CLAD April 2022

Basics of Arduino 29.12.21

Hands-on training in HDL language Constructs” 22.12.2021 & 23.12.2021
Events Organized (2020-21)
- Department of ECE has organized a two days online Skill Enhancement Programme on “Soft Skills” on 12.09.2020 and 13.09.2020 for the benefit of faculty members and Research Scholars
- Department had an online inauguration of the student chapters of IE, IETE and SECE on 21.09.2020
- Department of ECE has organized a online webinar on “How to Publish High Impact Research Articles” on 09.08.2020 for the benefit of faculty members and Research Scholars
- Department of ECE has organized a webinar on “Optical Communication with Solar cells” on 03.07.2020 for the benefit of faculty members, Research Scholars and students
Events Organized (2019-20)
- Department of ECE has organized a webinar on “Opportunities for an Electronics and Communication Engineer” on 07.06.2020 for the benefit of students
- Department of ECE has organized a webinar on “Gearing up for successful transition from student to professional” on 25.06.2020 for the benefit of Students and Research Scholars”
- Department in association with STS Club has organized a five days Hands on Training on “Effective Online Interactive Teaching Tools for School Teachers” from 22.06.2020 to 26.06.2020 for the benefit of School teachers
- Department in association with IE and IETE organized a webinar Series on “Recent Trends in AI,IOT and Data Science” from 08.06.2020 to 12.06.2020 for the benefit of facuty,Research Scholars and Students
- Department of ECE has organized webinar on “Gear up your carrier through Labview certification” on 12.06.2020 for the benefit of research scholars, faculty members and students
- Department in association with IE and IETE organized a webinar on “Multicore Architecture” on 30.05.2020
- Department of ECE has organized a webinar on “Python for everyone” on 29.05.2020 for students
- Department of ECE has organized a webinar on “Campus to corporate” on 29.05.2020 for the benefit of students
- BQUCE club of the ECE department organized an online quiz competition for school students on 21.05.2020
- Department has organized a Hands on Training on “Online Teaching Tools for Teaching Professionals” on 20.05.2020 for the benefit of faculty members
- Department has organized a online 2 days webinar on “Online Teaching and Branding for inter college faculty members during 24th and 25th of April 2020
- Department in coordination with Office of Alumni Relation, conducted ECE silver Jubilee celebration- ECE Alumni meet 2020 on Saturday, 7th March 2020
- Department has organized ECE day 2020 on 3rd February 2020 to honor student achievers and the staff members for their active contribution to the department
- Department is association with IETE and SECE organized a online “PCB Design” training for polytechnic students on 21.02.2020
- Department is association with IETE and SECE organized a online “PCB Design and Fabrication” Hands on training for polytechnic and Engineering Students on 28.02.2020
- Department has organized a three days workshop “My Robo Car Race” which focus on NI –MyRIO for developing real time complex engineering systems from 23rd January 2020 to 25th January 2020.
- Department has organized a guest lecture on “Advanced Digital Signal Processing and SDR” delivered by Professor Dr.Daniel Leon Salas from Purdue (SERB-OVDF) University on 8th January 2020.
- Department has organized a two days National Level Technical Symposium on “Terahertz Science,Technology and Applications (TSTA-2019)” on 19th and 20th” December 2019.
- Department organized a guest lecture on “Applications of Radar” delivered by the alumnus Mr.Sulthan Syed Ibrahim, Air traffic controller, Airport Authority of India (AAI) on 8th November 2019.
- Department has inaugurated the activities of the clubs SECE and Student Clubs on 22nd August 2019. Our Alumnus, Dr. Madhan Kumar Lakshman, Senior Scientist, CSIR- CEERI was the Guest of Honour and delivered a keynote address.
