Events 2023-2024

Two Day Hands-On Workshop on “Contemporary IC Engine Technology using Virtual Reality” (2nd & 3rd November 2023) Two day hands-on workshop on Contemporary IC Engine Technology Using Virtual Reality is organized by the Department of Automobile Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology in association with Mirage Mechanics, Chennai on 2nd & 3rd November 2023. The resource persons are Dr. S. Thiyagarajan and Mr. M. Deepak. The commencement of the workshop was presided over by the esteemed Dean, Dr H. Siddhi Jailani, Dean School of Mechanical Sciences. In addition to inaugurating the workshop, Dean has also delivered the inaugural address. Dr P. D. Jeyakumar, Head of the Department of Automobile Engineering, extended a warm welcome to the participants in his address. A brief presentation on virtual reality and the workshop was given by the resource person, Dr. S. Thiyagarajan. A total of 35 students from the B. Tech Automobile & Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech CAD-CAM have registered for this workshop. This workshop presented a valuable opportunity for automobile and mechanical engineers to gain a rich and rewarding experience in the realm of virtual reality. This workshop offered a magnificent platform for the application of virtual reality and IC engine technology, opened up endless possibilities for students to create remarkable experiences. The inauguration concluded with a vote of thanks from the workshop coordinator, Dr. C. K. Arvinda Pandian.

Events 2022-2023
Students were participated in “Electrical two wheeler competition 2022” organized SAE India at SRM Institute of Science and Technology from 17th October 2022 to 18th October 2022.
In September 2022 department inaugurate “Crescent Society of Automobile Engineering”. The chief guest of event is Mr.M.Dev Anandh, Project Manager, Satyam Venture Engineering Service, Chennai. He has impart the students about future of Automotive Industries.
Events 2021-2022

Events 2020-2021
Webinar on “Digital Manufacturing for an Efficient Tomorrow” on 23rd July 2020
Webinar on Digital Manufacturing for an Efficient Tomorrow was organized on 23rd July 2020 for one hour in association with CAE Centre and MONOTECH Systems Ltd. Industrial expert Mr. Arul Regan, Manager, 3D Printing Application – MONOTECH Systems Ltd, Chennai delivered a lecture to all the participants. Our Automobile Engineering department conducted this free webinar for the benefit of participants across multiple areas like students, scholars, faculty members and people from industries. There were around 104 participants and e-certificates were provided to all of them.
This event went well and was more interactive as well. It was very beneficial and well received by the participants. Importance & Advancements in the area of Digital Manufacturing was also explained in order to create awareness among our participants.
This initiative is being taken in the interest of creating an opportunity for the young generation students to learn/know the current happenings of the Automobile field during this unusual environmental circumstances.

Webinar on “Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Powertrain” on 17th July 2020
Webinar on Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Powertrain was organized on 17th July 2020 for 1.5 hrs. Academic expert Dr. C.S. Shankar Ram, Professor, Engineering Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras delivered a lecture to all the participants. Our Automobile Engineering department conducted this free webinar for the benefit of participants across multiple areas like students, scholars, faculty members and people from industries. There were around 117 participants and e-certificates were provided to all of them.
This event went well and was more interactive as well. It was very beneficial and well received by the participants. Importance & Advancements in the area of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles was also explained in order to create awareness among our participants.

Webinar on “Effect of Nano Additives on Automotive Engine Performance & Emission Characteristics” on 8th July 2020
Webinar on Effect of Nano Additives on Automotive Engine Performance & Emission Characteristics was organized on 8th July 2020 for 1.5 hrs. Academic expert Dr. V. Arul mozhi selvan, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, NIT Trichy delivered a lecture to all the participants. Our Automobile Engineering department conducted this free webinar for the benefit of participants across multiple areas like students, scholars, faculty members and people from industries. There were around 190 participants and e-certificates were provided to all of them.
This initiative is being taken in the interest of creating an opportunity for the young generation students to learn/know the current happenings of the Automobile field during this unusual environmental circumstances.
This event went well and was more interactive as well. It was very beneficial and well received by the participants. Advancements in the Nano Additives addition on Automotive Engine Performance & Emission Characteristics was also explained in order to create awareness.

Events 2019-2020
Society Event
The Annual General meeting of the Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers was held on September 6, 2019. The Chief Guest was Mr. P. Arjunraj, Manager, Powertrain-Research and Development, PSA AVTEC Powertrain Private Limited, Hosur.

The final year students of the Department of Automobile Engineering under the School of Mechanical Sciences organized Motorcycle Safety Awareness Rally on September 5, 2019. This rally is an initiative to create safety awareness among ourselves. The rally was held with all the safety measures by following the rules and regulations laid by the Institution.

