Events 2013-2019
Report on Events Organised (Like Guest Lecture, Seminar, Conference, Workshops)
One-day National Seminar on “Development of Materials for Aerospace applications”on 25th Oct-2018 organized by Department of Aerospace Engineering,B S AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai

Events 2014-15
The department organized a guest lecture by Dr. J. Pattabiraman, Former Dean and Professor, KCG College of Technology, Chennai, on “Aircraft Design Basics” on October 31, 2014.
Events 2013-14
National Seminar on “Recent Advances In Flow Measurements And Test Techniques” on March 14, 2014
The department organized a one-day national seminar on “Recent Advances in flow measurements and test techniques” in association with Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Chapter), on March 14, 2014. Prof. V. Kanagarajan, Pandalai Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT, Chennai and Chairman, Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Branch) inaugurated the seminar.

The department organized a guest lecture by Dr. J. Pattabiraman, Former Dean and Professor, KCG College of Technology, Chennai, on “The Basics of Vibrations” on February 14, 2014
The Department of Aerospace Engineering conducted an exhibition-cum-presentation in the Gateway International School, Chennai during February 7 – 8, 2014 to create awareness about Aerospace Engineering among school students, parents and teachers
A guest lecture by Ms. Ramya Rajendran on “Effects of Lightening on Aircraft Structures” on January 24, 2014
The department organized a guest lecture by Ms. Ramya Rajendran, Aeroconseil, UK on “Effects of Lightening on Aircraft Structures” on January 24, 2014

The department organized a guest lecture by Dr. K. Chandrasekhara, Curators’ Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri, USA on “Manufacturing Methods of Composite Materials” on January 7, 2014.
Inter-Collegiate Technical Symposium “Jet Screech 2013” on October 3, 2013
The department organized a guest lecture by Ms. Ramya Rajendran, Aeroconseil, UK on “Effects of Lightening on Aircraft Structures” on January 24, 2014

Inauguration of Association of Aerospace Engineers (AAE) and the activities of Aeronautical Society of India – Students’ Chapter for the year 2013-14
The Association of Aerospace Engineers (AAE) of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and the Activities of Aeronautical Society of India – ‘Students Chapter’ for the year 2013 – 14 was inaugurated by Prof. V. Kanagarajan, Pandalai Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT, Chennai and Chairman, Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Branch) on September 23, 2013

A representative from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA presented a seminar to the students of the department on the courses offered, facilities, about pursuing higher studies in that University and their admission requirements

Events 2012-13
Inauguration of Students chapter of Aeronautical Society of India on 3rd August, 2012
The Students chapter of Aeronautical Society of India was inaugurated on 3rd August, 2012. The Students chapter was formed in association with the Aeronautical society of India, for the benefit of the students of the Department of Aerospace Engineering of our institute, which would help them in participating in the Society activities.
The Chief Guest Dr.S.Santhakumar, Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engg., IIT-Madras, delivered the Keynote address. The Vice-Chancellor of our Institute Dr.P.Kanniappan presided over and the Registrar of our institute Dr. V.M. Periasamy felicitated the function. Head of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dr. E. Rajakuperan welcomed the special dignitaries and the gathering. The Chief Guest delivered a special lecture to the students of the department and the faculty members. Khaja Riaz Hussain, Student member of our Department, rendered the Vote of thanks.

Events 2011-12
Visit by Veteran NASA Astronaut Ms. Marsha Ivins on 30th April, 2012
NASA Astronaut Ms. Marsha Ivins, a Veteran of five Space Flights and three Space walks with over 1389 hours, visited our institute and delivered a special interactive lecture on “55 days in space – The Story of an American Astronaut” on 30th April, 2012 at 10.00 am. Dr. P.Kanniappan, Vice Chancellor of our institute presided over the session. Students from various other colleges also participated.