- Department has arranged a online lecture on “Wireless Communication in Industry-: Practical Examples” on 24.07.2019 by our Alumnus Dr. Vignesh Raja Ramachandran, Scientist, Philips Embedded Research Division, Netherland
Events Organized (2018-19)
- Department in association with Crescent FTA organized a two days Handson FDP on “Applications of Image Processing using Matlab” on 02/05/19 and 03/05/19
- Department has organized a one day workshop on “Innovative Teaching Methodologies for School Teachers” on 16th April 2019
- Department has organized a National level Technical Project Competition on 21st March 2019
- Department has organized a one day workshop on “Innovative Teaching Methodologies for School Teachers” on 16th April 2019
- Department has organized a National level Technical Project Competition on 21st March 2019
- In association with Jasmin Infotech, the Department has started a value added course on Automotive Embedded System on 12th March 2019
- Department has organized a National level Technical Project Competition on 21st March 2019
- In association with Jasmin Infotech, the Department has started a value added course on Automotive Embedded System on 12th March 2019
- Department has organized National Level Technical Symposium SPECTRON – 19 on 7th March 2019
- In association with Propeller Technologies the Department has organized a two days workshop on “Design and Development of Smart Drones” on 4th and 5th of February 2019.
- Department has organized a one day career guidance program on 27th October 2018 for +2 students from various schools.
- Department has inaugurated the Student chapters of technical societies IE and IETE on 20.09.2018.
- Department has organized a two days workshop on “Entrepreneurship Awareness in the field of Information and Communication during 5th and 6th September 2018.
Events Organized (2017-18)
- Department has inaugurated the Student chapters of technical societies IE and IETE on 20.09.2018.
- Department has organized a two days workshop on “Entrepreneurship Awareness in the field of Information and Communication during 5th and 6th September 2018.
- Department of ECE has organized a 15 days training programme for NI Certified Labview Associate Developer (CLAD) from 25th june 2018 to 9th july 2018.
- Department has organized a one day workshop on “Embedded Application design using Arduino board” for plus two students on 9th April 2018.
- Department has conducted a one day “Carrier Guidance” program for plus two and diploma students on 7th April 2018.
- Department has organized a two days workshop on “Industrial IOT” during 6th and 7th of April 2018.
- Department has organized a national level technical symposium “SPECTRON-18” on 4th April 2018.
- Department of ECE has organized a supplementary course on “INTERNET OF THINGS FUSION BETWEEN CONNECTED CAR & HOME “delivered by the adjunct faculty Mr.VijayAnand,Asst Vice President, Aricent Technologies during 28.3.18 and 29.3.18.
- Department of ECE has organized a one credit course on “Microwave and Radio propagation Systems” for the benefit of VI semester students from 19.03.2018 to 23.03.2018. The course was handled by Dr. Mohd. TarmiziAli , Associate Professor, UITM, Malaysia.

- Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a national seminar on “smart nano materials for Sensor Application” during 24th and 25th January 2018.
- Department of Electronics and Communication has conducted a series of “Skill development workshops” for 8th semester B.E/B.Tech students from 4/12/17 to 9/12/17.
- Department has conducted a three days workshop on “ Design of microstrip antennas using HFSS” from 5th October 2017 to 7th October 2017.
- Department has organized a twodays workshop on “Hands-on Python Programming” on 26th and 27th September 2017.
- Department has organized a three daysworkshop on “Real time signal acquisition and signal processing” between 20/09/17 and 22/09/17.
- ECE department has inaugurated the Student chapters of technical societies IE and IETE on 15/09/17
- ECE Department has organized Expert’s Lectures being delivered by Foreign faculty to supplement the course ‘ECB3102 Digital Communication‘ for the benefit of V sem ECE students .

Adjunct Faculty : Dr. Vidhya Charan Bhaskar
Professor, San Francisco State University,
San Francisco, CA 94132
Duration : July 17 – 21, 2017
Time : 9.30 – 12.30 hrs FN , 1.40 – 2.30 hrs AN
Venue : Seminar hall in MS Block
The profile of the Faculty is available in the URL :
Events Organized (2016-17)
- ECE Department has organized Expert’s Lectures being delivered by Foreign faculty to supplement the course ‘ECB3102 Digital Communication’ for the benefit of V sem ECE students
- Department has organized a training for Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) from 05.06.2017 to 10.06.2017
- Department has organized ICMR sponsored five days national level workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing and Computational Biology for Healthcare Applications” from 12.5.17 to 16.5.17.
- Department has organized Alumni Connect Program on 29th April 2017.