Events 2018-2019
M/s. Ford India Private Ltd has donated Ford EcoSport hybrid model manufactured in their US-INDIA plant to Crescent University

One day Seminar on Recent Trends in Automotive Technology on 19th September 2018

Seminar delivered by Mr. H. Ramasubramanian Vice President – E, R& D, Brakes India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
Events 2017-2018
The workshop includes a session of practical experience of motorcycling in the city and discussion of this experience, and other relevant information. The workshop is being held on 11th October 2017 at Shabeel Motors, Mudichur.
Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017
Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017, The chief guest of honour Mr. G. Ramesh, Plant head – Takata India Pvt. Ltd

“International conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS 2017) – July 19-21, 2017”
The department organizes the national level student’s symposium “Confluence” every year. Varieties of competitive events like paper presentation, Design contest, Quiz programme, Water Rocketry, Robo Golf are organized.
Events 2016-2017

The department organizes the national level student’s symposium “Confluence” every year. Varieties of competitive events like paper presentation, Design contest, Quiz programme, Water Rocketry, Robo Golf are organized.
Guest lecture was organized on 6th March 2017
Guest lecture was organized on 6th March 2017, Mr. Sandeep, Senior engineer, Fiat Chrysler India, Automotive Pvt Ltd were the guest of speaker. Topic: Role of piston bowl in diesel combustion engine combustion”

Mr. Karthik tharani, Formula racing driver from Volkswagen Motorsport Seminar given to our Students on 15.02.2017

Visit by Mr. Tai Kim, Assistant Director of Graduate, Admissions m Marketing University of Kettering, Michigan, USA on 13.02.2017
We have initiated discussion for tie up with Mr. Tai Kim , Assistant Director of Graduate, Admissions m Marketing University of Kettering, Michigan, USA. Visit to BSAIST our automobile lab & seminar given to our students on 13.02.2017

Customized Training to final year students on 04.02.2017
Customized Training to final year students on 04.02.2017(Saturday) – Special speakers Mr. Yogesh nagendiran, Senior Engineer from Renault Nissan, Mr. P. Arjunraj, Deputy Manager from Mahindra & Mahindra Pvt Ltd.

Visit by Lead trainer from ASDC on 25.11.2016
Customized Training to final year students on 04.02.2017(Saturday) – Special speakers Mr. Yogesh nagendiran, Senior Engineer from Renault Nissan, Mr. P. Arjunraj, Deputy Manager from Mahindra & Mahindra Pvt Ltd.

Our University is organized an Industry institute meet on 22nd October 2016
Mr.P.Arjunraj, Deputy Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra special lecture delivered on 6th October 2016
Guest lecture was organized on 28th September 2016. Guest of speaker – Mr. P. Gurusamay, Plant & Equipment Manager, EMCO, Qatar. Topic: Off Road Vehicle.
Society Inauguration Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers organized on 23rd August 2016. Chief Guest: Dr. K. Swaminathan, Founder & CEO, Silicic Innova Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Volks wagon motor sport promotional event organized on 17th August 2016
Volks wagon motor sport promotional event organized on 17th August 2016 . Guest: Mr. Mahesh Menon, Assistant Manager- Technical Volkswagen Motorsport India., Mr. Agnivesh Garg, Senior Marketing officer, Volkswagen Motorsport India. Mr. Venkatesh Shreyas, Race Driver, Volkswagen Motorsport India. Students participated from AERO, Mechanical, Polymer, Automobile II, III, Final years students

Six days faculty development program organized by automobile department on From 18th July to 23rd July 2016 Engineering Thermodynamics Chief Guest: Mr. Raju Govindarajan, Consultant Engineers, Global nodes Engg services.
Faculty members from Automobile Mechanical, Polymer and Aerospace departments participated in the discussion

Other highlights of discussion
- Online learning Initiative
- Lab Infrastructure
- Discussion on subject Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials , Mechanics of Machinery
- He agreed to be an affiliate faculty for Automobile Department
- He agreed to give value added programs during next vacation
- He also told to explore the possibility of course / semester abroad program in Kettering University, U.S.A
Events 2015-16
Guest lecture on Role of piston bowl in diesel combustion engine combustion” was organized on 07.05.2016. Dr. D. Siva Krishna Reddy, lead engineer, Engines Coe, from the Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd was the guest speaker
Two days National Conference on Emerging Trends in Automotive Technology (ETAT- 2016) was organized on 15th & 16th April 2016.
National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2016 on 17th March 2016
National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2016 on 17th March 2016. Mr. S. Radhakrishnan, Vice President (R & D) retired, Tane TRW steering systems was the cheif guest for the inaugural

The Society inauguration was held on 10.08.2015
The Society inauguration was organized by Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers was held on 10.08.2015. The Chief guest for the program was Mr. P. Arjun Raj, Senior Engineering, Engines Research Development, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

A special lecture by Dr. Peter Brooks on 11th September 2015
Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers of Department of Automobile Engineering organized a special lecture by Dr. Peter Brooks – School of Mechanical Sciences – University of Leeds UK to B. Tech Automobile and Mechanical Engineering students on 11th September 2015.

One day workshop on Mobility safety was organized on 8th September 2015
One day workshop on Mobility safety was organized on 8th September 2015. Mr. Karthikesan, Head –After Seles Division from Zulaikha Motors., Mr. P. Baskaran, Regional Transport Officer, Dr. Shah Dupesh Khan, CEO, Shabeel Honda., Dr. G. Uma Devi, Professor, Division of Transportation Engineering were the guests speakers.

Events 2014-15
Guest lecture on Quality system & Industry was organized on 26th March 2015. Mr. V. P. Ranganathan DGM, (R &D, new projects) from Simpson was the guest speaker.
Special lecture was conducted on 5th March 2015, Automotive Chassis to motivate to Automobile students, Speaker – Dr. M. Subramanian, Professor & Head.
National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2015 on 31st January 2015
National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2015 on 31st January 2015. Mr. K.Madhivanan, Deputy General Manager from Delphi TVS India Pvt. Ltd was the chief guest for inauguration, Dr. C. Senthil Kumar Associate Professor from Aeronautical Engineering, Madras institute of Technology, Chennai., was the guest for valedictory function.

One day workshop on Vehical Dynamics was organized on 11th October 2014
One day workshop on Vehical Dynamics was organized on 11th October 2014. Mr.M.Sathish, Divisional Manager from Ashok Leland, Mr. L. Subramanian and Manager from Mahindra and Mr. K. Sethu Baskran General Manager from M/S FORD were the guests of speakers.

The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed between SHABEEL MOTORS and B.S. Abdur Rahman University on 24th September 2014 for the purpose of enriching the technical education process and to jointly work for enhancing the quality of education imparted to students of Automobile Engineering discipline.
Seminar on off road vehicle was organized on 20th September 2014
Seminar on off road vehicle was organized on 20th September 2014. Mr. Venugopal scientist and advisor to DRDO from CVRDE was the guest speaker.

The Society inauguration was organized by crescent society of Automotive Engineers was held on 23rd August 2014
The Society inauguration was organized by crescent society of Automotive Engineers was held on 23rd August 2014. The Chief guest for the program was Mr. Robin Roy, Manager Simulation and testing Modine thermal systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Guest lecture on Vehicle Maintenance and projects area in automobile engineering organized on 11th August 2014. Dr. Shah Dupesh Khan, Chief Executive officer from shaheel Honda was the guest speaker.
Special lecture was conducted on July 14th 2014, Adapting to higher education to motivate to Automobile students, Speaker – Dr. M. Subramanian, Professor & Head.
Events 2013-14
- An invited lecture on Engine Design was delivered by Mr. Ranganthan (Deputy Manager, Ashok Leyland on 11th March 2014.
National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2013 on October 1st 2013.
National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2013 on October 1st 2013. Mr. P. Arjun Raj, Deputy Manager, Mahindra and Mahindra and Mr. K. Aravind, Bosch India ltd were the chief guests of honour. Over 240 students from engineering institutions from all over the state participated.

- Crescent society of Automotive Engineers (Society Inauguration) on 21st September 2013. The chief guest for the program was Mr. Sanjay Nibandhe, Deputy General Manager, MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA.
Events 2012-13
- Guest Lecture on “Getting Industrial Exposure” by Mr.Sudhir Natarajan, organiser of Australian race car championship, April 2013
Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers (Society Inauguration) on November 2012
Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers (Society Inauguration) on November 2012. The chief guest for the program was Mr. Bhaumik, Manufacturing Head (Mahindra and Mahindra).

National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2012 on 28th September 2012
National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2012 on 28th September 2012. Mr. John Devadasan, Manager, Apollo tyres and Mr. Gauri Shankar, Manager of Renault Nissan were the guests of honour. Over 180 students from engineering institutions from all over the state participated.

- Guest Lecture on “The Science and Technology of Fuel Cells” by Mr. P. Ashwin, Curtin University, Australia, during Aug 2012.