- Department of ECE has organized a free hands – on workshop on “Application using Arduino board” during 4th April 2017 for school students(+2 students)
- Department has organized a career guidance and counseling program for higher secondary school students (+2 students) on 12th April 2017
- Department of ECE has organized a free hands – on workshop on “Application using Arduino board” during 4th April 2017 for school students(+2 students)
- Department has organized a three-day workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS”, from 16th to 18th March 2017.
- Department has organized a two days Free Hands – On workshop titled ” PCB Layout and Board Design” on 3rd & 4th March 2017.
- Department has organized a Three Days Hands on Training on Labview during Feb 23 -24, 2017.
- Department has organized a two days Free Hands – On workshop titled ” Application Design Using Arduino Board” during 23-02-2017 and 24-02-2017.
- Department of ECE has organized A guest lecture on ” Evolution of Cinema Sound: Next Generation 3D Sound in a theatre by Dr. Prabhat Singh, Engineering Program Manager, Analog Devices , USA – India on 15th Feb 2017.
- Department of ECE has organized a guest lecture on the topic ” Health monitoring and Network Security ” by Professor Janet Light, Ph.D. Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (SASE) University of New Brunswick, Saint John on 23-11-2016.
- Department has inaugurated the activities of SECE,IE and IETE for the academic year 2016-17 on 5th October 2016.
Events Organized (2015-16)
- National conference NCRVIC-16 conducted during 11th and 12th of August,2016.
- Two day workshop on “Antenna Fabrication,PCB Design and Fabricartion” in association with EntupleTechnologies,Banglore on 18th and 19th of July 2016.
- Three day FDP on “innovative teaching practices” in association with Student Chapter(IE) during 25th to 27th July 2016.
- Two day workshop on “ Basic of Computer hardware and software trouble shooting “in association with Student Chapter(IE )for Lab instructors during 28th July and 29th July 2016.
- Impulse 2k16 conducted on 19th March 2016.
- Seminar on “RF measurement using Vector Network Analyzer” by Ms.A.Priya,Assistant Professor,ECE on 11.03.16 at BSAIST.
- A two days workshop on “Recent research Techniques in wireless communication and networks” organized by dept of ECE in association with National Instruments during 8th and 9th February 2016.
- A Didactic Seminar on OrCAD PSPICE and PCB by Dr.V.D..Kulkarni from Entuple Technologies, Banglore at BSAIST
- Guest lecture “Introduction to nano technology; Fundamentals and current trends” by Dr.Praveen sekhar, AP, Washington university onn4/7/15.
- Guest lecture on “optical seitching and networks” presented by Dr.R.G Sangeetha,Associate professor,VIT university,Chennai on 4/9/15.
- Inaguration of NI academy competence development program in association with National Instruments,Banglore on 10/9/15.
- Guest lecture on “general awareness towards higher education in European countries” by Mr.K.Chaitanya,BDM, Europe study center, Chennai on 12/09/15.
- One day workshop on”ORCAD-PSPICE” by Mr.Manoj kumar and Mr.K.P Shanthakrishnan from HCL tech on 20/10/15.
- Guest lecture on “Emerging technologies of DSP” by Mr.Jeyasingh Pathrose, Chief Operating officer and Mr.Kannan , Program manager of Jasmin Infotechn Pvt ltd on 30/10/15.
Events Organized (2014-15)
- A five days FDP on “Metamaterial Antenna” organized by ECE department in association with Entuple technologies,Bangalore from 11/05/15 to 15/05/15.
- Conducted two days National Conference “NCRVIC-15” on 23rd and 24th of April 2015.
- Guest lecture on “Telephony and Networking” delivered by Mr.Ananth Pidathala , Manager,Switch Head ,TATA communications,Karnataka on 17/04/15.
- Guest lecture on “Time domain and frequency domain measurement concepts” by Mr.S.Swaminathan, Manager, Keysight technologies(Agilent),Chennai on 16/04/15.
- Guest lecture on “RADAR,its recent developments& Navigational Aids” on 04/03/15.
- Guest lecture on “Embedded circuit boards & Single Board Computers” by Mr.Sriramkumaran& Mr.Ramakrishnan, WatchyTechnology,Bangalore. on 14/2/15.
- Impulse 2k14 conducted on January,15
- Guest lecture on “Neural Network Application to colour prediction” by Ms.MalathyJawahar,Scientist,CLRI,Adyar on 31/10/14.
- Two days workshop on “NS2/NS3 Solutions for Various Research Problems in Wireless Networks” on 15/10/14 & 16/10/14.
- Guest lecture on “Digital Image Processing &its industrial applications” by Mr.SubhashKumar,Project Leader ,JasminInfotechPvtLtd,Chennai on 13/10/14.
- Three day Workshop on “Simulink – A Hawk Eyed Application For Research” from 09/10/14.
- Three day workshop on “RTOS based embedded applications using ARM” from 10/09/14 to
- Inauguration of activities for the current academic year of IE(I), IETE. SECE student chapters for the year 2014-2015 on 17/09/15.
- Guest lecture on “Future trends in Telecommunication ” by Mr.M.S.VenkataSubramanian,Sub divisional Engineer,BSNL,Maraimalai Nagar on 17/09/14.
- Guest lecture on “Industrial HMI-An alternative”by Mr.Mohideen, Director, Denvicktechnologies, Chennai, on 11/09/14.
- Seminar on “Image Processing Techniques with matlab” by Mr.SudharsanJ.,ProjectEngineer,Pantech Pro Ed Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 2/9/14.
- Guest lecture on “FinFET circuit Scope” byDr.R.Srinivasan,, Professor ,SSN College of Engg,Chennai on 28/08/14.
- Guest lecture on “Applications of Microprocessors” by Prof.Govindarajulu,Rtdprof,SVCE,Chennai on 13/08/14.
- A two day workshop on “LabVIEW simulator “ on 06/08/14 and 07/08/14.
- Guest lecture on “Mathematical modeling of wireless communication systems” by Dr.M.D.Selvaraj, IIITDM, Kancheepuram On 08/008/14.
- Guest lecture on “A guide to current education and industry trends in VLSI” by Mr.DevaranjanRagunathan ,Product test engineer,Microchip Technology Inc..,USA. On 21/07/14.
Events Organized (2013-14)
- Conducted two days National Conference “NCRVIC-14” on 26th and 27th of March 2014.
- Conducted the inter departmental technical symposium “Cresonance” on 13th March 2014.
- Inaugurated Hobby electronics club 20th February,2014.
- Inaugurated department talent hunt club “ECE’s Got talent” on 5th February,2014.
- Inaugurated department quiz club B-QUCE on 6th November,2013.
- IMPULSE 2013- A national level technical symposium on 5th October 2013.
- Inauguration of activities for the current academic year of IE(I), IETE. SECE student chapters on 26th August 2013.
- Guest lecture on “A guide to current education and industry trends in VLSI” by Mr.DevaranjanRagunathan ,Product test engineer,Microchip Technology Inc..,USA. On 21/07/14.
- Guest lecture on “Recent Trends in networking” by Dr.KarthikeyanMuthu ,Operation Manager,AvayaInc,Bangalore. On 25/4/14
- Seminar on “GPS Signal Processing and Simulation Models” by Dr.SwarnaRavindraBabu, PrincipalEngineer, R&D Samsung Research India,Bangalore on 01-02-2014.
- Two days workshop on “Optical Communication and Network design using Optisim and Metrowand” conducted on 22nd & 23rd January 2014.
- Two days workshop on “Microstrip Patch Antenna Design using IE3D” conducted on 8th & 9th January 2014.
- Four days workshop on “Embedded Development using ARM & Xilinx Board” conducted from 23-12-2013 to 27-12-2013.
- One day Workshop on “Embedded System design using MSP430 Processor” conducted on 24-10-2013.
- Seminar on “Emerging trends in Image Processing” by Dr.G.Sainarayana, Senior Technical Specialist, HCL Technology, Chennai October 13th 2013
- Two days workshop on “Advanced RF measurements for Engineering and Research” conducted on 9th & 10th October 2013.
- Seminar on “Modern Trends in Telecommunication” by Mr.G.Kanagaraj, Divisional Engineer ,BSNL Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Telecom Training Centre, Chennai on 26.08.2013